Windows RG

Aug 9th, 2020
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  1. $alert({
  2. img: "",
  3. sound: "",
  4. header: !1,
  5. btnOk: !1,
  6. msg: "<body style='font-family: Arial Black'><img src='' width='200'><br><h1>Windows <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><div style='width: 85%'><h6 style='color: lime; text-align: right'>REALLY GOOD EDITION</h6></div><p style='text-align: right'>BUILD 207</p></body>"
  7. });setTimeout(function(){
  8. $window.current.destroy();setTimeout(function(){
  9. $audio('/c/sys/sounds/BOOT.ogg').play();$window({
  10. animationIn: "none",
  11. url: "about:blank",
  12. footer: $io.Array.random(["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12"]) + ":00 " + $io.Array.random(["AM","PM"]),
  13. width: 3000,
  14. height: 150,
  15. title: "Windows RG Build 207",
  16. help: "An attempt by Blockly to recreate Windows RG in Windows 93 (since the domain <a href=''></a> is now for sale)",
  17. minimizable: !1,
  18. resizable: !1,
  19. menu: [
  20. {
  21. name: "<center><img src='' width='32'><br>Start</center>",
  22. items: [
  23. {
  24. name: "Word",
  25. action: function(){
  26. $alert({
  27. title: "Microsoft Word RG",
  28. msg: "<center><br><br><br><br><h1>WORD<span style='color: lime'>RG</h1><br>Registered to: JamesWeb</span><br><br><br><div style='text-align: right'>PART OF THE OFFICE<span style='color: lime'>RG</span> SUITE</div>",
  29. sound: "",
  30. img: "",
  31. animationOut: "none",
  32. btnOk: "Continue"
  33. }, function(ok){
  34. if (ok) {
  35. $exe('textarea');$window.current.changeSize({width: 1100, height: 900});$window.current.changeTitle('Microsoft Word RG');
  36. setTimeout(function(){
  37. $audio('alert').play();$window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="";$exe('clippy');$notif('Clippy says...',"It looks like you're probably not writing a letter. I like letters. I think you should.");setTimeout(function(){
  38. $window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="MILK";$audio('alert').play();$notif('Clippy says...',"Start with a word like\nMILK");setTimeout(function(){
  39. $window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="MILK SPONGE";$audio('alert').play();$notif('Clippy says...',"And SPONGE, I like sponges!");setTimeout(function(){
  40. $window.current.el.body.firstChild.value="MILK SPONGE\n\nšŸ“Ž";$audio('alert').play();$notif('Clippy says...',"Now you need some\npictures!\nIt's my brother! HAHA!");setTimeout(function(){
  41. $notif('Clippy says...',"Oh dear, I think I've made it crash.");$alert({
  42. title: "",
  43. msg: "paperclip.exe has performed 94,708\nillegal opperations and will now be\nshot."
  44. }, function(ok){
  45. if (ok) {
  46. $notif('Clippy says...',"Hey, why do I have\nblood?");$alert({
  47. title: "",
  48. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/error.png",
  49. sound: "error",
  50. msg: "Error rendering blood."
  51. }, function(ok){
  52. if (ok) {
  53. setTimeout(function(){
  54. $alert({
  55. title: "",
  56. msg: "word.exe has performed an illegal\nopperation (killed a paperclip) and\nwill now be arrested, and for that\nreason, closed."
  57. }, function(ok){
  58. if (ok) {
  59. setTimeout(function(){$window.current.destroy();}, 300)
  60. }
  61. })
  62. }, 2000)
  63. }
  64. })
  65. }
  66. })
  67. }, 4805)
  68. }, 4800)
  69. }, 4810)
  70. }, 4820)
  71. }, 4800)
  72. }
  73. })
  74. }
  75. },
  76. {
  77. name: "Windows Update",
  78. action: function(){
  79. $alert({
  80. title: "Windows RG Update",
  81. msg: "<h1>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span><br><h2>UPDATE</h2>Welcome to the Windows Update Wizard!<br>Click next to begin",
  82. btnOk: "Next",
  83. img: "",
  84. sound: ""
  85. }, function(ok){
  86. if (ok){
  87. $alert({
  88. btnOk: !1,
  89. title: "Windows RG Update",
  90. img: "",
  91. sound: "",
  92. msg: "<h1>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span><br><h2>UPDATE</h2>Windows is checking for available updates.<br>This is done with sending all your money to Microsoft."
