

Feb 13th, 2018
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  1. var chat = [
  2. {
  3. "action": "startChatContainer",
  4. "duration": 1000,
  5. "isGroup": true,
  6. "groupName": "Transilvani",
  7. "label": "Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo",
  8. "start": 0
  9. },
  10. {
  11. "color": "#f5d71d",
  12. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  13. "direction": "left",
  14. "name": "Michele",
  15. "messages": ["La bela la va al fosso ravanei, remulass, barbabietul e spinass"],
  16. "date": "18:04",
  17. "start": 2000,
  18. "end": 3000
  19. },
  20. {
  21. "color": "#f50021",
  22. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  23. "direction": "left",
  24. "name": "Gino",
  25. "messages": ["daghel al terun daghel al TERUNNN"],
  26. "date": "18:05",
  27. "start": 4000,
  28. "end": 7000
  29. },
  30. {
  31. "color": "#f52100",
  32. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  33. "direction": "right",
  34. "name": "Il Conte Dracula",
  35. "messages": ["Mii che giornata, due transilvani leghisti!!"],
  36. "date": "18:05",
  37. "start": 7000,
  38. "end": 12000
  39. },
  40. {
  41. "color": "#f5d71d",
  42. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  43. "direction": "left",
  44. "name": "Michele",
  45. "messages": ["Uè, buon uomo? Allora? Tutto apposto?", "Vuole un bel cognachino magari eh?"],
  46. "date": "18:04",
  47. "start": 13000,
  48. "end": 15000
  49. },
  50. {
  51. "color": "#f52100",
  52. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  53. "direction": "right",
  54. "name": "Il Conte Dracula",
  55. "messages": ["Eh magari, uno zibibbo"],
  56. "date": "18:05",
  57. "start": 16000,
  58. "end": 18000
  59. },
  60. {
  61. "color": "#f50021",
  62. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  63. "direction": "left",
  64. "name": "Gino",
  65. "messages": ["Uè, che dialetto è che parla chestchì"],
  66. "date": "18:05",
  67. "start": 19000,
  68. "end": 20000
  69. },
  70. {
  71. "color": "#f5d71d",
  72. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  73. "direction": "left",
  74. "name": "Michele",
  75. "messages": ["Piuttosto cicco te come ti chiami? Ci presentiamo"],
  76. "date": "18:04",
  77. "start": 21000,
  78. "end": 23000
  79. },
  80. {
  81. "color": "#f52100",
  82. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  83. "direction": "right",
  84. "name": "Il Conte Dracula",
  85. "messages": ["Eeeeeh...", "Brrrambilllla", "Brambilla Fumagalli"],
  86. "date": "18:05",
  87. "start": 25000,
  88. "end": 27000
  89. },
  90. {
  91. "action": "whatsappNotification",
  92. "sender": "Gino",
  93. "text": "Questo qua mi convince poco poco poco",
  94. "profilePic": "./img/gino.jpg",
  95. "start": 28500,
  96. "end": 29000
  97. },
  98. {
  99. "action": "whatsappNotification",
  100. "sender": "Gino",
  101. "text": "Facciamoci l'inganno della cadrega",
  102. "profilePic": "./img/gino.jpg",
  103. "start": 30500,
  104. "end": 32000
  105. },
  106. {
  107. "color": "#f5d71d",
  108. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  109. "direction": "left",
  110. "name": "Michele",
  111. "messages": ["Signor Fumagalli, prenda pure una cadrega"],
  112. "date": "18:04",
  113. "start": 32500,
  114. "end": 34000
  115. },
  116. {
  117. "color": "#f50021",
  118. "action": "addMessageToChat",
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  120. "name": "Gino",
  121. "messages": ["Una bella cadreghina"],
  122. "date": "18:05",
  123. "start": 36000,
  124. "end": 38000
  125. },
  127. {
  128. "color": "#f52100",
  129. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  130. "direction": "right",
  131. "name": "Il Conte Dracula",
  132. "messages": ["<img src='https://i.imgur.com/JbUxj9R.jpg'/>", "Mmm che buona questa Cadrega"],
  133. "date": "18:05",
  134. "start": 40000,
  135. "end": 42000
  136. },
  137. {
  138. "color": "#f50021",
  139. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  140. "direction": "left",
  141. "name": "Gino",
  142. "messages": ["Ah, la cadrega sarebbe la mela?"],
  143. "date": "18:05",
  144. "start": 44000,
  145. "end": 46000
  146. },
  147. {
  148. "color": "#f5d71d",
  149. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  150. "direction": "left",
  151. "name": "Michele",
  152. "messages": ["La cadrega è la sedia"],
  153. "date": "18:04",
  154. "start": 48000,
  155. "end": 50000
  156. },
  157. {
  158. "color": "#f52100",
  159. "action": "addMessageToChat",
  160. "direction": "right",
  161. "name": "Il Conte Dracula",
  162. "messages": ["Infatti...", "Dicevo..", "Buona stagionatura questa cadrega...","Davvero buona..","Sta..","Eh..","Eh eh"],
  163. "date": "18:05",
  164. "start": 52000,
  165. "end": 55000
  166. },
  167. {
  168. "action": "addOrAbandonGroup",
  169. "text": "Il Conte Dracula ha abbandonato",
  170. "start": 57500,
  171. "end": 60000
  172. },
  173. ];
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