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May 24th, 2019
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  1. # DeluxeMenus 1.10.5 main configuration file
  2. #
  3. # check_updates: <true/false>
  4. # Should DeluxeMenus check if there are any updates available on Spigot and inform ops there is an update available.
  5. #
  6. # ==============================================================
  7. #
  9. #
  10. # Per item permissions and priorities are optional.
  11. # High priority = 1, Lowest priority = 2147483647.
  12. # This allows you to show different items for a specific menu slot depending on the highest priority
  13. # item permission a player has. This makes your menus very dynamic :)
  14. #
  15. # You CAN NOT specify a permission without a priority!
  16. # You CAN specify a priority without a permission.
  17. # You should always create a low priority item without a permission which will act as the no permission
  18. # item if a player does not have permission for any of the items that require permission, otherwise
  19. # no item will be set in the slot if a player does not have permission for any of the permission items.
  20. #
  21. # ==============================================================
  22. #
  23. # GUI menu configuration:
  24. #
  25. # You can create as many GUI menus you like.
  26. # Every menu name must be unique. There can not be duplicate menu names!
  27. # Players must have permission for a GUI menu to open one!
  28. # Ops should automatically have permission for any GUI menu.
  29. #
  30. # Permission to open a GUI menu is: deluxemenus.guimenu.<menuName>
  31. #
  32. # You specify the command which opens the GUI menu. Make sure this command
  33. # does not conflict with any existing commands on your server!
  34. # A GUI menu without an open command specified will not be loaded!
  35. #
  36. # GUI menus configuration layout:
  37. #
  38. # gui_menus:
  39. # <menuName>:
  40. # menu_title: '<title of menu goes here>'
  41. # command: <command to open this menu goes here>
  42. # inventory_type: '<add this option if you want to create a menu of a different InventoryType aside from chest>'
  43. # open_requirement:
  44. # requirements:
  45. # <unique name for this requirement>:
  46. # type: <type for this requirement>
  47. # <unique options per requirement type would go here>
  48. # deny_commands:
  49. # - '[message] you do not meet requirements to open this menu'
  50. # size: <size of this menu, increments of 9, max size is 54>
  51. # update_interval: <time in seconds this gui should update for a player if an item is set to uodate placeholders>
  52. # items:
  53. # <item identifier>:
  54. # material: <name or id>
  55. # material: head-<name of player>
  56. # material: hdb-<HeadDatabase id> (requires plugin HeadDatabase)
  57. # data: <integer, used for data values for wool etc>
  58. # amount: <amount of this item to show>
  59. # slot: <slot number to put this item, slots start at 0 and end at 53 for a size 54 inventory>
  60. # priority: <this is used if you have multiple items set for the same slot>
  61. # view_requirement: <see view requirement info below. The lowest priority item a player meets all view requirements for will be shown>
  62. # update: <true/false if this item should update placeholders on the interval set for the gui menu this item is in>
  63. # hide_attributes: <true/false if this item should display item attributes>
  64. # hide_enchantments: <true/false if this item should display item enchantment / level> (useful for 'enchantment glow' items)
  65. # hide_effects: <true/false if this item should display item effect attributes>
  66. # hide_unbreakable: <true/false if this item should display item unbreakable attributes>
  67. # banner_meta: (this is used if you want to display a custom banner with specific patterns)
  68. # - <dyecolor>;<PatternType> (more information on where to find DyeColor and PatternType names below)
  69. # - 'RED;BASE'
  70. # - 'WHITE;CREEPER'
  71. # display_name: <display name to show for this item>
  72. # lore:
  73. # - 'placeholders can be used in the name and lore'
  74. # - '%<any placeholder from Papi>% shows the viewer values'
  75. # enchantments: valid enchantment names can be found here:
  76. # - '<ENCHANTMENT>;<LEVEL>'
  77. # - 'SILK_TOUCH;1'
  78. # left_click_commands:
  79. # - '[close]'
  80. # left_click_requirement: <see how to use this option below>
  81. # right_click_commands:
  82. # - '[player] spawn'
  83. # right_click_requirement: <see how to use this option below>
  84. #
  85. #
  86. # You can specify if a GUI menu should be loaded from another file:
  87. #
  88. # gui_menus:
  89. # <menuName>:
  90. # file: 'menuName.yml'
  91. #
  92. # This allows you to keep your config clean and not have tons of GUI menus cluttering it.
  93. # The file format the GUI menu is loaded from must end in .yml
  94. # GUI menus loaded from other configuration files must follow a specific format as well...
  95. # To get started loading GUI menus from different files, simply create a GUI menu in this config and specify the file it will load from.
  96. # After that is done, use /dm reload and DeluxeMenus will create a folder and file specific to the GUI menu you specified.
  97. # If the file specified is created by DeluxeMenus (because it did not exist), a default GUI menu layout will be saved to that file.
  98. # From here you can edit it to your liking and use /dm reload to update your GUI menu!
  99. #
  100. # This loading from external config files is only available for gui menus and will not work for click menus yet....
  101. #
  102. # banner_meta must be listed with a specific format:
  103. # banner_meta:
  104. # - <DyeColor>;<PatternType>
  105. #
  106. # Valid DyeColor names can be found here:
  107. # Valid PatternTypes can be found here:
  108. # ==============================================================
  109. #
  110. # Requirement information
  111. #
  112. # Requirements can be set as the following:
  113. #
  114. # open_requirement: This requirement is checked when a menu is opened
  115. # view_requirement: This requirement determines if an item should be set in a menu slot
  116. # left_click_requirement: This requirement is checked when an item is left clicked
  117. # right_click_requirement: This requirement is checked when an item is right clicked
  118. #
  119. # Requirement types:
  120. # javascript - Evaluates a javascript expression that must return true or false
  121. # configuration options:
  122. # expression
  123. #
  124. # has item - Checks if a player has a specific item
  125. # configuration options:
  126. # material
  127. # amount
  128. # data
  129. # name
  130. # lore
  131. #
  132. # has money - Checks if a player has enough money (Vault required)
  133. # configuration options:
  134. # amount
  135. #
  136. # has permission - Checks if a player has a specific permission
  137. # configuration options:
  138. # permission
  139. #
  140. # string contains - Checks if a string contains another string
  141. # configuration options:
  142. # input
  143. # output
  144. #
  145. # string equals - Checks if a string equals another string
  146. # configuration options:
  147. # input
  148. # output
  149. #
  150. # stringequalsignorecase - Checks if a string equals another string ignoring case
  151. # configuration options:
  152. # input
  153. # output
  154. #
  155. # > - Checks if a number is greater than another number
  156. # configuration options:
  157. # input
  158. # output
  159. #
  160. # >= - Checks if a number is greater than or equal to another number
  161. # configuration options:
  162. # input
  163. # output
  164. #
  165. # == - Checks if a number is equal to another number
  166. # configuration options:
  167. # input
  168. # output
  169. #
  170. # <= - Checks if a number is less than or equal to another number
  171. # configuration options:
  172. # input
  173. # output
  174. #
  175. # < - Checks if a number is less than another number
  176. # configuration options:
  177. # input
  178. # output
  179. #
  180. #
  181. #
  182. # So why would we want to use requirements?
  183. # By default, DeluxeMenus does not require a player meet any conditions to open your menu.
  184. # If you want to require a menu need a certain permission node for it to be accessed, or a certain amount of money
  185. # for a menu to be opened, You do that with an 'open_requirement'.
  186. # Below is an example of how you would deny opening a menu if the viewer does not have permission:
  187. #
  188. # menu_title: 'Menu that requires permission to open'
  189. # open_command: testmenu
  190. # size: 9
  191. # open_requirement:
  192. # requirements:
  193. # this_requirement_name:
  194. # type: has permission
  195. # permission: ''
  196. # deny_commands:
  197. # - '[message] you do not have permission to open testmenu'
  198. #
  199. #
  200. # Below is a full example of use cases for requirements:
  201. #
  202. # menu_title: 'Menu that requires permission to open'
  203. # open_command: testmenu
  204. # size: 9
  205. # open_requirement:
  206. # requirements:
  207. # this_requirement_name:
  208. # type: has permission
  209. # permission: ''
  210. # deny_commands:
  211. # - '[message] you do not have permission to open testmenu'
  212. # items:
  213. # mymenuitem:
  214. # priority: 2
  215. # material: DIRT
  216. # slot: 0
  217. # name 'You dont have 100 diamonds to view this item'
  218. # mymenuitem:
  219. # priority: 1
  220. # material: DIAMOND
  221. # slot: 0
  222. # name 'You have lots of diamonds so you can see this item'
  223. # view_requirement:
  224. # requirements:
  225. # diamond_requirement:
  226. # type: has item
  227. # material: diamond
  228. # amount: 100
  229. # left_click_requirement:
  230. # requirements:
  231. # money_requirement:
  232. # type: '>='
  233. # input: '%vault_eco_balance_fixed%'
  234. # output: 1000
  235. # deny_commands:
  236. # - '[message] you only have %vault_eco_balance_fixed%'
  237. # left_click_commands:
  238. # - '[message] you have over 1000 dollars!'
  239. # right_click_requirement:
  240. # requirements:
  241. # staff_requirement:
  242. # type: string equals
  243. # input: '%vault_rank%'
  244. # output: staff
  245. # deny_commands:
  246. # - '[message] you are not staff'
  247. # right_click_commands:
  248. # - '[message] you are staff'
  249. #
  250. # deny_commands: are optional and will be executed if the requirement is not met.
  251. # ==============================================================
  252. #
  253. #
  254. # You do not need to specify item options that you don't use!
  255. # The only required entries for a gui menu item to be valid are:
  256. #
  257. # A valid material
  258. # A valid slot
  259. #
  260. # Every item in the items list must have a unique <item identifier>
  261. #
  262. # If you choose to update placeholders for a specific item, you must specify update_interval: <time>
  263. # in the GUI menu options for the specific GUI menu.
  264. # Only GUI menus with at least one item that has update: true will update those specific items placeholders.
  265. #
  266. # Every click_command must start with a specific identifier to know what to do for the execution.
  267. # Valid click_command identifiers:
  268. #
  269. # [console] - Execute a command from the console
  270. # Usage: - '[console] <command with no slash>'
  271. #
  272. # [player] - Execute a command for the menu viewer
  273. # Usage: - '[player] <command with no slash>'
  274. #
  275. # [commandevent] - Fire a PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent for commands that do not use the bukkit command system
  276. # Usage: - '[commandevent] <command with no slash>'
  277. #
  278. # [message] - Send a message to the menu viewer
  279. # Usage: - [message] <message to send to the player
  280. #
  281. # [openguimenu] - Open a GUI menu (can only be used in GUI menu click_commands)
  282. # Usage: - '[openguimenu] <guiMenuName>'
  283. #
  284. # [connect] - Connect to the specified bungee server
  285. # Usage: - '[connect] <serverName>'
  286. #
  287. # [close] - Close the viewers open menu
  288. # Usage: - '[close]
  289. #
  290. # [refresh] - Refresh items in the current menu view
  291. # Usage: - '[refresh]
  292. #
  293. # [broadcastsound] - Broadcast a sound to the server
  294. # Usage: - '[broadcastsound]
  295. #
  296. # [sound] - Play a sound for a the specific player
  297. # Usage: - '[sound]
  298. #
  299. # [json] - Send a json message to the menu viewer
  300. # Usage: - '[json] {"text":"message"}'
  301. #
  302. #
  303. #
  304. # You can delay any of the click command being performed by ending the command with
  305. # <delay=(time in TICKS)>
  306. # example:
  307. # - '[close]'
  308. # - '[message] it has been 5 seconds since the menu closed!<delay=100>'
  309. # - '[message] it has been 10 seconds since the menu closed!<delay=200>'
  310. #
  311. # A delay should NOT be added to the [close] or [openguimenu] actions
  312. # as it could potentially cause unknown issues or glitches with menus.
