MrShandy :)

Aug 18th, 2020
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  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * Message translations.
  4. *
  5. * This file is automatically generated by 'yiic message' command.
  6. * It contains the localizable messages extracted from source code.
  7. * You may modify this file by translating the extracted messages.
  8. *
  9. * Each array element represents the translation (value) of a message (key).
  10. * If the value is empty, the message is considered as not translated.
  11. * Messages that no longer need translation will have their translations
  12. * enclosed between a pair of '@@' marks.
  13. *
  14. * Message string can be used with plural forms format. Check i18n section
  15. * of the guide for details.
  16. *
  17. * NOTE, this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
  18. */
  19. return array (
  20. '"Strict" requires specific command output configured by the hosting provider, for "Basic" any console ouput is sufficient' => '',
  21. '%' => '',
  22. '(* Warning: Be sure to run Multicraft in "multiuser" mode with this!)' => '',
  23. '(Leave empty to use cached Password)' => '',
  24. '(action "{action}" for "{role}")' => '',
  25. '(auth: {error})' => '',
  26. '(code: {error})' => '',
  27. '(connection lost)' => '',
  28. '(no player)' => '',
  29. '(no server)' => '',
  30. '(self action "{action}" for "{role}")' => '',
  31. '(unchanged)' => '',
  32. '({errno}: {errstr})' => '',
  33. '<b>Warning:</b> Delete the <b>install.php</b> file' => '',
  34. 'A new server has been assigned to you! You can control and edit it here:' => '',
  35. 'A password reset has been requested for your Multicraft account at {url}.' => '',
  36. 'A password reset link has been sent to your email address.' => '',
  37. 'A selection will be shown as soon as the server has been created' => '',
  38. 'API Key' => '',
  39. 'API key deleted.' => '',
  40. 'About' => '',
  41. 'About Multicraft' => '',
  42. 'Accept EULA' => '',
  43. 'Access Denied' => '',
  44. 'Access denied' => '',
  45. 'Access denied!' => '',
  46. 'Account Name' => '',
  47. 'Add Port' => '',
  48. 'Add specific port' => '',
  49. 'Additional Ports' => '',
  50. 'Additional details have been logged for your administrator' => '',
  51. 'Admin Say' => '',
  52. 'Administration Link' => '',
  53. 'Administrator' => '',
  54. 'Advanced' => '',
  55. 'Advanced Search' => '',
  56. 'After how many milliseconds to kick players without access' => '',
  57. 'All' => '',
  58. 'All Servers' => '',
  59. 'Allow IP changes' => '',
  60. 'Allow this user to access the Multicraft API?' => '',
  61. 'Announce World Save' => '',
  62. 'Apply' => '',
  63. 'Archive Restore' => '',
  64. 'Are you sure you want to create the default commands?' => '',
  65. 'Are you sure you want to delete ALL players?' => '',
  66. 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?' => '',
  67. 'Are you sure you want to delete this player?' => '',
  68. 'Are you sure you want to delete this task?' => '',
  69. 'Are you sure you want to delete this user?' => '',
  70. 'Arguments' => '',
  71. 'Assign to user' => '',
  72. 'Assigned Permissions' => '',
  73. 'Attribute not found, database up to date?' => '',
  74. 'Authentication failed' => '',
  75. 'Authors' => '',
  76. 'Autosave' => '',
  77. 'Autostart' => '',
  78. 'Back' => '',
