
OoT 100% 1.0/1.1 FW Late Route

Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. ****This is no longer the fastest route, see for the current route (Nocturne WW)****
  3. Note: Although obsolete, this route is still very good for new hundo runners and races. I chose to add in adult Jabu since beating Jabu as adult is common to all main categories that beat Jabu. Honestly, entering Jabu is the only "difficult" part of the route change, so I feel like hundo runners should suck it up and learn it :p
  6. Differences w/ Adult Jabu vs Jabu in Child 2:
  7. - Bottle on Egg in DMC grotto (rather than duping in ice cavern)
  8. - Fish in real bottle in DC
  9. - Get NL in Adult 1, get tree skull in Adult 2
  10. - Gets nut drop in Zora's Domain (for Barinade)
  11. - No BGS day/night cycle
  12. - Navi for BotW is easier
  13. - Rang + Trade Item Darunia Skip
  17. ---Notation:
  19. B/C
  20. Minimum Bombs/Chus needed at this point assuming no waste and no RNG drops.
  21. GS
  22. Current Gold skultulas
  23. HP
  24. Current Full hearts and then pieces (4.2=4 full, 2 pieces)
  25. //bomb, BUGS, slingshot
  26. current equips: lowercase indicates already equipped, CAPITALIZED means new equips.
  27. ***if all items are lowercase there is no need to pause and equip anything new***
  28. #KOKIRIB
  29. The # indicates a tunic, shield, or sword equip
  30. (FISH)
  31. Indicates item on B button during an RBA sequence
  32. §Prelude
  33. Play this song
  34. §NIGHT
  35. Make it night with sun's song if not already
  36. §DAY
  37. Make it day with sun's song if not already
  38. BOTTLE#N
  39. bottled item specifically in the Nth bottle slot, e.g. bottle#4 or fish#3
  40. **optional**
  41. self explanatory
  45. ---Abbreviations:
  47. BOTTLE#1- 1st bottle slot bottle
  48. MASK - Current child trade mask
  49. SW - Save Warp
  50. SS - Superslide
  51. HC - Heart Container
  52. GS - Skulltula
  57. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. B:C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  59. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. Kokiri Sword 0:0 0 3
  61. 40 Rupees
  62. Buy shield
  63. WESS escape
  64. WESS to Kak
  65. Bottle & BUGS // -, BOTTLE, - #DEKU
  66. SW to Kok
  67. Talk to Mido
  68. Stick (+1)
  69. JS Recoil
  70. Enter Deku .deku
  71. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. Nuts (+5)
  73. Slingshot //STICK, SLINGSHOT, NUTS
  74. Flame storage
  75. GS - Compass room 1 3
  76. B1 skip
  77. 2-3-1
  78. Gohma clip //stick, BUGS, nuts
  79. Gohma HC 4
  80. Deku WW
  81. SW to Tower
  82. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. Spirit Trial
  84. Chu chest (+20)
  85. SW to entrance //OCA, bugs, CHUS
  86. Dmg Buffer to ½hp -/18
  87. ZL skip -/17
  88. Impa out
  89. Chain rupees (+40r)
  90. GS - Guards' house 2
  91. Rupees (+20r) -/16
  92. Buy Hylian shield
  93. Dot skip
  94. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  96. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. SW to ToT //nuts, CHUS, BUGS .adult1
  98. HESS to Kak -/15
  99. HESS to Anju -/13
  100. Egg
  101. SS Teleport -/12
  102. Megaflip Gap -/9
  103. Hover boots
  104. SW to Shadow
  105. Unload Suns grave -/8
  106. - Swipe bugs on nuts //bugs, chus, bottle
  107. Suns
  108. Catch Poe - CS dive //bugs, chus, poe
  109. Hookshot //OCA, chus, HOOK
  110. HP - Dampe race 4.1
  111. Clip to Windmill -/7
  112. HP - Windmill 4.2
  113. Storms
  114. Roofs to DMT
  115. Tektite Damage
  116. GS - DMT false wall -/6 3
  117. HESS to Goron City -/5
  118. Goron tunic -/4
