
Day 250 - 252: Dagon By

Jul 2nd, 2020
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  1. Day 250 - 252: Dagon By
  3. The tower looks like it was dropped here in one piece
  5. we climb the tower
  6. we look in and it looks like there are tentacles on the sides of the hallway
  7. an octopus eye surrounded by sinister runes is a recurring theme
  8. Dagon - the demon lord of deformity, the sea, and sea monsters
  10. there's an eye in a room down the staircase, eye is suspended between two iron posts.
  11. there's a thing holding a carved human heart.
  12. iron spikes in the other door
  14. Patches of dull blue mold spot the walls of this room, partially obscuring a faded mural that depicts some sort of enormous amalgam of eel, fish, and cephalopod rising off the shore of an island. Opposite the entrance, a pair of patina-crusted iron posts suspend a massive gold-plated disc, etched with elaborate runes. Within the center of the disc stares a grayish and bulbous fleshy eye with a horizontally shaped pupil. Beside each post, a serpentine basin rests upon a short, wooden pedestal painted with flaking gold leaf. Within a small alcove opposite the massive disc stands a wooden statue also painted in badly flaking gold leaf. The statue depicts the same horrid creature as shown in the mural, and holds its hands in front of its chest to clench a fist-sized chunk of serpentine carved in the shape of a human heart. A reinforced wooden door stands to the southwest, its hinges and metal hardware forged in the shapes of fish fins and spiked gills. Iron spikes have been hammered into the perimeter of the door, presumably to hold it shut. Crudely scrawled graffiti mars the door’s face.
  16. "She Lives"
  17. charcoal handprint with splayed fingers, clearly a sign of Norgorber assassins - blackfingers, Captain Aiger
  18. the motifs are worship of Dagon
  19. the eye is hte unholy symbol
  21. Lorie takes the eye but it shoots a blast at Cassius and he turns into an eel
  22. dorant turns him into a chicken instead
  24. We come back and bypass the trap, and get the heart
  25. we get 3200xp each for the trap
  27. we go into the next room and see a guy getting eaten by eels, it has a
  28. there is a flight of stairs going down
  29. the statue is trapped, however the center can accept a serpentine heart
  30. the statue moves aside revealing the stairs and we get 4800xp
  32. Huge, once-lavish tapestries hang from this circular chamber’s walls, although the curtains are now sodden and thick with yellowish fungus. The floor in the northwest portion of the chamber has crumbled away into a chamber below, leaving behind a gaping hole and significant cracks and fissures in the remaining mold-encrusted floor. A few furnishings remain, including the moldering remnants of chairs decorated with gold leaf and a wooden table, ornately carved with ichthyic motifs and draped with rotting silken cloth. A tall clay statue sculpted in the image of a bloated, fishlike humanoid stands to the south, also covered with mold. A few feet ahead, another flight of stairs descends deeper into the lower chamber exposed by the collapsed flooring.
  34. we defeat another qlippoth and get 3k experience
  35. we extract 4x 1000g emeralds from a nearby statue
  37. As we descend into the tower, rubble from the collapsed ceiling fills the room.
  38. 2 ivory statues stand around a door, in the likeness of men blinded and gagged, toward each other. they look moist
  40. Flaking plaster speckled with patches of mold crusts the walls of this room. Faded frescoes portray a strange, crystalline city rising out of a vast ocean beneath a gray sky. In several places, imposing iron hooks protrude from the wall, now rusted with age. To the southwest, a jumble of bones held together by an aged suit of black leather armor slumps against the wall, while in the middle of the room, a huge circular trap door sits in the floor. Three lengths of chain have been hammered over the hatch, bound in place by iron spikes that have been hammered into the floor. A black handprint is on the wall next to the skeleton, along with a few lines of scribbled text.
  42. text: The Shrouded Queen yet lives below, bound by Blackfingers’ forbiddance and Aiger’s Kiss. Seek not entrance for naught but her rotting curse awaits ye—let the slumbering darkness lie!
  44. armor: +3 shadow studded leather armor
  45. ring: improved swimming
  46. ring: improved climbing
  48. We rest, Longwhisker and Dorant level up
  50. kitten buffs and descends
  51. there is a small pool at the bottom of the room and sees something large moving
  53. We see what is presumably Aiger's Kiss, a blackened blade, impaling stone at the floor
  55. Kitten sees a creature somewhere between a bat and a spider
  56. session ended
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