
Fake trial

Apr 22nd, 2021
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  1. 1. It was the first criminal trial in Minnesota to be entirely televised and the first in state court to be broadcast live. Since the state had previous statutes against televising trials we should be told why and how that statute was bypassed.
  3. Did the legislature pass a variance? No.
  5. Did the judge decide it on his own authority? No.
  7. Because he didn't have that authority. That decision is not invested in judges. That by itself indicates the whole trial was faked by the CIA. Only fake CIA trials are televised.
  10. 2. Chauvin tried to plead guilty to 3rd degree murder, but we are told US Attorney General Bill Barr wouldn't accept that plea. Ridiculous, because the US Attorney General had nothing to do with accepting that plea or not. This is just legal storytelling for the unwashed. Chauvin was being tried by the State of Minnesota, not by the Feds. That's why they call it State of Minnesota v. Derek Chauvin. And even if this had been tried in federal court, the plea would be accepted by prosecutors in the case, not by the Attorney General.
  13. 3. Special Agent James Reyerson of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension testified in cross examination by the defense that normal procedure was NOT followed in the Chauvin case.
  15. He admitted that normally the BCA investigates the case and writes a report, which is then delivered to the proper authorities, who then decide whether to press charges. But in this case charges were brought immediately, before any state investigation was even started. Of course this indicates the entire event was pre-planned, and was rushed to the newspapers and then to trial for political purposes.
  17. Although the page on the trial at Wikipedia mentions Reyerson's testimony, it suspiciously fails to include this.
  20. 4. In similar cross examination, it was admitted that 50 BCA officers, 27 FBI agents, 440 reports, and 400 witnesses stood against Chauvin in trial, including his entire department and his police chief. Why would 27 FBI agents be involved? Again, this wasn't a federal crime and the FBI had zero jurisdiction. . . unless it was a manufactured event. It also didn't require 50 BCA officers or 440 reports. It required one report filed by a handful of officers.
  22. Also, it is very abnormal for a police department and chief not to support their own officer, especially in a case where a heavily drugged โ€œvictimโ€ was involved. Despite that, within a month of the incident, long before a trial or investigation, Chauvin's chief Medaria Arradondo called him a murderer in the press. Arradondo also appeared on 60 Minutes within that month.
  25. 5. Yes, it was admitted in trial that Floyd had three times a fatal dose of Fentanyl in his system at the time. So Chauvin's department and chief had plenty of cause to support him. And yet they lined up to testify against him, though they weren't present at the event. Very strange. Once again, it supports the thesis this was all staged.
  28. 6. Eric Nelson, Chauvin's alleged attorney, was almost asleep during jury selection, paying no attention to the process. He let the prosecution select whomever it wanted. Again, this indicates a hoax, since jury selection would be vital to any hope of an acquittal. But Nelson clearly knew it didn't matter: the whole thing was scripted, so objecting to jurors would have been a waste of time.
  31. 7. Nelson failed to ask for a change of venue, and allowed all the jurors to come from Minneapolis. This would almost guarantee a prejudice, and reason for appeal and even retrial. Another indication the trial was scripted. No real defense attorney would fail to object and file motions at this point.
  34. 8. Nelson's chief witness for the defense just happened to be a white guy from South Africa. Brilliant ploy by Nelson, right, calling up this pathologist from a famous apartheid state to defend Chauvin. In fact, this David Fowler already had a reputation as a racist coming in, since he was also involved in the case of Anton Black in 2018. This should tell you that, as usual, Chauvin was being prosecuted from both tables, proving once again the whole thing was staged.
  37. 9. In the video, we see that when the ambulance arrives, two guys in khaki bulletproof vests, khaki short sleeved shirts with brown pockets, and brown pants and caps get out of it rather than EMTs. This is a huge red flag and oversight by the directors. Those uniforms are state troopers, not Minneapolis police or EMT. Why would state troopers be getting out of an ambulance? State troopers are not EMTs: their job has to do with the roads and motorists.
  41. 10. There was a failure to sequester the jury, which should have caused a mistrial.
  43. 11. Despite failing to sequester, the fake judge issued a gag order on the trial. A gag order on a trial that is supposed to be fully televised? Make sense of that!
  45. 12. We are supposed to believe Chauvin was evil enough to choke Floyd to death while he begged for air, but not evil enough to confiscate the cellphone or camera of the person standing right in front of him, filming the whole thing? If you had just killed someone, either accidentally on purpose, would you happily allow someone to film it and then watch them walk away?
  47. 13. The multiple films don't match. In the grainy film from behind, wide angle, where all four cops are on Floyd, we can see that no other people are filming or witnessing this at all.
  52. 14) In trial, prosecution admitted the time reported all over the world, nine minutes and change, wasn't even close to being accurate. They dropped it to four minutes and no one blinked an eye.
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