
Knight Rise

Mar 29th, 2012
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  1. >Damn, Fluttershy’s animals rock.
  2. >Your first day helping her out, and they throw you a little surprise musical with Fluttershy singing a song about how awesome and friendly they are and how much she appreciates the help.
  3. >Even Angel participates.
  4. >Almost makes you feel a bit of fondness for him... Until you see Fluttershy’s bandages again.
  5. >It’ll be a couple of days before she can fly still.
  6. >The birds sing, the fish swim, and the snakes slithers.
  7. >Pretty good first day. All things considered.
  8. >Especially seeing as though you had to climb a tree to give some birds their damn worms
  9. >Stupid lazy birds.
  10. >As you’re about to leave, you ask Fluttershy if she’d like to come over for dinner again.
  11. >”Oh no thank you.” She says smiling up at you. “Angel and I need to have a long talk. Thank you...” Followed by something you can’t hear.
  12. >You lean in and ask her to repeat it.
  13. >She jumps at you! And kisses your cheek. “For being so nice to me.”
  14. >Well that just made your day all the more worthwhile.
  16. >Pep in your step, time to head home for your girl.
  17. >Grab some supplies from the market... Yup, got all the foods you need.
  18. >What about apples?
  19. >What are you talking about brain?
  20. >You have to talk to Applejack eventually man, and she’s right over there.
  21. >Well shit.
  22. >Ever since the party, you might have sort of been totally avoiding her.
  23. >But yup, there she is selling stuff.
  24. >She’s looking at you, but when your eyes meet, she looks away and... is she sad?
  25. >Well damnit, now you kind of feel bad. You walk up slowly.
  26. >”Oh, uh hey ther’ Anon.” She says in an uncharacteristically sad tone.
  27. >The market’s not too busy today, so you don’t feel too embarrassed talking about this here. “About the party...”
  28. >She just sighs a little. “I’m sorry ‘bout that. I didn’ mean to make you do nothin’ ya didn’ want”
  29. >Oh wow, that’s what’s got her down? “Oh no, at the time I did it’s just...”
  30. >”Now yer just ashamed.”
  31. >She is NOT going to make this easy. “No... well yes... I was for a bit, it’s just been awkward. That was the first time with... one of you all.”
  32. >Cool, don’t acknowledge you’re a p0ny fucker and you won’t be one right?
  33. >Less mean and more help brain.
  34. >You tilt her chin up to look her in the eyes. “I did enjoy it, it was... needed.”
  36. >She just shrugs and gives a half-hearted smile.
  37. >You chuckle, which makes her look up at you. “Wow, was I really that bad?”
  38. >She looks at you for a moment before bursting into laughter. “Oh, I guess THAT’S the real reason why you been avoidin’ me?” She composes herself and finally gives you a warm smile. “The honest truth? It was pretty darned good.” She finally gives you one of her winks.
  39. >Feeling confident and playful, you put your hands on your hips and strike a pose. “Probably the biggest...”
  40. >”Don’ press yer luck Sugarcube.”
  41. >OH SNAP!
  42. >Shut it brain.
  43. >You stick out your tongue and get a bit serious. “That was... It was a one time only thing. I liked it, it was fun... But I don’t think it’ll happen again anytime soon.”
  44. >She smacks your ass a little, “We’ll see.”
  46. >Damnit Applejack.
  47. >Ah well, still awkward, but at least you two are on speaking terms again.
  48. >She says how Granny Smith misses seeing you on the farm and you tell her that you’ll try to fit something in if Fluttershy doesn’t need you.
  49. >You snag a couple of apples and she throws in a free pie.
  50. >Hehe, Applejack’s PIE.
  51. >Go to hell brain.
  52. >You took so long at the market, Scootaloo’s already home from school and she brought her friends over.
  53. >It’s all good though. Rainbow Dash is hanging out with them.
  54. >Why are they all on.... Cutie Mark Crusader Roofers? Poor kids are getting desperate.
