
Iain Blakely

Nov 7th, 2014
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  1. Your name is Iain Blakely, and while it doesn't look like you're doing much you actually have an eagle eye looking for a joke. You know a good joke requires great TIMING, so you're lurking in chats waiting for the right SET UP to show itself and you pounce! If needs be you can always provide the set up yourself, even if stretching the TRUTH a bit. If a laugh needs you to be into tentacle porn then that's what you'll be!You let people know you're only maybe joking but your chosen way of LIFE doesn't leave much room for SINCERITY. You keep a lot of information on you very scarce just so you plausibly joke like this. Strictly speaking you could take on whatever part you think a group needs at the time, not just to provide mirth. You really do think you're helping people but you hate to admit you might really be driven by COMPULSION.
  3. Your room is a bit bare right now but you don't MIND, you're not out to impress anyone with it. But if you were your SNOWBOARD would make a great centerpiece hanging up. You've pulled some great moves with it in your time, and broken a few BONES. You would never complain about that but sometimes you can spin it into a hilarious STORY. You're not much of a sportsman. You don't board competitively but when you play other games like your favourite modern war shooters you consider anything in the rules to be fair game. If the RULES made one item more powerful than anything else you're going to abuse the heck out it and if a bit of friendly fire wins the match then you can't argue with the results! It's just a game with no CONSEQUENCES after all.
  5. You might just have a problem when it comes to following rules. Generations of cool rebel heroes have taught you that they're totally BOGUS but it's just so much easier and simpler to go along with them.
  7. Your chumhandle is lampoonLittany and you succumb to the second lowest form of humour, that of the pun
  10. Gender: Male
  11. Text Color: Burgandy #550011
  12. Chumhandle: lampoonLittany
  13. Type Style: Replaces words with similar sounding words. These are sometimes claimed to be puns
  14. Symbol: Knock off Ditto
  15. Strife Specibus: Comb
  16. Fetch Modus:
  17. Guardian: Butler
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