
The Trotting Dead - s1e007 - A Place to Call Safe

Mar 12th, 2014
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  1. [20:24]<EchoesOfDeath> ===========================================
  2. [20:24]<EchoesOfDeath> The Trotting Dead - Season 1 - Episode #007
  3. [20:24]<EchoesOfDeath> ===========================================
  4. [20:30]<EchoesOfDeath> The street is still clear, other than an elderly sick pony wandering. The sky is harder to say, the fliers could be behind clouds, ready to drop. What the sky does show is fireworks, a shower of sparks and a rainbow fall, west from here.
  5. [20:33]? Swift_Hurddle closes the curtain and trots away from the study, "Ok, that tears it. Im going to go see what Miss star and Backlash are up to. We need to all talk, like get our act together and make a plan. If one could get in more can".
  6. [20:34]? Star_Spotter lets out a sigh as she sees the fireworks. Whatever was going on, it might provide a good distraction.
  7. [20:35]? Genevieve flaps over to the window "huh, well they seem happy about this, does that city hate this one or something? clanwar?... no wait ponies have tribes... tribe war?"
  8. [20:36]? Backlash drums her forehooves on the floor, having moved her book to the living room with the others. "Maybe they don't even know what's happening over here. Ponies love each other... generally."
  9. [20:36]? Star_Spotter shakes her head. "Down. We need to talk with the others." She tells Genevieve and starts totting down the stairs.
  10. [20:37]? Genevieve blushes and zips to Star_Spotter's side looking around as if somepony might see her
  11. [20:37]? Swift_Hurddle stops in the living room to look at the sofa he had pushed over the shattered window, shaking his head he calls up at the stairs, "Miss Star? I think we need to talk!"
  12. [20:38]? Star_Spotter nods as she comes down. "The fireworks right?" She asks before she sees what happened downstairs. "What."
  13. [20:38]<Cambiance> "Who would be sending fireworks up now?"
  14. [20:39]<Star_Spotter> "I don't know, but I'll take a bet and say it's giving us a distraction if we need to move."
  15. [20:39]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee peeks cautiously out of the window, still shaken.
  16. [20:40]<Backlash> "A distraction? ...You don't think it'll draw the sick ones to Canterlot, do you?"
  17. [20:41]? Swift_Hurddle waves a hoof at the sofa, proped up against the large window, glass spread around the floor. "Yes, I thought that Backlash went looking for you to tell you about this. One of the fliers crashed right in on top of me and Rosebee not but a few minutes ago"
  18. [20:41]? Star_Spotter nods. "It very well might." She says. "Did it come from Canterlot?" She asks. "It didn't seem like it."
  19. [20:43]? Swift_Hurddle shakes his head, "No, I doupt it came from that far away, looked like it was from inside the city to me. But really im more worried about how one of those... things managed to get the jump on me and Rosebee while we were inside!"
  20. [20:43]? Genevieve shakes her head "You ponies have an odd naming system for your cities"
  21. [20:44]? Backlash looks at Genevieve quizzically. "Baltimare, Canterlot, Fillydelphia? Wha's so strange about that?"
  22. [20:44]<Star_Spotter> "It's full of puns." She smirks. "Anyways. Someone got inside? Then yes, we need to move." She looks around. "Everypony, pack up what we can, we need to move while we've still got an upperhoof here."
  23. [20:45]<EchoesOfDeath> It seems to come from within the city, a couple districts away
  24. [20:45]<Star_Spotter> "Any suggestions on a safe place? I know a building that's close enough by, but it wouldn't have much if any food storages."
  25. [20:46]? Swift_Hurddle nods with a smile, "That is what I wanted to hear! But we need a destination, packing up is all well and good but-", cut of by Star he nods his agreement, "Right, someplace to go, a distination"
  26. [20:46]<Backlash> "We need food, badly. Or a safe place from these things. Pref'bly both. Maybe the Shoulder?"
  27. [20:46]? Genevieve the griffin blinks "So who claimed the land and what family does the city belong to? what clans run what parts of it, you cant tell! I get told from ponies that a nine word city name is stupid but it gives you all you need to know about it!"