  119. GS - Goron City 4
  120. Pot Rupee (+20)
  121. Bolero (Death) -/3
  122. Enter Grotto -/2
  123. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. B/C GS HP C-Button Items (Item on B)
  125. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. Grotto CHU Quickdraw -/1
  127. RBA Poe //BUGS, HOOK, POE#1 (BUGS)
  128. OI w/ Hookshot
  129. §Lullaby
  130. Pause dupe Fairy
  131. - Move bottle to poe
  132. - Move hook to c-right
  133. RBA Hookshot (drop) //fairy#1, bottle, hook (BOTTLE)
  134. RBA EGG (catch) //fairy, bottle, EGG (BUGS)
  135. Swipe Fish over EGG //fairy, bottle, FISH
  136. Magic -/25 //OCA, CHUS, HOOK #MASTER
  137. GS - DMT Boulder 5
  138. HESS - Fuzzyness -/24
  139. GS - Hook Extension 6
  140. To DC
  141. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  143. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. Open DC --/23 .dc
  145. Light eyes --/22
  146. Hookshot jump
  147. Bombs
  148. GS - Vines 7
  149. GS - Above stairs 8 //FISH, BOMBS, chus
  150. Navi ISG + bomb wall 20:20
  151. GS - Hovering 19:20 9 #HOVERB
  152. GS - False wall 17:16 10 #KOKIRIB
  153. SW to DC
  154. GS - Backroom 17:15 11
  155. Ground jump 16:15
  156. Pot bombs
  157. Navi text on switch
  158. Chu the floor 20:15
  159. Dodongo fight 20:14
  160. HC - Dodongo 5.2
  161. Bomb triangles 18:14
  162. WW to GTG 9:14
  163. -Fish in bottle#1 //BOTTLE#1, bombs, HOOK
  164. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  166. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. Ice Arrows 8:14 .gtg
  168. SW to GTG //OCA, bombs, hook #HOVERB
  169. Gate skip #KOKIRIB
  170. HESS - ½Wasteland 7:14
  171. GS - Wasteland 12
  172. HESS to Colossus 6:14
  173. Backwalk to NL 5:14
  174. Nayru's Love
  175. SS to Spirit 4:14
  176. Requiem
  177. Pot SS - Adult side 2:14 #HOVERB
  178. GS - SoT Skip 13
  179. §Bolero #KOKIRIB
  180. Goron Shop HESS 1:14
  181. Buy Bombs (+20)
  182. Shortcut to LW 13:14
  183. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. Aqua Escape
  185. GS - High center 14
  186. GS - On fence 15
  187. Waterfall skip 12:14
  188. Nuts for Barinade
  189. HESS clip to Fountain 11:14
  190. HESS to rock 10:14
  191. GS - Weird clip 9:14 16
  192. HP - Iceberg mega 8:14 5.3
  193. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  195. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. Ice Cavern .ice
  197. GS - Spinner room 17
  198. HESS to HP 7:14
  199. GS - HP room 18
  200. HP - Ice HP 6:14 6
  201. Dmg buffer
  202. HESS to Silver rupee 5:14 //BOTTLE, bombs, hook #HOVERB
  203. Blue Fire
  204. Rupee puzzle
  205. GS - Puzzle room 19 //OCA, bombs, hook #KOKIRIB
  206. HESS thru red ice 4:14
  207. Serenade CS skip 2:14
  208. HP - Lake bottom 6.1 #IRONB
  209. Enter Jabu 1:14 #HOVERB
  210. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. Jabu //NUTS, bombs, hook #KOKIRIB .jabu
  212. Arrows switch
  213. Ruto
  214. GS - Drop down 20
  215. GS - Second 21
  216. Don't hit switch
  217. GS - Vines 22
  218. Boomerang
  219. Movement to switch #HOVERB
  220. Switch Skip //nuts, CHUS, RANG #KOKIRIB
  221. Chu the switch 0:14
  222. GS - Before Barinade 23
  223. Barinade
  224. HC Jabu CS 7.1
  225. Sapphire CS //OCA, BLUEF, HOOK
  226. Melt KZ + Walk thru
  227. Hold R (frog)
  228. §Serenade
  229. Hold R (tunic)
  230. §Suns (night)
  231. Speedfrog //oca, frog, hook
  232. GS - Frozen waterfall 24
  233. Clip to Hylia
  234. Farm Bushs (<15) 12:13
  235. -Darunia (<10)
  236. Enter LSL
  237. Dive to bottom
  238. GS - LSL Box 25 #IRONB
