
F1 AIE "Fillydelphia Grand Prix"

Mar 14th, 2013
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  1. Formula One Anon In Equestria: Chapter 22
  2. "The Fillydelphia Grand Prix"
  4. Map of the Fillydelphia Street circuit for reference:
  12. >Formula One. The pinnacle of motor sports. The melding of sophistication and brute power.
  13. >In just a few short minutes, twelve beautifully crafted and surgically precise machines will battle relentlessly for nearly an hour and a half. Fighting for rank.
  14. >Each car guided by a lone individual sitting in the center of a maelstrom of carbon fiber and metal, seemingly unfazed by fear.
  15. >Even when the possibility of catastrophic accidents are very high. They go forward, reaching for that victory they are so hungry for without hesitation.
  17. >Sometimes though, a driver can get spooked. That driver in question is you unfortunately.
  18. >You, sitting on the grid in sixth, force yourself to push back the jarring nightmare you had last night to the back of your head.
  19. >A preferred finishing position will not be possible if there is something holding you back. You proved yourself this a few years ago in GP3.
  20. >Didn't even finish in the top twenty that day. A nightmare haunted your mind that entire race and made you extremely gun-shy. Completely afraid to even attempt a pass for fear of launching yourself off the rear of your competitors car.
  21. >Today though, You will not allow this. Not again.
  23. >Two green dots flare alight on the signal array hanging above the circuit. The entire grid moves forward beginning the mandatory recon lap.
  24. >And you breathe.
  25. >You breathe deep, long breaths to calm your nerves as you slowly head on into turn one. Keeping in line with your respective position.
  26. >Just ahead of you, again, is Thunderlane. From what you gathered in the last Grand Prix, He likes to race hard early. Getting past him isn't going to be easy.
  27. >Then again, neither are the rest of the pilots in front of him.
  28. >In fourth: Octavia. Crashed out of the last race on account of a spontaneously exploding right front suspension. Her main goal is to beat her teammate who caused the fault in her machine in the first place. Should be easy enough, shes starting just ahead.
  29. >Third: Vinyl Scratch. Scorned by literally everyone in the past couple of weeks. Her extreme aggression and inflated ego ended up being her main downfall. After a two year ban from competing in the sport was threatened on account of her nearly crippling your teammate, Rainbow, she straightened up a bit. But that aggressiveness is still there, and she still wants to be the racer to beat in the field.
  30. >In Second: Soarin. Since the start of pre season testing 3 months ago, this driver has had only one costly accident. Even then, it was only during practice one, three days ago, while he was trying to beat his teammates time. Nothing phases this pegasus. Except for maybe the driver sitting in front of him.
  31. >Starting on Pole: Spitfire. It was this mare who changed the flow of the sport in one race, who went to her crew chief after finishing sixth in the last Grand Prix and said she didn't want to finish anywhere near that low again. She was the one who sparked the use of blown diffusers. Using exhaust gasses to increase grip while cornering, turning an already mean sounding machine into something that sounded as if it was uncontrollably angry. Thus boosting herself and her teammate Soarin to the top of the time sheets.
  32. >Eventually most of the teams caught up and designed their own blown exhaust system in time for the race today. So Wonderbolts Racing, even though they qualified fastest, are still going to have to earn that victory.
  33. >The field comes up to the straight before the turn 10 hairpin. Knowing that your friends are sitting up somewhere in the stands to your left, you wave hoping they see you.
  34. >They do, you made them go crazy with that, but you cant tell. This place is housing 100,000 spectators spread throughout the entire facility. It'll be impossible to pick them out in that sea of various color.
  36. >Rainbow Dash is sitting behind you in seventh. While you two are now officially a thing, that doesn't mean you are going to be nice to one another. There is no 'oh no you go ahead'.
  37. >When it comes down to it and you two are fighting for the same spot, you're going to make each other
  38. earn it.
  39. >That's going to be near the end of the race though. Now you just need to worry about you and getting your car to the end in one piece.
  41. >Heading down the start of the front stretch, Dash comes in over your radio. while you listen, you swerve your car side to side as to keep heat in the tires for grip.
  42. >RD: "*You ready Anon? There are a lot of cars ahead of us."