  28. [20:47]? Genevieve nods and looks herself over "Well I am mostly set"
  29. [20:48]? Star_Spotter shakes her head. "Shoulder is too far away. I was suggesting the old Barns and Nobells." She says. She looks to Genevieve. "Suggestions?" She asks, staring sternly at her, Her students would know this stare as the one she really only gave sutdents who got detention.
  30. [20:48]<EchoesOfDeath> "But what if mom arrives?" Rosebee chimes in.
  31. [20:49]? Star_Spotter looks to Rosebee. "Hun, hopefully she is okay and safe with any safehouses being set up, but we could leave a note here for her once we decide where to go."
  32. [20:49]? Swift_Hurddle taps his muzzle in thought, "Oh, I know a place close by, The old theater, Cramoisie! I mean it has food in the lobby and the place has no windows to speak of. I take dates there all the time-",
  33. [20:49]? Genevieve blinks "umm, well T-that Industrial area next to the bay, less people live there, less... people to deal with?"
  34. [20:50]<Cambiance> "Well, the club I work at is pretty close. Don't think that would be too good a place to go to though."
  35. [20:50]<Backlash> "Guys, slow down. Let's take a vote, huh?"
  36. [20:51]<Backlash> "We should find someplace close by with lotsa supplies. Hopefully a safe place, but really all we gotta do 's be quiet and anyplace is safe."
  37. [20:51]? Swift_Hurddle looks to Cambiance, "hummm... well The theater is basically sound proof for the most part. and with only a few entrances and exits thats not much we have to defend"
  38. [20:51]<Star_Spotter> "Alright. Well from what I know, the Barns and Nobells is in the Big Buisness sector. While the store itself doesn't have much food, we could easily fortify it and go searching around."
  39. [20:51]? Genevieve blinks "WAIT, why not break into one of the big rich houses, places are big, not many ponies, lots of supplies..."
  40. [20:52]? Star_Spotter suddenly whips her tail out against Genevieve's behind.
  41. [20:53]? Genevieve squeaks and blushes hard but does not protest
  42. [20:53]? Swift_Hurddle blinks at miss Stars behavior
  43. [20:54]? Backlash raises an eyebrow but keeps on. "I like the sound-a this theater. Ya said there's food, right?"
  44. [20:54]? Cambiance blushes slightly at the lewd behavior. It reminded her of DJ'ing at the club.
  45. [20:55]<EchoesOfDeath> Raven flutters closer. Her eyes wander as she thinks.
  46. [20:56]? Star_Spotter doesn't change her expression. "Now then, as mentioned the theater has many many exits that need to be guarded or fortified. I do not know about the Club. But I know the Book store used to be an old factory, it only have 3 entrances/exits. Easy to fortify."
  47. [20:56]? Swift_Hurddle nods, "Ya, like all the normal theater stuff so junk food and pop corn. But there is also bottled drinks and I think maybe some carrot dogs? Its sort of an off on sort of thing with that, they dont always have it"
  48. [20:57]<Cambiance> "Hmm... where is the theater exactly? We should also keep location in mind for where we go. It would be best if it were near some other places we could get supplies."
  49. [20:58]<EchoesOfDeath> "A book store should like a good place to spend our last days." Raven says.
  50. [20:59]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee shrinks. "Don't talk like that..."
  51. [20:59]? Swift_Hurddle smiles, "Oh its north of us, just a bit past the train line and right on the edge of the Shoping district" Frowning at Raven Swift lifts a brow, "Ya Raven, lighten up ok? Were going to be fine... probably"
  52. [20:59]? Star_Spotter nods to Rosebee. "Raven please try to have some optimism."
  53. [21:00]<Backlash> "Well, I guess popcorn an' carrot dogs're better than nothin'." She glances at the fillies for a moment.
  54. [21:00]? Swift_Hurddle looks back to Backlash, "Actually its not to far from our school even"
  55. [21:01]<Star_Spotter> "The Bookstore has a small cafe in it as well, so theres rations there."
