
Echoesona Notes: Maris WIP

May 29th, 2017
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  1. Name: Maris
  2. Age: 24
  3. Starting Class: Soldier
  4. Starting Inventory: Keepsake Ring
  5. Side: Celica (recruited at Zofia Harbor)
  6. - A young noble who joined the Deliverance as a foot-soldier but somehow got separated from their companions along the way and found themselves lost on the Zofian coast. Though a bit awkward when first meeting new people, her affable nature quickly shines through and sets people at ease. She insists on joining Celica upon learning of her desire to visit Castle Zofia in the hopes of meeting up with the Deliverance again. However, she decides to accompany Celica even after, claiming that the priestess needs all the help she can get should she hope to reach Mila's Temple.
  8. - The only child of a noble house, Maris realized from an early age that she was expected to be a proper lady; i.e., look pretty, marry well, and keep her mouth shut. Unfortunately for her family, those were all things she had little to no real interest in. Her uncle, a famed Zofian knight, often regaled her with tales of valor and chivalry and taught her how to wield a sword and a lance. She dreamed one day of joining the Order herself, but her parents were completely and utterly opposed to the idea and quashed every step she took towards enlisting. However, after Desaix's coup, Maris learned of the Deliverance and fled in the night to join up.
  10. While not the youngest, she is arguably the most childish of the initial Deliverance members. Extremely animated and over-the-top, she's prone to wild hand gestures and often makes reference to obscure books that few of her fellow knights have read. She also has a particular love for sweets and often keeps some kind of morsel stashed away in a pouch on her belt.
  12. Maris definitely admires Mathilda, often referring to her as a goddess (often accompanied with some flowery descriptors). It's heavily implied that she has a crush on her, but she skillfully dances around admitting her true feelings whenever the topic is brought up. She is very fond of Lukas, Forsyth, and Python, whom she sees as brothers of sorts (given that she had none of her own). She has a difficult time relating to Clair, not because she dislikes her, but merely because she has a distaste for the castle life that Clair enjoys. However, she does her best to humor the younger girl when she goes off on long tangents about the affairs of court and the like. She respects Clive as both her commander and as a knight, but she does sometimes get a little frustrated when watching his interactions with Mathilda.
  14. The Keepsake Ring she comes equipped with is a gift from a close friend, though she refuses to give more details on the topic.
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