  239. HP - Diving Game 7.2 //oca, drops, hook #HOVERB
  240. Eyedrops (ocarina ASAP)
  241. §Bolero (keep hovers)
  242. Show Eyedrops
  243. Claim Check
  244. - §Suns (day)
  245. - §Suns x2 (day)
  246. - §Suns x2 (day)
  247. BGS
  248. HP - Rock recoil 7.3 //oca, claim, RANG #GORONT #HOVERB
  249. Fire Temple .fire
  250. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  252. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. Darunia skip //CHUS, BOMBS, HOOK #KOKIRIB
  254. 2nd Key
  255. GS - SoT jump 26
  256. HESS across lava 12:13
  257. 3rd Key
  258. Block clip 11:13
  259. 4th Key
  260. GS - Weirdshot 10:13 27
  261. Hover to elevator 9:13 #HOVERB
  262. GS - Vines 28 #KOKIRIB
  263. GS - Top 29
  264. Head back down
  265. To fire maze room
  266. HESS to wall 9:2
  267. Switch skip 8:2
  268. Bombs (+10)
  269. Bomb the Wall 17:2
  270. Flaredancer
  271. Bomb switch 16:2
  272. Megaton hammer
  273. Fall to SoT block //FISH, bombs, HAMMER #ZORAT #BGS
  274. 5th Key
  275. HESS to BK skip 15:2
  276. Ledgeclip BK skip
  277. 1-4-1 BGS Volv 14:2
  278. HC - Volv 8.3
  279. WW to Forest
  280. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  281. B/C GS HP C-Button Items (Item on B)
  282. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  283. Minuet CS skip 8:2 //OCA, bombs, HOOK .forest
  284. Enter Forest
  285. GS - First Room 30
  286. 1st Key
  287. Poe CS skip **save** //FISH, bombs, hook
  288. GS - Basement 31
  289. GS - Before stalfos 32
  290. Stalfos key
  291. SoT ledge clip
  292. Megajump 7:2 #HOVERB
  293. GS - Far wall 33
  294. BGS clip Block #1
  295. Groundjump Block #2 6:2 //fish, bombs, HAMMER #KOKIRIB
  296. Bow
  297. Hammer BK skip //fish, bombs, bow #HOVERB
  298. Quick PG w/ BGS #KOKIRIB
  299. Forest CS skip 5:2
  300. Head to main room //fish, HOOK, bow
  301. Eye switch
  302. Hookshot BK skip
  303. GS - Right side 34
  304. HC Forest 9.3
  305. OI + §Serenade
  306. SS Teleport (>3 bombs) 4:2 //OCA, BOMBS, bow
  307. Swim into water .water
  308. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  309. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  310. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. Iron Boots swim to 1f #IRONB
  312. Ruto #KOKIRIB
  313. Lower water
  314. 2f key - Gainer 3:2
  315. 1f key - clams
  316. HESS to floor 2:2
  317. Bomb the floor 1:2 #IRONB
  318. GS - false floor 35 #HOVERB
  319. Pot bombs
  320. SW to Water #KOKIRIB
  321. SS to door 14:2 //NUTS, HOOK, bow #HOVERB
  322. GS - Keese ISG 36
  323. Switch puzzle #KOKIRIB
  324. Dark Link
  325. Longshot
  326. SoT skip #HOVERB
  327. GS - Whirlpool 37 #IRONB
  328. Eye switch key
  329. SW to Water #KOKIRIB #MASTER
  330. Torch door
  331. GS - Middle tower 38 //FISH, hook, ICE
  332. Kill spikes
  333. **RNG Bombs?**
  334. RBA Ice Arrows (FISH)
  335. GS - Far Room 39
  336. RBA Longshot //bottle, ICE, HOOK (BOTTLE)
  337. SW to Water //HAMMER, BOMBS, hook
  338. HESS to Morpha 12:2 #HOVERB
  339. Morpha //hammer, NUTS, hook #KOKIRIB
  340. HC - Morpha 10.3
  341. Down A w/ Nuts //OCA, nuts, hook
  342. §Suns CS skip (night)
  343. Down A w/ Nuts //HAMMER, OCA, hook #BGS
  344. §Minuet
  345. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  346. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  347. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. GS - Meadow 40 .timer
  349. Deku Nut Upgrade
  350. HESS to stage 11:2
  351. GS - Forest stage 41 //hammer, BOMBS, hook
  352. Exit to Kok
  353. GS - Kokiri Forest 42
  354. **Farm Bombs (<15)
  355. HESS to Exit 10:2
  356. HESS to Lon Lon 9:2