  43. "*Just take it one lap at a time Rainbow. We can do this if we're methodic about it.*"
  44. >RD: "*If you say so. That bonus challenge Joe gave us is really putting the pressure on.*"
  45. >Right. That fucking guy.
  46. >Last race he gave you a reasonable thing to do, put both cars in the top 5 to get a bonus in your pay check.
  47. >Not today though.
  48. >Both Cloudsdale Weather machines need to finish in the top 2 today if you're to see ANY bonus winnings.
  49. >If it was the same amount of prize money you wouldn't have even worried about it. But they laid down 20,000 bits this time. That's quite a large sum of cash compared to the 5,000 bit reward two weeks ago.
  50. "*Like I said Rainbow. One lap at a time.*"
  51. >Your machine rolls to the sixth place starting marker on the front straight, coming to a complete stop.
  52. >As the rest of the field behind you gets into place, you focus all your attention on the light signal array above, psyching yourself up.
  53. "It's just another race. Nothing special. Just do your job and do it well." You say to yourself in the car.
  54. >You depress the clutch paddle on the back of the steering wheel and shift to first gear. A loud metallic click rings from the gearbox as the engine idles at 6500 rpm.
  55. >That's "idle" ladies and gentlemen.
  56. >In position, ready to go. The signal array shows the first red light and you rev the engine up to 14,000 rpm. The entire grid screams as each sequential light becomes emblazoned.
  58. >To your right is the main grandstand, and to the left of turn one is another set of spectator seating areas. In those respective areas are two race fans who have decided to bring out their cameras to record the start of this race. This is their view.
  61. - RACE START -
  70. -Lap 2/70
  71. >The field has gotten to its usual single file running order by the time you complete the first lap. Rainbow Dash is still behind you after surviving that crazy start.
  72. >Just ahead, Thunderlane is already hounding Octavia going into every corner. She's doing a pretty good job holding off all of his attacks though.
  73. >RD: "*So whats the plan Twilight?*"
  74. >TS: "*Hold your ground until the first round of pit stops in about 25 laps.*"
  75. "*Patience Rainbow. No need to attack now.*" You say as you shift down two gears into 4th, throwing your vehicle through turns 8 and 9.
  76. >RD: "*Whatever. Just to let you know now, I might get bored back here.*"
  77. >Oh great. Hopefully that doesn't end up biting both of you in the ass.
  81. -Lap 10/70
  82. >The last ten laps was your usual single file racing. Nothing has gotten out of hand and the positions haven't changed at all. It's all been pretty smooth.
  83. >For the past few laps though, Dash has been slowly creeping up on your rear. You're afraid that she might have flipped her fuel mixture to "rich". Doing so this early in the race guarantees that she'll run out of fuel by the end.
  84. ---
  85. >Fuel mixture.
  86. During the race, the drivers can change the amount of fuel being injected into the cylinders at anytime on the fly. These mixtures range from "Lean" to "Standard" to "Rich".
  87. Because refueling is banned, this makes it an active strategy point for teams and drivers. Save fuel till the end? Or gun it from the start and hope you have enough to run the rest of the way?
  88. I personally would go with whatever your crew chief says. They have access to a fuel gauge. You don't.
  89. ---
  90. >Exiting turn 7, you look in your mirrors to see how close Dash has gotten to you.
  91. >Surprised, you cant see her anywhere behind.
  92. >You radio in worried that something might have happened.
  93. "*Dash, where are you? did you pit alre-* what the hell!"
  94. >To your immediate right is the other Cloudsdale Weather machine. Both of you hurtling down the short straight side by side before turns 8 and 9.
  95. >As if it was a replay from your incident at Ponyville Circuit, Rainbow forces you nearly off the racing surface before you turn into the corner.
  96. "*DASH WHAT THE FUCK.*" Is all you can voice before you're forced to give your position away.
  97. >She doesn't reply to your exclamation. Which is weird. She usually would've said something by now.
  98. >Heading towards turn 10 you jink right to the inside of your teammate and accelerate hard.
  99. >You're not going to let her pass you that easily, or that forcefully for that matter. So you brake late into the hairpin trying to get your position back.
  100. >But you brake a bit too late.