  93. }, function(){
  94. setTimeout(function(){
  95. $alert({
  96. title: "",
  97. msg: "Unable to connect.\nThis could be for several reasons:\n 1. You smell.\n 2. Your house is green\n 3. You are trying to be naughty."
  98. }, function(){
  99. setTimeout(function(){$alert({
  100. title: "",
  101. msg: "Unable to connect.\nPlease try again later."
  102. }, function(){$alert({minimizable: !1, closable: !1, maximizable: !1, automaximize: !0, msg: "<body style='background: blue, font-family: monospace'>WINDOWS<br><br>WINDOWS IS BROKEN<br>PLEASE REINSTALL WINDOWS<br><br>PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE</body>"})})}, 1000)
  103. })
  104. }, 4000)
  105. })
  106. }
  107. })
  108. }
  109. },
  110. {
  111. name: "Crash",
  112. action: function(){document.write('<body style="background: blue; font-family: monospace"><center><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Windows has crashed lol</center></body>')}
  113. },
  114. {
  115. name: "Solitaire",
  116. action: function(){
  117. $alert({
  118. title: "",
  119. msg: "Coming soon maybe"
  120. })
  121. }
  122. },
  123. {
  124. name: "Order Food",
  125. action: function(){
  126. $alert({
  127. title: "Order Food",
  128. img: "",
  129. sound: "",
  130. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><br><b>One of the many advancements in Windows RG\nis the ability to order food online.<br>You can order from a huge selection of quality<br>goods and they will be delivered to your door<br>within 30 minutes. (45 minutes off-peak).<br>Click OK to continue</b>"
  131. }, function(ok){
  132. if (ok) {
  133. $alert({
  134. sound: "",
  135. img: "",
  136. title: "Order Food",
  137. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><br><b style='color: blue'>Please wait while we connect to our online<br>database and retrieve all available meals.<br>This may take a few minutes.</b>",
  138. btnOk: "Continue"
  139. }, function(){
  140. setTimeout(function(){
  141. $alert({
  142. sound: "",
  143. img: "",
  144. title: "Order Food",
  145. btnOk: "Continue",
  146. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><br><b style='color: blue'>Files downloaded, please wait a few seconds<br>while we waste your time.</b>"
  147. }, function(){
  148. setTimeout(function(){
  149. $prompt({
  150. img: "",
  151. title: "Order Food",
  152. btnOk: "Order",
  153. btnCancel: "Quit",
  154. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2> <b style='color: blue'>Available Food:<br><br>Type the name of the food that you want:</b>"
  155. }, '', function(ok, text){
  156. if (ok) {
  157. $alert({
  158. btnOk: "Quit",
  159. sound: "",
  160. img: "",
  161. title: "Order Food",
  162. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><br><b>Sorry - the food you ordered has sold out<br><br>We will have some more in very shortly!</b>"
  163. }, function(ok){
  164. if (ok) {
  165. $alert({
  166. btnOk: !1,
  167. title: "Order Food",
  168. sound: "",
  169. img: "",
  170. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><b>Thanks for vising! Come back again soon!<br><br>There's enough food for everyone!ā„¢</b>"
  171. })
  172. }
  173. })
  174. }
  175. })
  176. }, 3500)
  177. })
  178. }, 7000)
  179. })
  180. }
  181. })
  182. }
  183. },
  184. {
  185. name: "Go Online",
  186. action: function(){
  187. $alert({
  188. title: "Internet Explorer",
  189. sound: "",
  190. img: "",
  191. msg: "<h2>INTERNET EXPLORER</h2><br><br><h1 style='color: blue'>e</h1> <h2>7.49830696820</h2>",
  192. btnOk: "Continue"
  193. }, function(ok){
  194. if (ok){
  195. $alert({
  196. title: "Internet Explorer",
  197. sound: "",
  198. img: "",
  199. btnOk: "Continue",
  200. msg: " ",
  201. footer: "Connecting..."