  55. >”Why are you all on my roof?” you call out as Rainbow, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle wave to you.
  56. >Sweetie Belle screeches down from her perch. “Rainbow Dash was...” Rainbow’s hoof covers her mouth.
  57. >You go ahead and start walking to your door. “Either I find out now or later Rainbow, your choice.”
  58. >Your living room is somewhat wrecked. Looks like SOMEP0NY crashed through your roof.
  59. >Scootaloo’s inside, moving debris.
  60. >Like most days, she jumps into your arms when she sees you.
  61. >You do your customary ‘how was your day’ thing as you put the pie in your unharmed kitchen.
  62. >Your suspicions are confirmed. Rainbow Dash was showing off and plowed through your roof.
  63. >Oh well, it’s mostly repai... No it’s not, it looks terrible. You’ll see what you can do tomorrow, or find somep0ny to help.
  64. >Rainbow takes Applebloom and Sweetie Belle home.
  65. >What a bro.
  66. >Scootaloo shouts “OH YEAH! You got a letter dad.”
  67. >She hands over a scroll with the royal seal on it.
  68. >It’s what you were afraid of. An official summons from Princess Luna to receive your knighthood.
  70. >You sit down on the couch and read it again just to make sure it says what you think it says.
  71. >Scootaloo climbs up next to you. “What is it dad... Is it for your knight thing?”
  72. >Huh, she doesn’t seem as upset as she did a while ago.
  73. >You put her on your lap and kiss her forehead. “Yes it is sweety. I’m... I’m going to take it.”
  74. >She tries to hide her sorrow. “I know dad... Because it’s the right thing to do right?”
  75. >You pull her in and hug her tight. “Yes it is, and the right thing to do...”
  76. >She interrupts you. “...And the right thing to do isn’t always easy. I know dad.”
  77. >Wow, you’ve been raising her better than you thought.
  78. >You can hear her sniffle against your chest. “Does this mean you’re going to go away for a while?”
  79. >You nod and try your best to comfort her. “Yes, it probably does.”
  80. >She looks up at you, She’s oddly not as sad as you would have though. “Are you sure it’s the right thing to do?”
  81. >All you can do is nod as your heart breaks.
  82. >Her eyes start filling with tears. “And it’s not easy.... right?”
  83. >You can’t help but tear up yourself. “It’ll be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
  84. >You have one week.
  86. >As soon as a timetable gets set, the date always comes up too fast.
  87. >You and Scootaloo spent as much time together as possible.
  88. >Miss Cherilee even let you pull her out of school for a while.
  89. >Despite what could be, you’re all in a great mood on the way up to Canterlot.
  90. >What you thought would be a simple behind the curtains affair turned out to be a regal affair the some say is on par with that Gala thing.
  91. >Of course it makes you feel like a badass that Princess Luna sent a real military airship to take you, Scootaloo, and your friends to the ceremony.
  92. >Rarity seems to be thrilled. It seems she knows the Captain or something.
  93. >A real poncy looking p0ny called Fancypants or something.
  94. >You don’t think you’d like him much.
  95. >You’re all restricted to certain parts of the ship, but the trip’s a little too short to do any real exploring anyways.
  96. >Rarity gives you your, apparently, military and Luna approved uniform.
  97. >It’s a helluva lot better looking than that velvet ruffley thing she put you in last time you were in Canterlot.
  98. >The ship sets down and Captain Fancypants leads you all out to the platform as he chats with Rarity.
  99. >You’re met by Luna’s guards and led to your rooms. You’re told the Princess herself wants an audience prior to the ceremony.
  101. >Rainbow offers to occupy Scootaloo during your visit.
  102. >Scootaloo flat out refuses. She insists on staying with you.
  103. >If Luna has a problem with that, then to hell with her.
  104. >The two of you spend some time exploring your expansive room.
  105. >Somehow Scootaloo found her way into the chandelier.
  106. >You two laugh and decide to see how many towels you two can drape on it.
  107. >You’re having so much fun, you don’t even see Luna walk in.
