

May 1st, 2020
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  1. [18:39] Elred Yindove asks, "Mind if we head towards the tower?"
  2. [18:39] Asta Hargrave says, "Oh, of course. Come, then."
  3. [18:40] Asta seats herself at the table, knees digging into the pillow under her. Her hands clasp together firmly, and she looks to Elred expectantly.
  4. (Asta Hargrave)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [18:47] Elred placed his spear to the side he seemed a bit excited. He'd motion his head towards Asta with a smile forming
  9. "I've had the pleasure of working with this young one, yes. She's improving at quite the rate I'd expect most Grey-Cloaks to, but she's been wonderful.
  11. I've managed to get her combat training done and tested her myself and I'm quite impressed at the results; however, she wishes to have more than physically training.
  13. For a while she's been seeking guidance to help with his 'spiritual' training. I'll recommended her and say she's worth the time and I I'm correct she wishes to become a priestess.
  15. High Lady, would you be willing to give her some of your time? Allow her to have a few lesson with you and improve on another one of her goals? I'm asking on her behave only because she's proven to be loyal to Myllenoris and dedicated to her training."
  16. (Elred Yindove)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [18:51] Asta leans forward, resting her chin against her knuckles. As Elred speaks, she looks between him, and Lazuli.
  21. Lazuli is one of the youngest Greycloaks ever.
  23. She didn't decide to do this on a whim. She saw something in this Teraphim. Something that the other Acolytes didn't have. She couldn't put her finger on it. Was it something that her mind's eye could see? Was it her resolve?
  25. Hm.
  27. "... Certainly," she says, correcting her posture.
  29. "There are a few of the younger Valeborn that I myself am taking under my wing. The two newest Acolytes. I don't mind Lazuli being one of them." She nods at the young Teraphim.
  31. "Deco, Hyaline, and yourself will learn directly under me the ways of spiritual attunement. I suppose we can begin whenever you three are together, available. A first lesson, in the Vale."
  32. (Asta Hargrave)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [18:57] The young Teraphim would find herself fidgeting under the praise - she was wholly unused to it, but couldn't help but welcome it all the same. After two years, her hard-work and devotion seemed to be finally paying off and she'd be able to finally achieve her goals.
  37. She throws an appreciate nod towards Elred before politely bowing under the High-Lady.
  39. "I'm very grateful for your generosity High-Lady, everything I learn I hope to use for the betterment of all Myllenoris."
  41. She wanted for her city to prosper and the faith to spread across all corners of the continent. This was the beginning of that trial.
  43. "I've met Deco... Hyaline is new to me, but perhaps I can introduce myself."
  44. (Lazuli)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [19:02] Elred seemed content knowing she's finally get the part of her training she sought for quite a while. He'd nod a few times before speaking again this time it was mote about his own progression.
  49. "I'm glad you've taken her under your wing she's deserving of it. Now for myself I've been working on something myself, but I'll save that for another day though if you don't mind.
  51. I'd like to know more about your odd colored crystals it might be something that interest in a way since I've been looking for ways to progress myself."
  53. Hopefully he could get a grasp on what he begin working towards.
  54. (Elred Yindove)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [19:10] "Of course, Greyloak Lazuli," Asta replies with a warm smile. "I would be a bad High Lady if I did not pass on the secrets of the Crown of Aschea to the future generations."
  59. She then looks to Elred, and raises one finger up to the air.
  61. A blood-red ruby crystal forms, floating up inches away from the tip of her index finger. She drew energy directly from the lifestream all around them, and formed it into a crystalline structure. But curiously, she added a touch of her own mana that came from her crystal heart.
  63. That mana was not hers. Elred could likely see this.
  65. "It is simple," she says.
  67. "My bond with Regulus Grimmore has manifested itself in the form of my warped magic."
  69. She smiles at Regulus faintly.
  71. "His mana is red in color, likely because of the Grimmore divine blessing that runs through his veins. And it is my belief that because we had a child, that same divine blessing now runs throughmy veins, too."
  73. "This has changed how my crystals form. Made them stronger."
  74. (Asta Hargrave)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [19:13] Having remain silent prior, the human now piped up. "My family was blessed by Leonaus, much as the Astor, Pelleaux and Petrakis families. My ancestors hold an attunement to the Paws of the Lion, the red stars within the constellation of Leonaus. Asta...coopted some of that, you could say."
  79. And it made her stronger.
  81. "Its a mutual thing, I suspect. I doubt I'd have become a Wayfinder so easily if not for the improved sensitivity of the spirits I posses, something I assume comes partially from the bond."
