
I'm jealous of your smut therefore I hate you!

Mar 31st, 2015
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  1. These are actually comments, instead of messages, so I suggest starting from the bottom, and working up to the top!
  2. Enjoy the epic fail <3
  4. -------------------------------------
  7. Jinx「♥」 (21 years old) Just now
  8. I have a well paying job too, I'm just not pathetic enough to buy stuff to get people's attention. My self esteem and self image are much higher than that. That stuff is a slippery slope though, once you find people dumb enough to judge on someone's outside, you become trapped. I wonder how many people would continue being your friend if you weren't such an empty slut on the outside.
  10. But, whatever it takes to feel useful, I don't judge. xD Like I said, I'm just too smart to be that shallow and pathetic.
  13. ♥Chloe Sharky♥ 5 minutes ago
  14. I buy smut for people to ogle at because I have a well paying, self employed job that enables me to do so, freely.
  15. I'm sorry if that makes you jealous or something, but please don't pretend to want to be friends, and then pull something this incredibly low and shallow.
  16. Regardless, enjoy your short sighted life, I suppose. I know I'll enjoy mine :)
  18. Jinx「♥」 (21 years old) 7 minutes ago
  19. You're the one who keeps trying to justify everything. I mean, if buying smut so people will ogle at you and give you attention is now the definition of "having a life", then I guess yours is really important. :) To each, their own. I guess I just am too smart to sink that low.
  21. ♥Chloe Sharky♥ 8 minutes ago
  22. I'm a terrible person for having a life more important than the internet.
  23. And this is why you are no longer welcome on my friendslist.
  24. Be gone.
  26. Jinx「♥」 (21 years old) 9 minutes ago
  27. I didn't throw a tantrum this time. You're just a terrible person, lol. It's pretty much that simple. Anyone who can't see how shallow and pathetic you are deserves you as a friend, because obviously those people don't know better.
  29. -----------------------------------------------------
  31. (All of this, just because I didn't pay attention to them when they wanted me to. Really pathetic. :\ )
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