  101. >You depress the brake pedal harder as you sense you're going a bit too quick. As a result, your left front tire locks up.
  102. >Smoke fumes out from under the immobile tire and you slide directly into where Rainbow Dash is going to turn in.
  103. >Huge mistake, this might hurt a bit.
  104. >Only there is no impact you were expecting.
  105. >Because of Dash's alertness, she doesn't turn in until you slide past.
  106. >You going wide through the corner allows Rainbow to take the inside line and pass you for sixth.
  107. >Twilight, seeing the live feed of the whole thing, voices her displeasure of that near incident while you rapidly accelerate down Casino Straight.
  108. >TS: "*Sweet Celestia Anon! Calm down! What was that?*"
  109. "*That was a counter attack gone wrong. Sorry.*" You reply with a slight angry twinge in your tone.
  110. >TS: "*What happened to not attacking so early?*"
  111. "*You should fucking ask that to Rainbow!*" you exclaim navigating though the chicane. "*I wouldn't have done what I did if she didn't almost wreck me out trying to pass!*"
  112. >TS: "*I saw her radio light come on right when she made her move. She told you she was coming up on you didn't she?*"
  113. "*No.*"
  114. -Lap 11/70
  115. >TS: "*Great, that means shes having radio issues.*"
  116. >That explains why shes quieter than usual.
  117. >TS: "*Coming from a crew chief standpoint though Anon. Dash is posting faster lap times than you right now. let her go.*"
  119. >Ouch.
  121. >Reluctantly, you reply: "*Roger that chief.*"
  122. >Those words, to a racing driver, literally feel like a searing hot dagger though your gut.
  123. >But, when a team has two cars, you focus most of your attention on the current fastest. The the slower teammates job is then to help out the other.
  124. >Apparently, right now, you're that teammate.
  125. ----
  126. -Lap 14/70
  127. >For a few laps, nothing has been communicated through the radio. It's just been you and the sound of a 700+ HP V8 engine rising and falling though the gears.
  128. >As you guide the car through turn 2 though, a familiar voice rings through your headset.
  129. >RD: "*Testing, Testing. For the millionth time, can you guys hear me?*"
  130. "*There you are.*"
  131. >RD: "*FINALLY.*"
  132. >TS :"*Good. That's fixed. Just as a precaution though, does anything else feel wrong with your car Rainbow?*"
  133. >RD: "*Nope, I think that's the only thing I've had go wrong. Also. What the fuck Anon?*"
  134. >You audibly sigh in your helmet. Here we go.
  135. "*I didn't like the way you passed me, that's what.*"
  136. >RD: "*Oh. Sorry dude, I didn't think it was that bad.*"
  137. >TS: "*Hindsight is always 20/20 you guys. You can apologize after the race. Focus on whats ahead of you.*"
  138. >Point taken. Focus. Focus on the prize.
  139. >Wait.
  140. >There is one thing you need to ask Rainbow real quick though.
  141. "*Are you running a rich fuel mixture Dash?*"
  142. >RD: "*No, I've still got it on standard. Why?*"
  143. >Oh god dammit.
  144. "*Just wondering.*"
  145. >Fuck. She is faster than you. You don't know whether to be proud or dissapointed in yourself.
  147. -Lap 15/70
  148. >On board with Anonymous. Rainbow Dash just ahead with Thunderlane and Octavia in front of her respectively.
  152. -Lap 26/70
  153. >The tires on you car have turned to fucking bubble gum. There is no grip in these damn things.
  154. >Rainbow also complained about her tires about half a lap ago.
  155. >Luckily for you guys, It's your scheduled pit in.
  156. >TS: "*Rainbow Dash. Box now.*"
  157. >Just ahead of you at the chicane, Dash continues straight instead of turning to the right. She enters pit lane as you pass by down the front stretch.
  158. -Lap 27/10
  159. >Just one more lap that you have to deal with these worn out wheels. You can literally see just how torn up they are as you turn through the first few corners.
  160. ----
  161. >You're probably wondering why Dash went in to pit yet Anon didn't.
  162. >That's simply because a teams garage makes up one pit box, Which can only fit one car at a time for a pit stop.
