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May 5th, 2021
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  1. # Use %p% to insert the plugins prefix.
  2. # All messages support HEX color codes on 1.16+. Format: {#FFFFFF}
  3. # Almost all messages support PlaceholderAPI.
  4. prefix: "&7[&9Advanced Enchantments&7]&r "
  6. effects:
  7. steal-money: "&6%attacker% &7stole &6%amount% &7from &6%victim%&7!"
  9. commands:
  10. no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do that!"
  11. offline-player: "&cThat player is not online!"
  12. enchantment-not-found: "&cEnchantment &c&n%enchant%&c could not be found."
  13. invalid-amount: "&cInvalid amount. Must be between 1-64."
  14. invalid-enchant: "&c%enchant% is not a valid enchant!"
  15. invalid-level: "&cInvalid enchant level! Try using: %levels%"
  16. invalid-usage: "&cUsage: %usage%"
  17. not-a-number: "&c%number% is not a number!"
  18. not-holding-item: "&cYou must be holding an item!"
  19. enchantment-info:
  20. invalid-usage: "&cInvalid usage! Proper usage: %command% <enchantment>"
  21. open-menu-message: "&7Information about &e%enchant% &7enchantment."
  22. enchants:
  23. open-menu-message: "&7Showing list of all enchantments..."
  24. apply:
  25. cooldown: "&cYou will be able to use this command in %seconds% seconds."
  26. no-args: "&cPlease specify which player should be affected."
  27. reapplied: "&aYour armor has been re-applied."
  28. reapplied-other: "&aArmor has been reapplied for %player%."
  29. reapplied-for-all: "&aArmor has been reapplied for everyone!"
  30. withdrawsouls:
  31. invalid-usage: "&cUsage: /withdrawsouls <count>"
  32. less-than-one: "&cCount must be positive."
  33. invalid-item: "&cInvalid item."
  34. aegive:
  35. invalid-material: "&cInvalid material. Please reference the 'materials.yml' file for all valid materials."
  36. invalid-item-flag: "&cInvalid ItemFlag! You can choose from the following: %itemflags%"
  37. invalid-enchantment: "&cInvalid Enchantment!"
  38. success: "&aGave &2%amount%x %material% &ato %player%&a!"
  39. gedit:
  40. unknown-gkit: "&c%gkit% is not a valid gkit!"
  41. edit:
  42. invalid-usage: "&cUsage: /gedit edit <gkit>"
  43. set-permission:
  44. invalid-usage: "&cUsage: /gedit setpermission <gkit> <perm>"
  45. success: "&eChanged &6%gkit%'s&e kit permission to &6%permission%"
  46. reset:
  47. invalid-usage: "&cUsage: /gedit reset <gkit> <player>"
  48. success: "&6%gkit% &6gkit has been reset for player &e%player%"
  49. list: "&eGKits: &6%gkits%"
  50. setdelay:
  51. invalid-usage: "&cUsage: /gedit setdelay <gkit> <delay (in seconds)>"
  52. invalid-delay: "&c%delay% is not a valid integer!"
  53. success: "&eChanged &6%gkit%&e kit delay to &6%delay%"
  54. main:
  55. unknown-command: "&cIncorrect command usage! Type \"/ae\" for the correct usage."
  56. setsouls:
  57. invalid-usage: "&cInvalid usage: /ae setsouls <amount>"
  58. invalid-item: "&cInvalid item."
  59. success: "&cSet item's soul count to: %amount%"
  60. unenchant:
  61. invalid-usage: "&cInvalid usage: /ae unenchant <enchant>"
  62. invalid-enchant: "&c%enchant% is not a valid enchant!"
  63. not-holding-item: "&cYou must be holding an item!"
  64. does-not-have-enchant: "&cThat item doesn't have &4%enchant%&c!"
  65. success: "&aRemoved enchant %enchant%!"
  66. zip:
  67. zip-exists: "&cPlease try again."
  68. success: "&eA zip file containing all plugin data has been created at %path%."
  69. error: "&cAn error occurred while zipping files! Check console for more information."
  70. greset:
  71. reset: "&aReset the %gkit% kit for %player%!"
  72. reset-all: "&aReset all GKits for %player%!"
  73. claim:
  74. invalid-usage: "&cPlease enter enchant token."
  75. givegkit:
  76. success: "&cKit %gkit% was given to player %player%"
  77. giverandombook:
  78. success: "&aGave &2%player% %amount%x %group% &abooks!"
  79. givebook:
  80. success: "&aGave &2%player% %amount%x %enchant% %level% &abooks!"
  81. enchant:
  82. added: "&aAdded the %enchant% enchant!"
  83. upgraded: "&2Upgraded %enchant% from level %prevLevel% to %level%."
  84. downgraded: "&2Downgraded %enchant% from level %prevLevel% to %level%."
  85. removed: "&cRemoved the %enchant% enchant from the item."
  86. giveitem:
  87. success: "&7Added %amount%x %item%'s for player %player%"
  88. givercbook:
  89. success: "&aGave &2%player% %amount%x %group% &aright click books!"
  90. give:
  91. success: "&aSuccessfully gave %player% one %enchant% %level% book!"
  92. tinkereritem:
  93. success: "&cGave x%amount% tinkerer item's to %player%"
  94. admin:
  95. invalid-page: "&cInvalid page"
  96. info:
  97. - "&eInformation about &6%enchant% &eenchantment&7:"
  98. - "&6Description&7: &e%description%"
  99. - "&6Applies to&7: &e%applies%"
  100. - "&6Max level&7: &e%max-level%"
  102. pastetypes: "&aEnchantment type list: %url%"
  103. pasteenchants: "&aEnchantments list: %url%"
  104. open: "&aOpened %menu% for %player%!"