  313. debug: false
  314. check_updates: false
  315. gui_menus:
  316. Prestige:
  317. menu_title: '&9&nPrestige'
  318. open_command: Prestige
  319. size: 54
  320. items:
  321. '1':
  322. material: Flint
  323. slot: 0
  324. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 1&f (Click here)'
  325. lore:
  326. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  327. - ''
  328. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  329. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  330. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  331. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  332. - ''
  333. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  334. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  335. left_click_commands:
  336. - '[player] ezprestige'
  337. - '[close]'
  338. right_click_commands:
  339. - '[player] ezprestige'
  340. - '[close]'
  341. '2':
  342. material: Flint
  343. slot: 1
  344. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 2&f (Click here)'
  345. lore:
  346. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  347. - ''
  348. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  349. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  350. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  351. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  352. - ''
  353. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  354. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  355. left_click_commands:
  356. - '[player] ezprestige'
  357. - '[close]'
  358. right_click_commands:
  359. - '[player] ezprestige'
  360. - '[close]'
  361. '3':
  362. material: Flint
  363. slot: 2
  364. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 3&f (Click here)'
  365. lore:
  366. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  367. - ''
  368. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  369. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  370. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  371. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  372. - ''
  373. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  374. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  375. left_click_commands:
  376. - '[player] ezprestige'
  377. - '[close]'
  378. right_click_commands:
  379. - '[player] ezprestige'
  380. - '[close]'
  381. '4':
  382. material: Flint
  383. slot: 3
  384. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 4&f (Click here)'
  385. lore:
  386. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  387. - ''
  388. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  389. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  390. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  391. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  392. - ''
  393. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  394. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  395. left_click_commands:
  396. - '[player] ezprestige'
  397. - '[close]'
  398. right_click_commands:
  399. - '[player] ezprestige'
  400. - '[close]'
  401. '5':
  402. material: Flint
  403. slot: 4
  404. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 5&f (Click here)'
  405. lore:
  406. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  407. - ''
  408. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  409. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  410. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  411. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  412. - ''
  413. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  414. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  415. left_click_commands:
  416. - '[player] ezprestige'
  417. - '[close]'
  418. right_click_commands:
  419. - '[player] ezprestige'
  420. - '[close]'
  421. '6':
  422. material: Flint
  423. slot: 5
  424. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 6&f (Click here)'
  425. lore:
  426. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  427. - ''
  428. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  429. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  430. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  431. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  432. - ''
  433. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  434. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  435. left_click_commands:
  436. - '[player] ezprestige'
  437. - '[close]'
  438. right_click_commands:
  439. - '[player] ezprestige'
  440. - '[close]'
  441. '7':
  442. material: Flint
  443. slot: 6
  444. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 7&f (Click here)'
  445. lore:
  446. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  447. - ''
  448. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  449. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  450. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  451. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  452. - ''
  453. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  454. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  455. left_click_commands:
  456. - '[player] ezprestige'
  457. - '[close]'
  458. right_click_commands:
  459. - '[player] ezprestige'
  460. - '[close]'
  461. '8':
  462. material: Flint
  463. slot: 7
  464. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 8&f (Click here)'
  465. lore:
  466. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  467. - ''
  468. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  469. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  470. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  471. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  472. - ''
  473. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  474. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  475. left_click_commands:
  476. - '[player] ezprestige'
  477. - '[close]'
  478. right_click_commands:
  479. - '[player] ezprestige'
  480. - '[close]'
  481. '9':
  482. material: Flint
  483. slot: 8
  484. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 9&f (Click here)'
  485. lore:
  486. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  487. - ''
  488. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  489. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  490. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  491. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  492. - ''
  493. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  494. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  495. left_click_commands:
  496. - '[player] ezprestige'
  497. - '[close]'
  498. right_click_commands:
  499. - '[player] ezprestige'
  500. - '[close]'
  501. '10':
  502. material: Flint
  503. slot: 9
  504. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 10&f (Click here)'
  505. lore:
  506. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  507. - ''
  508. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  509. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  510. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  511. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  512. - ''
  513. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  514. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  515. left_click_commands:
  516. - '[player] ezprestige'
  517. - '[close]'
  518. right_click_commands:
  519. - '[player] ezprestige'
  520. - '[close]'
  521. '11':
  522. material: Flint
  523. slot: 10
  524. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 11&f (Click here)'
  525. lore:
  526. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  527. - ''
  528. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  529. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  530. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  531. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  532. - ''
  533. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  534. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  535. left_click_commands:
  536. - '[player] ezprestige'
  537. - '[close]'
  538. right_click_commands:
  539. - '[player] ezprestige'
  540. - '[close]'
  541. '12':
  542. material: Flint
  543. slot: 11
  544. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 12&f (Click here)'
  545. lore:
  546. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  547. - ''
  548. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  549. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  550. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  551. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  552. - ''
  553. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  554. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  555. left_click_commands:
  556. - '[player] ezprestige'
  557. - '[close]'
  558. right_click_commands:
  559. - '[player] ezprestige'
  560. - '[close]'
  561. '13':
  562. material: Flint
  563. slot: 12
  564. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 13&f (Click here)'
  565. lore:
  566. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  567. - ''
  568. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  569. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  570. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  571. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  572. - ''
  573. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  574. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  575. left_click_commands:
  576. - '[player] ezprestige'
  577. - '[close]'
  578. right_click_commands:
  579. - '[player] ezprestige'
  580. - '[close]'
  581. '14':
  582. material: Flint
  583. slot: 13
  584. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 14&f (Click here)'
  585. lore:
  586. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  587. - ''
  588. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  589. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  590. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  591. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  592. - ''
  593. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  594. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  595. left_click_commands:
  596. - '[player] ezprestige'
  597. - '[close]'
  598. right_click_commands:
  599. - '[player] ezprestige'
  600. - '[close]'
  601. '15':
  602. material: Flint
  603. slot: 14
  604. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 15&f (Click here)'
  605. lore:
  606. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  607. - ''
  608. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  609. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  610. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  611. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  612. - ''
  613. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  614. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  615. left_click_commands:
  616. - '[player] ezprestige'
  617. - '[close]'
  618. right_click_commands:
  619. - '[player] ezprestige'
  620. - '[close]'
  621. '16':
  622. material: Flint
  623. slot: 15
  624. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 16&f (Click here)'
  625. lore:
  626. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  627. - ''
  628. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  629. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  630. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  631. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  632. - ''
  633. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  634. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  635. left_click_commands:
  636. - '[player] ezprestige'
  637. - '[close]'
  638. right_click_commands:
  639. - '[player] ezprestige'
  640. - '[close]'
  641. '17':
  642. material: Flint
  643. slot: 16
  644. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 17&f (Click here)'
  645. lore:
  646. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  647. - ''
  648. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  649. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  650. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  651. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  652. - ''
  653. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  654. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  655. left_click_commands:
  656. - '[player] ezprestige'
  657. - '[close]'
  658. right_click_commands:
  659. - '[player] ezprestige'
  660. - '[close]'
  661. '18':
  662. material: Flint
  663. slot: 17
  664. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 18&f (Click here)'
  665. lore:
  666. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  667. - ''
  668. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  669. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  670. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  671. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  672. - ''
  673. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  674. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  675. left_click_commands:
  676. - '[player] ezprestige'
  677. - '[close]'
  678. right_click_commands:
  679. - '[player] ezprestige'
  680. - '[close]'
  681. '19':
  682. material: Flint
  683. slot: 18
  684. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 19&f (Click here)'
  685. lore:
  686. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  687. - ''
  688. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  689. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  690. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  691. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  692. - ''
  693. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  694. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  695. left_click_commands:
  696. - '[player] ezprestige'
  697. - '[close]'
  698. right_click_commands:
  699. - '[player] ezprestige'
  700. - '[close]'
  701. '20':
  702. material: Flint
  703. slot: 19
  704. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 20&f (Click here)'
  705. lore:
  706. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  707. - ''
  708. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  709. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  710. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  711. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  712. - ''
  713. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  714. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  715. left_click_commands:
  716. - '[player] ezprestige'
  717. - '[close]'
  718. right_click_commands:
  719. - '[player] ezprestige'
  720. - '[close]'
  721. '21':
  722. material: Flint
  723. slot: 20
  724. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 21&f (Click here)'
  725. lore:
  726. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  727. - ''
  728. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  729. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  730. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  731. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  732. - ''
  733. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  734. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  735. left_click_commands:
  736. - '[player] ezprestige'
  737. - '[close]'
  738. right_click_commands:
  739. - '[player] ezprestige'
  740. - '[close]'
  741. '22':
  742. material: Flint
  743. slot: 21
  744. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 22&f (Click here)'
  745. lore:
  746. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  747. - ''
  748. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  749. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  750. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  751. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  752. - ''
  753. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  754. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  755. left_click_commands:
  756. - '[player] ezprestige'
  757. - '[close]'
  758. right_click_commands:
  759. - '[player] ezprestige'
  760. - '[close]'
  761. '23':
  762. material: Flint
  763. slot: 22
  764. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 23&f (Click here)'
  765. lore:
  766. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  767. - ''
  768. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  769. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  770. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  771. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  772. - ''
  773. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  774. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  775. left_click_commands:
  776. - '[player] ezprestige'
  777. - '[close]'
  778. right_click_commands:
  779. - '[player] ezprestige'
  780. - '[close]'
  781. '24':
  782. material: Flint
  783. slot: 23
  784. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 24&f (Click here)'
  785. lore:
  786. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  787. - ''
  788. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  789. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  790. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  791. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  792. - ''
  793. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  794. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  795. left_click_commands:
  796. - '[player] ezprestige'
  797. - '[close]'
  798. right_click_commands:
  799. - '[player] ezprestige'
  800. - '[close]'
  801. '25':
  802. material: Flint
  803. slot: 24
  804. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 25&f (Click here)'
  805. lore:
  806. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  807. - ''
  808. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  809. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  810. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  811. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  812. - ''
  813. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  814. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  815. left_click_commands:
  816. - '[player] ezprestige'
  817. - '[close]'
  818. right_click_commands:
  819. - '[player] ezprestige'
  820. - '[close]'
  821. '26':
  822. material: Flint
  823. slot: 25
  824. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 26&f (Click here)'
  825. lore:
  826. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  827. - ''
  828. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  829. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  830. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  831. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  832. - ''
  833. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  834. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  835. left_click_commands:
  836. - '[player] ezprestige'
  837. - '[close]'
  838. right_click_commands:
  839. - '[player] ezprestige'
  840. - '[close]'
  841. '27':
  842. material: Flint
  843. slot: 26
  844. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 27&f (Click here)'
  845. lore:
  846. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  847. - ''
  848. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  849. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  850. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  851. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  852. - ''
  853. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  854. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  855. left_click_commands:
  856. - '[player] ezprestige'
  857. - '[close]'
  858. right_click_commands:
  859. - '[player] ezprestige'
  860. - '[close]'
  861. '28':
  862. material: Flint
  863. slot: 27
  864. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 28&f (Click here)'
  865. lore:
  866. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  867. - ''