  56. [21:01]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee looks back at Backlash and tilts her head.
  57. [21:02]? Backlash directs her attention at Star Spotter. "How close is it, though, and how big's the cafe? I know movie theaters got a lotta food generally (even if it is junk), but a bookstore?"
  58. [21:06]<Star_Spotter> "The cafe is acutally quite large. It have various drinks and healthy food. Starbucks teamed up with Ponyera Bread and has a good amount of food."
  59. [21:06]<Star_Spotter> "It's also close by in the Big Buisness section."
  60. [21:08]? Swift_Hurddle grumbles, "well so long as we make up our mind and get our of here quietly before to many more of them come exploding through our windows again that would be nice... also I am curious about those fireworks, someone has to be fireing them off"
  61. [21:09]? Star_Spotter nods. "Alright then. Group descion now. Book Store, or Theater?"
  62. [21:09]<Cambiance> "I personally wouldn't mind the theater. Though I guess the book store works as well."
  63. [21:10]? Backlash makes a face at her own book. "If the bookstore's got food, we should head there. I gotta feeling we're gonna need somethin' ta keep ourselves busy."
  64. [21:11]? Genevieve rubs the back of her neck "w-what do you think mi... Star.."
  65. [21:12]? Star_Spotter looks to Cambiance. "Please we need to make a consice descion." She smiles before looking to Genevieve. "The Bookstore is my favorite bet. Good food, entertainment and old bookshelfs could be used for reinforcing the windows and doors."
  66. [21:13]<EchoesOfDeath> Raven looks away from Star_Spotter and Genevieve, frowning. "Bookstore."
  67. [21:13]? Genevieve nods "yeah that sounds good, my vote for the bookstore"
  68. [21:13]? Swift_Hurddle shrugs, "Bookstore sounds alright but I know the Theater so im puting my vote in for that"
  69. [21:13]<Cambiance> "I also vote for the theater then."
  70. [21:14]? Backlash looks troubled. "You're not gonna leave if we move out to the bookstore, are ya?"
  71. [21:14]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee smiles to Swift_Hurddle. "I trust your choice."
  72. [21:15]? Swift_Hurddle smiles but looks a but flustered at how much trust his fellow students are putting in his oppinion, feeling a bit put on the spot. "Thanks guys"
  73. [21:17]? Star_Spotter counts it up and curses lightly. "We're divded evenly. I suppose we're going to just have to leave this to fate." She says. "Anypony have a coin?"
  74. [21:18]? Genevieve pulls a gold coin from somewhere "Umm yes, here"
  75. [21:20]? Star_Spotter recounts and sighs. "Well actually I'm wrong. I'm surprised I even got the right to teach." She sighs. "4 say Bookstore, 3 say Theater. So then, we can go for the bookstore. Pack up!"
  76. [21:22]? Swift_Hurddle shrugs but is honestly a bit relieved that any fall out from the theater being a bad choice was removed from his worried mind. Turning he complies and starts packing up, "On it!"
  77. [21:22]? Genevieve rolls the coin though her talons letting it flip though each digit on her hand before it vanishes
  78. [21:23]? Star_Spotter looks to Genevieve. "Help pack up." She orders.
  79. [21:24]? Backlash slinks off through the house to pack up what little gear she has. Her shopping bag ends up being extremely useful.
  80. [21:25]? Genevieve nods quickly and moves to collect anything that needed to be moved that she could carry
  81. [21:26]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee trots upstairs to her room
  82. [21:29]? Star_Spotter starts to help pack up as well.
  83. [21:35]? Swift_Hurddle digs around the house a bit while packing looking for useful items to add to his collection, returning later after a trip to the attic with a single blade Axe that was probably used to remove stumps around the garden.
  84. [21:38]? Cambiance also joins in on the search, looking for any supplies or weapons (and secretly hoping to find some mane gel).
  85. [21:41]? Genevieve flaps back to Star_Spotter twirling a orange crowbar "I have found most of the important stuff, anything else you need?"