  163. >If you both went in, there would be a cue into your pit box. Which isn't good. You would be blocking pit lane which could result in a penalty.
  164. ----
  165. >Over at the Wonderbolts pit area, Soarin is released with four brand new Prime compound tires.
  166. >A little more than halfway across the track, Spitfire has an immense lead over Octavia during this stint of green flag pit stops.
  168. >The drivers who came in to pit: Dash, Vinyl, Soarin, Thunderlane, Cloud Chaser.
  169. >Drivers who still need to pit: You, Spitfire, Octavia, Blossomforth, Flitter.
  170. >SPA Racing went in early on lap 20 so they have no need to come in.
  172. -Lap 28/70
  173. >Here goes. You shift down from seventh to first while braking hard going into pit lane at the end of the long straightaway. Don't want to trip the pit road speed limit. That would effectively end your day.
  174. >Pit speed limiter is engaged and you creep down pit lane at a mere 60 mph.
  175. >Spitfire and Octavia are visible ahead of you at their pit boxes. Crew's working on switching the tires out at lightning speed.
  176. >Before you even get close to them, they are gone. Off to fight to reclaim their positions.
  177. >Eventually, you reach your pit box at the end of pit lane. Crew ready for you as you guide your car in.
  179. >
  181. >Ahead of you, Spitfire has rejoined the race side by side with Soarin. This causes a sudden eruption from the crowd here at Fillydelphia.
  182. >The team with the most fans per square mile are battling each other for the lead. This is the best thing ever for some spectators.
  183. >The both of them accelerate as hard as they can get their machines to go before turns 3 and 4.
  184. >Engines screaming at 17000 rpm, They shift down rapidly from 5th to 2nd and begin to turn in.
  185. >Sidepods are literally inches from colliding as they go through the bend at nearly triple digit speeds.
  186. >Surprisingly, They're still side by side as they exit the corner!
  187. >Both Soarin and Spitfire swiftly look to each other to see exactly where they are. They then bury the throttle simultaneously and rocket towards the next series of turns.
  188. >Spits would have the advantage through turn 6 if she can stay on Soarin's side. But turn 5 gives Soarin a massive advantage. He's situated on the inside of the long, fast, sweeping corner.
  189. >That inside line ended up helping him more than he predicted. Soarin has taken the lead over Spitfire before turn 6. Exiting turn 7 he manages to keep his teammate behind him.
  190. >The crowd, watching from all of the jumbotrons scattered throughout the facility, roar in excitement over this development.
  192. Current Positions on lap 28
  194. 1. Soarin
  195. 2. Spitfire
  196. 3. Octavia
  197. 4. Thunderlane
  198. 5. Vinyl Scratch
  199. 6. Rainbow Dash
  200. 7. Anonymous
  201. 8. Cloud Chaser
  202. 9. Blossomforth
  203. 10. Flitter
  204. 11. Aloe
  205. 12. Lotus
  210. -Lap 32/70
  211. >Contrary to the first 20 laps of the race, the last few laps have been pretty exciting.
  212. >Just two laps ago, both you and Dash managed to get by Vinyl with ease.
  213. >She didn't really put up a fight though. Either she has an issue with her car or she just doesn't want to get in trouble again. Which makes sense.
  214. >With the both of you staying on each other like this, that one two finish actually seems like it could be done.
  215. >You still have half of a race to finish though. It's nowhere near over yet.
  216. >TS: "*Alright Anon. Everything on the car is good and your pace is good. Keep this up and we- HOLY SHIT!!"
  217. >The fuck?
  218. "*What!? What happened!?*"
  219. >TS: "*HUGE CRASH IN SECTOR THREE! Oh my Celestia! I hope she came out of that okay...*"
  220. >You have no idea whats going on. Twilight has a live feed of the race so until she tells you, you're in the dark.
  221. >But, you do know what sector three means. Main straightaway. Which probably meant some kind of high speed accident occurred.
  222. "*Who was it? Is the safety car coming out?*"
  223. >TS: "*Safety car is already rolling out so be prepared for that. Flitter was the one who crashed. Watch out for debris on the backstretch.*"
  224. >The "SC" lights lining the circuit on the fences are flashing brightly. Yeah, must have been a big accident.