  868. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  869. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  870. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  871. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  872. - ''
  873. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  874. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  875. left_click_commands:
  876. - '[player] ezprestige'
  877. - '[close]'
  878. right_click_commands:
  879. - '[player] ezprestige'
  880. - '[close]'
  881. '29':
  882. material: Flint
  883. slot: 28
  884. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 29&f (Click here)'
  885. lore:
  886. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  887. - ''
  888. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  889. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  890. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  891. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  892. - ''
  893. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  894. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  895. left_click_commands:
  896. - '[player] ezprestige'
  897. - '[close]'
  898. right_click_commands:
  899. - '[player] ezprestige'
  900. - '[close]'
  901. '30':
  902. material: Flint
  903. slot: 29
  904. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 30&f (Click here)'
  905. lore:
  906. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  907. - ''
  908. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  909. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  910. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  911. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  912. - ''
  913. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  914. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  915. left_click_commands:
  916. - '[player] ezprestige'
  917. - '[close]'
  918. right_click_commands:
  919. - '[player] ezprestige'
  920. - '[close]'
  921. '31':
  922. material: Flint
  923. slot: 30
  924. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 31&f (Click here)'
  925. lore:
  926. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  927. - ''
  928. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  929. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  930. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  931. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  932. - ''
  933. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  934. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  935. left_click_commands:
  936. - '[player] ezprestige'
  937. - '[close]'
  938. right_click_commands:
  939. - '[player] ezprestige'
  940. - '[close]'
  941. '32':
  942. material: Flint
  943. slot: 31
  944. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 32&f (Click here)'
  945. lore:
  946. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  947. - ''
  948. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  949. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  950. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  951. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  952. - ''
  953. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  954. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  955. left_click_commands:
  956. - '[player] ezprestige'
  957. - '[close]'
  958. right_click_commands:
  959. - '[player] ezprestige'
  960. - '[close]'
  961. '33':
  962. material: Flint
  963. slot: 32
  964. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 33&f (Click here)'
  965. lore:
  966. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  967. - ''
  968. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  969. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  970. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  971. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  972. - ''
  973. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  974. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  975. left_click_commands:
  976. - '[player] ezprestige'
  977. - '[close]'
  978. right_click_commands:
  979. - '[player] ezprestige'
  980. - '[close]'
  981. '34':
  982. material: Flint
  983. slot: 33
  984. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 34&f (Click here)'
  985. lore:
  986. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  987. - ''
  988. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  989. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  990. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  991. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  992. - ''
  993. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  994. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  995. left_click_commands:
  996. - '[player] ezprestige'
  997. - '[close]'
  998. right_click_commands:
  999. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1000. - '[close]'
  1001. '35':
  1002. material: Flint
  1003. slot: 34
  1004. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 35&f (Click here)'
  1005. lore:
  1006. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1007. - ''
  1008. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1009. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1010. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1011. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1012. - ''
  1013. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1014. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1015. left_click_commands:
  1016. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1017. - '[close]'
  1018. right_click_commands:
  1019. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1020. - '[close]'
  1021. '36':
  1022. material: Flint
  1023. slot: 35
  1024. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 36&f (Click here)'
  1025. lore:
  1026. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1027. - ''
  1028. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1029. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1030. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1031. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1032. - ''
  1033. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1034. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1035. left_click_commands:
  1036. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1037. - '[close]'
  1038. right_click_commands:
  1039. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1040. - '[close]'
  1041. '37':
  1042. material: Flint
  1043. slot: 36
  1044. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 37&f (Click here)'
  1045. lore:
  1046. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1047. - ''
  1048. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1049. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1050. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1051. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1052. - ''
  1053. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1054. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1055. left_click_commands:
  1056. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1057. - '[close]'
  1058. right_click_commands:
  1059. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1060. - '[close]'
  1061. '38':
  1062. material: Flint
  1063. slot: 37
  1064. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 38&f (Click here)'
  1065. lore:
  1066. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1067. - ''
  1068. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1069. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1070. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1071. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1072. - ''
  1073. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1074. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1075. left_click_commands:
  1076. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1077. - '[close]'
  1078. right_click_commands:
  1079. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1080. - '[close]'
  1081. '39':
  1082. material: Flint
  1083. slot: 38
  1084. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 39&f (Click here)'
  1085. lore:
  1086. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1087. - ''
  1088. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1089. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1090. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1091. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1092. - ''
  1093. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1094. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1095. left_click_commands:
  1096. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1097. - '[close]'
  1098. right_click_commands:
  1099. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1100. - '[close]'
  1101. '40':
  1102. material: Flint
  1103. slot: 39
  1104. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 40&f (Click here)'
  1105. lore:
  1106. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1107. - ''
  1108. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1109. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1110. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1111. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1112. - ''
  1113. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1114. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1115. left_click_commands:
  1116. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1117. - '[close]'
  1118. right_click_commands:
  1119. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1120. - '[close]'
  1121. '41':
  1122. material: Flint
  1123. slot: 40
  1124. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 41&f (Click here)'
  1125. lore:
  1126. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1127. - ''
  1128. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1129. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1130. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1131. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1132. - ''
  1133. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1134. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1135. left_click_commands:
  1136. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1137. - '[close]'
  1138. right_click_commands:
  1139. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1140. - '[close]'
  1141. '42':
  1142. material: Flint
  1143. slot: 41
  1144. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 42&f (Click here)'
  1145. lore:
  1146. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1147. - ''
  1148. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1149. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1150. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1151. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1152. - ''
  1153. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1154. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1155. left_click_commands:
  1156. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1157. - '[close]'
  1158. right_click_commands:
  1159. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1160. - '[close]'
  1161. '43':
  1162. material: Flint
  1163. slot: 42
  1164. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 43&f (Click here)'
  1165. lore:
  1166. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1167. - ''
  1168. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1169. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1170. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1171. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1172. - ''
  1173. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1174. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1175. left_click_commands:
  1176. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1177. - '[close]'
  1178. right_click_commands:
  1179. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1180. - '[close]'
  1181. '44':
  1182. material: Flint
  1183. slot: 45
  1184. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 44&f (Click here)'
  1185. lore:
  1186. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1187. - ''
  1188. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1189. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1190. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1191. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1192. - ''
  1193. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1194. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1195. left_click_commands:
  1196. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1197. - '[close]'
  1198. right_click_commands:
  1199. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1200. - '[close]'
  1201. '45':
  1202. material: Flint
  1203. slot: 46
  1204. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 45&f (Click here)'
  1205. lore:
  1206. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1207. - ''
  1208. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1209. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1210. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1211. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1212. - ''
  1213. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1214. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1215. left_click_commands:
  1216. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1217. - '[close]'
  1218. right_click_commands:
  1219. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1220. - '[close]'
  1221. '46':
  1222. material: Flint
  1223. slot: 47
  1224. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 46&f (Click here)'
  1225. lore:
  1226. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1227. - ''
  1228. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1229. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1230. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1231. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1232. - ''
  1233. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1234. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1235. left_click_commands:
  1236. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1237. - '[close]'
  1238. right_click_commands:
  1239. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1240. - '[close]'
  1241. '47':
  1242. material: Flint
  1243. slot: 48
  1244. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 47&f (Click here)'
  1245. lore:
  1246. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1247. - ''
  1248. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1249. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1250. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1251. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1252. - ''
  1253. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1254. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1255. left_click_commands:
  1256. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1257. - '[close]'
  1258. right_click_commands:
  1259. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1260. - '[close]'
  1261. '48':
  1262. material: Flint
  1263. slot: 49
  1264. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 48&f (Click here)'
  1265. lore:
  1266. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1267. - ''
  1268. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1269. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1270. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1271. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1272. - ''
  1273. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1274. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1275. left_click_commands:
  1276. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1277. - '[close]'
  1278. right_click_commands:
  1279. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1280. - '[close]'
  1281. '49':
  1282. material: Flint
  1283. slot: 50
  1284. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 49&f (Click here)'
  1285. lore:
  1286. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1287. - ''
  1288. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1289. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1290. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1291. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1292. - ''
  1293. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1294. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1295. left_click_commands:
  1296. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1297. - '[close]'
  1298. right_click_commands:
  1299. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1300. - '[close]'
  1301. '50':
  1302. material: Flint
  1303. slot: 51
  1304. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige 50&f (Click here)'
  1305. lore:
  1306. - '&7Cost: $25,000,000,000'
  1307. - ''
  1308. - '&7&nRewards&r&7:'
  1309. - '&7Connect Four & Gem Crush Games (/games)'
  1310. - '&7and the Pig and Cow pet (/pet).'
  1311. - '&71 Prestige Crate Keys, 5,000 Gems,'
  1312. - ''
  1313. - '&f&lPlease Note This will reset:'
  1314. - '&f&lEconomy, Place and Rank.'
  1315. left_click_commands:
  1316. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1317. - '[close]'
  1318. right_click_commands:
  1319. - '[player] ezprestige'
  1320. - '[close]'
  1321. '51':
  1322. material: ender_portal_frame
  1323. slot: 53
  1324. display_name: '&9&l&nAscention&f (Click here)'
  1325. lore:
  1326. - '&7Reached the FINAL prestige?'
  1327. - '&7Great job! Thanks for working so hard!'
  1328. - '&7Click this block to learn information'
  1329. - '&7about ascending, which effectively sets'
  1330. - '&7you back to the first prestige with a new tag'
  1331. - '&7and some Risen crate keys as a reward.'
  1332. left_click_commands:
  1333. - '[player] ascension'
  1334. - '[close]'
  1335. right_click_commands:
  1336. - '[player] ascension'
  1337. - '[close]'
  1338. border13:
  1339. material: 160
  1340. data: 15
  1341. slot: 43
  1342. display_name: '&9'
  1343. border12:
  1344. material: 160
  1345. data: 15
  1346. slot: 44
  1347. display_name: '&9'
  1348. border11:
  1349. material: 160
  1350. data: 15
  1351. slot: 52
  1352. display_name: '&9'
  1353. Help:
  1354. menu_title: '&9&l&nRisen&f&l&nCloud'
  1355. open_command: Help
  1356. size: 36
  1357. items:
  1358. '1':
  1359. material: dragon_egg
  1360. slot: 10
  1361. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige&f (Click here)'
  1362. lore:
  1363. - '&7See a list of the'
  1364. - '&7servers prestiges'
  1365. - '&7and the rewards'
  1366. - '&7you''ll receive.'
  1367. left_click_commands:
  1368. - '[player] prestige'
  1369. - '[close]'
  1370. right_click_commands:
  1371. - '[player] prestige'
  1372. - '[close]'
  1373. '2':
  1374. material: chest
  1375. slot: 11
  1376. display_name: '&9&l&nVote&f (Click here)'
  1377. lore:
  1378. - '&7View the servers donation'
  1379. - '&7ranks and perks.'
  1380. left_click_commands:
  1381. - '[player] vote'
  1382. - '[close]'
  1383. right_click_commands:
  1384. - '[player] vote'
  1385. - '[close]'
  1386. '3':
  1387. material: diamond
  1388. slot: 12
  1389. display_name: '&9&l&nDonate&f (Click here)'
  1390. lore:
  1391. - '&7View the voting links'
  1392. - '&7and rewards.'
  1393. left_click_commands:
  1394. - '[player] buy'
  1395. - '[close]'
  1396. right_click_commands:
  1397. - '[player] buy'
  1398. - '[close]'
  1399. '4':
  1400. material: map
  1401. slot: 13
  1402. display_name: '&9&l&nWarps&f (Click here)'
  1403. lore:
  1404. - '&7Click here for the full'
  1405. - '&7list of the warps'
  1406. left_click_commands:
  1407. - '[player] warp'
  1408. - '[close]'
  1409. right_click_commands:
  1410. - '[player] warp'
  1411. - '[close]'
  1412. '5':
  1413. material: diamond_helmet
  1414. slot: 14
  1415. display_name: '&9&l&nKits&f (Click here)'
  1416. lore:
  1417. - '&7Click here to see what kits'
  1418. - '&7are currently available.'