  86. [21:42]? Star_Spotter smirks at Genevieve and checks to make sure they're alone before leaning in close and kissing her on the beak. "Nope. You did good pet."
  87. [21:43]? Genevieve blushes and almost bounces in happiness at the praise but keeps herself composed "t-thank you Mistress"
  88. [21:45]? Star_Spotter nods. "Good. Now then, we'll get going once everypony is ready." She smirks. "And as we set up a nice place at the Bookstore, you sleep with me. Understood?"
  89. [21:45]? Swift_Hurddle stands alone in the study and gives his axe a few test swings, carful to be sure no pony was in the way.
  90. [21:46]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee leaves her room carrying a stuffed flowery camping bag.
  91. [21:47]? Genevieve nods quickly "of course Mistress" she smiles as if nothing else had accrued to her
  92. [21:48]? Star_Spotter moves around, looking for everypony else. "Is everypony packed up? The fireworks dsitraction won't last for much longer!"
  93. [21:51]? Swift_Hurddle winds down his practice before he hurts somepony.
  94. [21:52]<EchoesOfDeath> Swift_Hurddle notices Raven looking at him from behind, fluttering silently.
  95. [21:53]? Cambiance also searches the house, and ends up finding, somewhat to her surprise, a machete. She figured that Rosebee's parents needed to deal with some tougher vines or weeds on occasion.
  96. [21:56]? Swift_Hurddle looks back to Raven and offers a weak smile as he pushes the axe over his sholder in the straps of his school pack, "Umm... you know, just in case, right? I mean, its a tool, chop down doors and stuff... I really dont want to use it as a weapon..."
  97. [21:57]<EchoesOfDeath> "It is fitting. Just... don't be a jerk." Raven flutters away.
  98. [21:58]? Swift_Hurddle tilts his head and calls after her, "Wait... Jerk? why would I be a jerk?"
  99. [21:58]? Swift_Hurddle looks confused
  100. [21:58]? Star_Spotter sighs lightly and calls again. "We need to leave now!"
  101. [21:59]? Swift_Hurddle Trots into the living room with a sigh, "Ok, im ready"
  102. [21:59]<EchoesOfDeath> Raven is already waiting by the exit. So is Rosebee.
  103. [22:00]? Cambiance also trots on in. "I'm ready as well."
  104. [22:00]? Backlash slips in with her bag. "Here."
  105. [22:01]? Genevieve nods "I am ready"
  106. [22:02]? Star_Spotter nods. "Alright, let's go." She says as she makes her way out
  107. [22:02]<Star_Spotter> "Rosebee, you let a note for you parents right?"
  108. [22:03]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee nods. "I did." She points to the fridge.
  109. [22:04]? Genevieve blinks "oh i have a pen" she pulls a nice looking pen with the words "Bank Of Baltimare" on the side, it also has a small chain on the end that looks to be broken at the end "Oh you have a note? nevermind"
  110. [22:04]? Star_Spotter smiles and nods, trotting out.
  111. [22:04]? Swift_Hurddle follows, looking around for signs of more sick ponies
  112. [22:05]? Backlash goes last, eyes darting around nervously.
  113. [22:05]? Genevieve flaps her wings softly as she almost glides while keeping close to Star_Spotter
  114. [22:06]? Cambiance starts out, trotting up to Swift. "So..." she starts to ask.
  115. [22:07]? Star_Spotter smirks lightly from Genevieve keeping close to her already.
  116. [22:07]<Cambiance> "You took a lot of dates to the theater?" she grins teasingly.
  117. [22:07]? Star_Spotter lets out a giggle. "He's not the only one who took dates there." She says.
  118. [22:08]<EchoesOfDeath> The old pony still wanders, but the way seems clear mostly clear. You can see a greater number of them moving westward.
  119. [22:09]? Swift_Hurddle blushes a bit, "well not allot, I mean its where I took most of my dates but I wouldnt say it was an...", he thinks over his words, "Shockingly high number of dates, no. I just really like the place and it was close to the school"
  120. [22:09]<EchoesOfDeath> "Teacher!" Rosebee squeaks blushing
  121. [22:10]? Cambiance grins again. "I didn't date too much. I was usually either working or studying."
