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Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. So last Thursday I went to see Mad Max on the opening night, it was great. Very visceral and open scifi experience, I enjoyed it a lot. Coming home it was raining and the song Fat Bottom Girls by Queen came on. I love that song so I turned it up. I was happy for a few moments, having just seen a great movie and rocking out to a great song. But it didn’t stay. I fully realized how alone I was in that moment. Who would want to go see and would enjoy that movie with me? Who would want to listen to a song about how fat girls are better because they put out? It’s not some simple angst where “no one understands me” but a realization that I am an individual. I don’t forsee and situation or “time” that I could go to that movie with someone and enjoy it the same amount or more. I would be worried if they liked the movie and be worried about if it offended them. I would be pressured to socialize and talk. I couldn’t put the radio on full and just enjoy some crass music. I couldn’t be myself.
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