  1419. left_click_commands:
  1420. - '[player] kit'
  1421. - '[close]'
  1422. right_click_commands:
  1423. - '[player] kit'
  1424. - '[close]'
  1425. '6':
  1426. material: book
  1427. slot: 15
  1428. display_name: '&9&l&nWebsite&f (Click here)'
  1429. lore:
  1430. - '&7Links to the server website.'
  1431. - '&7Right click to get the link.'
  1432. left_click_commands:
  1433. - '[player] websitelinks'
  1434. - '[close]'
  1435. right_click_commands:
  1436. - '[player] websitelinks'
  1437. - '[close]'
  1438. '7':
  1439. material: chest
  1440. slot: 16
  1441. display_name: '&9&l&nApplications&f (Click here)'
  1442. lore:
  1443. - '&7Wanting to apply'
  1444. - '&7for staff, builder'
  1445. - '&7or YouTuber? Click'
  1446. - '&7this to open a menu'
  1447. - '&7and pick the app'
  1448. - '&7wish to do.'
  1449. left_click_commands:
  1450. - '[player] apply'
  1451. - '[close]'
  1452. right_click_commands:
  1453. - '[player] apply'
  1454. - '[close]'
  1455. '8':
  1456. material: book
  1457. slot: 19
  1458. display_name: '&9&l&nEnchantments&f (Click here)'
  1459. lore:
  1460. - '&7See a list of the'
  1461. - '&7enchantments that'
  1462. - '&7you can purchase with'
  1463. - '&7gems at /warp gems.'
  1464. left_click_commands:
  1465. - '[player] enchant'
  1466. - '[close]'
  1467. right_click_commands:
  1468. - '[player] enchant'
  1469. - '[close]'
  1470. '9':
  1471. material: Book_and_quill
  1472. slot: 20
  1473. display_name: '&9&l&nInfo&f (Click here)'
  1474. lore:
  1475. - '&7Find out information about'
  1476. - '&7the server and tutorials.'
  1477. left_click_commands:
  1478. - '[player] info'
  1479. - '[close]'
  1480. right_click_commands:
  1481. - '[player] info'
  1482. - '[close]'
  1483. '10':
  1484. material: Name_tag
  1485. slot: 21
  1486. display_name: '&9&l&nPlugins&f (Click here)'
  1487. lore:
  1488. - '&7Learn more about'
  1489. - '&7some of our plugins.'
  1490. left_click_commands:
  1491. - '[player] plugins'
  1492. - '[close]'
  1493. right_click_commands:
  1494. - '[player] plugins'
  1495. - '[close]'
  1496. '11':
  1497. material: Command
  1498. slot: 22
  1499. display_name: '&9&l&ncommands&f (Click here)'
  1500. lore:
  1501. - '&7Learn more about'
  1502. - '&7some of our plugins.'
  1503. left_click_commands:
  1504. - '[player] commands'
  1505. - '[close]'
  1506. right_click_commands:
  1507. - '[player] commands'
  1508. - '[close]'
  1509. '12':
  1510. material: Book_and_quill
  1511. slot: 23
  1512. display_name: '&9&l&nStaff Online&f (Click here)'
  1513. lore:
  1514. - '&7See which staff members'
  1515. - '&7are currently online.'
  1516. left_click_commands:
  1517. - '[player] Staff'
  1518. - '[close]'
  1519. right_click_commands:
  1520. - '[player] Staff'
  1521. - '[close]'
  1522. '13':
  1523. material: Ender_pearl
  1524. slot: 24
  1525. display_name: '&9&l&nFAQ&f (Click here)'
  1526. lore:
  1527. - '&7Get some answers to'
  1528. - '&7some questions you'
  1529. - '&7might have.'
  1530. left_click_commands:
  1531. - '[player] faq'
  1532. - '[close]'
  1533. right_click_commands:
  1534. - '[player] faq'
  1535. - '[close]'
  1536. '14':
  1537. material: paper
  1538. slot: 25
  1539. display_name: '&9&l&nMonthly Rewards&f (Click here)'
  1540. lore:
  1541. - '&7Donators have access'
  1542. - '&7to special Risen Key'
  1543. - '&7rewards as a thank you'
  1544. - '&7for supporting RisenCloud!'
  1545. left_click_commands:
  1546. - '[player] monthly'
  1547. - '[close]'
  1548. right_click_commands:
  1549. - '[player] monthly'
  1550. - '[close]'
  1551. Vote:
  1552. menu_title: '&9&l&nRisen&f&l&nCloud'
  1553. open_command: vote
  1554. size: 45
  1555. items:
  1556. '1':
  1557. material: chest
  1558. slot: 13
  1559. display_name: '&9&l&nVote Links&f (Click here)'
  1560. lore:
  1561. - '&7Click here to see the vote links. Each'
  1562. - '&7vote link will give you a set of rewards.'
  1563. left_click_commands:
  1564. - '[player] vlinks'
  1565. - '[close]'
  1566. right_click_commands:
  1567. - '[player] vote'
  1568. - '[close]'
  1569. '2':
  1570. material: Book
  1571. slot: 29
  1572. display_name: '&9&l&nRewards&f (Click here)'
  1573. lore:
  1574. - '&7Click here to view the rewards given'
  1575. - '&7each time you vote, and what can be'
  1576. - '&7gained if a player is lucky.'
  1577. left_click_commands:
  1578. - '[player] rewards'
  1579. - '[close]'
  1580. right_click_commands:
  1581. - '[player] rewards'
  1582. - '[close]'
  1583. '3':
  1584. material: Book
  1585. slot: 33
  1586. display_name: '&9&l&nTop Voter Rewards&f (Click here)'
  1587. lore:
  1588. - '&7Click here to view the rewards given'
  1589. - '&7to the top monthly voter.'
  1590. left_click_commands:
  1591. - '[player] votemonthlyrewards'
  1592. - '[close]'
  1593. right_click_commands:
  1594. - '[player] votemonthlyrewards'
  1595. - '[close]'
  1596. '4':
  1597. material: Bed
  1598. slot: 54
  1599. display_name: '&9&l&nReturn to Help menu&f (Click here)'
  1600. lore:
  1601. - '&7Return to Help Menu'
  1602. left_click_commands:
  1603. - '[player] help'
  1604. - '[close]'
  1605. right_click_commands:
  1606. - '[player] help'
  1607. - '[close]'
  1608. Websitelinks:
  1609. menu_title: '&9&l&nWebsite Links'
  1610. open_command: websitelinks
  1611. size: 27
  1612. items:
  1613. '1':
  1614. material: chest
  1615. slot: 12
  1616. display_name: '&9&l&nPortal&f (Click here)'
  1617. lore:
  1618. - Click here to view the
  1619. - link to the homepage
  1620. - of the website.
  1621. left_click_commands:
  1622. - '[player] website'
  1623. - '[close]'
  1624. right_click_commands:
  1625. - '[player] website'
  1626. - '[close]'
  1627. '2':
  1628. material: book
  1629. slot: 13
  1630. display_name: '&9&l&nForums&f (Click here)'
  1631. lore:
  1632. - Click here to view the
  1633. - link to the forums.
  1634. left_click_commands:
  1635. - '[player] forums'
  1636. - '[close]'
  1637. right_click_commands:
  1638. - '[player] forums'
  1639. - '[close]'
  1640. '3':
  1641. material: diamond
  1642. slot: 14
  1643. display_name: '&9&l&nDonate&f (Click here)'
  1644. lore:
  1645. - Click here to view the
  1646. - link to the forums.
  1647. left_click_commands:
  1648. - '[player] buy'
  1649. - '[close]'
  1650. right_click_commands:
  1651. - '[player] buy'
  1652. - '[close]'
  1653. '4':
  1654. material: Book
  1655. slot: 26
  1656. display_name: '&9&l&nReturn to Help menu&f (Click here)'
  1657. lore:
  1658. - '&7Return to Help Menu'
  1659. left_click_commands:
  1660. - '[player] help'
  1661. - '[close]'
  1662. right_click_commands:
  1663. - '[player] help'
  1664. - '[close]'
  1665. Monthly:
  1666. menu_title: '&9&l&nMonthlyRewards'
  1667. open_command: monthly
  1668. size: 27
  1669. items:
  1670. '1':
  1671. material: iron_block
  1672. slot: 10
  1673. display_name: '&6&l&nHERO&f Reward (Click here)'
  1674. lore:
  1675. - '&7The Hero monthly reward is available'
  1676. - '&7for all users who have Hero rank, even'
  1677. - '&7those who won the rank through crates!'
  1678. - ''
  1679. - '&9Reward&7 3x Risen Keys'
  1680. left_click_commands:
  1681. - '[player] mr hero'
  1682. - '[close]'
  1683. right_click_commands:
  1684. - '[player] mr hero'
  1685. - '[close]'
  1686. '2':
  1687. material: gold_block
  1688. slot: 11
  1689. display_name: '&3&l&nELITE&f Reward (Click here)'
  1690. lore:
  1691. - '&7The Elite monthly reward is available'
  1692. - '&7for all users who have Elite rank, even'
  1693. - '&7those who won the rank through crates!'
  1694. - ''
  1695. - '&9Reward&7 5x Risen Keys'
  1696. left_click_commands:
  1697. - '[player] mr hero'
  1698. - '[close]'
  1699. right_click_commands:
  1700. - '[player] mr hero'
  1701. - '[close]'
  1702. '3':
  1703. material: lapis_block
  1704. slot: 12
  1705. display_name: '&d&l&nLEGEND&f Reward (Click here)'
  1706. lore:
  1707. - '&7The Legend monthly reward is available'
  1708. - '&7for all users who have Legend rank, even'
  1709. - '&7those who won the rank through crates!'
  1710. - ''
  1711. - '&9Reward&7 9x Risen Keys'
  1712. left_click_commands:
  1713. - '[player] mr hero'
  1714. - '[close]'
  1715. right_click_commands:
  1716. - '[player] mr hero'
  1717. - '[close]'
  1718. '4':
  1719. material: redstone_block
  1720. slot: 14
  1721. display_name: '&c&l&nGOD&f Reward (Click here)'
  1722. lore:
  1723. - '&7The God monthly reward is available'
  1724. - '&7for all users who have God rank, even'
  1725. - '&7those who won the rank through crates!'
  1726. - ''
  1727. - '&9Reward&7 13x Risen Keys'
  1728. left_click_commands:
  1729. - '[player] mr hero'
  1730. - '[close]'
  1731. right_click_commands:
  1732. - '[player] mr hero'
  1733. - '[close]'
  1734. '5':
  1735. material: emerald_block
  1736. slot: 15
  1737. display_name: '&a&l&nDIVINE&f Reward (Click here)'
  1738. lore:
  1739. - '&7The Divine monthly reward is available'
  1740. - '&7for all users who have Divine rank, even'
  1741. - '&7those who won the rank through crates!'
  1742. - ''
  1743. - '&9Reward&7 16x Risen Keys'
  1744. left_click_commands:
  1745. - '[player] mr hero'
  1746. - '[close]'
  1747. right_click_commands:
  1748. - '[player] mr hero'
  1749. - '[close]'
  1750. '6':
  1751. material: diamond_block
  1752. slot: 16
  1753. display_name: '&b&l&nELYSIAN&f Reward (Click here)'
  1754. lore:
  1755. - '&7The Elysian monthly reward is available'
  1756. - '&7for all users who have Elysian rank, even'
  1757. - '&7those who won the rank through crates!'