  122. [22:10]? Star_Spotter giggles. "Sorry, that theater has been around for a while. I think when I went to the acadamy... I went out with at least 20 different people."
  123. [22:11]? Genevieve blushes and says nothing muttering "how do pony dates work?"
  124. [22:11]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee gasps, staring at the old pony. "Mr. Buttons!"
  125. [22:11]? Backlash shrugs with a confused smile at Genevieve.
  126. [22:11]<EchoesOfDeath> The old pony turns towards the fence
  127. [22:11]? Star_Spotter looks to Rosebee and then the old pony. "Swift, hold Rosebee back." She says.
  128. [22:11]<Star_Spotter> " Genevieve, get ready incase he comes close."
  129. [22:11]? Swift_Hurddle Dashes from Cambiances side and moves to put himself between Rosebeen and the sick pony, "Dont look Rosebee, hes sick like the others!"
  130. [22:12]? Genevieve drops to the ground without a sound and gets her crowbar ready
  131. [22:12]? Cambiance draws her machete. "Just stay back Rosebee. He's not well."
  132. [22:13]? Backlash mutters to Rosebee, "Keep your voice down. That ain't Mr. Buttons no more." She attempts to set up an ambush point in case he comes any closer.
  133. [22:15]<EchoesOfDeath> The old pony bangs his hooves on the gate, groaning
  134. [22:16]<Star_Spotter> "We need to quiet him now." She says.
  135. [22:16]? Swift_Hurddle glance back over his shoulder, "thats great and all but if HE dosent quiet him down then it hardly matters"
  136. [22:16]? Cambiance bites her lip. "Do you think we have to...?"
  137. [22:16]? Swift_Hurddle looks to Cambiance, "maybe we could just open the gate and run for it?"
  138. [22:17]<EchoesOfDeath> "To what?" Rosebee blinks
  139. [22:17]? Backlash nods curtly to Cambiance. "He'll prolly lead the others to us."
  140. [22:17]? Star_Spotter looks to everypony. "Swift, turn Rosebee away. Genevieve, please keep it as least messy as possible."
  141. [22:19]? Cambiance turns to the griffon. "Do you want any help?"
  142. [22:19]? Genevieve nods and darts forward to swing at his neck in order to break his spinal cord
  143. [22:20]? Swift_Hurddle frowns and nods, nudging Rosebee and apologizing, "Like they said, hes... not Mr. Buttons anymore, im sorry but If we dont do this now we may not get to the book store"
  144. [22:22]<EchoesOfDeath> The old pony's neck cracks and it crumbles to the ground, still moaning and moving the jaw of his limp body
  145. [22:23]? Cambiance grimaces. "Is he... still alive?"
  146. [22:23]? Genevieve blinks "hmm, normally they stop after i do that?" she stabs one of her talons into the zombies temple
  147. [22:23]<EchoesOfDeath> "No! Mr. Buttons!" She tries to move closer. "We can help him!"
  148. [22:24]? Star_Spotter looks to Rosebee and crouches a bit. "Rosebee. You trust me right?"
  149. [22:24]? Swift_Hurddle holds her back as best as possible, "Rosebee no! We could get sick like him!"
  150. [22:25]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee, looks at Star_Spotter, horrified. "I... do, but... "
  151. [22:26]<EchoesOfDeath> The sharp talon pops into the pony's skull and he stops moving. Genevieve's talon is covered by a strange dark and gooey mess.
  152. [22:26]? Star_Spotter hugs Rosebee and moves her eyes towards her chest. "Then trust us that we need to do this. We can't save him, we can only stop his pain."
  153. [22:26]? Genevieve "eww" she brushes the gore onto the dead ponies body
  154. [22:27]<Cambiance> "You don't have any open wounds, right? His blood might be a vector for the disease. It doesn't... look right."
  155. [22:28]? Genevieve nods "No cuts on me, our talons are hard to cut anyway" she gets up "I need to clean my talons later..."
