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May 27th, 2017
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  1. Hello New/Old Users,
  3. We welcome you to the newest gaming website that will provide you with various games. Although our goal is to integrate more games as time goes by, our main one will be World of Warcraft.
  5. We might be a new network, but you might see familiar faces around. My name is Silent, and I'm the owner/founder of Crusade Gaming. I'm from a network that has gone to the dumps, and I will also be making a response below about certain accusations from that server.
  7. First off, Crusade Gaming will include 3 servers that already have server data on them.
  9. If you are from my previous network, WoWlegacy, then your account/character information already exists. That means if you had an account/character on Legacy, you can login with the same information here to play your characters. All you have to do is change your realmlist to
  11. We recommend you immediately change your password through the site once you login since the other server still has access to your information!
  13. Our 3 servers information is:
  16. * Nefarian - Instant BG 80
  18. * Malygos - Mid Rate PvP
  20. * Onyxia - Low Rate PvP (Normal)
  23. Everyone who is from WoWlegacy and has an account from there has been credited with 100 vote points. You can use these points to redeem any vote item that is 100 points or less. This has been done to compensate for the time lost while we were busy setting up the server.
  25. Also, as you can see, only the Mid-Rate server is up, because we're currently revamping the system on our Nefarian (Deathwing) BG server, and it should be up within a few days! The rates on our mid-rate server have been doubled from Orion to offer as another compensation!
  27. One last note, if your account/IP was banned on WoWlegacy, it's been unbanned here since we feel that everyone deserves another chance at a new community. We hope the people who were banned and return don't abuse this amnesty.
  29. Next, I'm going to briefly describe my side of the story of the events that happened at WoWlegacy. This will be long, so skip it if you're new or just want to play on the best servers evar!
  31. Nico and Hacker were increasingly becoming inactive on WoWlegacy and leaving tasks to me and the other staff members while they were busy with other things. I can understand if you're active for a few weeks, but they were inactive for several months. It's not that the staff members or I couldn't handle it, but it resulted in many decisions being deadlocked or stopped for weeks at time. This prevented the progression of WoWlegacy. That was one of the reasons why I decided that they were hurting WoWlegacy more than helping it.
  33. Furthermore, another reason for doing what I did was because of the fact that donation money was being taken from the servers without anyone's consent whether it was Nico or Hacker who did it.
  35. Another important factor was the lack of communication from Nico and Hacker. As I mentioned before, they were away most of the time. Nothing could ever get done on WoWlegacy because of the inactivity of the other two owners.
  37. Finally, Nico was eventually going to become inactive for 6 months anyway, otherwise he would go to jail. He came to me a few weeks earlier asking for ten thousand dollars from WoWlegacy funds. Even if I wanted to give him that amount, it would have been impossible otherwise. There are server bills to be paid for, and other expenses. What was the point of them staying around?
  39. All of this was done with the intention of making WoWlegacy the best private server possible. Unfortunately, they twisted my intentions in front of the community, and made it seem like I was doing it for some other reason than to exceed Legacy. Choose what you will now. I've given you the facts.
  41. We hope you enjoy your stay with people you know, people who you can trust, but at a new home. Think of it as a way to start fresh, but with your information still intact!
  43. Sincerely,
  44. CG Management
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