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Gash Bell NULL scan translation corrections

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Mar 24th, 2019
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  1. It's important to note that you shouldn't read too much into into the order I say things inside a note. For instance, given I say "X instead of y", meaning, sometimes I mean "they used X instead of Y, when it should be Y", and other times I mean "It should be X instead of Y". So you need to read what translation was ACTUALLY used for that line and compare it to my note, as whatever translation it DIDN'T iuse is the one i;'m saying it might mean instead.
  3. It also may be a little unclear which notes are:"I think this is an error, here's what I think it is meant to be" vs "I know this is an error, here is what it was for sure meant to be"; and it has mostly just better grammer suggestions moreso then actual "content" translation errors, since this list was meant to be for my own reference when I do my release
  9. Volume 3, page 110,should haver "Mister", not "master", I think
  10. volume 5, zeon says dammed in flashback
  11. volume 5, I think a page might be missing when zeon is talking on the treem or there's a poor translation
  12. - page 40, volume 5, gash's text: ">Kiyomaru, I've got something to say before I get violent!" vs "Kiyo! This room is already a mess! I didn't even do anything!"
  13. - volume 6, when koko says "next time i'll steal..." I think she is actually saying she did steal
  14. - page 169 of volume 6, if tio is talking about herself or umagaon on the bottom half is mixed up, maybe
  15. > volume 7, light is still red comment, is it pedestrian light or is it a mistranslation? if former, make more clear, if later, fix
  16. > volume 7, recap character profiles "is naturally senile" for suzy should probably be worded some other way
  17. >page 55 volume 8 "that girls defense is so great, but they can't attack at all" sounds awkward. Something like "Her defensive spells are great, but her attacks are worthless!" sounds more natural
  18. >page 60 volume 8 "you decided to use papipurio as a shield again, didn't you" into "You were planning on using paopipurio as a shield again, weren't you?", since "decided" in the context sounds awkard since he didn't actully get to do it, he merely tried to do it
  19. >page 84, volume 8. "This person only thinks of..." seems odd. I wouldn't put it past Won Rei to talk about himself in the third person, as he'd be formal like that, but still. Likewise. "A person such as miss lee yen you deceived as well?!" is just worded oddly. "No need to worry, I won't escape from here!" also seems oddly worded for Won rei., but not as blatently as the other lines here I took issue with
  20. >page 86 volume 8 "companions" seems like an odd word choice when she means "boyfriends".
  21. >page 86 and 87, volume 8, lii yen talking about her father in third person. Again, I wouldn't put it past Lee Yen to speak about her father in third person, but I just want to double check.
  22. >page 89, volume 8 , I'm pretty sure "think only of your survival" is supposed to be "I think only of your survival"
  23. >page 96, volume 8, "even if i'm not a demon user", should probably be "even if I weren't a demon's partner".. "I'm certainly soft" also seems odd. Not sure what i'd make it though, or what it's spefifically supposed to mean in context.
  24. >page 99, volume 8 "surely you understood the dangerous sufferings" is laughably awkward. "Sure you understand the seriousness of the situation/our injuries" would likely be better.
  25. >page 117, volume 8 "yes, whatever you say" seems out of place when he says something otherwise in the next speech bubble
  26. >page 118 volume 8 "let it stay there untill it wakes up" I think is supposed to be "I'm letting it stay there...".
  27. >page 119 and later 131, volume 8 "I like you" instead of "I love you", should CERTAINLY be "I love you"
  28. >page 120, volume 8, "why is it moving" rather then "how is it moving"
  29. >page 124, volume 8, "this place is your heaven" seems off. Not "This place will be your hell"?
  30. >page 129, volume 8 "I could not dodge it completely" and "and the side damage was this powerful" is a bit too formal for Kiyo. "I wasn't able to dodge it completely" and "It only partially landed, but it was that power!?" seems like it would be better
  31. >page 130, volume 8, "I've seen that many times now!" would probably be better as "I've seen that sort of spelll many times before!"
  32. >page 135 volume 8, "Do you still want to hurt Lee Yen" seems odd, since he's not hurting her. Maybe it meant emotionally? in which caee "Why are you still abandoning her!" or something similar would be better. "I've heard her general situation as well" is odd. Something like "I've heard all about your situation!" would be better I think.
  33. page 140, volume 8, "who called you a waste"
  34. >page 144, volume 8, In other translations "Instinct" is instead "Kung fu!". Were they wrong, or is this wrong?