  1758. - ''
  1759. - '&9Reward&7 20x Risen Keys'
  1760. left_click_commands:
  1761. - '[player] mr hero'
  1762. - '[close]'
  1763. right_click_commands:
  1764. - '[player] mr hero'
  1765. - '[close]'
  1766. '7':
  1767. material: diamond_block
  1768. slot: 13
  1769. display_name: '&9&l&nMonthly Rewards&f (Click here)'
  1770. lore:
  1771. - '&7Gain monthly rewards through purchasing'
  1772. - '&7ranks on the donation store! All rewards'
  1773. - '&7are available from the first of the month,'
  1774. - '&7no matter when you claimed it last!'
  1775. left_click_commands:
  1776. - '[player] buy'
  1777. - '[close]'
  1778. right_click_commands:
  1779. - '[player] buy'
  1780. - '[close]'
  1781. '8':
  1782. material: Book
  1783. slot: 21
  1784. display_name: '&9&l&nReturn to Help menu&f (Click here)'
  1785. lore:
  1786. - '&7Return to Help Menu'
  1787. left_click_commands:
  1788. - '[player] help'
  1789. - '[close]'
  1790. right_click_commands:
  1791. - '[player] help'
  1792. - '[close]'
  1793. info:
  1794. menu_title: '&9&l&nInfo'
  1795. open_command: info
  1796. size: 27
  1797. items:
  1798. '1':
  1799. material: diamond
  1800. slot: 10
  1801. display_name: '&9&l&nDonate&f (Click here)'
  1802. lore:
  1803. - '&7View our 6 donator ranks alongside'
  1804. - '&7their images, and a few available'
  1805. - '&7extras. For a full list of available'
  1806. - '&7perks, please use (&n/buy&7) or visit'
  1807. - '&'
  1808. left_click_commands:
  1809. - '[player] warp donate'
  1810. - '[close]'
  1811. right_click_commands:
  1812. - '[player] warp donate'
  1813. - '[close]'
  1814. '2':
  1815. material: book
  1816. slot: 11
  1817. display_name: '&9&l&nRules&f (Click here)'
  1818. lore:
  1819. - '&7Confused on our rules? View'
  1820. - '&7/rules for a detailed list'
  1821. - '&7or click here to teleport to'
  1822. - '&7the rules section.'
  1823. left_click_commands:
  1824. - '[player] warp rules'
  1825. - '[close]'
  1826. right_click_commands:
  1827. - '[player] warp rules'
  1828. - '[close]'
  1829. '3':
  1830. material: command
  1831. slot: 12
  1832. display_name: '&9&l&nCommands&f (Click here)'
  1833. lore:
  1834. - '&7Wanna know some commands that''ll'
  1835. - '&7help you get along? Click here to'
  1836. - '&7teleport to our rules section!'
  1837. left_click_commands:
  1838. - '[player] commands'
  1839. - '[close]'
  1840. right_click_commands:
  1841. - '[player] commands'
  1842. - '[close]'
  1843. '4':
  1844. material: grass
  1845. slot: 13
  1846. display_name: '&9&l&nGems Tutorial&f (Click here)'
  1847. lore:
  1848. - '&7Don''t know how to get a plot or to'
  1849. - '&7get to it once it''s claimed? Click'
  1850. - '&7here for our plots tutorial!'
  1851. left_click_commands:
  1852. - '[player] warp plottutorial'
  1853. - '[close]'
  1854. right_click_commands:
  1855. - '[player] warp plottutorial'
  1856. - '[close]'
  1857. '5':
  1858. material: emerald
  1859. slot: 14
  1860. display_name: '&9&l&nGems Tutorial&f (Click here)'
  1861. lore:
  1862. - '&7Don''t know how to use gems or what'
  1863. - '&7they''re for? Click here for a tutorial'
  1864. - '&7explaining it all.'
  1865. left_click_commands:
  1866. - '[player] warp gemstutorial'
  1867. - '[close]'
  1868. right_click_commands:
  1869. - '[player] warp gemstutorial'
  1870. - '[close]'
  1871. '6':
  1872. material: head;AngusTheVegan
  1873. slot: 15
  1874. display_name: '&9&l&nTopPlayers&f (Click here)'
  1875. lore:
  1876. - '&7Wanna see our most dedicated players?'
  1877. - '&7Click here for a showcase of their head'
  1878. - '&7and their online time!'
  1879. - '&7Gain the highest /ontime to be displayed!'
  1880. left_click_commands:
  1881. - '[player] warp topplayers'
  1882. - '[close]'
  1883. right_click_commands:
  1884. - '[player] warp topplayers'
  1885. - '[close]'
  1886. '7':
  1887. material: head;cardiboriginal
  1888. slot: 16
  1889. display_name: '&9&l&nTopVoters&f (Click here)'
  1890. lore:
  1891. - '&7Heaps of rewards are available each'
  1892. - '&7month for those dedicated enough to'
  1893. - '&7reach the top monthly voters. To view'
  1894. - '&7rewards, visit /warp Info or use /vote.'
  1895. left_click_commands:
  1896. - '[player] warp topvotes'
  1897. - '[close]'
  1898. right_click_commands:
  1899. - '[player] warp topvotes'
  1900. - '[close]'
  1901. Application:
  1902. menu_title: '&9&l&nChoose an Application'
  1903. open_command: Apply
  1904. size: 27
  1905. items:
  1906. '1':
  1907. material: paper
  1908. slot: 10
  1909. display_name: '&9&l&nStaff Application&f (Click here)'
  1910. lore:
  1911. - Click here to view the
  1912. - link to the homepage
  1913. - of the website.
  1914. left_click_commands:
  1915. - '[player] staffapp'
  1916. - '[close]'
  1917. right_click_commands:
  1918. - '[player] staffapp'
  1919. - '[close]'
  1920. '2':
  1921. material: redstone
  1922. slot: 12
  1923. display_name: '&9&l&nBuilder Application&f (Click here)'
  1924. lore:
  1925. - Click here to view the
  1926. - link to the homepage
  1927. - of the website.
  1928. left_click_commands:
  1929. - '[player] builderapp'
  1930. - '[close]'
  1931. right_click_commands:
  1932. - '[player] builderapp'
  1933. - '[close]'
  1934. '3':
  1935. material: eye_of_ender
  1936. slot: 14
  1937. display_name: '&9&l&nYoutuber Application&f (Click here)'
  1938. lore:
  1939. - Click here to view the
  1940. - link to the homepage
  1941. - of the website.
  1942. left_click_commands:
  1943. - '[player] youtuberapp'
  1944. - '[close]'
  1945. right_click_commands:
  1946. - '[player] youtuberapp'
  1947. - '[close]'
  1948. '4':
  1949. material: wood_axe
  1950. slot: 16
  1951. display_name: '&9&l&nPunishment Application&f (Click here)'
  1952. lore:
  1953. - Click here to view the
  1954. - link to the homepage
  1955. - of the website.
  1956. left_click_commands:
  1957. - '[player] apeal'
  1958. - '[close]'
  1959. right_click_commands:
  1960. - '[player] apeal'
  1961. - '[close]'
  1962. '5':
  1963. material: Book
  1964. slot: 21
  1965. display_name: '&9&l&nReturn to Help menu&f (Click here)'
  1966. lore:
  1967. - '&7Return to Help Menu'
  1968. left_click_commands:
  1969. - '[player] help'
  1970. - '[close]'
  1971. right_click_commands:
  1972. - '[player] help'
  1973. - '[close]'
  1974. enchants:
  1975. menu_title: '&9&l&nEnchantments'
  1976. open_command: Enchant
  1977. size: 54
  1978. items:
  1979. '1':
  1980. material: diamond_sword
  1981. slot: 1
  1982. display_name: '&9&l&nSword Enchantments'
  1983. lore:
  1984. - Click here to view the
  1985. - link to the homepage
  1986. - of the website.
  1987. '2':
  1988. material: anvil
  1989. slot: 9
  1990. display_name: '&9&l&n&nSharpness'
  1991. lore:
  1992. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  1993. - '&a'
  1994. - '&7Sharpness gives you the'
  1995. - '&7upper hand in a PvP battle'
  1996. - '&7because you deal more damage'
  1997. - '&7the higher your sharpness level.'
  1998. - ''
  1999. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 12,500'
  2000. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 25'
  2001. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 12,500'
  2002. - ''
  2003. - '&7USES: Sword, Pickaxe'
  2004. left_click_commands:
  2005. - '[player] gems enchant Sharpness'
  2006. right_click_commands:
  2007. - '[player] gems enchant Sharpness'
  2008. '3':
  2009. material: head;cardibofficial
  2010. slot: 10
  2011. display_name: '&9&l&n&nDecapitate'
  2012. lore:
  2013. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2014. - '&a'
  2015. - '&7Decapitate can be added to'
  2016. - '&7swords to make it so when'
  2017. - '&7you kill another player, their'
  2018. - '&7head is dropped and it says'
  2019. - '&7who killed them.'
  2020. - ''
  2021. - '&9COST &f»&b &b100,000'
  2022. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b1'
  2023. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b20,000'
  2024. left_click_commands:
  2025. - '[player] gems enchant Decapitate'
  2026. right_click_commands:
  2027. - '[player] gems enchant Decapitate'
  2028. '4':
  2029. material: redstone
  2030. slot: 11
  2031. display_name: '&9&l&n&nvampire'
  2032. lore:
  2033. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2034. - '&a'
  2035. - '&7Suck your opponent''s'
  2036. - '&7health away with vampire!'
  2037. - '&7Higher Level = More stolen health.'
  2038. - ''
  2039. - '&9COST &f»&b &b80,000'
  2040. - '&9MAX &f»&b 10&b'
  2041. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b20,000'
  2042. left_click_commands:
  2043. - '[player] gems enchant vampire'
  2044. right_click_commands:
  2045. - '[player] gems enchant vampire'
  2046. '5':
  2047. material: lingering_potion
  2048. slot: 18
  2049. display_name: '&9&l&n&nSlow'
  2050. lore:
  2051. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2052. - '&a'
  2053. - '&7Give slowness to your'
  2054. - '&7enemy. Higher level is'
  2055. - '&7more likely to apply slowness.'
  2056. - ''
  2057. - '&9COST &f»&b &b15,000'
  2058. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b7'
  2059. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b15,000'
  2060. left_click_commands:
  2061. - '[player] gems enchant slow'
  2062. right_click_commands:
  2063. - '[player] gems enchant slow'
  2064. '6':
  2065. material: lingering_potion
  2066. slot: 19
  2067. display_name: '&9&l&n&nSlow'
  2068. lore:
  2069. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2070. - '&a'
  2071. - '&7Each level up gives'
  2072. - '&7you an extra heart'
  2073. - '&7when holding the item.'
  2074. - '&7Each level is an extra heart.'
  2075. - ''
  2076. - '&9COST &f»&b &b7,500'
  2077. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b5'
  2078. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b15,000'
  2079. left_click_commands:
  2080. - '[player] gems enchant morehearts'
  2081. right_click_commands:
  2082. - '[player] gems enchant morehearts'
  2083. '7':
  2084. material: potion
  2085. slot: 20
  2086. display_name: '&9&l&n&nWeakness'
  2087. lore:
  2088. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2089. - '&a'
  2090. - '&7Give weakness to your'
  2091. - '&7enemy. Higher level is'
  2092. - '&7more likely to apply weakness.'
  2093. - ''
  2094. - '&9COST &f»&b &b20,000'
  2095. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b5'
  2096. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b20,000'
  2097. left_click_commands:
  2098. - '[player] gems enchant weakness'
  2099. right_click_commands:
  2100. - '[player] gems enchant weakness'
  2101. '8':
  2102. material: potion
  2103. slot: 27
  2104. display_name: '&9&l&n&nRegeneration'
  2105. lore:
  2106. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2107. - '&a'
  2108. - '&7Get regenearation when'
  2109. - '&7holding.'
