
A Girl and Her Splatling Cont.

Jul 31st, 2017
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  1. >be inkling boy
  2. >owner of a brand new Splattershot
  3. >you've been saving up for a while to upgrade from your old Splat Jr
  4. >first day at the Turfwar field
  5. >super excited
  6. >enter the staging area and start sizing up the competition
  7. >charger, a couple splattershots, a set of dualies, a roller, typical stuff
  8. >then you see her
  9. >a girl sitting on one of the tables with a Heavy Splatling held to her chest as she sets it up for the first game
  10. >as she's hooking up the power supply you catches you looking at her
  11. >she flashes you a cocky smile and taps the trigger, causing the barrels to spin up
  12. >It's very intimidating
  13. >you hope she's on your team at least
  14. >first game starts
  15. >the new Splattershot is doing work
  16. >making plays, having fun
  17. >first game ends in a decisive victory despite Splatling Girl being on the other team and putting down some serious fire on you
  18. >shes getting multiple kills at once
  19. >that gun must be really heavy, the couple times you got up on her she's panting and sweating
  20. >you get her a couple times, she gets you back some more
  21. >overall a good game eventually comes to an end
  22. >rather than head off immediately you decide to poke around the field a bit, always helps to have more intel
  24. >walking around mid field
  25. >everyone else seems to have left the field
  26. >you overheard something about some hidden pathways over here that could make a good flanking route
  27. >after a few minutes looking around you find a ramp going down into what looks like a small room
  28. >well damn, looks like they were right
  29. whirrrrrrrr
  30. >a strange noise catches your ears
  31. whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  32. >seems to be coming from this way
  33. >might as well check it out
  35. >seems to be just around the corner
  36. "Nnnnnngh-ah!"
  37. >what the hell was that
  38. >you peek around the corner
  39. >what the fuck
  40. >It's the girl with the Splatling
  41. >like, literally "with" it
  42. >she's hugging it to her chest with the grip buried between her thighs
  44. "Haaaaaah!"
  45. >this bitch is crazy
  46. >she's biting down on the end of the barrel
  47. >yup. Crazy. You should really leave
  48. >in juuuuust a second
  49. >just one more peek
  50. >she seems too distracted to see you anyhow
  51. >you lean further out of the corner
  52. >instead you trip over your own shoes and fall face down in the corridor
  53. >oops
  54. >maybe she won't notice
  55. >you look up from the floor straight at the girl wearing a deer-in-the-headlights look
  56. >you stare at each other for a few seconds in silence
  57. >RUN FOR IT
  61. >yup, definitely run for it
  62. >you start to pick yourself up when the erratic Splatling burst hits you
  63. >she's still loaded with the opposite color of ink to your own
  64. >it's like trying to run through glue
  65. >stumble again trying to stand up
  66. >suddenly you get yanked by the collar
  67. >the girl is holding you by your shirt, an intense look of rage and embarrassment on her face, she's blushing red like a lobster and gritting her teeth
  68. >she lets out a noise almost like a growl
  69. >yup, you're gonna die now
  70. >suddenly she throws you against the ink-covered wall
  71. >you're kinda stuck
  72. >a short burst from the Splatling glues your limbs to the wall and floor
  73. >now you're totally stuck
  74. >guess this is how you're going to die instead
  75. >just like that old gypsy woman stead
  76. >as she stands over you with her arms crossed, she's so intimidating you almost don't notice she isn't wearing pants
  77. >almost
  78. >she leans in even closer, you can feel her heavy breath on you at this point
  79. >her eyes are fiery and wild
  80. >even closer
  81. >this is where she rips your throat out
  82. >an inch from your face now
  83. >instead of pain you feel a dampness on your lips
  84. >what the fuck
  85. >is she making out with you?
  86. >you try to move your head away
  87. >she grabs the bottom of your jaw and pulls it open
  88. >you feel her force her tongue into your mouth
  89. >oh god someone help
  90. >you're not sure if this is an improvement on being killed
  92. >she forces even more of her tongue into your mouth
  93. >nearly hitting the back of your throat
  94. >you're having trouble breathing
  95. >this is so fucked up
  96. >she's going way too far
  97. >which makes you wonder why you're so turned on by this
  98. >she pulls off you right before you pass out
  99. "Puah..."
  100. >she's just staring at you, panting heavily with her tongue out
  101. >the girl sits down on your lap
  102. >you hope she doesn't notice-
  103. >she starts grinding her hips back and forth on you
  104. >yup, she noticed
  105. >after a few seconds she seems to go back to deranged animal mode
  106. >grabs your wrists and rips your hands free from the ink on the wall
  107. >she rests your hands on her hips, confident you're not going anywhere
  108. >time to take advantage, just push her off you and run for it
  109. >she grabs the bottom of her white t-shirt and in one swift move flings it across the room
  110. >or maybe you can stay for just a little bit longer
  111. >can't let her have all the fun, right?
  112. >you move a hand up to feel her chest
  113. >she slaps your hand away HARD, sticking it back to the wall and covering herself with a pout
  114. >guess not
  115. >hopefully you didn't make her angry, you're still not entirely convinced she WON'T still kill you
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