
[PM: TTYD] Nabbing a Shadow Siren's Hat (Vivian x Anon, glove/handplay, oral vore, sentient fat)

Jul 30th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. >low on funds, you start to search through Rogueport's Trouble Center
  2. >something manages to catch your eye
  3. >it reads "I want this special hat!"
  4. >huh
  5. >"Rogueport Main Square, the alley behind the noose, take a right, inside of the building."
  6. >still don't know what the hell the noose is for
  7. >"40 Coins"
  8. >you take the offer before leaving the building
  9. >now at the instructed location, you meet some shady bandit
  10. >he claims that he wants to get his hands on some special hat from one of the three "Shadow Sirens"
  11. >from "the pretty one" specifically
  12. >geez, does this guy wanna smell it or something?
  13. >apparently, her hat is not for sale for aesthetical reasons, so you'll likely need to resort to less than savory methods
  14. >after haggling the reward to 90 coins, you get on your way
  16. >you find yourself within the depths of Boggly Woods, surrounded by numerous black trees with leaves as white as snow
  17. >you hear bickering as you begin to notice three figures in the distance
  18. >>"Ack... now I have to think about what I'm gonna tell Grodus because YOU TWO wouldn't pick up your slack!"
  19. >you see three figures of various height, each with a pointy striped hat of a unique color
  20. >you quickly hide in the thick white flowers and slightly peak your head up so that you can see
  21. >>"Especially YOU, Vivian! I've seen candles put up more of a fight than those pitiful flames of yours!"
  22. >"I... I did the best I could..."
  23. >yep, that's "the pretty one" alright
  24. >you wait until they walk right next to you as you assume the appropriate pouncing position
  25. >>"Well maybe your 'best' will improve once I give you proper punishme-"
  27. >you leap towards Vivian's head and swiftly snatch the hat
  28. >"Wha...?!"
  29. >you make a mad dash towards the pipe as you attempt to make your getaway
  30. >yet another successful feat pulled off by yours truly
  32. >>"Ack, dirty thieves..."
  33. >you feel a strange sensation jolt your entire body
  34. >the environment around you swiftly grows, becoming so large to the point where the hat encloses your entire being
  35. >>"Now go get your hat! Incompetent buffoon or not, you should at least help the rest of us look consistent."
  36. >you'd say you hear loud footsteps, but considering that Vivian doesn't seem to have feet, it's a bit hard to describe
  37. >it sounds like walking through water, except much more muffled and distorted
  38. >the sound of her movement gets progressively louder and louder until it suddenly halts
  39. >light greets your eyes as she picks up her hat, swiftly putting it back on as her eyes become obscured once again
  40. >her giant gloved hand now descends upon you
  41. >with nowhere to run, there's nothing stopping her from picking you up with her two gigantic fingers
  42. >you are raised to her... hair puff? you can't really see her eyes
  43. >"Aww..."
  44. >your puny form is apparently just adorable to her
  45. >the same could be said for her if the sudden size difference didn't make her significantly more intimidating
  47. >>"And make sure to bring that little runt with you too! I think he'll be quite useful for what I have planned back home..."
  48. >that doesn't really help calm your nerves
  49. >you see Vivian open the entry to her right glove, dangling you above it
  50. >"I hope it isn't too unbearable for you in there..."
  51. >before you could protest, you're unceremoniously dropped into the inside of her glove
  52. >you land on the palm of her hand before Vivian lets go of the entryway and snaps the glove shut
  53. >your body becomes tightly pressed against her palm, with the deprived light only allowing you to see just a hint of purple
  54. >it's quite stuffy in here, with the sweaty soft flesh of her palm smothering against your face not really making it any better
  55. >as you try to push away from her palm, she continues on her way to what you presume to be her home
  56. >occasionally, you find yourself pressed even tighter against her palm whenever she needed to grab something
  57. >you're pretty sure she just scratched her ass or something when you felt rubbed against her slick fleshy palm
  58. >it's getting increasingly hard to breathe
  59. >a drop of her sweat managed to enter your mouth, causing you to sputter at the disgustingly salty taste
  60. >you spend a little less than an hour inside of the sweaty and stuffy domain of her glove before you start to hear muffled voices, followed up by your clothed environment starting to loosen up a bit
  62. >once again, you see Vivan's two large fingers reach out for you
  63. >she pulls you out of her glove, placing you onto her gloved palm as you wipe the sweat off your brow, not wanting to think if it's even yours or not
  64. >you take a look at your surroundings, noticing that Vivian is seated at a large dining table
  65. >the obese one and the older one with the funny nose both have plates of what appears to be food
  66. >however, Vivian's plate is seemingly vacant
  67. >"Alright, I... I got the little guy. What are we-"
  68. >>"Eat it."
