
2WS 18490-18722

Jul 10th, 2013
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  1. Ellen DeGeneres will have another show starring people from Hell. The ratings will probably skyrocket. So, let's buy some popcorn and kill some time together! Without TV that breaks when Kyoko breaks it. Before long breaks happened, and ravers are back to party like it's Kyosuke's birthday, deathday, and 1999. KABOOM!
  3. Madoka cried upon hearing David Guetta. Startled, Benny kidnapped Chiyo, kissed Joey, and killed Prince, before biting himself and Kyoko too. This resulted in Mary marrying Kyoko and Blossom, a polygamous Angolan governor who explodes milk cartons when exposed to intellect. Following a call from Haruhi, Gendo, the dead, have risen tonight.
  5. Quietly, Haruhi hid her body behind her fourth wall. This worried Prince's Associates, bigots, and Kyon's Little Lucy. Of course, his Little Lucy couldn't comprehend his erection.
  7. In fact, Mikuru was watching intently, holding in until he ran, so that she could use his phone. She called Yuki suggestively, but feigned a sickness. You see, she was a slut like porschelemans, but female, and sexier. Just kidding.
  9. Kyoko's little half-Martian printer is martian. Unlike Kyoko, a Neptunian.
  11. Neptunian Administrator Kyoko, head of the Neptunian FIA, said to the printer, "print my buttcheeks!"
  13. The nude pics weren't sexy, but Kyoko's buttcheeks were not, either. In fact everyone's fugly! Except me. And me, and Adam Levine. Of course, every woman is lustful for Dan, except Kyoko, Panctice's girlfriend. Lucky Panctice. Kyoko's beautiful.
  15. Anyway, Panctice was engaged to Kyoko. She remembered when they first met. That night when Panctice first saw those eyes, she approached him, gazing into his strawberry-blonde hair with her eyes locked. She asked him out, hesitantly Panctice, nervously, said yes, clinching to the hope that she had mail in his mailbox (if you know what I mean), and began to date her.
  17. Dairy products were their favorite food, and this greatly enraged their lactose-intolerant grandmothers, who proceeded to flip a "lid" at Nicolas Cage. She burned a letter from Regina, which contained written instructions to dismantle the TARDIS, sonic screwdriver, and a wrench in her box.
  19. Nobody had enough kumquats that work to stagnate and corrode Lord English's utterly enormous mansion. But then, the Fire Nation attacked the land of Peace. However, Kyon, still dead, revived himself, only to discover he was UGLY. Ugly Barnacle ugly? Nope. Takara IS. Kyon? UGLIER.
  21. Out of his veal, he conjured death to all Muggles. And EVERYONE. He started giving dysentery to the masses. Fortunately, the entire SOS Brigade and the Ghostbusters happened to watch over his new show, "Kyon: Big Rigs: New Grotesque Heretics With Lasers II".
  23. After Skrillex watched some Haruhi pr0nz with Mary, they were shopping and driving, also going out. I'm asleep.
  25. ".... The WHAT? YOU LET-"
  27. Yet he still lives on.
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