  108. >”Is this how my Knight shall act?” Is that the traditional Canterlot voice? Maybe it’s just the acoustics. Hard to tell. It makes you drop the towels nonetheless.
  109. >You look up and see Scootaloo pulling a towel over her head.
  110. >Thanks Scoots.
  111. >You bow. “Sorry Princess, just a little... Human tradition.”
  112. >Fucking good one dude.
  113. >Thanks brain.
  114. >She smiles and arches a scrutinizing eyebrow. “Ah yes. And Scootaloos are required?” She looks up and you hear Scootaloo give and ‘eep’
  115. >crappypokerface.gif “Yes, a Scootaloo is required.”
  116. >Oh Luna, glad Twilight taught her the concept of ‘fun’.
  117. >She laughs heartily and magics Scootaloo into your arms. “We hate to disrupt thy... your time together, but there are many important matters needed to be discussed.”
  119. >You take a seat at the sizable table in your room. Luna lays out a map of Equestria.
  120. >”Though The Factory was a terrible thing, it was one of the only reasons Equestra’s borders remained safe for so long.” She doesn’t sound remorseful about it. “Without the eternal blizzards of the north,” The northern area lights up. “Griffon raiders operating out of Pisa are striking into our territory.”
  121. >Almost feels like you messed up by taking out the factory, but one look at Scootaloo puts your mind at ease.
  122. >”That’s one of the biggest problems, we won’t even begin to discuss how dragons have become more bold without the lightning to keep them at bay.”
  123. >You just nod for now absorbing all of this exposition.
  124. >She gets up and her head hangs low. “There is also a matter of the... ‘Loyalists’. Those that have remained true to my sister and see me as nothing more than an usurper.”
  125. >Makes sense. You kind of feel bad. Twi did tell you that all Luna really wants is to be accepted and loved by her people... P0nies.
  126. >She looks out the window. “There is.... one more item. I do believe my sister is still of this world.”
  127. >Um wow... She was hit with the Elements, you just assumed she exploded or was imprisioned somewhere. You join Luna by the window. “How do you know?”
  128. >She looks over to you, with a sad face. “I feel her everytime the sun rises, because she is the one raising it. She’s so opposed to chaos that she will continue that task despite my rule.”
  129. >You and Luna discuss what your duties will be as a Lunar Knight.
  130. >To preserve stability by whatever means necessary. You will be granted an airship and a team to keep Equestria safe. You will only be answerable to Luna herself.
  131. >Your first duty will be in the Mild West, something about a new problem between the settlers and the native population.
  132. >It’s meant to be a test of your abilities. Essentially play diplomat and mediate negotiations.
  133. >You’re told Twilight and Spike has volunteered to join you, but Luna would like if you chose one of your friends to act as your second.
  134. >That’s.... not going to be easy.
  136. >You gather your friends in your room and lay out everything Luna told you.
  137. >When you get to bringing one of them, they all jump at it.
  138. >It feels good to have friends like these.
  139. >But your mind is made up.
  140. >Rainbow Dash would be the perfect choice.
  141. >Your best friend, loyal, kicks more ass then an ass kicking machine on free ass day, only one problem.
  142. >”Dash, you can’t come with me.” You say after they all calmed down.
  143. >Her mouth just opens and closes a few times in shock.
  144. >You take her by her shoulders, “Remember your promise. I’m not going to be around for a while. I’m counting on you.”
  145. >It looks like she might say something, but just nods.
  146. >Applejack speaks up. “Then it gotta be me.”
  147. >You thought about that before. “What about Applebloom? You need to be there for her.”
  148. >She scoffs. “Ah, she got Big Mac and Granny Smith. ‘sides, if this trouble’ll be hittin’ P0nyville, I’d lose mah family’s farm.”
  149. >You nod and mull over the.
  150. >Upside, she’s a tough one.
  151. >Downside, she’ll probably still want to fuck you.
  152. >Really, you only have two options. Rainbow, or Applejack.
  153. >Has to be Applejack.
