Guest User


a guest
Oct 16th, 2018
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  1. {:drop-index :foo}
  2. {:drop-keyspace :foo}
  3. {:drop-table :foo}
  4. {:select (#qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name COUNT, :args (:*)}), :from :foo}
  5. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where {:ts #qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name now, :args nil}}}
  6. {:select (#qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name WRITETIME, :args (:bar)}), :from :foo}
  7. {:select (#qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name TTL, :args (bar)}), :from :foo}
  8. {:select (#qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name unixTimestampOf, :args (bar)} #qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name dateOf, :args (:bar)}), :from :foo}
  9. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where {#qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name token, :args (:user-id)} [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> #qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name token, :args (tom)}]}}
  10. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where {:ts #qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name now, :args nil}}}
  11. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where {#qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name token, :args (:user-id)} [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> #qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name token, :args (tom)}]}}
  12. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where [[:ts [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> #qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name maxTimeuuid, :args (0)}]] [:ts [#<core$_LT_ clojure.core$_LT_@5454570a> #qbits.hayt.cql.CQLFn{:name minTimeuuid, :args (0)}]]]}
  13. {:select (:foo), :columns (:bar baz)}
  14. {:select (:foo), :columns (:bar baz)}
  15. {:insert :foo, :values {c d, :a b}}
  16. {:insert :foo, :values {c d, :a b}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}
  17. {:create-table :foo, :column-definitions {:primary-key :a, :a :varchar, :b :int}}
  18. {:create-table :foo, :column-definitions {:primary-key [:foo :bar], :foo :varchar, :bar :int}}
  19. {:create-table :foo, :column-definitions {:primary-key [:foo :bar], :foo :varchar, :bar :int}, :with {:clustering-order [[:bar :asc]], :compact-storage true}}
  20. {:truncate :foo}
  21. {:select (:*), :from :foo}
  22. {:from :foo, :select :*}
  23. {:select (:bar baz), :from :foo}
  24. {:select (:bar baz), :from :foo, :limit 100, :allow-filtering true}
  25. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :order-by ([:bar :desc])}
  26. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where {:foo :bar, :moo [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> 3], :meh [:> 4], :baz [:in [5 6 7]]}}
  27. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where [[:foo [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> 1]] [:foo [#<core$_LT_ clojure.core$_LT_@5454570a> 10]]]}
  28. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where {:foo :bar, :moo [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> 3], :meh [:> 4], :baz [:in [5 6 7]]}}
  29. {:delete ({:bar 2}), :from :foo, :where {:baz 1}}
  30. {:delete ({:bar 2}), :from :foo, :where {:baz 1}}
  31. {:delete (:*), :from :foo, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}, :where {:foo :bar, :moo [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> 3], :meh [:> 4], :baz [:in [5 6 7]]}}
  32. {:grant :FULL_ACCESS, :to :baz, :on :bar}
  33. {:revoke :FULL_ACCESS, :from :baz, :on :bar}
  34. {:create-user :foo, :superuser false, :with-password :bar}
  35. {:create-user :foo, :superuser true, :with-password :bar}
  36. {:alter-user :foo, :superuser false, :with-password :bar}
  37. {:alter-user :foo, :superuser true, :with-password :bar}
  38. {:drop-user :foo}
  39. {:list-users nil}
  40. {:list-permission :ALL, :recursive true, :on :bar, :of :baz}
  41. {:list-permission :ALTER, :recursive false, :on :bar, :of :baz}
  42. {:alter-column-family :foo, :alter-column (:bar :int)}
  43. {:alter-column-family :foo, :alter-column (:bar :int), :rename-column (:foo :bar), :add-column (:baz :text)}
  44. {:alter-column-family :foo, :alter-column (:bar :int), :add-column (:baz :text), :with {:clustering-order [[:bar :asc]], :compact-storage true}}
  45. {:select (:*), :from :foo, :where {:a :a1, :c :c1, :b :b1}}
  46. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}}
  47. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}, :where {:foo :bar, :moo [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> 3], :meh [:> 4], :baz [:in [5 6 7]]}}
  48. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> {key value}]}, :where {:foo :bar}}
  49. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:baz [[prepended] #<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881>]}, :where {:foo :bar}}
  50. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}}
  51. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}, :where {:foo :bar, :moo [#<core$_GT_ clojure.core$_GT_@6177060f> 3], :meh [:> 4], :baz [:in [5 6 7]]}}
  52. {:batch ({:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}} {:insert :foo, :values {a b, c d}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}), :logged true, :using {:timestamp 2134}}
  53. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}}
  54. {:insert :foo, :values {a b, c d}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}
  55. {:batch ({:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}} {:insert :foo, :values {a b, c d}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}), :logged false, :using {:timestamp 2134}}
  56. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}}
  57. {:insert :foo, :values {a b, c d}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}
  58. {:batch ({:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}} {:insert :foo, :values {a b, c d}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}), :logged true, :counter true, :using {:timestamp 1234}}
  59. {:update :foo, :set-columns {:bar 1, :baz [#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_@1ae3e881> 2]}}
  60. {:insert :foo, :values {a b, c d}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}
  61. {:create-keyspace :foo, :with {:replication {:class SimpleStrategy, :replication_factor 3}}}
  62. {:create-keyspace :foo, :with {:durable_writes true}}
  63. {:alter-keyspace :foo, :with {:something-else foo, :something 1, :replication {:class SimpleStrategy, :replication_factor 3}}}
  64. {:insert :foo, :values {c d, :a b}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}
  65. {:insert :foo, :values {c d, :a b}, :using {:timestamp 100000, :ttl 200000}}
  66. {:use-keyspace :foo}
  67. {:create-index :bar, :on :foo}
  68. {:create-index :bar, :on :foo, :index-name baz}
  69. {:alter-table :foo, :alter-column (:bar :int)}
  70. {:alter-table :foo, :alter-column (:bar :int), :add-column (:baz :text), :rename-column (:foo :bar)}
  71. {:alter-table :foo, :alter-column (:bar :int), :add-column (:baz :text), :with {:clustering-order [[:bar :asc]], :compact-storage true}}
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