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reborn 10

a guest
May 17th, 2020
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  1. There was a lot I did in this segment, but not much of it is worth noting. The beginning I walked out of the forest I was in to find Fern, who I thought I was ready to fight, and for the most part I was until he sent out his terrain boosted Decidueye. Wish the Darmanitan was already in yellow HP so I couldn't send him in even if something died, but he quickly tore through Goggle the Aggron, Anura the Flygon, and Brick the Spiritomb, with leaf blade doing over half to all of them somehow. For some reason I let all of them die without thinking of healing Wish, and I sent him back in, forgetting Decidueye got shadow sneak, so it was up to Kabuki to kill off the weakened bastard. I know was in the largest area in the game, Route 1/Aventurine Woods, an interweaving forest and route filled with puzzles to gain access to pretty decent items, and many new encounters. I got Franchise the Passimian in the southern woods, and a special encounter with a Flabebe, but was adamant natured at the time. The puzzles were interesting as it involved pokemon rivalries, specifically Pinsir/Heracross and Tauros/Bouffalant, and having to KO one of them to unlock more areas of the region. This took a very long time, over 2 hours with speed-up. But I got through most of the area, got the choice between Pinsir and Heracross, and chose Pinsir for the upcoming psychic gym (hindsight, I didn't even use him there, and I don't get access to megas until the 16th gym). I then went to the far right of the route to Vanhanen Labyrinth, where I got some spare items, and entered the castle/gym to continue the story. I'm immediately met by Luna, the runaway girl mentioned earlier, and she introduced me to a talking Gardevoir, and its owner, the master of the house, and eccentric gym leader, Radomus. Unfortunately at this time Cain decided to show up with his team of mons with unfair TMs to give me anxiety-induced stomach pains. His Primarina had blizzard which almost did Kabuki in, and I forgot how dig and earthquake work, so I lost my newly added shiny Steelix, Crumble, to his Nidoking. Somewhere in that mess I also lost Rep the Archeops, which sucks cause u-turn is amazing. During the battle apparently Gardevoir got kidnapped by the priest guy from earlier, who claimed to be Luna's father, and took it as ransom. Our new ensemble of Cain and Radomus was pretty fun to do story stuff with, adventuring to the closed Grand Gate, that connected the region I was in to Reborn City. We went through an area that was connected to the blown up staircase from way back, and ended up in a grassy area, where we met Adrienn (which the story used as a means to explain pronouns, which felt unnecessary at best), a gym leader who had fallen down there. Yadda yadda, story stuff and expositioning, I end up fighting El, the priest guy, who didn't actually kidnap Gardevoir, just had his Ditto pretend to be it, and apparently Arceus was locked away in the area we were, so his Ditto copied its energy, and I got to fight a level 75 Arceus. I came prepared though, with Deicide, the Bastiodon I added for this specific occasion, who thanks to sturdy, ate a focus blast, and returned an OHKO back at the Arceus with Metal Burst. We went back up to Reborn, with the gates now moving, to find out that Adrienn was trapped in time in the gates, and the city turned to shit while they were gone. They then vow to make Reborn not sucky again, which we won't get to see until after the 13th gym. I then return to the gym with my team prepped to fight Radomus, having added Still, the shiny Ribombee I caught, and Flood the Golurk. The puzzle in this gym was actually great, as it required you to solve chess puzzles where you put the opposing king in checkmate, which was a blast. The actual battle with Radomus could've gone alot worse than it actually went, it was a double battle, but Flood and Still were able to take down his Gallade and Reuniclus on the first turn. He then sent out Malamar and Metagross (I just read up, this fucker had an assault vest), and I sacrificed Still to take care of the Malamar, after that he took a rock type strength (thanks terrain) form the Metagross and died, while Flood used stomping tantrum on the Metagross, to remove the terrain, and left it in the red. I sent out Shaquille the Persian, and he sent out a Slowking, and I foul played the Metagross, killing it, and shadow punched the Slowking, which lived and set up trick room. Radomus finally sends out the Gardevoir, but thanks to trick room, Flood outsped it and OHKO'd it, and Shaquille took care of the Slowking. Since the game is so stingy with its TMs, I get trick room instead of any attacking move, and the lights get shut off, and Luna gets kidnapped.
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