  79. 'Backup' => '',
  80. 'Backup World' => '',
  81. 'Backup done, ready for download. (Created: {date})' => '',
  82. 'Backup in progress, please wait' => '',
  83. 'Banned' => '',
  84. 'Banner' => '',
  85. 'Base directory' => '',
  86. 'Base directory is still in use by other servers' => '',
  87. 'Base directory shared with the following servers:' => '',
  88. 'Basic crash detection' => '',
  89. 'Belongs to' => '',
  90. 'Browse' => '',
  91. 'By Default Role' => '',
  92. 'By using this software you accept the Multicraft EULA:
  93.' => '',
  94. 'CPU' => '',
  95. 'Can Build' => '',
  96. 'Can\'t connect to daemon' => '',
  97. 'Can\'t delete server owner, the user still owns other servers:' => '',
  98. 'Cancel Setup' => '',
  99. 'Cannot delete base directory: ' => '',
  100. 'Categories' => '',
  101. 'Category' => '',
  102. 'Change status to' => '',
  103. 'Change to' => '',
  104. 'Changes on this page take effect immediately.' => '',
  105. 'Changing this will shut the server down if running' => '',
  106. 'Chat' => '',
  107. 'Chat Role' => '',
  108. 'Cheat Role' => '',
  109. 'Clean Mod Directories and Plugins' => '',
  110. 'Clear chat' => '',
  111. 'Clear log' => '',
  112. 'Co-Owner' => '',
  113. 'Command' => '',
  114. 'Command List' => '',
  115. 'Command saved.' => '',
  116. 'Command sent, check the server log for status' => '',
  117. 'Command sent, please check the server console for details' => '',
  118. 'Commands' => '',
  119. 'Compatible Plugin Versions' => '',
  120. 'Compress the selected entries into a zip archive' => '',
  121. 'Config File Settings' => '',
  122. 'Config File saved.' => '',
  123. 'Config File settings saved.' => '',
  124. 'Config Files' => '',
  125. 'Config file not found' => '',
  126. 'Confirm Panel Password' => '',
  127. 'Confirm Password' => '',
  128. 'Connected players' => '',
  129. 'Console' => '',
  130. 'Contains all files for this server' => '',
  131. 'Continue' => '',
  132. 'Couldn\'t get chat: ' => '',
  133. 'Couldn\'t get log: ' => '',
  134. 'Crash Detection' => '',
  135. 'Create' => '',
  136. 'Create Backup' => '',
  137. 'Create Command' => '',
  138. 'Create Config File Setting' => '',
  139. 'Create Database' => '',
  140. 'Create Default Commands' => '',
  141. 'Create FTP Account' => '',
  142. 'Create Player' => '',
  143. 'Create Server' => '',
  144. 'Create User' => '',
  145. 'Current Password' => '',
  146. 'Currently Installed' => '',
  147. 'DELETE all files and setup template on EVERY restart' => '',
  148. 'DELETE all files and setup template on next restart' => '',
  149. 'DELETE all files on EVERY restart' => '',
  150. 'DELETE all files on next restart' => '',
  151. 'Daemon' => '',
  152. 'Daemon Connection' => '',
  153. 'Daemon JAR directory' => '',
  154. 'Daemon database not up to date, please run the Multicraft installer.' => '',
  155. 'Data receive timeout' => '',
  156. 'Date' => '',
  157. 'Days' => '',
  158. 'Default' => '',
  159. 'Default Role' => '',
  160. 'Delete' => '',
  161. 'Delete All Server Files' => '',
  162. 'Delete Command' => '',
  163. 'Delete Control Panel User' => '',
  164. 'Delete Database' => '',
  165. 'Delete Player' => '',
  166. 'Delete Server' => '',
  167. 'Delete Task' => '',
  168. 'Delete User' => '',
  169. 'Delete all Players' => '',
  170. 'Delete all files' => '',
  171. 'Delete database?
