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Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. 00:15 Konquer Well , SCP:CB was fun. Atmospheric , many SCP's , but it's animations and graphics make it more "fun" that should
  2. 00:15 Oboebandgeek99 like the one that was a short rpg
  3. 00:15 AJMansfield All that really matters is if we're cool yet.
  4. 00:15 Oboebandgeek99 .sea SCP-RPG
  5. 00:15 Takov No, it was shit
  6. 00:15 Alexandra Oboebandgeek99: SCP-RPG(SCP-245, Rating:82) -
  7. 00:16 Decibelle eh, CB is fun
  8. 00:16 Decibelle people on the site just get tired of hearing about it, understandably so
  9. 00:16 Takov It's amazing that someone actually made a playable game in Blitz3D sure, but that's it
  10. 00:16 AJMansfield plus its windoze only
  11. 00:17 Oboebandgeek99 takov people are allowed to like things you dont like (or are sick of hearing)
  12. 00:17 Takov Oboebandgeek99: Don't strawman me
  13. 00:17 Oboebandgeek99 ok ok im not trying to strawman anyone
  14. 00:18 Takov I am fully allowed to express my dislike for something just as another is allowed to express their like
  15. 00:18 *** DrippingPitch_ joined #site19
  16. 00:18 Takov And we are allowed to disagree as long as we aren't jerks, usually
  17. 00:18 AJMansfield you guys just need to calm down
  18. 00:18 Oboebandgeek99 sorry you just kinda kept pressing the issue that didnt need to be pressed i'll keep quiet
  19. 00:19 AJMansfield cut it
  20. 00:19 Takov AJMansfield: I'm....calm?
  21. 00:19 AJMansfield ok good
  22. 00:19 *** not-cheese joined #site19
  23. 00:19 Takov Dude, it's all text on a screen to me
  24. 00:19 Oboebandgeek99 which makes it hard to convey intent and tone
  25. 00:19 not-cheese Hello.
  26. 00:20 *** DrippingPitch quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
  27. 00:20 Oboebandgeek99 hey not-cheese
  28. 00:20 AJMansfield nah, don't lie to me, you both sounded pretty riled by this little argument
  29. 00:20 AJMansfield don't give me that bs
  30. 00:20 Takov AJMansfield: ayy
  31. 00:20 Takov lmao
  32. 00:20 Takov You are wrong
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