  155. >Despite having your own rooms, You , Rainbow, and Scootaloo share your frankly MASSIVE bed.
  156. >You’re woken nice and early for preparations for the ceremony.
  157. >The actual thing won’t be until night fall. Luna assures she’ll have a beautiful moon ready.
  158. >You meet and greet various military personnel.
  159. >Including Captain Fancypants finally.
  160. >”I say. So I hear you’ll be operating aboard the Sky Skimmer.” He says in that tone of his.
  161. >You bet he’s some sort of real asshole. “That’s what I hear. Though I don’t know what kind of ship it is.”
  162. >He chuckles. “You should, you took her here.”
  163. >Oh man, that means he’ll be under you.
  164. >He continues. “She’s a prototype really. Special cloud drive you see. Covers the entire ship in a cloud, able to sneak places and all. Seemed perfect for a... person of your nature.”
  165. >Hmm. “May I ask you something sir?” You try with a smile.
  166. >”But of course.”
  167. >”Why are you enlisted? I’m willing to bet you’re a p0ny of some stature, surely you have enough influence to stay out of this petty conflict.” Push some buttons, see what happens.
  168. >Heh, he finds that somewhat amusing. “It IS up to the nobility to handle the riff raff.”
  169. >Yeah, what a di....
  170. >He laughs “I jest of course. You see back in my day I was quite the accomplished Captain. When the Princess came to me personally for such an important task, how could I refuse?”
  171. >Ok, maybe he’s not SO bad.
  173. >The last time you drew your Moon Blade, was right before Celestia wrecked your shit.
  174. >You practice with it. Scootaloo looking on in awe.
  175. >It all comes back to you fairly quickly.
  176. >The practice room you’re allowed to use is pretty much wrecked by the time you’re done.
  177. >The Canterlot armorer is not pleased.
  178. >You apologize and ask for a very special item. You try your best to remember how a shield works and you think you convey your intentions alright.
  179. >You’ll see when it’s ready.
  180. >You’ve worked up quite the sweat and you and Scoots head back to your room. You’ll be needing a shower after all.
  181. >Oh look it’s Rarity... Has she been crying?
  182. >”Uh hey,” You say as she walks past. “Are you ok?”
  183. >She stops in her tracks and looks at you. Yup, she’s been crying. “Oh, Anon... Can, can I ask you a favor?”
  184. >You just nod.
  185. >She sighs. “Please... please look after Spike for me. He’s... he’s very dear to me and I don’t know what I would do if anything were to happen to him.”
  186. >Oooookay. “Of course. Have you actually TOLD him how ‘dear’ he is to you?” You’ve never really seen them interact in an endearing fashion. You knew Spike had a crush on her, but you didn’t know it was returned.
  187. >She looks down. “VERY dear. But a lady and a Dragon? How... unrefined.”
  188. >”RARITY,” You snap, getting her attention. “I know you’re a ‘lady’, but if anything were to happen to him... you’re going to HATE your ladylike ways. Tell him, spend the night with him, hell ask him to marry you for all I care.”
  189. >She chuckles a little. “I suppose you’re right... Thank you Anon. Quite the night if I do say so.”
  190. >Nope, that won’t be for another few hours.
  192. >You shower and put on your dress uniform. “How do I look?” You ask Scootaloo and Rainbow.
  193. >Rainbow buzzes around you, getting a full view. “Pretty freaking cool dude.”
  194. >Scootaloo brings over the ‘hilt’ of your sword and you fasten it to your belt. “So what do you think Scoots, Does dad look like a hero?” You ask.
  195. >She smiles up at you. “You always looked like a hero to me.”
  196. >You pick her up and give her a kiss. Finally looks like she’s starting to accept this whole situation.
  197. >A royal escort comes to your room just as the sun begins to set.
  198. >It’s time for the ceremony.
  199. >Just as she promised, the moon is brilliant.
  200. >You take your place before Luna as she proclaims your new title and responsibilities.
  201. >By the time she’s done, you wished it was a ‘behind the curtains’ thing.
