

Apr 18th, 2013
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  1. Name: Warden
  2. Race : Unicorn
  3. Class: Mage
  4. Skills : Unicorn racials
  5. Winkmaster
  6. Improved spellcasting
  7. Wink
  8. Teleport
  9. Farsight
  10. Astral Projection
  11. Magic bolt
  12. Storm Bolt
  13. Fencing
  15. Perks: Rich: You are very wealthy, and start the game with a magic item of reasonable ability (DM approval), more then your campaign normally allows. You also start with a higher than average amount of starting bits. (3)
  16. Way of the Pinkie: You have a footloose, carefree outlook on life and all but bounce off the walls in your crazed and inspired jaunt through existence. This attitude is and inspiration to all fun loving ponies everywhere but grumpy ponies can barely stand to be around you for more than a few minutes. Great for Parties. You can roll to “befriend” non-hostile ponies/etc, making them more likely to listen to you/help you.(2)
  17. Immaculate: You always look clean. Always. You could run through Tartarus and come out without ash on your clothing. (1)
  19. Flaw: Crazy Pony: You have some issues. Choose from a list of mental disorders or work one out with your DM. Depending on events of the game your mental illness could become a hindrance to your adventures. -Deranged: You are insane. Mad. Crazy. Loco. You will often hear voices and do strange things. People will have a hard time believing anything you say. You also may suffer hallucinations and see things (such as enemies) that aren’t there.(3)
  20. Yellow Belly: When combat is initiated your first roll must be a DC 5 composure check to stay or flee. If you fail this roll you must roll it again next turn, and so on until you pony up and fight.(2)
  22. Inventory: Purple and yellow suit with a pink bow tie and a purple and pink top hat
  23. Black and gold walking stick enchanted with Lightning (How else can he put his prisoners down.)
  24. 500 bits
  25. Copy of the Superjail code of Conduct
  26. Yellow sunglasses
  27. 3X sets pf handcuffs
  28. His minion JailBird
  30. Bio: Warden is crazy. Crazy for justice that is. He has no purpose in life than to gather every criminal and threat he can and place them in his magnificently lethal prison, Superjail. he is perhaps one of the most feared elements n the pony underworld, due to Superjail's astonishingly high casualty rate. No one knows why his prison hasn't been shut down by any form of royal or military intervention, but the Warden doesn't care, he simply enjoys 'reforming' all those dreaded criminal elements. He's also rather confusing in his rather astonishing way of defying physics, as he simply just winks from place to place as though he wasn't bound by the conventional laws of nature, but his own.
  32. Jailbird
  33. Griffon
  34. Knight
  35. 5/1
  36. Appearance: Pure white except for his Bright green eyes, his sclera appear to be black, always grinning
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