  35. >page 148, volume 8 "we'll fight to the last"" is obviously not great. Maybe "We'll fight to the end!"
  36. - page 156, volume 8 "there is but one boat"seems wierd. Could just be formality as past examples, but eh.
  37. - page 159, volume 8, this whole page is just awful, it's just clearly wrong, let alone too formal for Tio, who is rude and brash. "I am tio" should be "my name is tro". "To be honest, i'm not human" you should be... I'm not sure what, exactly, but not that. "I am one who..." should probably be "You see, When my human partner holds my book and reads the spells, I can use magic!" Not sure how i'd naturally transition into "I'm a demon!" though. "this person is my partner" should probably just be "this is my partner!". Likewise "She's an idol of the human world" should just be "She's a famous idol in the human world!", if not just "She's a famous idol!".
  38. - page 176, volume 8 extras, "Maril kalnoa is here, that person has nothing to do with me!" is awkward. I'd make it "I, Maril Kalnoa, have arrived. That girl has nothing to do with this, let her go!" or something.
  39. - page 182, volume 8 extras "but if you show me any more concern..." could probably be "But if you contuine to help me..."
  40. - page 42, volume 9 "yeah,,," might be "really?" goinng by viz scans
  41. - page 72, volume 9 "really, gash-kun?" seems odd since the prior comment on last page was directed at umagon, I tghink... yet next panel suzie is talking tog Gash. not sure what's going on
  42. - page 101, volume 9, "this old man..." should probably have a "but" in front of it
  43. - page 111, volume 9 "and I my skills as a hunter", remove the I
  44. - Baransha's mirage spell. Is it Poruku, or Boruku?
  45. page 122, volume 9, the "him" should be "her" I think
  46. - page 135, volume 9, kiyo calls baransha a he
  47. - page 149, volume 9, kiyo's speech on baou zakeruga's energy reserve, make note
  48. - page 183, volume 9 "unuum you won't lose' I think should be "unuum, I won't lose, since tio says "and niether will I"
  49. - page 185, volume 9, "fourty"
  50. - Page 150 Volume 10 "Just defeating the enemy in front of you is fine", if I am intrrpeating this page right, should be made more obvious so that it's clear he;s saying "this is barry;s thought process, with his hoodlum style of thinking", rather then gustav is saying it's fine.
  51. - page 16, volume 11 "so far, I have been made to look stupid, that a simple book makes a fool oput of me" ios super akward
  52. - page 80 volume 11, "I will let you know..." should be "it will let you know", I think
  53. - page 85. volume 11, brago's two speecdh bubbles in the last panel seem a little too unrelated
  54. - page 95, volume 11, "were you addressing it to me" sounds awkward; maybe "was that addressed to me?"; translate anki as "bro"
  55. - page 149, voluime 11, "kechon kechon attack"
  56. - page 165, volume 11 "you too were hit by the lightning..." is wierd, how about "You were also hit and got knocked unconscious for 2 days, weren't you!?"
  57. - page 168/169, volume 11 "won over the rest" needs to be translated better so it's not misleading, as goren didn't actually win
  58. - page 172, volume 11 "but it can't be helped..." make it more like "but if somehwere were to allow them..."
  59. - page 28, volume 12, "Guhd" should be "god", I assume
  60. - page 32, volume 12, make it clear "but these demons won't stop attacking" is seperate from "untill I'm done telling you the answer ...". Perhaps by "So, untill i'm finished telling you the answer..." without the line break between answer and the ...
  61. - page 36, volume 12. SOmething is fucky here, since stone golem is the name, not the technique
  62. - page 46, volume 12, "he'll make short work", should probably be "it'll make short work"
  63. - page 57, volume 12, "shut the hell up bitch" seems excessive language wise
  64. - page 51, volume 13, "bu, but" should be "b-but" I assume
  65. get the databook and artbook translated and edited, include as extra chapters
  66. - page 143, volume 13, "because, f she targests..." mispells if as f
  67. - page 71, volume 14, riddle's "hmmm..." I assume is meant to be a hmm of affirmation. "Yes" or "indeed" might be clearer.
  68. -page 128, volume 14 "that spell is to make the pole longer" sounds fucky
  69. - page 150, volume 14 "plegde your friendship"
  70. - page 164, volume 14, Won rei''s yeah should be a yes, formality and all. Lee yen should say "be seperated", not part, so part isn't used twice in a row.
  71. - lee yen's riddle, volume 14, "cool"
  72. - page 32, volume 15 "your partner is that boy, isn't he/" is odd. Maybe it's supposed to be" He's your partner, not me!"