  202. >Her horn glows as she touches it to both your shoulders. “You knelt before me a mere man.” Hey she got it right. “But rise now my Lunar Knight, defender of Equestria.”
  203. >You stand and turn to the assembled crowd. The cheer is deafening.
  204. >But you’re not as enthusiastic as them. Though this is the right thing to do, You’d rather be a dad then a soldier.
  205. >The night before you leave is spent with friends.
  206. >Pinkie tries, but the mood isn’t right for partying.
  207. >You all just sit around and reminisce about all the crazy shit you all have done.
  209. >Fancypants insists you meet the Airines squad leaders under your command. Before departure. You’re to understand they’re like Marines... only in the air, because you’re in an airship.
  210. >The Sky Skimmer is only a frigate, so there’s only enough for about 6 squads.
  211. >You’re assured you’ve been teamed up with the best.
  212. >When you enter the docking bay with your Number 2 Applejack, you see 2 Pegesi, a burly Earthp0ny, and a seething douchebag of a unicorn if you ever saw one. But you were wrong about Fancypants, maybe he’s not so bad either.
  213. >I guess you all expect me to give you a speech or something, but I’m not too fond of those. I’m sure you all know who I am. I’d like to know about you all.”
  214. >The dark colored male Pegasus lounging in the corner speaks up. “The big black p0ne over there is Commander Obsidian, 1st squad. He’s your knock out punch.”
  215. >Obsidian nods.
  216. >”The sexy red Pegasus is Commander Flare Runner, 2nd squad. She’s your quick strike team leader.”
  217. >She at least salutes “Pleasure sir!”
  218. >The blondie over there’s Commander Blueblood 3rd Squad... Formerly Prince Blueblood. Magic, fire support, all that.”
  219. >The white and blond Blueblood sneers at the guy.
  220. >”Me? I’m Lt. Moonroller, 4th squad, stealth and recon.”
  221. >You nod, that was fairly easy. “Thank you Lieutenant, I look forward to getting to know you each personally.
  222. >Blueblood audibly scoffs.
  223. >”Ya got a problem ther...” Applejack starts before you cut her off.
  224. >”Now now, I know things are a bit unorthodox, if there is any problems, please air them now.” Quite leaderlike of ya.
  225. >Oh he jumps all over that. “It’s bad enough that you’re not even a p0ny.” Judging by his voice alone, yeah you don’t like him. “But just a common peasant telling me what to do? Unthinkable. I even hear he likes taking in stray street urchins.....”
  226. >Punching a p0ny is surprisingly easy.
  228. >He hits the deck HARD.
  229. >Applejack springs between the two of you and the rest of the group to keep them back if they tried to help their comrade. Flare Runner’s the only one that looks like might try, but her heart isn’t into it.
  230. >You grab Blueblood by the horn and bring him eye to eye with you.
  231. >”You can disrespect my species all you want. You can talk shit about my background, I don’t give a fuck. Hell you can dump on my title if you want.” Your eyes narrow and your voice drops. “But if you ever, and I mean EVER bring up my daughter in anything but a positive light, I will end you.”
  232. >You drop him on the floor and get up.
  233. >Moonroller looks like he’s smiling, Obsidian looks unfazed, and Flare Runner appears to have calmed down.
  234. >Hell even Fancypants gives you an approving nod.
  235. >You straighten out your uniform. “Commander Blueblood, In a week’s time we’ll be in Appleloosa. I would like you and the 3rd squad to accompany me.”
  236. >You look back at him as he gets to his hooves. “See to yourself and see to your troops.”
  237. >You dismiss the squad leaders leaving you and AJ. “I think that went well.” You say as you rub your sore knuckles.
  238. >”Yer just a natural leader ther sugarcube.” She chuckles.
  239. >You look at her sidways. “You know I am a Knight and military leader right? A ‘Sir’ would be nice.”
  240. >There’s her wink “Sure thing Sir Sugercube.”
  241. >She’s not going to make this easy, you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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