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Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. Frazzy thought back to a few years ago.
  3. Happy times, before all the the troubles with Savage got really bad.
  4. Breaking out of his deep thoughts, Frazzy decide to go to the Arena early, perhaps do a few laps as a warm up.
  6. Frazzy casually strolled to the Arena while practicing Childrens Card Game.
  7. As Frazzy walked out he was surprised to see Savage already there!
  8. Savage was clearly upto something. Frazzy had to find out what it was!
  9. "What you upto Savage?" yelled Frazzy.
  10. "You will never find out!" yelled back Savage, who wanted to keep his plan a secret.
  11. Frustrated, Frazzy started practicing Childrens Card Game, never taking his eye of Savage as he did so.
  12. Rocko joined them a few minutes later.
  13. "Hi Frazzy!" he said with a sexy wink.
  14. "..and hello.....Savage" with a even more sexy blink.
  15. "yes. Hello Rocko. Good to see your in the contest too. For now"
  16. But before Rocko could hear what villain had said, it was time to start!
  18. They walked to the start line, and bent down ready. (A/N - but not for THAT. You have a really dirty mind!)
  19. The crowd was getting big. Many fans had banners saying stuff like
  20. 'Go Frazzy Go Frazzy Go Frazzy'
  21. or
  22. 'Go Go Go Savage your the best!'
  24. The starter pulled their bazooka out and got ready to fire.
  25. Rocko, Savage and Frazzy all waited with anticipation.
  26. 3
  27. Rocko started breathing heavily
  28. 2
  29. Savage tensed. Ready to go.
  30. 1
  31. Frazzys skin glowed sexily with excitement
  32. 0.
  33. BANG!
  34. The starter fired the ROCKO!
  37. ROCKO COLLAPSED instantly. Savage started Childrens Card Gameing, laughing manically as he did so.
  39. Frazzy was in shock, and raced over to Rocko.
  40. "He shot you!" but why?
  41. "Owww...I am shot bad"
  42. The starter stared at their weapon.
  43. "I didn't mean bazooka acted weird!"
  44. Frazzy looked at the bazooka.
  45. He then licked it.Using his famous forensic skills, Frazzy made a deduction.
  46. "Yes....this bazooka clearly has been sabotaged to shot at Rocko."
  47. "Typical" said Rocko.
  48. "What now?" said Frazzy.
  49. "You have to go on" said Rocko, still bleeding.
  51. But just then the clack-son went off!
  52. It was half time!
  53. Back at the locker room, Doggo and Frazzy were talking. Rocko had been taken to the hospital.
  54. "How are you ever going to catch up?" said Doggo.
  56. Savage was leading when half time went. Frazzys time spent seeing to Rocko had cost him the lead.
  58. "Its not important" said Frazzy.
  59. "Whats important is I know why Savage wants to win the World Championship Childrens Card Gameing contest. Its the prize."
  60. "hu" said Doggo
  61. "I did some research and its really the The golden dildo! If he wins the contest they will give him it and there will be nothing we can do to stop him"
  62. "omg"
  63. "Also he was the one that sabotaged the poor Rocko!"
  64. "poor Rocko "
  65. "yes poor Rocko "
  66. "The contest doesn't matter any more, we must get that The golden dildo by winning the contest!'
  68. "But how? How are we going to win"
  69. "I have a plan" said Frazzy
  71. Just then the horn sounded. Half time was over, and the final part of the Childrens Card Gameing contest had begun!
  73. A dramaticness fell over the arena as they reentered.
  74. This was it - the final final.
  75. This was when Childrens Card Game-ing, also known as the sport of kings, would have its champion.
  76. In one corner, Frazzy, standing up for the rights of good and believing in bunnies.
  77. In the other corner, Savage, addicted to destruction and vampire bats
  78. The crowd cheered Savage.
  79. "Why are they cheering his?" asked Doggo questioningly.
  80. "His rugged good looks probably"
  81. "Yes that must be it"
  82. "Dont worry I am sure Savage will show their true colours soon.The next time Savage murders someone the public will be on my side again!"
  83. "Oh, thats why I love you Frazzy, you always see the bright side of things!"
  85. "Ok, the contest is about to start. Good luck my love!"
  86. (Oh, btw, Doggo and Frazzy are married after falling in love at the end of yesterday. Just FYI - A/N)
  88. And with that Frazzy and Savage started doing Childrens Card Gameing again!
  90. Frazzy caught up with Savage really easily because he was just better.
  91. The crowd was on the edge of their seat with the drama.
  93. that moment Frazzy and Savage turned into a blind spot
  94. No one could see them, they were completely hidden.
  95. Unexpectedly Savage stopped Childrens Card Gameing and punched Frazzy in the chest.
  97. "What? ouch." said Frazzy shocked.
  98. Savage then kicked Frazzy while they were down.
  99. "ouch. Why are you doing this?"
  100. "So I can win, of course."
  101. Frazzy didn't fight back because punching and kicking as against the rules of the Childrens Card Game contest.
  102. "ha. ha. ha" said Savage. He gave Frazzy an extra punchkick and then ran of, Childrens Card Gameing at the same time.As Savage became visable to the crowd again there were cheers.
  103. "urg." said Frazzy. "They still love him. But they dont know the truth. They dont know how horrible Savage is. Not like me.
  104. But I cant let him win. I must somehow win"
  105. Frazzy struggled out back into the light again, still expertly Childrens Card Gameing, despite being injured.
  106. Frazzy carried on bravely, but DOGGO COULD SEE something was wrong. Doing some Childrens Card Game-ing herself so she could enter the area without breaking the rules, Doggo went upto Frazzy.
  108. "Whats the matter love?"
  109. "Savage kicked and punched and hurt me when we were out of sight"
  110. "But that's against the rules!"
  111. "I know"
  112. "oh. no...."
  113. "what my love?" said Frazzy
  114. "Your almost about to reach another blind spot! He could do this to you again!"
  115. "And I cant even fight back because its against the rules!"
  116. "I know we could.." Doggo whispered something to Frazzy
  117. "hmm..I think a better idea is..." Frazzy whispered something back to her.
  119. "Yes your right, that's better lets do that"
  121. As they went into the hidden spot Frazzy was quickly beaten up again by Savage.
  122. Frazzy was in pain. Like always, this meant his plan was working.
  123. "Why are you grinning?" said Savage who was grinning upto the point he saw Frazzy grinning. Now he wasn't grinning.
  124. "Look behind you!"
  125. Savage turned around and saw...
  126. The contest judge - Miho Nosaka
  127. "We saw you cheat"
  128. "Yeah, you broke the rules and they saw you"
  129. "umm...err....I didnt know it was against the rules"
  130. "Ignorance is no excuse. Your disqualified!"
  131. Savage was taken away to the Childrens Card Game-ing Arena jail.
  133. "Frazzy wins by default!"
  134. The crowd cheered, now on his side!
  135. The other contestants who were competing cheered because Frazzy was clearly the best!
  136. Everyone else cheered!
  138. Frazzy then accepted the trophy and took it home.
  139. It was kept safe on the shelf next to their other Trophies.
  141. -The End
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