  202. }, function(ok){
  203. if (ok) {
  204. setTimeout(function(){
  205. $alert({
  206. title: "",
  207. msg: "Unable to connect.\nThere could be several reasons:\n 1. You do not have an ISP\n 2. The internet is broken\n 3. You are going to a site."
  208. }, function(ok){
  209. if (ok) {
  210. setTimeout(function(){
  211. $alert({
  212. title: "",
  213. msg: "ieexplore.exe has performed an\nillegal opperation for no reason.\nProbably because you smell."
  214. })
  215. }, 1400)
  216. }
  217. })
  218. }, 2000)
  219. }
  220. })
  221. }
  222. })
  223. }
  224. },
  225. {
  226. name: "Paint",
  227. action: function(){
  228. $alert({
  229. title: "",
  230. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/apps/paint.png",
  231. sound: "",
  232. msg: "<h1 style='color: red'>PAINT</h1><br><br><h2 style='text-align: left; color: lime'>LOADING</h2>",
  233. btnOk: "Continue"
  234. }, function(ok){
  235. if (ok) {
  236. setTimeout(function(){
  237. var b = $alert({title: "", msg: "paint.exe has performed an illegal\nopperation for no reason."});setTimeout(function(){b}, 175);setTimeout(function(){b}, 350);setTimeout(function(){b}, 525);setTimeout(function(){b}, 700);setTimeout(function(){b}, 825);setTimeout(function(){b}, 1000)
  238. }, 800)
  239. }
  240. })
  241. }
  242. },
  243. {
  244. name: "Help",
  245. action: function(){
  246. $prompt({
  247. title: "Windows RG Help",
  248. btnOk: "Search",
  249. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><h3>HELP</h3><br>The updated Windows Help service is so simple to use. Enter one or more words regarding what you need help on and Windows RG will be happy to help.<br><br>Help Terms:"
  250. }, 'Enter Search Here', function(ok, text){
  251. if (ok) {
  252. var s = text;
  253. $alert({
  254. sound: "",
  255. img: "",
  256. title: "",
  257. btnOk: "Continue",
  258. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><h3>HELP</h3><br>Please wait while Windows searches the Windows help database"
  259. }, function(ok){
  260. if (ok) {
  261. setTimeout(function(){
  262. $alert({
  263. title: "",
  264. btnOk: "View Possible Matches",
  265. sound: "",
  266. img: "",
  267. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><h3>HELP</h3><br>You searched for:<br> " + s + "<br><br><br>Sorry - Windows did not find any matches. However, it found <b>3</b> possible\nmatches."
  268. }, function(ok){
  269. if (ok) {
  270. $alert({
  271. title: "",
  272. sound: "",
  273. img: "",
  274. msg: "<h2>Windows<span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h2><br><h3>HELP</h3><br>You searched for:<br> " + s + "<br>Possible matches:<br><br> How do I grow bonsia trees?<br><br> Why can fish swim so well?<br><br> How do I purchase lime?",
  275. btnOk: "View"
  276. }, function(ok){
  277. if (ok) {
  278. setTimeout(function(){
  279. $alert({
  280. title: "",
  281. msg: "Windows has caused a general protection fault in winhelp.exe"
  282. })
  283. }, 900)
  284. }
  285. })
  286. }
  287. })
  288. }, 1000)
  289. }
  290. })
  291. }
  292. })
  293. }
  294. },
  295. {
  296. name: "Reboot",
  297. action: function(){$exe('reboot')}
  298. },
  299. {
  300. name: "Shut Down",
  301. action: function(){
  302. $alert({
  303. title: "",
  304. msg: "Are you sure you want to quit this\nwonderful operating system?\nThere is a high chance of your\nprocessor overheating.",
  305. btnOk: "Yes",
  306. btnCancel: "No"
  307. }, function(ok){
  308. if (ok) {
  309. $alert({
  310. title: "",
  311. btnOk: "Yes",
  312. btnCancel: "No",
  313. msg: "Are you sure?\nWhy now, instead of shutting down,\norder some delicious food from our\nwide range?"