  357. HESS to fence 8:2
  358. Steal Epona 7:2
  359. Poe: Near Sign
  360. Poe Shop //hammer, POE#1, POE
  361. -Equip Swap dupes
  362. Poe bottle
  363. To Hyrule Field
  364. Grotto w/ hammer
  365. GS - Grotto 43 //OCA, BOMBS, HOOK
  366. HESS to Kak (night) 5:2
  367. Nocturne CS
  368. BGS archery clip
  369. Quiver - Kak archery
  370. GS - Impa's Roof 44
  371. HP - Cow House 11
  372. SW to ToT #HOVERB
  373. BGS DoT Skip
  374. §Suns Prelude skip (day)
  375. BGS DoT Skip #KOKIRIB
  376. Child 2 //oca, bottle, chus .child2
  377. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  378. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  379. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  380. §Serenade
  381. Mega to fire arrows 4:2 //oca, bottle, BOMBS
  382. §Suns (night)
  383. GS - Fire arrows 45
  384. Superswim to fishing 3:2
  385. Gold Scale
  386. HP - Fishing 11.1
  387. Mega to Scarecrow 2:2
  388. Catch Bugs //oca, bugs, bombs
  389. Scarecrow song
  390. HESS to LSL 1:2
  391. **Farm Bombs (<15)
  392. GS - LSL soil 46 //RANG, bugs, bombs
  393. GS - LSL wall 47
  394. Mega to superswim 14:2
  395. Ruto's Letter
  396. §Suns (night)
  397. Domain
  398. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  399. HESS to Torch 13:2
  400. Light Torch //STICK, BOTTLE, CHUS
  401. Flame Storage
  402. Catch Fish //stick, fish, chus
  403. HP - Light torches 11.2
  404. HESS off torch 12:2
  405. King Zora skip 12:1
  406. Fountain 48 //OCA, BOMBS, RANG
  407. GS - Wall 12:0
  408. JS Recoil to tree
  409. GS - Tree 49
  410. FW
  411. §Nocturne
  412. HP - Redead Grave 11.3 .dampe
  413. GS - Wall 11:0 50
  414. HP - Dampe 12
  415. GS - Soil 51 //BUGS, bombs, rang
  416. HP - Rang crate 12.1
  417. **Farm Bombs (<15)
  418. Exit to Kak
  419. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420. GS - Construction 52
  421. Skulltula House
  422. HP - GS rewards 10:0 12.2 //LETTER, CHUS, rang
  423. +10 Chus
  424. GS - GS House wall 53
  425. GS - Tree bonk 54
  426. HESS to Guard 10:10
  427. Letter to Guard
  428. GS - Shop wall 55
  429. GS - Ladder chu 10:9 56
  430. HP - Roof guy 12.3
  431. BotW navi dive
  432. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  433. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  434. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  435. Chu the stuff 10:8 .botw
  436. Left key
  437. Right key
  438. GS - Keese room 10:7 57
  439. GS - Baba room 10:6 58
  440. +10 Chus
  441. OoB swim to Lens 10:16
  442. Dead Hand
  443. Lens
  444. OoB swim to Like Like 10:15 //OCA, BOMBS, rang **HYLIAN**
  445. GS - Like Like 59
  446. **Hylian if eaten**
  447. §Prelude
  448. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  449. ToT to Castle
  450. Malon's Egg
  451. Din's fire 9:15
  452. Seam Walk 8:15
  453. GS - Storm's grotto 7:15 60
  454. Wake up Talon //oca, bombs, EGG
  455. HESS to guard 6:15
  456. GS - Caught & tree 61
  457. Keaton Mask //oca, bombs, mask
  458. §Bolero
  459. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  460. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  461. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  462. GS - Soil 62 //BUGS, bombs, CHUS .goroncity
  463. DMC hover 5:15 //OCA, bombs, chus
  464. HESS Double Magic 4:12
  465. GS - Box at top 63
  466. SS to edge 3:12
  467. HP - Climb wall 13 //STICK, bombs, chus
  468. Void + to GC
  469. Light torches
  470. Chu the big goron 1:12
  471. bomb the urn 1:11
  472. Bomb Bag 30
  473. HP - Teh Urn 13.1
  474. HESS urn to maze 22:11