  73. - page 34, volume, 15 "I'm an horrible doctor", should be "a", not "an"
  74. - page 52, volume 15, "I can give this kind of indications"
  75. - page 63, volume 15, empty text box, it's supposed to say "Let's go, Folgore-kun, Kanchome-kun!"
  76. - page 10, volume 16, "they are gone" should peobably be "they're gone..."
  77. - page 124, volume 16, missing text in speech bubble in panel 5
  78. - page 152, volume 16: Alvin's speech is intended to be legiable, only his spells were being (intentionally) mispronounced
  79. - page 154, volume 16, "...gash and they can..." should probably be "...they and gash can..."
  80. - page 83, volume 17, "get rid of my heart power"
  81. - page 97, volume 17, "buh.." should probably be "bra-.."
  82. - page 144, volume 17 "it really is!!!" should probably be "it really is him!!!!"
  83. - page 69, volume 18, middle bottom panel, I think might be trying to say "since countering an enemy's spell with another spell is possible..."
  84. - page 136. volume 18, shelther instead of shelter
  85. - page 142 volume 18 "there is one more wonder I cannot leave.." may supposed to be "this is the other wonder I cannot leave..."
  86. - page 154, volume 18 "huruing himself" should be "hurling himself"
  87. - page 57, volume 20, "reading it is frightening" should probably be "i'm frightened to even read it" or something similar
  88. - page 66, volume 20, "what a frightening spell" should probably be "how frightening" since the last text box said spell
  89. - page 190, volume 21, In Panel 6, it should read "Yoiko's" Hamaguchi, not Yoruko.
  90. - bunch of pages, volume 22, "erasing power", earth's convo wikth momom and then riou's commnets
  91. for both volume 22 notes, a ton of people chimed in here:
  92. - page 77 and 78, volume 22, "and I can definitely send faudo back to the demon world" and "if that's the case...that the device has a function... that sends faudo back to the demon world" We already knew that, though? that's the idea? I think something else was meant
  93. for both volume 22 notes, a ton of people chimed in here:
  94. - page 86, volume 23, dufort's comment in the anime is "I didn't stop casting the spell..." or something simiimlar, not this. Find out which is correct.
  95. - volume 24, page 80 "hear power"
  96. - volume 24, make it more clear that as zaruchimu's book is burnt and he's thinking that he didn't have an interest in faudo now that zeon ruled ir rather then leo, and that he realized he and leo became obessed rather then furthering themselves as friends or people (at least I think that's what he means by 'How had we improved?")
  97. - page 46, volume 26 "can't ounterattack"
  98. - page 15, volume 27, roudeax calling zakeruga a high class spell when leo and others previously called it a middle/medium class, IIRC. Which one is right?
  99. From anon: "Rodeux calls it 初級の上ランク程度の術.; I'm pretty sure "Strongest low-level spell" would be more accurate."
  100. - page 121, volume 26, sunbeams text box in bottom center is blank
  101. - page 186, volume 26, Panel 2 - should read "This huge and gorgeous bike is the Honda Valkyrie Rune"
  102. - page 42, volume 27, "split up" being said as if that's normal
  103. - page 89, volume 27, anon says "Zeon is talking about himself being put through hardships, not putting Gash through them."
  104. - page 111, volume 27, confirm that "not that I believe you" is correct and the implication that zeon doesn't believe it is accurate
  105. from anon: "Pretty sure it's supposed to be "It's hard to believe, but this guy has the same power as you"."
  106. - page 157, volume 27, see if the original wording for 'allies" implied the user too, or why else would zeon look to gash in concern?
  107. -volume 27, when papiuro uses smokescreen against zeon, it's spelled mikerudo once and mokeurdo the other time
  108. -volume 28, 117, is "to obtain that wondeful scene you just saw" supposed to be "I just saw:?
  109. - volume 28, page ???, line for how much money dufoux was sold for should be "merely 10,00$", rather then just "for 10,000$"
  110. - volume 28, pages ??? anon says in japanese, it's clear that zeon's powerup will onlyu apply for one use on baou
  111. "With this, although it's only once, Baou will become even stronger" or "Though it will be only once, with this Baoh will become stronger" for panel one in the image I saved to the folder
  112. "My power will only strenghten it once" "Make sure you hit" for other panels? I think?
