
Moriga Details (The Basics)

Apr 15th, 2017
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  1. Name: Moriga Dotson
  2. Sex: Female
  3. Age: 24
  4. Height: 5'0
  5. Weight: 100 lb
  6. Eye color: Red (Right) and light blue (left)
  7. Skin color: Olive tone (Egyptian & Irish heritage if that helps with visualization)
  8. Defining features: Horn-like tufts of hair. Side swept hairstyle. Beauty mark beneath left eye on the cheek. Eyes go slit when in aggressive moods. Irish-American accent.
  10. History: Father is a Devil, specifically a leader of hell (More on that in a separate post). Mother is an Irish Wiccan. They hit it off, 9 months later Moriga was born. Always had her horn-like hair tufts and heterochromia (mismatched eyes), but her right eye was brown and she was ginger. Mother and Moriga moved to America. Moriga grows up and eventually joins US Military as a Navy Pilot. Her and her copilot get in a crash that kills both instantly. Due to her dual soul Moriga is forced back into the mortal plane until her soul is fully devil or human. She is kicked out of the military due to mental instability after the crash (to be fair you would be too if you saw your flight partner's limp body in a downed fighter jet). Dear old dad sends one of her six half-siblings to assist her in deciding. To stave off her soul becoming fully corrupt she starts being a vigilante in (insert fictional NYC equivalent here) and killing and eating the souls of mobsters. (Consumption of a soul diverts the corruption of her human half). Currently lives in (Fictional NYC equivalent) owning a small tailor/consignment business for a front.
  12. Powers, Abilities, Skills and Weaknesses:
  13. Being a wrath devil (More on that in a separate post) Moriga is faster and stronger than the average human. She reaches a little over peak human strength, speed and endurance, but due to being partially human she is slightly hindered.
  14. Wrath devils have access to terrakinesis (the ability to manipulate minerals and metals), she is weaker than most Wrath devils due to her heritage. She can lift approximately 500 lbs maximum. The lighter the object is, the faster and further she can move it around. Her max speed (approximately 105 mph) can only be reached with metal or mineral around 5 lbs. Obviously the faster and further she throws something the more strenuous it is on her. As well as lifting large objects.
  15. Moriga tends to have very high pain tolerance when enraged. She's taken multiple stab wounds to the gut without flinching in this state.
  16. Her body has natural regeneration over time, though when she isn't enraged it is incredibly painful. Her body can also completely regenerate if her soul is intact. Again this is painful (imagine being burned alive in reverse) and speeds the corruption of her soul. If her soul completely corrupts she cannot regenerate her body at all and her soul moves on to the afterlife.
  17. Moriga is multilingual. She knows Gaelic, English, Russian, Japanese, Italian and Spanish (Mexican dialect). Some colleagues are teaching her German, but she only knows the previously mentioned languages due to having to deal with gangs and mobs with members speaking primarily those languages.
  18. Moriga was taught by her previously mentioned Step sister in Guerrila Stealth Tactics. (She would have taught her Ninjustu but Moriga simply doesn't care.) Noting she's still no expert so don't expect to see her breaking into any highly gaurded government buildings any time soon.
  19. She's pretty well versed in close range combat from the past 3 years of vigilantism. She also has basic firearm training and flight training from the Navy and is a pretty good seamstress.
  20. Calm Moriga tends to avoid conflict, so tricking her into letting her gaurd down can make her an easy target.
  21. Although she's pretty hardy she can be temporarily disabled by hitting vital organs, breaking a leg, or breaking her arms. Killing her will also make her disabled for a significantly longer period.
  22. In her enraged state Moriga tends to think less rationally. It's not as noticable when she's slightly angry, but she tends to think less and less the angrier she becomes. At some point she simply begins relying on instinct until she calms down.
  23. Some triggers put her into a violent state (i.e. a severe amount of pain or large amounts of agravation) however some triggers may prompt unexpected responses. Hint. She tends to freeze up when something reminds her of the death of her copilot. Smells similar to jetfuel, large explosions, the smells of flesh burning. (also kind of the reason she avoids using explosives and using flame based weapons)
  24. She tends to avoid fighting unarmed opponents, children and people with impairment. Opponents can use this to their advantage.
  26. Personality:
  27. Moriga tends to be sheepish when in her calm state. She avoids eye contact when speaking to others and tends to avoid conflict. She is a huge nerd and a bit of a goofball, but this sticks even when enraged. She can be incredibly apologetic and tries to satisfy anyone who may need something from her (within reason of course). She is easily flustered and can get rather anxious when things don't go according to plan.
  29. Moriga in her enraged state can be quite the handful. Brash and foulmouthed, she usually tends to pick fights with anyone who crosses her. Even though she is a lot more aggressive in this state she still has a childish quality to her and enjoys tormenting people whilst singing wildly innappropriate songs. (I think she's seen Clockwork Orange too much) She's not inherently violent in this state, but she isn't hard to motivate into violence. She also still has some morals. She also won't just attack someone for making her slightly agitated. It takes a lot of poking the beast before some random shmuck actually elicits a violent response out of her.
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