  314. }, function(ok){
  315. if (ok) {
  316. $alert({
  317. title: "",
  318. btnOk: "Yes",
  319. btnCancel: "No",
  320. msg: "Are you sure?\nYou could go on paint and do some\nglorious artwork!"
  321. }, function(ok){
  322. if (ok) {
  323. $alert({
  324. btnOk: "Yes",
  325. btnCancel: "No",
  326. title: "",
  327. msg: "Are you sure?\nSureley you love Windows RG more\nthan this!"
  328. }, function(ok){
  329. if (ok) {
  330. $alert({
  331. btnOk: "Yes",
  332. btnCancel: "No",
  333. title: "",
  334. msg: "Are you sure?\nFine. If you click yes now, Windows\nRG will shut down... honest."
  335. }, function(ok){
  336. if (ok) {
  337. $alert({
  338. title: "",
  339. msg: "Windows was unable to shut down.\nYou could have left a program on...\nis that what you've done? Is it?"
  340. }, function(ok){
  341. if (ok) {
  342. $alert({
  343. title: "",
  344. msg: "Windows was unable to shut down.\nThis could be due to the build up of\nlimescale on your processor."
  345. }, function(ok){
  346. if (ok) {
  347. setTimeout(function(){$exe('shutdown')}, 1925)
  348. }
  349. })
  350. }
  351. })
  352. }
  353. })
  354. }
  355. })
  356. }
  357. })
  358. }
  359. })
  360. }
  361. })
  362. }
  363. }
  364. ]
  365. },
  366. {name:"\n\n < START HERE "},
  367. {name:" ā€ ā€ ā€ "},
  368. {
  369. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/devices/computer.png' width='32'><br>My Computer</center>",
  370. action: function(){
  371. $alert({
  372. title: "My Computer",
  373. msg: "My Computer\n\nFrom here you can break your computer.",
  374. btnOk: !1,
  375. sound: "",
  376. img: "",
  377. menu: [
  378. {
  379. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/devices/drive-storage.gif' width='32'><br>(A:)</center>",
  380. action: function(){
  381. $alert({
  382. title: "",
  383. btnOk: !1,
  384. msg: "Drive A: is not accessable.\nPlease ansure there is a disk in drive\nA: and try again."
  385. })
  386. }
  387. },
  388. {
  389. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/devices/drive-harddisk.gif' width='32'><br>(N:)</center>",
  390. action: function(){
  391. $window.current.destroy();$alert({
  392. title: "(C:)",
  393. btnOk: !1,
  394. sound: "",
  395. img: "",
  396. msg: "(C:)\n\nCapacity: 15gd\nUsed: 14.9gb\nFree: 0.0gb",
  397. menu: [
  398. {
  399. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/places/folder.png' width='32'><br>Windows</center>",
  400. action: function(){
  401. var p = '';
  402. $prompt({
  403. sound: "alert",
  404. img: "/c/sys/skins/w93/alert.png",
  405. title: "",
  406. msg: "Windows is a protected folder\nPlease enter administrator password\nto continue."
  407. }, p, function(ok, text){
  408. if (ok) {
  409. var p = text;$alert({
  410. title: "",
  411. msg: "The password you entered, which\nwas:\n " + text + "\nWas incorrect.\nPlease go away."
  412. })
  413. }
  414. })
  415. }
  416. }
  417. ]
  418. })
  419. }
  420. },
  421. {
  422. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/cdrom.png' width='32'><br>(R:)</center>",
  423. action: function(){
  424. $alert({
  425. title: "",
  426. msg: "Could not find CD with label:\nHouseBuilder\n\nIf the CD is still in the drive, it may require shooting, heating, covering in clingfilm, destroying, eating, smiling or cleaning."
  427. }, function(ok){
  428. if (ok) {
  429. $alert({
  430. title: "",
  431. msg: "Windows has caused a general protection fault in explorer.exe\n\nIf this file is grey, it may require fecologpins"
  432. })
  433. }
  434. })
  435. }
  436. }
  437. ]
  438. })
  439. }
  440. },
  441. {
  442. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/documents.png' width='32'><br>My Documents</center>",
  443. action: function(){
  444. $alert({
  445. title: "My Documents",
  446. id: "explorer",
  447. img: "",
  448. sound: "",
  449. btnOk: !1,
  450. msg: "You boring arse. Get some documents before you come in here looking for them."