  225. >Coming up to turn 8, you're going slow enough to catch a video board broadcasting a replay of the accident to the fans sitting there.
  226. "Oh shit."
  228. >Fuck, that was bad. You really hope you did not just witness a driver get decapitated. Holy shit.
  229. "*Can you see if she made it out alright?*"
  230. >TS: "*No I cant. They're not showing her on the screen.*"
  231. >Damn.
  232. >Those Safety Car lights mean that the field is now under a full course caution. But you do have to catch up to the safety car itself in order to begin to slow down.
  233. >With Dash just ahead of you, you begin to drive through the crash scene.
  234. >The top of the concrete barrier has loads of scratches and gouges where the car tumbled over. No explicit signs of the driver getting severely injured though. So that's a comforting thought.
  235. >You still don't know if she actually got hurt or not.
  236. >Weaving side to side to avoid the scattered carbon fiber on the racing surface, you radio in to Dash.
  237. "*You know what to do in a safety car situation right?*"
  238. >RD: "*I think so.*"
  239. "*Alright. Remember what I taught you at Ponyville. Don't pass anybody, and don't hit the throttle until you see the little LEDs on your wheel flash green ok?*"
  240. >RD: "*Gotcha*"
  241. >This is the first safety car that the field has gotten behind all year. And only You and Rainbow have actually practiced being under these conditions. Everyone else only had briefings on the subject.
  242. >This restart is going to be fun.
  244. -Lap 34/70
  245. >The entire field is now bunched up behind the safety car. All that progress fighting to stay in your position from before goes away.
  246. >The safety car turns off but the field continues through the chicane, waiting for the signal to restart, itching to get going again.
  247. >As you look straight ahead, the LEDs on the top of your steering wheel flash bright green.
  248. >Instead of flooring the throttle, you gently but quickly ease onto it. Dash does the same in front of you.
  249. >Because of your training with Dash, she doesn't end up the same way as half of the field. several drivers end up spinning their tires making for a absolutely horrible restart.
  250. >Some of those drivers include Octavia, Scratch, and even Spitfire.
  251. >No grip goes to waste on either of the Cloudsdale Weather cars, and you each blast forward gaining on the cars in front of you.
  252. >Before you even get to turn one, you both have overtaken Octavia dropping her down two positions.
  253. >Your next target: Spitfire.
  254. >By now, shes been able to regain her race pace, but that doesn't stop Rainbow from attacking.
  255. >Exiting turn two, Dash stomps on the throttle and fully engages her KERS system out accelerating Spitfire exponentially. Dash passes her cleanly before they reach turn 3.
  256. >Now its your chance.
  257. >You go through turns 3 and 4 swiftly, gaining some ground on the Wonderbolt.
  258. >Through turn 5, you maneuver yourself to the inside of the corner at an attempt to pass. But Spits quickly moves inside and blocks your oncoming move.
  259. "FUCK."
  260. >The engine loses revs as you let off the throttle in order to keep from plowing into the rear end of her car.
  261. >That move cut off all the momentum you had and Spitfire speeds forward. Placing herself in between you and Dash.
  262. >Dammit. That just made chasing that bonus a lot more difficult.
  264. -Lap 43/70
  265. >Spitfire has slowly been easing ahead more and more as the laps go on. You're worried about her catching up to Rainbow. Dash doesn't do well under pressure.
  266. >Fortunately for the both of you, Dash is faster than Spits right now. She in fact set the fastest lap time of the day just a few laps ago with a 1:18.334.
  267. >Just ahead of Rainbow. About 4 seconds ahead to be exact. Thunderlane is proving to be a major annoyance for the current race leader.
  268. >Soarin has had to do everything in his power to keep the Team Thunder #9 behind him. Thunderlane is about to get the best of him though.
  269. >Thunderlane brakes extremely late and hard towards turns 8 and 9 diving inside of Soarin. He cuts the corner only a little bit, allowing him to get on the right side of the Wonderbolts Racing machine.
  270. >They both careen down the short chute heading into the hairpin. Thunderlane slams on the brakes a little harder this time causing right front to shortly lock up, forming a puff of smoke.