  69. >"Wh-WHAT?!"
  70. >your heart skips a beat after hearing such a grisly demand
  71. >>"Well, I WAS going to give you a bowl of vinegar mixed with a generous helping of spinach, but I think this is much more of an effective punishment for someone as dimwitted as you."
  72. >"Beldam! I can't just-"
  73. >>"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not the one who lost our sketch of Mario, let everyone completely embarrass themselves in front of 'Mr. Mustache', and was simply too much of a weak sissy to pull her own weight when we finally confronted the mustached man!"
  74. >you try to quietly tiptoe to the edge of her glove, hoping that the others won't notice the 2-inch idiot trying to make his escape
  75. >"I... I..."
  76. >visibly frustrated, you see a single tear trail down from the depths of Vivian's bright pink hair
  77. >"...I'm NOT weak!!"
  78. >>"Then prove it, you crybaby! Try to do something RIGHT today for once, eh?"
  80. >"..."
  81. >"Alright! I'll..."
  82. >you can do nothing to stop Vivian's fingers from dangling you from your legs
  83. >"..."
  84. >"...I'll do it."
  85. >you are raised to her bright yellow lips, slightly apart as they nervously twitch
  86. >you try to struggle out of her grip as her lips slowly begin to part, but your efforts prove futile
  87. >her humid breath wafts over your body as the darker purple insides of her mouth are revealed to you
  88. >saliva strands stretch from the roof of her mouth to the giant wet muscle that is her tongue
  89. >her teeth are rather clean, with her chompers having a sparkling white appearance to them
  90. >without further ado, the fingers drop you onto her tongue with a wet splat, splashing saliva all over your face
  91. >you quickly get up to run towards the exit of her mouth, leaping as far as you can in an attempt to escape
  92. >just as you're about to make your getaway, her soft yellow lips close around your body
  93. >you feel the moisture of her lips as you're sucked in from your hips to your shoulders
  94. >the sensation of her yellow lips wrapping around your head would be considered pleasurable if not for the fate that distracts you from it
  95. >the only thing that the others are able to see is an arm desperately reaching out for freedom before it is quickly returned into the confines of her mouth
  97. >>"Is that thing STILL in your mouth?"
  98. >you've been tossed around the inside of her wet and slimy mouth for several minutes now
  99. >or maybe an hour? you're not entirely sure at this point
  100. >you felt her tongue investigate your entire being, absolutely soaking you in her saliva
  101. >you managed to endure her fleshy muscle squeezing the flavor out of you against the roof of her tongue
  102. >you had her teeth lightly nibble at your body
  103. >and all of this while you were trying to escape this grisly fleshy domain
  104. >but alas, you're still unable to escape
  105. >>"Vivian... ack! Just swallow already, you dolt! I know you're stalling!
  106. >you see brief peaks of light from her mouth as she tries to speak
  107. >"Al... alright then..."
  108. >you feel the movement of her tongue start to force you towards the abyss of her throat
  109. >you try to crawl away from it, but the tongue's surface is too slick for you to grab onto its fleshy surface
  110. >your legs are pulled into the tight entryway of her throat, hearing a wet gurgle echo from the depths of it
  111. >you're unable to lift yourself back up as the rest of your body is pulled right into her tight esophagus
  113. >after the crushingly tight trip down her throat, you plop right into the siren's stomach
  114. >while you can still feel your surroundings in addition to being able to hear various groans and gurgles, your vision consists of nothing but a pitch black darkness
  115. >the hazardous liquid starts to react to your presence as it begins working on your lower attire
  116. >you proceed to try to find a way out of this nightmarish void of a stomach, seeking any way that can prevent you from being digested as Vivian's dinner
  117. >you try to grab onto the slippery stomach walls, with you eventually being able to get a grip
  118. >you begin to try to climb your way back up
  119. >you reach a decent height before the slippery wet walls get the better of you
  120. >with nothing to grab onto, you splash face-first into the liquid
  121. >your body begins to be taken apart piece by piece, but in a different manner than what you expected
  122. >you feel your body being dissolved into a gaseous form, somehow still retaining consciousness
  123. >you sense your new form being directed into somewhere more... plump
  124. >no matter how hard you try, you can't budge against your new soft yet firm prison
  125. >just what exactly have you been repurposed into, anyway?
  126. >you feel a gurgle vibrate your being, slightly jiggling you in the process
  127. >...
  128. > start to connect the dots
  130. >>"Oh quit your crying, you big baby! It was just some gross scummy bandit!"
  131. >"He... *sniff* he looked so scared..."
  132. >Vivian blows her nose in a comically loud fashion
  133. >Beldam simply sighs
  134. >...
  135. >>"...Huh. Dearie, did you gain weight again? Your belly looks more chubby than I recall."
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