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Dec 8th, 2015
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  1. Re: Sorry to see that you are leaving
  2. From: Allanon Bremen
  3. Sent: 2015.11.19 20:33
  4. To: Aura Ikku,
  6. Lol, of course there are other reasons for us leaving. Honestly the post quote didn't complete the paragraph I sent to my members, making it sound slightly different then I intended. Additionally as of right now only 9 of our 120ish real life bodies have left for other SMA corps (with 80-75 pledging to go with us and the rest undecided), and the timer for roles to drop is a joke as anyone can bypass it (Jensar himself knows how as he did it because he was one of the nine that left). In other words SMA is spinning it for all they are worth to make them look good. None of it is a lie directly mind you, but it is all half truths and spin.
  8. Yes we are leaving for inactivity, but not inactivity in the manner you are probably thinking. I mean look at our ts3 channel right now (there are 23 people in it). We are a PVP corp. We are leaving to get our members interested in playing EVE again. The new sov system, combined with the growth of the alliance, and the new reliance on mining/ratting fleets has taken its toll on my members. We are an old corp with almost 70% of our members’ people that have played EVE for the better part of 5 years or more (and most of that time in null sec). Because of the sov changes and PVP changes CCP has implemented over the last six months they are uninterested in logging in, and don’t have fun playing the game anymore. If you have any members in combat, have them pull aggregates of ANR-K fleet precipitation. Virtually 99% of our paps come from pvp fleets, with at least 2-5 members of our corp in virtually every pvp fleet that goes out. Yet our total averages which was 1.9% relative six months ago before the sov changes and ratting/mining fleets/paps became a thing, but is now 0.4-0.5% today because we don’t go to those ratting and mining fleets (however the raw numbers we put in fleet has stayed basically the same). Literally ratting and mining fleets are now 60-80% of the fleets that get paped in SMA, and this seriously hurts our ability to compete in this alliance (as I said above 99% of our paps are pvp fleets). This is what I mean by we are a PVP corp. We need something different or our corp will cease to exist.
  10. This is why we are leaving with Souls of Steel to create our own alliance. We don’t want to become the biggest alliance in EVE. In fact we don’t want to grow much at all. We want to get to know each other, and have fun playing the game. We have flown together for a very long time. We want an alliance leadership that knows each person in the alliance not only by name, but that they have kids, know when their members are on vacation/holiday, and that play the game themselves with their alliance. When you grow too big you lose the ability to be this hands on. You spend so much time managing the alliance you don’t have time for anything else. We know this all from firsthand experience because we have had directors and leaders in this alliance. Jensar and Komo were both in ANR-K at one time and are/have been alliance directors. Komo is coming with us. I was the alliance officer for S.Mart which is a position one step below the alliance directors. We are also taking with us 8 deputies in the alliance which is one step below alliance officers. Honestly there is not an office in SMA that ANR-K hasn’t had at least one deputy in, which means there is not an alliance office that wasn’t influenced by us at some point or time during the past 3 years. We helped build SMA in more ways than one, so hopefully you understand when I say this was not an easy or light decision on our part.
  12. I mean look at our posts on the forums. Primarily the post where SMA says goodbye. Oldwolf is one of our old Monkeys. Most of us have been with SMA since we lived in Branch (we moved to Fade October 2013). With our leaving there will be next to no Monkeys left from that time. We were not a founding corp, but about a dozen of our members came from founding corps. Keep in mind ANR-K is a merger of several SMA corps almost 18 months ago (one of which was a founding corp). So this is one of the hardest decisions I and my directors have ever had to make. It is also going very hard on the directorate who will miss us more than they can express publically.
  14. Good Luck, and God Speed…
  15. Allanon Bremen
  16. CEO ANR-K
  17. “May fortune favor the foolish.” James T. Kirk
  19. --------------------------------
  20. Sorry to see that you are leaving
  21. From: Aura Ikku
  22. Sent: 2015.11.19 12:08
  23. To: Allanon Bremen,
  25. Hi Allanon, I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving the alliance its clear that your corp was a key contributor. I certainly wish you well on your next adventures.
  26. Is there any reason other than the one stated by the alliance for your departure? You guys don't seem inactive to me.
  27. On a separate note, and as I know how the alliance has a very unusual mechanism for overseeing moons (first come first serve), I feel I should ask if there will be any scope for IG obtaining some moons in order to offset our alliance tax that is if you even have any of course. Please let me know if there is any scope for this.
  28. Kind Regards,
  29. Aura
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