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Jan 23rd, 2018
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  307. <p>I just started testing out cryptocurrency investing, and I learnt that there was a service that offered customers the option to purchase cryptocurrencies with a Visa/Mastercard. Then I decided to do my first purchase through Indacoin, and the entire purchasing process was quick and convenient. Although I experienced some hiccup during the process, the hotline staff called me and helped me to fix my problem within minutes. I was also impressed by the extensive security measures that have been put in place by the Indacoin service to prevent fraud. I am looking forward to using Indacoin in my future cryptocurrency trading.</p>
  308. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Guyver Cheng<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from Hong Kong</a></div>
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  314. <p>I decided to buy 100 euros worth of bitcoins using this service, and it was easy to proceed with the payment. Although i had some troubles and questions, I was almost instantly helped by their support team. It made me feel a lot more comfortable buying Bitcoin with Indacoin. And am planning to buy more in the future.</p>
  315. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Stijn Van Bezouwen<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from Canada</a></div>
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  321. <p>Very good service. Nice and easy to use. Few bugs on the payment checkout with the amounts showing but other then that cool</p>
  322. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Killian Polley<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from England</a></div>
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  328. <p>So great buying bitcoins with a credit card. A great web site I recommand !</p>
  329. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Leia Noon<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from France</a></div>
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  334. <p>I have bought 5 bitcoins with my Brazilian credit card. It was simple and safe, Im really glad about the service...!!!</p>
  335. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Rafael de Toledo<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from Brazil</a></div>
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  341. <p>Fast & easy. Online support was very prompt and helpful. ProTip: Using the app reduces charges by 9%.</p>
  342. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Zubin Madon<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from India</a></div>
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  349. <p>If anyone wants to buy bitcoins with a credit card, i d recommend this website. It took less then hour to receive bitcoins.</p>
  350. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Anna Shadcheva<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from Russia</a></div>
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  355. <p>Anyone can buy bitcoins there easily by credit card</p>
  356. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Alexey Milevskiy<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from Russia</a></div>
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  361. <p>Turned out all it takes is a credit card and a few clicks. Got those coins in no time. </p>
  362. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Alexey Soshin<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from Netherlands</a></div>
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  367. <p>Pretty good service to buy bitcoins with a credit card from Indonesia. </p>
  368. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Hendra Rudy<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from Indonesia</a></div>
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  373. <p>Indacoin is a nice place to buy bitcoins with Visa/Mastercard.</p>
  374. <div class="author"><img src="" /><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow" title="See on the facebook">Muhammad Arjuna Nst<img class="fb-icon" src="/ex/img/icon-facebook.png"/><br />from Indonesia</a></div>
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  412. <p>Company Number 08924450</p>
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