  2110. - ''
  2111. - '&9COST &f»&b &b20,000'
  2112. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b4'
  2113. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b20,000'
  2114. left_click_commands:
  2115. - '[player] gems enchant Regeneration'
  2116. right_click_commands:
  2117. - '[player] gems enchant regeneration'
  2118. '9':
  2119. material: egg
  2120. slot: 28
  2121. display_name: '&9&l&n&nGuardian'
  2122. lore:
  2123. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2124. - '&a'
  2125. - '&7If someone hits you when you''re'
  2126. - '&7holding an item with this enchant,'
  2127. - '&7a guard will be sent out to slay them!'
  2128. - ''
  2129. - '&9Level 1 &f»&b &bSnowman'
  2130. - '&9Level 2 &f»&b &bSilverfish'
  2131. - '&9Level 3 &f»&b &bSkeleton'
  2132. - '&9Level 4 &f»&b &bWolf'
  2133. - '&9Level 5 &f»&b &bZombie'
  2134. - '&9Level 6 &f»&b &bGuardian'
  2135. - '&9Level 7 &f»&b &bWitch'
  2136. - '&9Level 8 &f»&b &bZombie Pigman'
  2137. - '&9Level 9 &f»&b &bIron Golem'
  2138. - '&9Level 10 &f»&b &bWither'
  2139. - ''
  2140. - '&9COST &f»&b &b50,000'
  2141. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 50,000'
  2142. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b10'
  2143. left_click_commands:
  2144. - '[player] gems enchant guardian'
  2145. right_click_commands:
  2146. - '[player] gems enchant guardian'
  2147. '10':
  2148. material: potion
  2149. slot: 29
  2150. display_name: '&9&l&n&nPoison'
  2151. lore:
  2152. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2153. - '&a'
  2154. - '&7Give poison to your'
  2155. - '&7enemy. Higher level is'
  2156. - '&7more likely to apply poison.'
  2157. - ''
  2158. - '&9COST &f»&b &b25,000'
  2159. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b5'
  2160. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b25,000'
  2161. left_click_commands:
  2162. - '[player] gems enchant Poison'
  2163. right_click_commands:
  2164. - '[player] gems enchant poison'
  2165. '11':
  2166. material: gold_ingot
  2167. slot: 36
  2168. display_name: '&9&l&n&nKill Reward'
  2169. lore:
  2170. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2171. - '&a'
  2172. - '&7Get rewards for killing players.'
  2173. - '&7Level 1 - &b2,500 Gems'
  2174. - '&7Level 2 - &b7,500 Gems'
  2175. - '&7Level 3 - &b10,000 Gems'
  2176. - ''
  2177. - '&9COST &f»&b &b50,000'
  2178. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b3'
  2179. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b50,000'
  2180. left_click_commands:
  2181. - '[player] gems enchant killreward'
  2182. right_click_commands:
  2183. - '[player] gems enchant killreward'
  2184. '12':
  2185. material: web
  2186. slot: 37
  2187. display_name: '&9&l&n&nQuick Trap'
  2188. lore:
  2189. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2190. - '&a'
  2191. - '&7Place cobwebs around your'
  2192. - '&7opponent. Duration depends'
  2193. - '&7on the level you have.'
  2194. - ''
  2195. - '&9COST &f»&b &b70,000'
  2196. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b3'
  2197. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b70,000'
  2198. left_click_commands:
  2199. - '[player] gems enchant quicktrap'
  2200. right_click_commands:
  2201. - '[player] gems enchant quicktrap'
  2202. '13':
  2203. material: 29539
  2204. slot: 38
  2205. display_name: '&9&l&n&nBoomerang'
  2206. lore:
  2207. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2208. - '&a'
  2209. - '&7Throw your weapon at'
  2210. - '&7your enemy. It automatically'
  2211. - '&7returns to you. Damage depends'
  2212. - '&7on the level of the enchant.'
  2213. - ''
  2214. - '&9COST &f»&b &b12,500'
  2215. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b10'
  2216. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b &b12,500'
  2217. left_click_commands:
  2218. - '[player] gems enchant boomerang'
  2219. right_click_commands:
  2220. - '[player] gems enchant boomerang'
  2221. '14':
  2222. material: diamond_pickaxe
  2223. slot: 5
  2224. display_name: '&9&l&nPickaxe Enchantments'
  2225. lore:
  2226. - Click here to view the
  2227. - link to the homepage
  2228. - of the website.
  2229. '15':
  2230. material: exp_bottle
  2231. slot: 13
  2232. display_name: '&9&l&n&nFortune'
  2233. lore:
  2234. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2235. - '&a'
  2236. - '&7Fortune increases the'
  2237. - '&7amount of an item received'
  2238. - '&7when you mine or'
  2239. - '&7explode blocks.'
  2240. - ''
  2241. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 300'
  2242. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 150'
  2243. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 300'
  2244. left_click_commands:
  2245. - '[player] gems enchant fortune'
  2246. right_click_commands:
  2247. - '[player] gems enchant fortune'
  2248. '16':
  2249. material: powered_rail
  2250. slot: 14
  2251. display_name: '&9&l&n&nEfficiency'
  2252. lore:
  2253. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2254. - '&a'
  2255. - '&7Efficiency increases the'
  2256. - '&7rate at which blocks are'
  2257. - '&7broken.'
  2258. - ''
  2259. - '&9COST &f»&b &b300'
  2260. - '&9MAX &f»&b &b100'
  2261. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 300'
  2262. left_click_commands:
  2263. - '[player] gems enchant efficiency'
  2264. right_click_commands:
  2265. - '[player] gems enchant efficiency'
  2266. '17':
  2267. material: barrier
  2268. slot: 15
  2269. display_name: '&9&l&n&nJackHammer'
  2270. lore:
  2271. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2272. - '&a'
  2273. - '&7When mining with the'
  2274. - '&7slicing enchant, every'
  2275. - '&730 seconds, a radius of'
  2276. - '&740 blocks will be destroyed'
  2277. - '&7on a layer and autosold.'
  2278. - '&7Cooldown is 30 secs, and'
  2279. - '&7how often slicing happens'
  2280. - '&7depends on level.'
  2281. - ''
  2282. - '&7Cooldown: 20 seconds'
  2283. - ''
  2284. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 60,000'
  2285. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 10'
  2286. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 60,000'
  2287. left_click_commands:
  2288. - '[player] gems enchant slicing'
  2289. right_click_commands:
  2290. - '[player] gems enchant slicing'
  2291. '18':
  2292. material: tnt
  2293. slot: 22
  2294. display_name: '&9&l&n&nExplosive'
  2295. lore:
  2296. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2297. - '&a'
  2298. - '&7Explodes blocks around'
  2299. - '&7the one you mined.'
  2300. - '&7Higher level - Bigger radius'
  2301. - ''
  2302. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 600'
  2303. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 50'
  2304. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 600'
  2305. left_click_commands:
  2306. - '[player] gems enchant explosive'
  2307. right_click_commands:
  2308. - '[player] gems enchant explosive'
  2309. '19':
  2310. material: diamond_spade
  2311. slot: 23
  2312. display_name: '&9&l&n&nExcavation'
  2313. lore:
  2314. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2315. - '&a'
  2316. - '&7Excavation, like explosive,'
  2317. - '&7removes blocks around the ones'
  2318. - '&7you mined. This does it in'
  2319. - '&7a shape rather than randomly.'
  2320. - '&7Higher level - more likely to occur'
  2321. - ''
  2322. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 800'
  2323. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 50'
  2324. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 800'
  2325. left_click_commands:
  2326. - '[player] gems enchant excavation'
  2327. right_click_commands:
  2328. - '[player] gems enchant excavation'
  2329. '20':
  2330. material: soul_sand
  2331. slot: 24
  2332. display_name: '&9&l&n&nSoul Bound'
  2333. lore:
  2334. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2335. - '&a'
  2336. - '&7Soul Bound gives your'
  2337. - '&7item a unique soul number,'
  2338. - '&7meaning that when you die'
  2339. - '&7the item will remain in'
  2340. - '&7your inventory when you'
  2341. - '&7respawn. Also, if it is'
  2342. - '&7dropped on the ground,'
  2343. - '&7nobody but you can pick'
  2344. - '&7it up.'
  2345. - ''
  2346. - '&7Upon each death/drop, soul'
  2347. - '&7bound loses a level.'
  2348. - ''
  2349. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 35,000'
  2350. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 5'
  2351. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 60,000'
  2352. left_click_commands:
  2353. - '[player] gems enchant soulbound'
  2354. right_click_commands:
  2355. - '[player] gems enchant soulbound'
  2356. '21':
  2357. material: gold_ingot
  2358. slot: 31
  2359. display_name: '&9&l&n&nLuck'
  2360. lore:
  2361. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2362. - '&a'
  2363. - '&7Luck makes it so there is a chance'
  2364. - '&7of a block containing a rewards. The'
  2365. - '&7rewards are as follows:'
  2366. - ''
  2367. - '&7Level 1 1% Chance of:'
  2368. - '&775, 100, 125 Gems'
  2369. - ''
  2370. - '&7Level 2 1% Chance of:'
  2371. - '&7130, 150, 180 Gems'
  2372. - ''
  2373. - '&7Level 3 1% Chance of:'
  2374. - '&7190, 200, 210 Gems, 1x Vote Key'
  2375. - ''
  2376. - '&7Level 4 1% Chance of:'
  2377. - '&7220, 230, 240 Gems, 2x Vote Keys'
  2378. - ''
  2379. - '&7Level 5 1% Chance of:'
  2380. - '&7250, 260, 270 Gems, 1x Block Key'
  2381. - ''
  2382. - '&7Level 6 1.5% Chance of:'
  2383. - '&7280 Gems, 290 Gems, 2x Block Keys'
  2384. - ''
  2385. - '&7Level 7 1.5% Chance of:'
  2386. - '&7300 Gems, 310 Gems, 3x Block Keys'
  2387. - ''
  2388. - '&7Level 8 1.5% Chance of:'
  2389. - '&7320 Gems, 330 Gems, 4x Block Key'
  2390. - ''
  2391. - '&7Level 9 2% Chance of:'
  2392. - '&7340 Gems, 350 Gems, 1x Drop Party Key'
  2393. - ''
  2394. - '&7Level 10 2% Chance of:'
  2395. - '&7360 Gems, 370 Gems, 1x Drop Party Keys'
  2396. - ''
  2397. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 13,000'
  2398. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 10'
  2399. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 13,000'
  2400. left_click_commands:
  2401. - '[player] gems enchant luck'
  2402. right_click_commands:
  2403. - '[player] gems enchant luck'
  2404. '22':
  2405. material: elytra
  2406. slot: 32
  2407. display_name: '&9&l&n&nFly'
  2408. lore:
  2409. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2410. - '&a'
  2411. - '&7Fly can be added to pickaxes'
  2412. - '&7to make it so when the pick'
  2413. - '&7is held you can fly.'
  2414. - '&7Higher level means faster flying.'
  2415. - ''
  2416. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 200,000'
  2417. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 5'
  2418. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 200,000'
  2419. - ''
  2420. left_click_commands:
  2421. - '[player] gems enchant fly'
  2422. right_click_commands:
  2423. - '[player] gems enchant fly'
  2424. '23':
  2425. material: grass
  2426. slot: 33
  2427. display_name: '&9&l&n&nSilk Touch'
  2428. lore:
  2429. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2430. - '&a'
  2431. - '&7Silk Touch makes items'
  2432. - '&7broken drop in their'
  2433. - '&7original form, instead'
  2434. - '&7of a broken down version.'
