
The Jester

Apr 22nd, 2012
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  1. -----------------------------
  2. Nolo POV
  3. -----------------------------
  4. >You sit among these dethroners, waiting for them to begin
  5. >For though your enemy was powerful, she had never faced the might of men
  6. >Equestria will soon be ours, for we hold the true power!" you boldly claim
  7. >All the rest seem to agree
  8. >Except for Forge, who doesn't trust you fully
  9. >This doesn't bother you in the slightest
  10. >His silly morals give him no rest
  11. >You listened in on the speech, but as excited as you might be,
  12. >This meeting stretched on, without any end
  13. >You had stuff to do, places you had to attend!
  14. >These men were all great, in their own special way
  15. >But only Xillian held your sway
  16. >You observed as he reclined, completely at ease
  17. >Leaning back and contemplating, completely at ease
  18. >You suddenly turn at the sound of your name
  19. >Codz gave you orders, you said you were game
  20. >You were to hang back here, with Xillian and Sherm
  21. >Such an easy job, you might as well get a Perm
  22. >But no, you thought to yourself as you watched Forge get up,
  23. >He leaves eagerly, wanting a respite
  24. >As if that would help, Ha! yeah right
  25. >You still had to go after the most corrupt
  26. >To that end, an alliance was necessary, with the most devious of all
  27. >And Xillian the Magistrate was at the top of the roll call
  28. >You pull him aside as everyone leaves
  29. >Going about their bushiness, doing their deeds
  30. >He seems somewhat wary at first, if not ill at ease,
  31. >But then you ask him something that makes him seemed pleased
  32. >"My Dear Magistrate, wait one moment"
  33. >"I have a request that I need to vent"
  34. >"You see, I have noticed how your goals, you achieve"
  35. >"Always plotting, without a reprieve"
  36. >"I know your skills are greater than the others might think."
  37. >"Which is why I know you and I share a common Link"
  38. >He watches with interest, seeing where this is going
  39. >He knew of your skill, and that it wasn't just hot air you were blowing
  40. >So he let you continue, with a small smile, all knowing
  41. >"You know how to play the game, that much is obvious"
  42. >"But what is your end goal, why so devious?"
  43. >His smile grew wider , sinister and frightening
  44. >"Why Scurra, the answer's simple, I enjoy their fighting."
  45. >"I'm a politician, my choice is not hiding,"
  46. >"merely watching, waiting, biding"
  47. >"For you see, this fighting will someday stop,"
  48. >"And when it does, I'll make sure I am on top"
  49. >"But it is with some regret,"
  50. >"That I must inform you that my true endgame is a secret"
  51. >You stare at him, aware of the simalarity
  52. >"I've had an Epihany, of startling clarity!"
  53. >"I know that I would not like to pit myself against you,"
  54. >"How about an alliance between us two?"
  55. >The magistrate only smiles, and when he answers it takes him a short while
  56. >"I....would love to form an allegiance with you,"
  57. >"If only to surprise the others, out of the blue..."
  58. >"Then it is settled!"
  59. >"Together, no one can best our mettle!"
  60. >You both part ways towards your respective destinations,
  61. >Ready to begin your dark machinations....
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