
Bearito's Novice Review

Jul 9th, 2015
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  1. Hey there! :3
  3. Firstly, terrain. I like the layers you have in the terrain; there's definitely enough of them. I also like the palette choice, however I wouldn't make one of the blocks the same as you have used in the structure. It merges a bit too much, and doesn't distinguish well. Change the nether brick in the terrain to another block! :)
  5. Secondly, organics. I like the idea on this plot and I like the dead trees you have, to suit the style. However, I think you have them a bit too bunched together. There's a lot of open space at the 'bottom' of the plot, where you could have a few, instead of having them all on the top layer. This would also fill the space down there. Some nether based organics would be nice too! I would suggest a dragon, but that's done a lot. But I think it would be fitting on this plot.
  7. Lastly, structure. The castle you have is alright, and the detailing is nice, but it's hard to notice. I think it's the brown clay; maybe try red clay instead? Just a tip, it might look awful! :P
  8. Also, the tower detailing is way too 'checkerboarded', which is an incredibly simple way to detail, and not creative. Instead, I would use netherbrick stairs/slabs on the side of the tower, as well as more coloured blocks (red clay again).
  9. You could also add some smaller structures on the bottom of the plot. I'm not sure if the mech really works with this style. It's a bit too futuristic for it.
  11. Good luck!
  12. - Dutty :3
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