  451. }, function(){
  452. setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", msg: "explorer.exe has performed an\nillegal opperation, and will now be\nclosed."})}, 3000)
  453. })
  454. }
  455. },
  456. {
  457. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/trash.png' width='32'><br>Recycle<br>Bin</center>",
  458. action: function(){
  459. $alert({
  460. btnOk: "Empty",
  461. sound: "",
  462. img: "",
  463. title: "Recycle Bin",
  464. msg: "Recycle Bin<br><br>This is where stuff you don't want gets shoved.<br><br>Also, this is where the files that windows has deleted for no reason get sent.<br><br>Click the button below to empty the recycle bin.",
  465. menu: [
  466. {
  467. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/devices/drive-harddisk.gif' width='32'><br>(N:)</center>",
  468. action: function(){
  469. $alert({
  470. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  471. })
  472. }
  473. },
  474. {
  475. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>explorer.exe</center>",
  476. action: function(){
  477. $alert({
  478. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  479. })
  480. }
  481. },
  482. {
  483. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>user.exe</center>",
  484. action: function(){
  485. $alert({
  486. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  487. })
  488. }
  489. },
  490. {
  491. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>register.exe</center>",
  492. action: function(){
  493. $alert({
  494. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  495. })
  496. }
  497. },
  498. {
  499. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br></center>",
  500. action: function(){
  501. $alert({
  502. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  503. })
  504. }
  505. },
  506. {
  507. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>autoexec.bat</center>",
  508. action: function(){
  509. $alert({
  510. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  511. })
  512. }
  513. },
  514. {
  515. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>config.sys</center>",
  516. action: function(){
  517. $alert({
  518. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  519. })
  520. }
  521. },
  522. {
  523. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/model.png' width='32'><br>rundll32.dll</center>",
  524. action: function(){
  525. $alert({
  526. msg: "Can not open file because it is in the recycle bin."
  527. })
  528. }
  529. }
  530. ]
  531. }, function(){
  532. $alert({
  533. title: "",
  534. msg: "Could not delete (N:)\nThere is a sharing violation"
  535. }, function(ok){
  536. if (ok) {
  537. $alert({
  538. title: "",
  539. msg: "Could not delete explorer.exe\nThere is a sharing violation"
  540. }, function(){
  541. if (ok) {
  542. $alert({
  543. title: "",
  544. msg: "Could not delete user.exe\nThere is a sharing violation"
  545. }, function(){
  546. if (ok) {
  547. $alert({
  548. title: "",
  549. msg: "Could not delete register.exe\nThere is a sharing violation"
  550. }, function(){
  551. if (ok) {
  552. $alert({
  553. title: "",
  554. msg: "Could not delete\nThere is a sharing violation"
  555. }, function(){
  556. if (ok) {
  557. $alert({
  558. title: "",
  559. msg: "Could not delete autoexec.bat\nThere is a sharing violation"
  560. }, function(){
  561. if (ok) {
  562. $alert({
  563. title: "",
  564. msg: "Could not delete config.sys\nThere is a sharing violation"
  565. }, function(ok){
  566. if (ok) {
  567. $alert({
  568. title: "",
  569. msg: "Could not delete rundll32.exe\nThere is a sharing violation"
  570. })
  571. }
  572. })
  573. }
  574. })
  575. }
  576. })
  577. }
  578. })
  579. }
  580. })
  581. }
  582. })
  583. }
  584. })
  585. })
  586. }
  587. },
  588. {
  589. name: "<center><img src='/c/sys/skins/w93/mime/video.png' width='32'><br>Windows<br>Media Player</center>",
  590. action: function(){
  591. $alert({
  592. img: "",
  593. sound: "",
  594. title: "Windows Media Player",
  595. btnOk: !1,
  596. msg: "lol sry idk how to embed videos i dont have<br><button>ā–¶ļø</button><button>ā¹ļø></button> ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”"
  597. }, function(){
  598. setTimeout(function(){
  599. $alert({
  600. title: "",
  601. msg: "mediaplayer.exe has performed an\nillegal opperation and will close...\nisn't that a shame? Isn't it?"