  156. [22:28]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee sobs. "Mr. B-buttons... I'm sorry."
  157. [22:28]? Swift_Hurddle hugs Rosebee in a hopefully comforting mannor, motioning for Camiance to come over and help
  158. [22:29]? Star_Spotter nods. "We need to move. I promise we can rest once we get there and secure the area."
  159. [22:29]<EchoesOfDeath> Raven sighs. "There is nothing to be sorry about. These are the new times we live in. A heavy heart just makes the road longer."
  160. [22:30]? Cambiance trots over and joins in on the hug. "It's okay Rosebee... He was... very sick, and he's better now. What he was wasn't Mr. Buttons. He's resting now."
  161. [22:30]? Backlash shakes her head and trots up to the group hug, watching from a few feet away.
  162. [22:31]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee leans against Cambiance and Swift_Hurddle, tears rolling down their shoulders.
  163. [22:32]? Swift_Hurddle breaks from the hug and gives Rosebee a pat, "We do have to move along Rosebee... Im sorry but we cant stay out in the open for long"
  164. [22:32]<EchoesOfDeath> "Our teacher is right. We can't weep so soon. We don't know how much time we have left." Raven flutters up
  165. [22:33]? Star_Spotter countinues on her way.
  166. [22:33]? Genevieve starts to glide again not that bothered over the death
  167. [22:33]<EchoesOfDeath> Rosebee whimpers and nods, putting herself on her hooves
  168. [22:34]? Swift_Hurddle follows after Miss star but remains close to Rosebee and Cambiance
  169. [22:34]? Cambiance sighs and keeps on going
  170. [22:34]? Backlash walks behind Rose, keeping her guard up as usual.
  171. [22:35]? Star_Spotter makes her way towards the bookstore, Barns and Nobells
  172. [22:47]<EchoesOfDeath> The group makes its way south, trotting close to the charred remains of the old historicic city hall.
  173. [22:54]<EchoesOfDeath> Star_Spotter spots a glint far away. A red pony in a blue uniform, lying against a building across the town hall
  174. [22:54]? Star_Spotter holds her hooves out. "Stay here and quiet. I need to check on somepony." she says as she trots towards the pony.
  175. [22:56]? Swift_Hurddle looks worried but dosent question her, "Umm... ok"
  176. [22:57]<EchoesOfDeath> It's the police mare. A police baton lays by her side. She has deep bites on her hooves.
  177. [22:58]? Star_Spotter gasps and looks over her. "Hun hun, are you awake? You okay?"
  178. [22:59]<EchoesOfDeath> She opens her eyes. They are glassy.
  179. [23:00]? Star_Spotter backs away but is still near her. "Hun, talk to me, don't make me do anything I really don't want to do."
  180. [23:02]<EchoesOfDeath> She lets out a low moan, dragging herself towards you,
  181. [23:03]? Swift_Hurddle watches his teacher in the distance and wispers to the others, "What is she up to over there? This dosent seem like a good idea to me..."
  182. [23:04]<Cambiance> "She can... take care of herself. Though that gun is loud... Maybe someone should go help her."
  183. [23:04]? Star_Spotter let's out a long sigh and puts the gun out towards her. "Sorry hun... you were really cute though." She says as tears roll down her cheeks, shooting her.
  184. [23:06]<EchoesOfDeath> The shot punches a hole into her skull and the policemare falls, moving no more.
  185. [23:06]? Swift_Hurddle winces at teh shot, "Looks like she took care of whatever it was..."
  186. [23:07]? Backlash winces at the gunshot. She mutters something obscene and looks away.
  187. [23:07]? Star_Spotter moves away, wiping the tears from her eyes and moving back to the group. "Let's go."
  188. [23:07]? Swift_Hurddle nods, "Ya, got to keep moving..."
  189. [23:07]<Cambiance> "Yeah..."
  190. [23:08]<EchoesOfDeath> Raven sighs, flying after them.
  191. [23:10]<EchoesOfDeath> The buildings grow taller as you get closer to the commercial center. You can see the Horseshoe Bay further south, you are close now.