  475. GS - Maze 64
  476. HESS to entrance 21:11
  477. HP - DC top 13.2
  478. GS - DC soil 20:11 65 //BUGS, bomb, MASK
  479. HESS to Kak 19:11
  480. Sell Mask
  481. HESS to Field 18:11
  482. SS to OoT
  483. Zelda CS
  484. Get Skull Mask //OCA, bombs, RANG
  485. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  486. OoT CS .lonlon
  487. SS to Lon Lon 17:11
  488. Milk Bottle
  489. HESS to Malon 15:11
  490. Epona's
  491. §Sun's
  492. (0,0,0) Glitch 14:11
  493. HESS to Window 13:11
  494. GS - Window 66
  495. GS - Tree 67
  496. HESS to Fence 12:11
  497. GS - Fence 68
  498. HESS to back 11:11
  499. GS - Back wall 69
  500. HP - Crawl space 13.3
  501. §Minuet
  502. Saria's Song
  503. SW to Kok //NUTS, bombs, rang
  504. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  505. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  506. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  507. HESS to Know-it-all 10:11
  508. GS - Know it all 70 .river
  509. Bridge Mega 9:11
  510. 30 Deku Stick scrub
  511. GS - Soil 71 //OCA, BUGS, MASK
  512. HP - Skull Kid 14
  513. Sell Mask
  514. HESS to ZR 8:11
  515. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  516. Zora's River //oca, BOMBS, RANG
  517. HP - River rang 14.1
  518. GS - Ladder 7:11 72
  519. HP - Frog's 14.2
  520. HP - A<> v<>v AvAv ><A 14.3
  521. HP - Rang up high 15
  522. Buy bean //oca, bombs, CHUS
  523. Chu + ISG Groundjump 6:11
  524. GS - Tree 73
  525. §Requiem
  526. Leever SS 5:10
  527. GS - Soil GS 74 //oca, BEAN, BUGS
  528. BEAN
  529. §Prelude
  530. Spooky Mask
  531. §Nocturne //OCA, bombs, MASK
  532. Sell Mask //oca, bombs, -
  533. §Prelude
  534. Bunny Hood
  535. To Hyrule Field
  536. §Suns (night)
  537. HESS to RG 4:10 //CHUS, bombs, MASK
  538. Chu the Tree 3:10
  539. HP - RG grotto 15.1
  540. RG, sell mask
  541. HESS to Valley 2:9
  542. GS - Bridge 75 //BUGS, bombs, RANG
  543. HP - Cucco jump 15.2
  544. GS - Soil 76
  545. HESS to Waterfall 1:9
  546. HP - Waterfall 15.3
  547. §Prelude //OCA, bombs, LENS
  548. Mask of Truth
  549. Slingshot Game
  550. Bombchu Bowling
  551. - hp/bombs/bag/50r/chus
  552. - Heart Piece 16
  553. - Bomb bag 40 0:9
  554. §Suns (night)
  555. HP - RichardZ 16.1
  556. HP - Lens of Truth 16.2
  557. SW to KoK
  558. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  559. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  560. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  561. Lost Woods .deku2
  562. HP - Ocarina game 16.3
  563. HESS to stage 10:9
  564. Grotto with Mask //BUGS, bombs, MASK
  565. GS - Soil 77
  566. Exit to KoK
  567. GS - Kokiri shop soil 78
  568. HESS to Deku 9:9 //CHUS, bombs, RANG
  569. GS - Basement vines 8:9 79
  570. GS - Basement bars 7:9 80
  571. Ground jump 7:8
  572. Chu the wall setup 6:7 //OCA, STICK, rang
  573. GS - At Back 81
  574. §Prelude
  575. DOT Skip
  576. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  577. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  578. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  579. §Requiem
  580. Leever SS to Spirit 6:4 .spirit
  581. SS to child 5:4 //DINS, FW, hook #HOVERB
  582. Set FW during door CS
  583. Torches w/ Din's
  584. GS - Child 82
  585. Small key chest
  586. FW to Spirit //CHU, BOMBS, hook #KOKIRIB
  587. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588. Chu for 0,0,0 4:4
  589. Bean to oasis
  590. GS - Oasis 83
  591. HESS - to Bean
  592. GS - Bean ride 84
  593. HP - Bean ride 17
  594. SS to seam 4:3 //FW, bomb, hook #HOVERB
  595. Longshot chest #KOKIRI