  271. >Side by side, they each power their way through sharp right hander. Thunderlane gets out ahead of Soarin, but he apparently forgot to take DRS into account.
  272. >With Soarin only a half of a second behind, he hits the DRS button on his steering wheel as he passes over the DRS line on the main straight. Combined with KERS, Soarin rockets down the straight getting closer to the car in front.
  273. >Thunderlane being the overly competitive driver he is though, puts a late block on the Wonderbolt as he rapidly speeds toward him to the right.
  274. >Unfortunately, Soarin couldn't react in time. His front wing makes contact with Thunder's right rear tire, ripping both the tire and wing to shreds.
  275. >The entire facility goes into an extreme uproar as they all witness the leaders effectively knock one another out of the victory.
  276. >Both cars jerk to either side as a result of the impact. Thunderlane instantly gets out of the throttle in order to keep from spinning out uncontrollably.
  277. >Soarin however speeds ahead straight into the pit area. He knows full well you cant pilot one of these things with a damaged front wing. Trying to do so would just end horribly.
  278. >You have no idea whats happened just a few hundred meters ahead of you, but the sudden presence of wing debris and shredded rubber on the track definitely gets your attention.
  279. "*Did the two leaders just do what I think they just did.*"
  280. >RD: "*They did! I saw it! They just gave me the fucking lead!*"
  281. "Well I'll be damned." You say to yourself seeing Thunderlane's crippled machine head into the pits.
  282. >TS: "*Stay focused Rainbow. You've got a good gap between you and second.*"
  283. >The only thing now keeping you from that one two finish is your ability to catch up to Spitfire. Or lack there of.
  284. >Its going to take a miracle to pass her.
  287. -Lap 53/70
  288. >At turn 10, AKA The hairpin. Your friends have been absolutely enjoying themselves all day today.
  289. >For the past ten laps, every one of them have cheered as loud as they could as Dash passed by leading the field of 12 cars.
  290. >They were especially loud during the second stint of pit stops 5 laps ago. Rainbow managed to keep her lead ahead of Spitfire.
  292. >Just a few rows above them, another colt with a camera films the view that he has.
  295. -Lap 54/70
  296. >S: "You were right. These seats are awesome!"
  297. >AJ: "Told ya." She says with a smile.
  298. >AB: "And you thought they were gonna go slow."
  299. >S: "Hey, I didn't know they would be going this fast here ok?"
  300. >Just then, Rainbow flies into view. Everyone screams and cheers as loud as they can as the leaders go past.
  301. >S: "GO RAINBOW DASH GO!!!"
  302. >PP: "Come on Anon! Pass the Wonderbolt! Pass the Wonderbolt!"
  303. >Pinkie wants to see a one two finish just as much, maybe even more than you do.
  305. >A few more laps of the same pass by, each time you surprisingly manage to get just a bit closer to Spitfire.
  307. >Here's a quick recap of the race standings.
  308. Current Positions
  309. 1. Rainbow Dash
  310. 2. Spitfire
  311. 3. Anonymous
  312. 4. Octavia
  313. 5. Vinyl Scratch
  314. 6. Cloud Chaser
  315. 7. Aloe
  316. 8. Lotus
  317. 9. Blossomforth
  318. 10. Soarin
  319. 11. Thunderlane
  320. 12. Flitter - Out. Terminal damage.
  322. -Lap 56/70
  323. >With the race coming to a close, Everyone's heartbeat begins to heighten in pace. The adrenaline flowing just as much in the spectators veins as the drivers.
  324. >You're catching up to Spits, at a snails pace however. The laps are running down and you don't have much time.
  325. >Luck proves to be just as good as skill in some situations. One driver though, is about to get a bit of particularly bad luck.
  326. >As you speed down the Casino Straight, The wake of air that you left behind manages to grab a shard of wing debris from the grass next to the track.
  327. >The sudden gust of wind flings the jagged edged piece of wing right into the racing line of the straight away.
  328. >It lands in a way to where a razor sharp edge sticks straight towards the sky.
  329. >Octavia speeds past the shard. Just mere millimeters away from the soft and squishy rubber compound of her tires.
  330. >It then gets thrown down the straightaway about 50 meters due to the force of her car merely passing by it.