  106. token:
  107. success: "&2&lx &aSuccessfully downloaded token &l%token%§a enchantment, reloading..."
  109. interact:
  110. main-hand-only: "&cYou can only do that with your main hand!"
  112. enchanter:
  113. re-buy: "&cPlease re-buy the item from the enchanter."
  114. disabled-in-world: "&cThe Enchanter is disabled in this world."
  115. full-inventory: "&cYour inventory is full!"
  116. examine-book: "&7You examined %group-color%%group%&7 book and found %enchant-color% %level%"
  117. unknown-payment-method: "&cFailed to validate %paymentType% payment method, please contact an administrator."
  118. successful-purchase: "&aPurchase successful!"
  119. cannot-afford:
  120. - "&cYou do not have enough EXP to purchase that."
  121. - "&7Your XP: %exp%"
  123. tinkerer:
  124. trade-accepted: "&aTrade accepted!"
  125. non-tradeable-item:
  126. - "&cThe Server Tinkerer doesn't want that item!"
  127. - "&7It will only accept custom enchanted equipment"
  129. alchemist:
  130. doesnt-accept: "&cThe Alchemist doesn't accept this item!"
  131. trade-cancelled: "&cTrade cancelled."
  132. cannot-afford: "&cYou cannot afford this transaction!"
  133. exceeds-max-level: "&cYour combined level exceeds maximum enchantment level!"
  135. gkits:
  136. no-permission: "&eYou don't have permissions to use &e%gkit%&6 kit."
  137. cooldown: "&eYou cannot use this kit yet, kit &6%gkit%&e is on cooldown &7(%cooldown%)"
  138. used-kit: "&eYou have used kit &6%gkit%."
  139. missing-permission: "&cGkit %gkit%'s permission is invalid or non-existent"
  140. unknown-gkit: "&cGKit %gkit% does not exist!"
  141. unknown-enchant: "&7Enchant %enchant% cannot be resolved."
  143. heroic:
  144. cannot-apply: "&cYou can't apply a crystal upgrade to this item."
  145. upgrade-failed: "&cThe crystal upgrade &nfailed&c!"
  147. orbs:
  148. cannot-apply: "&cCannot apply orb to this item!"
  149. failed: "&cOrb failed!"
  150. incompatible: "&cCannot apply lower slots orb than available slots!"
  152. sets:
  153. commands:
  154. unknown-command: "&cCommand not found! Type \"/asets\" for a list of all valid commands."
  155. invalid-usage: "&cInvalid usage! Please reference /asets for the proper usage."
  156. invalid-set: "&cSet is invalid."
  157. invalid-set-piece: "&cInvalid set piece, you may use one of these: \n%set pieces%"
  158. invalid-weapon: "&cWeapon is invalid."
  159. offline-player: "&cPlayer is offline."
  160. invalid-chances: "&cInvalid chances."
  161. list:
  162. header: "&eList of all available Sets &7[%size%]"
  163. set: " &8» &f%set%"
  164. listweapons:
  165. header: "&eList of all available Weapons &7[%size%]"
  166. weapon: " &8» &f%weapon%"
  167. give:
  168. success: "&eGave &f %set% &eSet to &f %player%"
  169. givepiece:
  170. success: "&eGave &f%piece% &efrom &f%set% &eto &f %player%"
  171. weapon:
  172. success: "&eGave &f %weapon% &eSet to &f %player%"
  174. items:
  175. randomization-scroll:
  176. cannot-apply: "&cYou cannot apply a randomizer to this!"
  177. single-items-only: "&cYou can only use this on single items!"
  178. black-scroll:
  179. full-inventory: "&cYour inventory is full!"
  180. no-enchants: "&cThis item doesn't have any enchants!"
  181. invalid-enchant: "&cCannot remove enchant as it's invalid!"
  182. cannot-remove: "&cEnchantment %enchant% cannot be removed!"
  183. soul-tracker:
  184. disabled: "&cSouls are not enabled on this server!"
  185. apply-successful: "&7You successfully applied &f&lSoul Tracker &7to your item!"
  186. magic-dust:
  187. full-inventory: "&cYour inventory is full!"
  188. single-items-only: "&cYou can only use this on single items!"
  189. white-scroll:
  190. full-inventory: "&cYour inventory is full!"
  191. apply-successful: "&aWhite scroll has been applied to your item!"
  192. item-saved: "&aWhite scroll saved the item!"
  194. combining:
  195. already-max-level: "This enchantment is already max level!"
  196. success: "&aSuccess! &7%enchant% is now level %level%!"
  197. failure: "&cCombining failed!"
  198. something-went-wrong: "&cSomething went wrong with combining."
  200. enchant-limitations:
  201. cannot-be-modified: "&cThis item cannot be modified!"
  203. applying:
  204. not-applicable-with: "&cThe &4%enchant1% &cenchantment cannot be applied together with the &4%enchant2%&7 &cenchant!"
  205. requires-enchant: "&cThe &4%enchant1% &cenchantment requires the &4%enchant2%&7 &cenchant to be applied!"
  206. already-applied: "&cThe item already has this enchantment."
  207. applied: "&aEnchantment was applied to your item."
  208. max-level: "&cThis enchantment is already at max level!"
  209. wrong-material: "&cThis enchantment cannot be applied on this item."
  211. slots:
  212. limit-reached: "&cYou cannot apply that enchantment! There are no free slots left!"
  214. chances:
  215. book-failed: "&cYour book failed but item wasn't destroyed!"
  217. destroy:
  218. book-failed: "&cEnchantment was unsuccessful!"
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