  596. GS - Silver side 85
  597. Door Clip
  598. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  599. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  600. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  601. SS to Mirror Shield 2:3 #HOVERB
  602. Knuckle #KOKIRIB
  603. **Farm Armos (<35)
  604. Actor Glitch FW 33:3
  605. GS - Statue room 86
  606. GS - Child chus 87
  607. **Chu Chest (<5)
  608. FW Back
  609. BK Skip 32:3 #HOVERB
  610. Nabooru CS skip 29:3 //OCA, bomb, hook #KOKIRIB
  611. Twinrova
  612. HC Spirit CS 18
  613. HESS to NL 28:3
  614. Nayru's Love 27:3
  615. §Nocturne
  616. Set Dins/NL //DINS, CHUS, NL .shadow
  617. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  618. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  619. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  620. Megaflip gap 26:3
  621. NL spinner skip 26:2
  622. Bomb 2nd wall 26:1 //FW, BOMBS, HOOK
  623. Weird shot key 25:1
  624. Rupee room FW
  625. HESS past skulls 24:1
  626. HESS to platform 23:1 #HOVERB
  627. GS - Like Like 88 //fw, CHUS, hook #KOKIRIB
  628. GS - Crusher room 89
  629. **Pot Bombs(<30) 22:1
  630. Switch key
  631. Leap of faith
  632. Redead Rupees
  633. GS - Headspin + key 21:1 90
  634. FW back
  635. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  636. Gate clip
  637. GS - Boat room 91
  638. Boat ride //OCA, BOMBS, hook
  639. GS - Room across 92
  640. HESS across chasm 21:0 //FISH, BOMBS, hook #HOVERB
  641. Bomb BK skip 20:0
  642. Quick Bongo 19:0
  643. $Suns CS Skip (night) 18:0
  644. -Bongo HC 19
  645. OI + §Serenade
  646. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  647. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  648. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  649. GS - Token delay 93 93 //OCA, BOW, hook .gerudo
  650. §Suns (day)
  651. Shoot the sun
  652. Fire arrows jump //oca, BOMB, hook
  653. HESS to scarecrow 17:0
  654. §Scarecrow
  655. **Farm Bombs (< 20)
  656. HP - LSL Scare crow 19.1
  657. HESS to field 16:0 //FIRE, bomb, HAMMER
  658. HP - Scrub grotto 19.2
  659. HESS to boulder 15:0
  660. Break rock
  661. Burn Web //NUTS, bomb, HOOK
  662. GS - Hyrule Grotto 94
  663. HESS to GV 14:0
  664. Longshot across
  665. GS - Carpenter tent 95
  666. GS - Rock formation 96
  667. HESS to GF 13:0
  668. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  669. **if late, make night**
  670. HESS to first guard 12:0
  671. Guard - ground level
  672. Longshot to Jail
  673. Longshot to Chest
  674. HP - Fortress Top 19.3
  675. GS - Fortress 1 97
  676. Guard near GS
  677. Guard two doors down
  678. Guard up the vines
  679. Take lower exit
  680. HESS to skulltula 11:0
  681. GS - Archery 98
  682. §Suns (day) //OCA, bombs, hook
  683. §Epona's
  684. HP - > 1000 points 20
  685. Quiver 50 (>1500)
  686. §Bolero
  687. Fire Temple
  688. Right side clip
  689. GS - Like Like room 99
  690. §Prelude
  691. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  692. B/C GS HP C-Button Items #Equips
  693. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  694. LACS .lacs
  695. ToT to Castle
  696. HESS - Double Defence 10:0 #HOVERB
  697. GS - Ganon's Castle 100 //FIRE, bombs, HOOK #KOKIRIB
  698. Rainbow Bridge CS
  699. HESS to Shadow Trial 9:0
  700. Gold Gauntlets
  701. Trials skip 8:0
  702. Tower Climb
  703. HESS to Dorf 6:0
  704. Ganondorf //BOTTLE, bombs, LA #MASTER
  705. Void Warp 5:0
  706. Double kiss 4:0
  707. SS into CS 2:0
  708. Ganon
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