  602. })
  603. }, 4)
  604. })
  605. }
  606. },
  607. {
  608. name: " ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ ā€ "
  609. }
  610. ]
  611. });
  612. setTimeout(function(){
  613. $alert({
  614. title: "",
  615. msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."
  616. });setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."});setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 100);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 200);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 300);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 400);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 500);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 600);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 700);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 800);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 900);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."})}, 1000);setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", center: !1, msg: "Required DLL:<br> windows.dll<br>Was found. So Windows has deleted<br>it."});setTimeout(function(){$alert({title: "", msg: "Windows could not delete\nexplorer.exe.\nThe file is in use by Windows"}, function(ok){
  617. if (ok) {
  618. $alert({
  619. img: "",
  620. sound: "",
  621. title: "",
  622. automaximize: !0,
  623. closable: !1,
  624. msg: "<b>WELCOME TO<br><h1>Windows</b> <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><br><b>WELCOME TO WINDOWS <span style='color: lime'>RG</span> BUILD 207 THERE\nARE SEVERAL NEW ADVANCEMENTS IN THIS\nRELEASE... READ ON</b>"
  625. }, function(ok){
  626. if (ok) {
  627. $window.current.destroy();$alert({
  628. img: "",
  629. sound: "",
  630. title: "",
  631. automaximize: !0,
  632. closable: !1,
  633. msg: "<b>WELCOME TO<br><h1>Windows</b> <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><br><b>WINDOWS <span style='color: lime'>RG</span> NOW COMES WITH MICROSOFT\nWORD AS STANDARD! SO YOU CAN DO ALL \nYOUR WORD PROCESSING WITH EASE.</b>"
  634. }, function(ok){
  635. if (ok) {
  636. $window.current.destroy();$alert({
  637. img: "",
  638. sound: "",
  639. title: "",
  640. automaximize: !0,
  641. closable: !1,
  642. msg: "<b>WELCOME TO<br><h1>Windows</b> <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><br><b>HAVE YOU NOTICED THE ICONS ON THE \nDESKTOP? YOU CAN ACCESS YOUR FILES\nQUICKER AND EASIER THAN EVER!</b>"
  643. }, function(ok){
  644. if (ok) {
  645. $alert({
  646. img: "",
  647. sound: "",
  648. title: "",
  649. automaximize: !0,
  650. closable: !1,
  651. msg: "<b>WELCOME TO<br><h1>Windows</b> <span style='color: lime'>RG</span></h1><br><b>YOU CAN FIND OUT THE REST FOR\nYOURSELF! CLICK OK, AND YOUR ON YOUR\nWAY TO AN EASIER LIFE WITH WINDOWS <span style='color: lime'>RG</span>!</b>"
  652. }, function(ok){
  653. if (ok) {
  654. $alert({
  655. title: "",
  656. msg: "Can not find anything.\nPlease reinstall Windows."
  657. }, function(ok){
  658. if (ok) {
  659. var a = $alert({title: "", draggable: !1, msg: "Would you like to take a moment to<br>register your copy of Windows RG?<br><input type='checkbox' disabled> Do not ask me this again</input>", btnOk: "NO", btnCancel: "YES"}, function(ok){if (ok) {$alert({title: "", draggable: !1, msg: "Would you like to take a moment to<br>register your copy of Windows RG?<br><input type='checkbox' disabled> Do not ask me this again</input>", btnOk: "YES"}, function(ok){if (ok) {$alert({title: "", msg: "Can not locate register.exe.\nWindows won't bother searching."})}})} else {$alert({title: "", msg: "Can not locate register.exe.\nWindows won't bother searching."})}})
  660. }
  661. })
  662. }
  663. })
  664. }
  665. })
  666. }
  667. })
  668. }
  669. })
  670. }
  671. });}, 10000)}, 1100);}, 2850);
  672. }, 14700)
  673. }, 1800)
  674. }, 1050)
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