  331. >Finally, it stops right in the path of the driver next in line. Landing the same way as it did before.
  332. >Every spectator within earshot suddenly hears something like a bomb going off at the straight.
  333. >The shard embeds itself into the front right tire Of Vinyl Scratch's car. The sudden pressure difference causes something like an explosion and the tire rips itself apart.
  334. >At the rate of speed Scratch was going, her car violently whips around and she spins multiple times.
  335. >Miraculously, she spins in a straight line down the racing surface. Never touching any barriers.
  336. >Finally slowed down enough, she somewhat regains control and nurses the car to pit road. Shes kinda lucky it didn't happen anywhere else on the circuit.
  337. >Vinyl is not out of the race, but shes pretty shaken up. A quick change of tires and shes back out again. A few positions behind of course.
  339. - 13 particularly non interesting laps go by.
  341. -Lap 69/70
  342. >TS: "*The lap times show that you're just a quarter of a second faster than Spitfire. If you're going to do something, do it quick.*"
  343. >You're now only a second behind Spits, which means you can finally use DRS against her. Exiting the hairpin you floor the throttle down as far as it can go.
  344. >Situated behind the blue and yellow #6, you catch the slipstream of her car. Your machine moves around significantly more in the disturbed air left behind by the car in front.
  345. >Unfortunately, an issue has come up with your KERS half a lap ago. That is now unusable. But DRS is still a major help.
  346. >Passing the line on the main straight, you engage DRS and start creeping up behind Spitfire. She knows you're back there and she is going to do everything in her power to keep you there.
  347. >Reaching the braking point, You brake and shift swiftly from 7th down to 2nd gear, throwing the car through the chicane at 102 miles per hour.
  348. >You crawl ever closer to the Wonderbolt, but shes still just out of reach as you cross the start/finish line.
  349. -Lap 70/70
  350. >Final lap
  351. >After this entire ordeal, Rainbow has held her position up front in 1st, from a starting position of 7th no less.
  352. >The team is only one position away from receiving a 20,000 bit bonus. That could help immensely in the next Grand Prix.
  353. >You NEED to pass Spitfire though. You need to pass her right fucking now.
  354. >Up ahead, Rainbow is freaking out in her seat, as you had kind of expected. Shes leading the race on the final lap. You hope she doesn't lose it going through the circuit one final time.
  355. >Over your radio, you hear her call out to you.
  356. >RD: "*Anon! How's she lookin back there?*"
  357. "*Nowhere near you! Just keep focusing, you've got this Dash. Leave Spitfire to me.*"
  358. >Giving it your all, you hit every single mark on the circuit perfectly in the first few corners.
  359. >Then, Just exactly what you needed happens. Spitfire goes a bit wide in turn 6! Her tires are probably so worn by now that she couldn't help it. As a result, you gain some ground on her coming out of turn 7, not enough to pass her though.
  360. >Time is fucking running out. If you're going to make a move, you need to make it soon. Only three corners left.
  361. >Going into turns 8 and 9, Spits brakes abnormally hard, allowing you to attack accordingly.
  362. >Your friends up ahead at the hairpin begin cheering the loudest they have all day seeing you about to pass for second.
  363. >Carrying the momentum out of turn 9 to the edge of the track, you get up along the right side of the blue and yellow #5, setting yourself up for a perfect opportu-
  365. >Spitfire suddenly veers right.
  366. >Tire sidewalls touch. Your left front, her right rear.
  367. >The lateral energy transfer is small, but enough.
  368. >Going from asphalt to grass at this speed sends the nose of your car airborne, disabling your ability to correct.
  371. >Your only reaction is a sudden gasp as a solid concrete wall hurtles toward you at over 180 MPH.
  388. .........
  389. >RD: "*Anon! You there dude?*"
  390. .........
  391. >RD: "*Uh, Twilight? Is Anon ok?*"
  392. >TS: "*I don't know, I'm getting the live feed now an- Oh my... Anon. Can you hear me?*"
  393. .........
  394. >TS: "*Anon?*"
  395. .........
  396. >TS: "*Anon! Do you read me?!*"
  397. .........
  398. >TS: "*He's not responding.*"
  401. >RD: "Oh no..."
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