  2435. - ''
  2436. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 300,000'
  2437. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 1'
  2438. left_click_commands:
  2439. - '[player] gems enchant silktouch'
  2440. right_click_commands:
  2441. - '[player] gems enchant silktouch'
  2442. '24':
  2443. material: slime_block
  2444. slot: 40
  2445. display_name: '&9&l&n&nSilk Touch'
  2446. lore:
  2447. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2448. - '&a'
  2449. - '&7Jump gives players a boost'
  2450. - '&7when they jump. This can be'
  2451. - '&7used to help you get out of'
  2452. - '&7mines or in PvP.'
  2453. - '&7Higher level means higher jump'
  2454. - ''
  2455. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 12,500'
  2456. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 6'
  2457. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 12,500'
  2458. - ''
  2459. - '&7USE: Pickaxe, Sword.'
  2460. left_click_commands:
  2461. - '[player] gems enchant jump'
  2462. right_click_commands:
  2463. - '[player] gems enchant jump'
  2464. '25':
  2465. material: beacon
  2466. slot: 41
  2467. display_name: '&9&l&n&nSpeed'
  2468. lore:
  2469. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2470. - '&a'
  2471. - '&7Speed increases the rate'
  2472. - '&7at which a player travels'
  2473. - '&7when they run or walk.'
  2474. - '&7Higher level means higher speed'
  2475. - ''
  2476. - '&9COST: &f»&b&b 1,500'
  2477. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 5'
  2478. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 1,500'
  2479. left_click_commands:
  2480. - '[player] gems enchant speed'
  2481. right_click_commands:
  2482. - '[player] gems enchant speed'
  2483. '26':
  2484. material: potion
  2485. slot: 42
  2486. display_name: '&9&l&n&nHaste'
  2487. lore:
  2488. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2489. - '&a'
  2490. - '&7Gives you haste when holding.'
  2491. - '&7increases mining and attacking speed.'
  2492. - ''
  2493. - '&9COST: &f»&b&b 6,000'
  2494. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 15'
  2495. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 6,000'
  2496. left_click_commands:
  2497. - '[player] gems enchant Haste'
  2498. right_click_commands:
  2499. - '[player] gems enchant haste'
  2500. '27':
  2501. material: diamond_pickaxe
  2502. slot: 49
  2503. display_name: '&9&l&n&nDrill'
  2504. lore:
  2505. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2506. - '&a'
  2507. - '&7Destroy the blocks in the direction'
  2508. - '&7you are facing. Occurs randomly,'
  2509. - '&7and the level makes it occur'
  2510. - '&7much more often.'
  2511. - ''
  2512. - '&7Cooldown: 5 seconds'
  2513. - '&7Radius: 3 blocks'
  2514. - ''
  2515. - '&9COST: &f»&b&b 250,000'
  2516. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 10'
  2517. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 250,000'
  2518. left_click_commands:
  2519. - '[player] gems enchant drill'
  2520. right_click_commands:
  2521. - '[player] gems enchant drill'
  2522. '28':
  2523. material: eye_of_ender
  2524. slot: 50
  2525. display_name: '&9&l&n&nNightVision'
  2526. lore:
  2527. - '&7(&cClick To Buy&7)'
  2528. - '&a'
  2529. - '&7Night Vision allows a player'
  2530. - '&7to see any area that is'
  2531. - '&7previously dark.'
  2532. - ''
  2533. - '&9COST &f»&b&b 3000'
  2534. - '&9MAX &f»&b&b 1'
  2535. - '&9INCREASE &f»&b&b 3000'
  2536. - ''
  2537. - '&7USE &f»&b&b Helmet, Pickaxe, Sword.'
  2538. left_click_commands:
  2539. - '[player] gems enchant nightvision'
  2540. right_click_commands:
  2541. - '[player] gems enchant nightvision'
  2542. plugins:
  2543. menu_title: '&9&l&nPlugins'
  2544. open_command:
  2545. - plugins
  2546. - plugin
  2547. - pl
  2548. size: 54
  2549. items:
  2550. '1':
  2551. material: diamond
  2552. slot: 10
  2553. display_name: '&9&l&nMines'
  2554. lore:
  2555. - '&7Our mines (found with /warp) reset'
  2556. - '&7automatically, sell all your items'
  2557. - '&7and let you reset the mine yourself.'
  2558. - ''
  2559. - '&7To sell your items automatically, type &n/as'
  2560. - '&7To see the warp menu, type &n/warp&7.'
  2561. left_click_commands:
  2562. - '[close]'
  2563. right_click_commands:
  2564. - '[close]'
  2565. '2':
  2566. material: tripwire_hook
  2567. slot: 11
  2568. display_name: '&9&l&nCrates'
  2569. lore:
  2570. - '&7We have 7 crates available:'
  2571. - '&7Vote, Drop Party, Risen,'
  2572. - '&7Block, Rankup, Daily and Cloud.'
  2573. - ''
  2574. - '&7All these crates can be obtained from:'
  2575. - '&7Voting, Donating, Mining and logging in daily.'
  2576. - ''
  2577. - '&7Crates give special rewards such as:'
  2578. - '&7Money, Multipliers, Kits, Gems, Credits'
  2579. - '&7Pickaxes, Ranks, Perms, Other Crates,'
  2580. - '&7Grenades and more!'
  2581. - ''
  2582. - '&7To go to the crates, type &n/warp crate&7.'
  2583. left_click_commands:
  2584. - '[close]'
  2585. right_click_commands:
  2586. - '[close]'
  2587. '3':
  2588. material: lever
  2589. slot: 12
  2590. display_name: '&9&l&nVoting'
  2591. lore:
  2592. - '&7Our voting setup allows players to compare'
  2593. - '&7votes, get lucky with OP rewards and be reminded to vote.'
  2594. - ''
  2595. - '&7Tutorial: Click on a link, enter your name'
  2596. - '&7and complete the captcha.'
  2597. - ''
  2598. - '&7To open a vote menu, type &n/vote.'
  2599. - '&7To get the vote links, type &n/vote link'
  2600. - '&7To see top voters, type &n/topvotes'
  2601. - '&7To see the rewards, type &n/rewards'
  2602. left_click_commands:
  2603. - '[close]'
  2604. right_click_commands:
  2605. - '[close]'
  2606. '4':
  2607. material: chest
  2608. slot: 13
  2609. display_name: '&9&l&nVaults'
  2610. lore:
  2611. - '&7Each player has their own vault,'
  2612. - '&7where they can store their items.'
  2613. - ''
  2614. - '&7Donators get more vaults. You can'
  2615. - '&7also get more vaults from ascending.'
  2616. - ''
  2617. - '&7To open your vault, type &n/vault 1&7.'
  2618. left_click_commands:
  2619. - '[close]'
  2620. right_click_commands:
  2621. - '[close]'
  2622. '5':
  2623. material: diamond
  2624. slot: 14
  2625. display_name: '&9&l&nMines'
  2626. lore:
  2627. - '&7Our mines (found with /warp) reset'
  2628. - '&7automatically, sell all your items'
  2629. - '&7and let you reset the mine yourself.'
  2630. - ''
  2631. - '&7To sell your items automatically, type &n/as'
  2632. - '&7To see the warp menu, type &n/warp&7.'
  2633. left_click_commands:
  2634. - '[close]'
  2635. right_click_commands:
  2636. - '[close]'
  2637. '6':
  2638. material: stone
  2639. slot: 15
  2640. display_name: '&9&l&nBlock Counter'
  2641. lore:
  2642. - '&7This plugin allows a player to gain'
  2643. - '&7certain rewards for how many blocks'
  2644. - '&7they have broken. Rewards are:'
  2645. - ''
  2646. - '&7Every 15,000 Blocks �&b 2000 Gems'
  2647. - '&7Every 20,000 Blocks �&b 1x Block Crate Key'
  2648. - '&7Every 40,000 Blocks �&b 5x Block Crate Keys'
  2649. - '&7Every 75,000 Blocks �&b 1x Drop Party Crate Key'
  2650. - '&7Every 200,000 Blocks �&b 20,000 Gems'
  2651. - '&7Every 500,000 Blocks �&b 10x Block Crate Keys'
  2652. - '&7Every 1,00,000 Blocks �&b 8x DP Key, 32x Block Key'
  2653. - '&7Every 3,00,000 Blocks �&b 20x DP Key, 1x Risen Key'
  2654. - ''
  2655. - '&7This plugin also adds the blocks'
  2656. - '&7broken to your pickaxe!'
  2657. - ''
  2658. left_click_commands:
  2659. - '[close]'
  2660. right_click_commands:
  2661. - '[close]'
  2662. '7':
  2663. material: lever
  2664. slot: 16
  2665. display_name: '&9&l&nVoting'
  2666. lore:
  2667. - '&7Our voting setup allows players to compare'
  2668. - '&7votes, get lucky with OP rewards and be reminded to vote.'
  2669. - ''
  2670. - '&7Tutorial: Click on a link, enter your name'
  2671. - '&7and complete the captcha.'
  2672. - ''
  2673. - '&7To open a vote menu, type &n/vote.'
  2674. - '&7To get the vote links, type &n/vote link'
  2675. - '&7To see top voters, type &n/topvotes'
  2676. - '&7To see the rewards, type &n/rewards'
  2677. left_click_commands:
  2678. - '[close]'
  2679. right_click_commands:
  2680. - '[close]'
  2681. '8':
  2682. material: tripwire_hook
  2683. slot: 19
  2684. display_name: '&9&l&nDaily Rewards'
  2685. lore:
  2686. - '&7Each day you''ll receive'
  2687. - '&7rewards for logging in, and'
  2688. - '&7the more consecutive days,'
  2689. - '&7the better the reward!'
  2690. - ''
  2691. - '&7Use &n/db&7 to check your daily bonus.'
  2692. - '&7Use &n/daily&7 to use your keys.'
  2693. left_click_commands:
  2694. - '[close]'
  2695. right_click_commands:
  2696. - '[close]'
  2697. '9':
  2698. material: head; angusthevegan
  2699. slot: 20
  2700. display_name: '&9&l&nPet Blocks'
  2701. lore:
  2702. - '&7Pet Blocks allows you to have a'
  2703. - '&7wee square pet that follows you'
  2704. - '&7around. It is your best friend :)'
  2705. - ''
  2706. - '&7Type &n/pb&7 to configure your pet.'
  2707. left_click_commands:
  2708. - '[close]'
  2709. right_click_commands:
  2710. - '[close]'
  2711. '10':
  2712. material: enchanted_book
  2713. slot: 21
  2714. display_name: '&9&l&nCustom Enchantments'
  2715. lore:
  2716. - '&7Our custom enchantments can be used'
  2717. - '&7to add a range of encahntments to your'
  2718. - '&7items for gems.'
  2719. - ''
  2720. - '&7Type &n/warp gems&7 to enchant!'
  2721. - '&7Type &n/enchants&n to view enchants.'
  2722. left_click_commands:
  2723. - '[close]'
  2724. right_click_commands:
  2725. - '[close]'
  2726. '11':
  2727. material: diamond
  2728. slot: 22
  2729. display_name: '&9&l&nLottery'
  2730. lore:
  2731. - '&7Lotteries are held every 2 days on'
  2732. - '&7the server, and the winner receives'
  2733. - '&7all money in pot, $10m a drop party crate'
  2734. - '&7key and a 10x multiplier for 2 hours.'
  2735. - ''
  2736. - '&7To buy a ticket, type &n/lot buy&7 (number of tickets).'