  82. (Regulus orn Grimmore)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [19:14] "You have my thanks," Lazuli replies, a soft-smile of her own gracing her features. She felt eager then, to prove herself even more - so that she wouldn't disappoint the faith that had been placed with her.
  87. Though that was a worry for later, as of right now, she'd pipe then. Listening and watching the elders in the room converse. Her silver hues watch on as the Crystal forms, red in its colour - unlike anything she had seen previously.
  89. Having had no bond of her own, she was unsure of the exact details - even as it was being explained, but she'd listen on regardless. It was interesting stuff to keep in mind.
  90. (Lazuli)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [19:16] While it wasn't confusing; it was still quite confusing form him and even while they both explained he couldn't wrap his head around it.
  95. "Er? You're bond help you form crystals that way? Would bonding be a way to change ones crystals? I'm not sure, but maybe if I go though with my bonding then I should find some sort of understanding...
  97. I'm not sure I'll achieve anything like this, this seems special between you two, but maybe I can figure something out.."
  99. He was quite confused, but it seems like her bonding with him played a part in this.
  101. (Elred Yindove)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [19:20] Finley says, "..I bring guests."
  105. [19:21] "My bond with Regulus wasn't contingent on this change," Asta says, shaking her head.
  107. "But it has been helpful."
  109. More crystals form, and they begin to dance and orbit around her body. They shimmer faintly, light emanating from their surface. Tiny little sources of light, every one of them. There's a strange pull coming from them. As if they were soaking in more mana as they moved.
  111. "These crystals, when embedded into enemies, steal their life energy and return it to me for my use," she says. "Not only are they structurally more dense, but they are better capacitors for mana. I can use this to increase my endurance in prolonged combat."
  113. She directs her smile at Regulus.
  115. "We undergo incredible changes when we bond. I'll not say you shouldn't seek out a mate of your own, but it's not required."
  117. "I don't fully understand how the union has influenced our changed magics. His Wayfinding. My ruby crystals. If it's because we joined physically, or if it's because of the spiritual bond. Or both."
  119. She then sighs. The crystals begin to fade away into nothing.
  121. "That's about it, regarding the crystals. If we're done here, I think I have a Spirit's Witness to oversee--"
  123. And then? Guests!!!
  125. "Hello, Penelope. Liz. Finley," she says. "Great timing. We're just wrapping up here."
  126. (Asta Hargrave)
  127. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. [19:21] Penelope Dayndros whispers something.
  130. [19:21] Penelope Dayndros says, "Oh."
  131. [19:21] Penelope Dayndros says, "...perfect."
  132. [19:22] Elizabeth clapped her hands together, excited to see her bestie and Regulus!
  134. "Ah! Astiii! Regulus! How are you two?"
  135. (Elizabeth mir Amor)
  136. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. [19:22] Asta Hargrave says, "Hello, Liz! We're just great, war aside."
  139. [19:23] Elizabeth mir Amor exclaims, "B-Babee.. We are in public!"
  140. [19:23] Elizabeth mir Amor says, "Gotta stay respectful in front of Regulus and Astii-"
  141. [19:23] Elizabeth mir Amor says, "Oh."
  142. [19:25] "Just don't bond for some magical benefit. Do it for love; always for love."
  144. The former nobleman turns to face Penelope and Elizabeth, offering Finley a polite nod as he did so.
  146. "Elizabeth, Lady Dayndros. Good to see you."
  148. A slight frown at her question, and he shrugged.
  150. "About as best can be expected given the circumstances. We visited Ilburg recently, seeking you, Lady Dayndros."
  152. Obviously, they'd been unsuccessful.
  153. (Regulus orn Grimmore)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [19:26] Penelope takes a seat and patiently waits for the meeting to end. Not wishing to interfere too much with their business.
  157. (Penelope Dayndros)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [19:27] Finley heads back out. His business was done?
  161. (Finley)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [19:28] Elred seems to have gather quite a bit of information and it gave him plenty to think about and ever more to work towards.
  166. "I think I understand and I'll have to figure out the latter part myself, but you've given me a decent foundation to work from. I'll continue working towards something like this and if I truly need your guidance I'll seek you out, but"
  168. He'd stand up, placing his polearm back in the holster resting on his back.
  170. "You're correct there is a spirit witness that we have to be part of, yes? Greetings Finely and Penelope."
  172. Elred begin heading towards the Vale assuming they were all gathering there or the square he'd figure it out.
  173. (Elred Yindove)
  174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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