  192. [23:11]? Star_Spotter starts to move to the west, the bookstore should be nearby.
  193. [23:11]<EchoesOfDeath> "Mr. Buttons used to give us cookies..." Rosebee says sadly.
  194. [23:12]? Backlash takes in the city with a look of trepidation. "Where is everypony?"
  195. [23:12]? Swift_Hurddle follows close by and looks up to judge how much time is left in the day, he also tries to ignore Rosebees words.... they are saddening. "Hiding? Run away? Evacuated by guard?"
  196. [23:13]<Cambiance> "It's only been, what, a day though, right? Could everyone really be gone this soon?"
  197. [23:13]? Swift_Hurddle shrugs
  198. [23:14]? Backlash sniffles and looks at the ground, mane concealing her face.
  199. [23:14]? Star_Spotter tries to ignore Rosebee's words as well, though her own thoughts are nagging at her. "We need to move, not wonder right now." She says.
  200. [23:17]<EchoesOfDeath> "Who knows... they were so many at the hospital. Maybe it started before we realized." Raven muses. "Where did the frantic stampede go to?"
  201. [23:17]? Swift_Hurddle looks west, "Towards the Fireworks I bet... sure hope whoever set those off didnt stick around for long"
  202. [23:18]? Swift_Hurddle looks worried, "we could... maybe check it out after the heat dies down?"
  203. [23:18]<Swift_Hurddle> "Maybe it was somepony who was giving a signal to anypony left?"
  204. [23:18]? Star_Spotter nods. "We should after we establish a safehouse."
  205. [23:18]<Cambiance> "Agreed. We should settle down someplace first."
  206. [23:19]? Backlash looks back up to the group. "I dunno 'bout you guys, but I'm gonna be headin' off west eventually anyway."
  207. [23:21]<EchoesOfDeath> Most stores are closed in the business district. Some buildings show no siign of life. You can see the large bookstore one block down, closed as well. You trot closer to a supermarket, closed, with two bodies leaning against the door.
  208. [23:22]? Cambiance draws her machete. "Do you think those ponies by the supermarket are sick?"
  209. [23:23]? Swift_Hurddle keeps moving, his destination in sight, "Dont know, but were almost there"
  210. [23:24]<EchoesOfDeath> Backlash sees spots of black blood, but they dont seem to be moving.
  211. [23:25]? Star_Spotter keeps moving. "We should keep going, those ponies don't seem to be a threat.
  212. [23:25]? Backlash clears her throat. "Uh, I'd be careful 'f I were you. They got that stuff on 'em."
  213. [23:26]? Swift_Hurddle looks ahead to the book store, "Sure hope the doors open.. going to make some serious sound if I have to hack the door open"
  214. [23:27]<Cambiance> "I think I could help with that."
  215. [23:27]<Star_Spotter> "Or we could ask our thief friend to open the door."
  216. [23:27]<Cambiance> "I've worked a lot with sound with my magic- sound proofing and things like that. I think I could cast a silence spell or two."
  217. [23:28]? Star_Spotter smiles at Cambiance. "That's a good idea!"
  218. [23:29]? Swift_Hurddle smiles to Cambiance, "That could work! and its a quick fix to!"
  219. [23:29]? Cambiance grins. "I may also be able to silence Miss Star's gunshots. Perhaps. I've never really tried something like that."
  220. [23:30]? Backlash 's eye twitched. "You say that -now-?"
  221. [23:32]<Cambiance> "It's only a theory. And I don't know if it's something I could sustain through a bunch of fire, like when Miss Star was shooting all of those sick ponies."
  222. [23:32]<EchoesOfDeath> You manage to find your way to the large bookstore. The doors are closed though, there is a rolling door covering the entrance.
  223. [23:33]? Star_Spotter sighs lightly. "Seems the spell might not help too much. We need to lockpick it."
  224. [23:33]? Swift_Hurddle rolls his eyes, "Besides nothing we can do about it now, so lets just get in there and off the street before more fliers show up!.... oh wait, what is this?"
  225. [23:45]<EchoesOfDeath> =======================================================
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