  2737. - '&7To open lottery options, type &n/lot gui&7.'
  2738. left_click_commands:
  2739. - '[close]'
  2740. right_click_commands:
  2741. - '[close]'
  2742. '12':
  2743. material: tnt
  2744. slot: 23
  2745. display_name: '&9&l&nLag Clearing'
  2746. lore:
  2747. - '&7ClearLag minimizes lag on the server'
  2748. - '&7by clearing items on the ground every'
  2749. - '&720 minutes. This gets rid of the items'
  2750. - '&7dropped which may be causing lag.'
  2751. left_click_commands:
  2752. - '[close]'
  2753. right_click_commands:
  2754. - '[close]'
  2755. '13':
  2756. material: emerald
  2757. slot: 24
  2758. display_name: '&9&l&nDrop Party'
  2759. lore:
  2760. - '&7Voting allows us to have a dropparty'
  2761. - '&7every time 50 votes are conducted and'
  2762. - '&7then the timer resets. Players get 1'
  2763. - '&7risen key during this time and'
  2764. - '&7a global multiplier of 5 will be set'
  2765. - '&7for 45 minutes.'
  2766. - ''
  2767. - '&7To vote, please type &n/vote&7!'
  2768. left_click_commands:
  2769. - '[close]'
  2770. right_click_commands:
  2771. - '[close]'
  2772. '14':
  2773. material: grass
  2774. slot: 25
  2775. display_name: '&9&l&nPlots'
  2776. lore:
  2777. - '&7Our plots allows a refresh from mining,'
  2778. - '&7allowing you to claim a plot, where you'
  2779. - '&7can build whatever you wish.'
  2780. - ''
  2781. - '&7To get items for your plot, type &n/warp shop&7.'
  2782. - ''
  2783. - '&7To get a plot, first type &n/warp plots'
  2784. - '&7Then type &n/plot auto&7. Or, if you find'
  2785. - '&7A plot you wish to have and is unclaimed,'
  2786. - '&7Type &n/plot claim'
  2787. - ''
  2788. - For more plot help, type &n/plot help
  2789. left_click_commands:
  2790. - '[close]'
  2791. right_click_commands:
  2792. - '[close]'
  2793. '15':
  2794. material: diamond_sword
  2795. slot: 28
  2796. display_name: '&9&l&nGangs'
  2797. lore:
  2798. - '&7We have a high quality gang'
  2799. - '&7system which allows you to'
  2800. - '&7create gang and invite others.'
  2801. - ''
  2802. - '&7To create a gang, type &n/gang create'
  2803. - '&7To invite someone to your gang, type &n/gang invite'
  2804. - '&7To join a gang, type &n/gang join|accept'
  2805. - '&7To level up your gang, type &n/gang levelup'
  2806. - '&7To promote a gang memebr, type &n/gang promote'
  2807. - '&7To deposit money, type &n/gang deposit'
  2808. - '&7To set your gang home, type &n/gang sethome '
  2809. - '&7To teleport to your gang home, type &n/gang home'
  2810. - '&7To ally a gang, type /gang &nally'
  2811. - '&7To send a gang message, type &n/gc'
  2812. left_click_commands:
  2813. - '[close]'
  2814. right_click_commands:
  2815. - '[close]'
  2816. '16':
  2817. material: dragon_egg
  2818. slot: 29
  2819. display_name: '&9&l&nPrestige'
  2820. lore:
  2821. - '&7Prestige allows you to prestige'
  2822. - '&7after you hit rank free. '
  2823. - '&7To prestige, type &n/prestige'
  2824. - '&7when you are rank Free.'
  2825. - ''
  2826. - '&7Type &n/prestige&7 to see the cost for prestiging,'
  2827. - '&7the rewards and what will be reset.'
  2828. left_click_commands:
  2829. - '[close]'
  2830. right_click_commands:
  2831. - '[close]'
  2832. '17':
  2833. material: Wool
  2834. slot: 30
  2835. display_name: '&9&l&nGames'
  2836. lore:
  2837. - '&7Use (/games) to play one of the'
  2838. - '&715 menu minigames! A great way to'
  2839. - '&7take a break from endlessly mining.'
  2840. left_click_commands:
  2841. - '[close]'
  2842. right_click_commands:
  2843. - '[close]'
  2844. '18':
  2845. material: emerald
  2846. slot: 33
  2847. display_name: '&9&l&nTrading'
  2848. lore:
  2849. - '&7Trading allows you to safely'
  2850. - '&7exchange items and money with'
  2851. - '&7players to prevent scamming.'
  2852. - ''
  2853. - '&7To trade with a player, type'
  2854. - '&n/trade (player)&7 then follow'
  2855. - '&7the menu items.'
  2856. left_click_commands:
  2857. - '[close]'
  2858. right_click_commands:
  2859. - '[close]'
  2860. '19':
  2861. material: blaze_powder
  2862. slot: 34
  2863. display_name: '&9&l&nTrails'
  2864. lore:
  2865. - '&7Trails is a cosmetic item which'
  2866. - '&7adds many different trails for your,'
  2867. - '&7head and feet. These cosmetics are'
  2868. - '&7won from P10-P12 or through donating.'
  2869. - ''
  2870. - '&7To access trails, type &n/h&7.'
  2871. left_click_commands:
  2872. - '[close]'
  2873. right_click_commands:
  2874. - '[close]'
  2875. '20':
  2876. material: clock
  2877. slot: 35
  2878. display_name: '&9&l&nTime Checker'
  2879. lore:
  2880. - '&7Time checker allows players'
  2881. - '&7to see their online time'
  2882. - '&7on the server.'
  2883. - ''
  2884. - '&7To check your player time,'
  2885. - '&7Type &n/ontime&7.'
  2886. - '&7To see top ontimes, &n/ontime top'
  2887. left_click_commands:
  2888. - '[close]'
  2889. right_click_commands:
  2890. - '[close]'
  2891. '21':
  2892. material: head; wither_skeleton
  2893. slot: 38
  2894. display_name: '&9&l&nLag Clearing'
  2895. lore:
  2896. - '&7Pets can be purchased on'
  2897. - '&7the donation store for'
  2898. - '&7$2 each, but players start'
  2899. - '&7with permissions to the'
  2900. - '&7sheep pet at every rank.'
  2901. - ''
  2902. - '&7To purchase a pet, type &n/buy.'
  2903. - '&7To get a pet, type &n/pet (mob)'
  2904. - '&7To name your pet, type &n/pet name'
  2905. - '&7To remove your pet, type &n/pet remove'
  2906. - '&7To open your pet GUI, click your pet'
  2907. - '&7To ride your pet, type &n/pet ride'
  2908. - '&7To get more pet help, type &n/pet help&7.'
  2909. left_click_commands:
  2910. - '[close]'
  2911. right_click_commands:
  2912. - '[close]'
  2913. '22':
  2914. material: lapisluzuli
  2915. slot: 39
  2916. display_name: '&9&l&nChatColor'
  2917. lore:
  2918. - '&7Chat Colors allows donators'
  2919. - '&7to change the color that their'
  2920. - '&7their chat is displayed as.'
  2921. - '&7All donator ranks have this feature.'
  2922. - '&7Prestige 50 also has this feature.'
  2923. - ''
  2924. - '&7To change your chat color, type &n/chat&7.'
  2925. left_click_commands:
  2926. - '[close]'
  2927. right_click_commands:
  2928. - '[close]'
  2929. '23':
  2930. material: emerald
  2931. slot: 40
  2932. display_name: '&9&l&nGems'
  2933. lore:
  2934. - '&7Gems are gained from crates,'
  2935. - '&7mining, Mob Arena, "Luck" Enchant'
  2936. - 'and donating. Gems can be'
  2937. - '&7be used for enchanting your'
  2938. - '&7items with Fortune, Efficiency,'
  2939. - '&7Explosion, Speed, Fly and &nMANY&7 more.'
  2940. - ''
  2941. - '&7To check your gems, type &n/gems'
  2942. - '&7To enchant an item, type &n/warp gems'
  2943. - '&7To withdraw gems, type &n/gems withdraw&7.'
  2944. left_click_commands:
  2945. - '[close]'
  2946. right_click_commands:
  2947. - '[close]'
  2948. '24':
  2949. material: diamond_sword
  2950. slot: 50
  2951. display_name: '&9&l&nMob Arena'
  2952. lore:
  2953. - '&7Mob Arena is a plugin which adds'
  2954. - '&7a feature that players can join'
  2955. - '&7an arena where they can pick a'
  2956. - '&7class and will then fight waves'
  2957. - '&7of mobs. Get gems, crates and money'
  2958. - '&7as rewards. Each donator class has'
  2959. - '&7an OP kit.'
  2960. - ''
  2961. - '&7Type &n/ma j&7 to join the arena.'
  2962. left_click_commands:
  2963. - '[close]'
  2964. right_click_commands:
  2965. - '[close]'
  2966. '25':
  2967. material: sign
  2968. slot: 41
  2969. display_name: '&9&l&nChest Shop'
  2970. lore:
  2971. - '&7ChestShop allows players to sell items'
  2972. - '&7at their plot. The items usually sold'
  2973. - '&7are keys, armor and picks. To setup'
  2974. - '&7a sign at your plot, follow this:'
  2975. - ''
  2976. - '&7Place a sign on a chest and make the lines:'
  2977. - '&7Line 1 - [Your Username]'
  2978. - '&7Line 2 - [Quantity]'
  2979. - '&7Line 3 - [B/S (Price)]'
  2980. - '&7Line 4 - [Item]'
  2981. - ''
  2982. - '&7So, for example:'
  2983. - '&7AngusTheVegan'
  2984. - '&716'
  2985. - '&7B 10000'
  2986. - '&7Dirt'
  2987. left_click_commands:
  2988. - '[close]'
  2989. right_click_commands:
  2990. - '[close]'
  2991. '26':
  2992. material: diamond_sword
  2993. slot: 42
  2994. display_name: '&9&l&nArenas'
  2995. lore:
  2996. - '&71v1 Battle Arenas allow players'
  2997. - '&7to enter a 1v1 Arena where they'
  2998. - '&7can fight another player'
  2999. - '&7These arenas also give players'
  3000. - '&7items so the fight can be fair'
  3001. - ''
  3002. - '&7To join the arena, type &n/arena j'
  3003. - '&7To watch the arena, type &n/arena watch'
  3004. left_click_commands:
  3005. - '[close]'
  3006. right_click_commands:
  3007. - '[close]'
  3008. '27':
  3009. material: diamondpickaxe
  3010. slot: 43
  3011. display_name: '&9&l&nTrading'
  3012. lore:
  3013. - '&7We have many different kits that'
  3014. - '&7players can use as a regular player'
  3015. - '&7or a donator.'
  3016. - ''
  3017. - '&7Go /kit to view the kits menu.'
  3018. - ''
  3019. - '&7You get a new kit every 3 ranks'
  3020. - '&7starting at C. It is not recommended'
  3021. - '&7to upgrade this pick as you will'
  3022. - '&7receive a new one soon after.'
  3023. - ''
  3024. - '&7Donators receive a pickaxe kit and'
  3025. - '&7an armor kit. They receive the pickaxe'
  3026. - '&7kit with more cooldown to prevent'
  3027. - '&7donators handing out pickaxes to every'
  3028. - '&7player.'
  3029. - ''
  3030. - '&7Players also have kits available, such'
  3031. - '&7as /kit PvP and /kit Starter. PvP Kit has'
  3032. - '&7a 10 minute cooldown and kit starter has no'
  3033. - '&7cooldown.'
  3034. left_click_commands:
  3035. - '[close]'
  3036. right_click_commands:
  3037. - '[close]'
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