  113. labeled in second image in folder
  114. - volume 28, back cover: 'They read かつおぶん, which seem to be some kind of Bonito packing. In other words, he's doing Bonito flakes, aka, fish flakes."
  115. - volume 29, sherry's comment about true baou, ios it a mistranslation? Is she saying "whew, we are even stronger though, that's kind of insane isn't it?" or "w-we are still stronger then that, r-right brago?"?
  116. The japansese lines are もっと強くなるぞ... and それは...あのバオウよりも強くってことよね? They don't actually specify who they are talking about, but based on the context I'd translate it something like "I'm/We're gonna get stronger"and "By that...You mean stronger than that Baou, don't you?"
  117. - volume 29, page 138, I think the spell may supposed to be urusorudo
  118. - volume 30, page ??? when kiyo comments on Clear blocking the zakeruga, anon says it should say ""A Zakeruga that was powered up in the battle with Zeon" rather then "a zekeruga strengthed by zeon's power up"
  119. - volume 31, page 60, I think "it was completely dispelled" is meant to be ""it wasn't completely dispelled"
  120. - volume 31, 88 and 89, is she really saying jigumaru dioborusu is one of their weakest
  121. - volume 31, page 97, I think kanchome is actually saying fou supoporuku, not shin porouku
  122. - volume 31, page 131, it says chapter 201, not 301
  123. - ch 310 "the same gravity spell as last time" is obviously wrong, as it's the first time that spell has shown up. also, look into "that shield bitch" comment on the page befor", cross reference both against other scans
  124. - volume 32, page 18, anon confirms A destiny version is more accurate
  125. - volume 32, page 175, it's actually not the shin version
  126. -Volume 33, when Victoreem is talking about Melons in the demon world, he should be saying (tl;drd) "I brought melon seeds back with me, and I learned that one seed gives boirth to a million melons", not "Please bring back melon seeds with you, because remeber, 1 melon seed..."
  127. - Volume 33: When Kiyomaro is offered to choose between keeping his memory or not, giving up his memory is actually accompanied by a huge monetary reward/wealth in exchange for giving it up. the null scans do not mnention this
  130. =====================
  134. - All instances of Zeon's "Jiga/Giga/Zigadirasu Uru Zakeruga" Spell should use "Ziga", even the cutt off instance in his battle with ropes in volume 9 or 10 or whenever it is: the kana can be used for either ji or zi, not gi, which is seperate and Raiku has made it clear which one between zi and ji he wants via the already english "ZIGAAAAAA" When Zigaidrasu is fully summoned".
  136. - prior to volume 13, the translations reffeed to zophis as female, correct it
  137. - for chapter 21. "curry rue" should be "curry roux"
  138. - the following translations for the following character/spell names are the best: Barry, not Bari; Kyanchome, not Kanchome; Seushiru, not Seishiru; Mohican Ace, not Mohawk ace or Mohican S; (Gou/Go) Bauren, not Boren; Layla is technically the most accurate translation for Leila/Reira/Layla, but Leila was probably the intent according to anons; Gorgogeo, not Gorgogio or Gorugojio: In general, spell names are fucky due to some being intentionally engrish puns (in that case, "Gorgon" and "geo") and some not so how/if they should be translated or transliterated at all varies.
  139. - (forgot which volume) "the current story" page says "gash and 100 other demons", should be 99
  140. - - reference convo I had with kewl0210 about spell name localization when I do my edits/scans, keep it in mind
  141. - Kolulu's shin raifojo comment difference between a destiny and null
  142. - Zeon's comment in a destiny scans during the golden book section more speffically being about it behing HIS realization that that's what a king should be, not a general realization amongst all demons
  143. - gash's "no, all of you did great" being worded better on the first page in a-destiny
  144. - page 61 volume 7, "ropes of power"
  145. - right after gash learns danny broguht the statue, danny saying "I would not say great"
  146. the whole page; what did gash say that was stupid?
  147. - where goldo is explaining danny's spell, him not saying it's his only spell. Shouldn't he be?
  148. - danny's book is burning, make sure it says "burning" not "burned" as it's burning
  149. - zophises "won over the rest " comment regarding goren; implies he won
  150. - for the hostages, "I'M NOT GONNA FOLLOW THE COPS?" is worded wierdly, vs "I'M NOT GONNA GO TO KAIL" or something
  151. - when gash is talking to kiyo about realizing his powers, change swap the text boxes for "I alwats thought" and "they have a blue book..."" so it flows better
  152. And again, Brago-Sama should be translated to Master Brago, since they're really speaking French.
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