  173. WARNING: Deletes all data and cannot be undone!' => '',
  174. 'Description' => '',
  175. 'Directory' => '',
  176. 'Disable' => '',
  177. 'Disable Google Authenticator' => '',
  178. 'Disable Multicraft API access for this user?' => '',
  179. 'Disable crash detection' => '',
  180. 'Disabled' => '',
  181. 'Disk Space Limit' => '',
  182. 'Disk Space Usage' => '',
  183. 'Dismiss' => '',
  184. 'Displayed IP' => '',
  185. 'Displayed on banner and in server view. Empty for same as IP' => '',
  186. 'Domain' => '',
  187. 'Done' => '',
  188. 'Download' => '',
  189. 'Duplicate server port.' => '',
  190. 'Edit Config File' => '',
  191. 'Edit Roles' => '',
  192. 'Edit server config files' => '',
  193. 'Edit server settings' => '',
  194. 'Email' => '',
  195. 'Empty directory name not allowed.' => '',
  196. 'Empty for default file.' => '',
  197. 'Empty for default value' => '',
  198. 'Empty response' => '',
  199. 'Empty to select automatically' => '',
  200. 'Enable' => '',
  201. 'Enable Google Authenticator' => '',
  202. 'Enabled' => '',
  203. 'English' => '',
  204. 'Enter current password to confirm the changes.' => '',
  205. 'Enter your password to disable Google Authenticator' => '',
  206. 'Error' => '',
  207. 'Error during backup, please check the daemon log' => '',
  208. 'Error generating password reset token.' => '',
  209. 'Error getting player list: ' => '',
  210. 'Error getting server status: ' => '',
  211. 'Error in the FTP client module.' => '',
  212. 'Error reseting role(s).' => '',
  213. 'Error sending chat: ' => '',
  214. 'Error sending command:' => '',
  215. 'Error sending command: ' => '',
  216. 'Error sending password reset link.' => '',
  217. 'Error updating config file!' => '',
  218. 'Error: Permission denied.' => '',
  219. 'Everyone' => '',
  220. 'Expired' => '',
  221. 'FTP Address' => '',
  222. 'FTP Client' => '',
  223. 'FTP File Access' => '',
  224. 'FTP Password' => '',
  225. 'FTP Port' => '',
  226. 'FTP Server Login' => '',
  227. 'FTP Username' => '',
  228. 'FTP access / FTP username' => '',
  229. 'FTP login failed, please check your password.<br/><br/>If this error persists please contact your administrator. The error has been logged.' => '',
  230. 'Failed' => '',
  231. 'Failed to allocate new port.' => '',
  232. 'Failed to assign user!' => '',
  233. 'Failed to change MySQL password for "{db}"!' => '',
  234. 'Failed to change user role!' => '',
  235. 'Failed to clear chat: ' => '',
  236. 'Failed to clear log: ' => '',
  237. 'Failed to create DNS record' => '',
  238. 'Failed to create MySQL database "{db}"!' => '',
  239. 'Failed to create file {file}. Please create it manually to hide the EULA notice.' => '',
  240. 'Failed to deactivate password reset token.' => '',
  241. 'Failed to delete DNS record' => '',
  242. 'Failed to delete MySQL database "{db}"!' => '',
  243. 'Failed to install plugin' => '',
  244. 'Failed to open file!' => '',
  245. 'Failed to query domain information' => '',
  246. 'Failed to query subdomain information' => '',
  247. 'Failed to remove plugin' => '',
  248. 'Failed to save parameter list' => '',
  249. 'Failed to save role permission: {error}' => '',
  250. 'Failed to send request.' => '',
  251. 'Failed to unpack archive because another unpack operation is currently in progress' => '',
  252. 'Failed to unpack archive because it contains invalid files (absolute paths or paths outside of the unpack directory). See the log for details.' => '',
  253. 'Failed to unpack archive because it contains restricted file types. See the log for details.' => '',
  254. 'Failed to {action} plugin' => '',
  255. 'False' => '',
  256. 'Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.' => '',
  257. 'File' => '',
  258. 'File List' => '',
  259. 'File not found!' => '',
  260. 'Filename contains invalid characters' => '',
  261. 'Files' => '',
  262. 'For example the text for the say command.' => '',
  263. 'For users whose IP matches a player ingame' => '',
  264. 'Forgot password?' => '',
  265. 'Full access' => '',
  266. 'Function disabled in demo mode!' => '',
  267. 'Function disabled in demo mode.' => '',
  268. 'Generate API Key' => '',
  269. 'Generate a new password?' => '',
  270. 'Give' => '',
  271. 'Give Item' => '',
  272. 'Give Role' => '',
  273. 'Give self' => '',
  274. 'Global' => '',
  275. 'Global FTP Access' => '',
  276. 'Global Role' => '',
  277. 'Google Authenticator Code' => '',
  278. 'Google Authenticator disabled' => '',
  279. 'Google Authenticator enabled' => '',
  280. 'Google Authenticator is already disabled' => '',
  281. 'Google Authenticator is already enabled' => '',
  282. 'Guest' => '',
  283. 'Hello {name},' => '',
  284. 'Help' => '',
  285. 'Hidden' => '',
  286. 'Hide Advanced Settings' => '',
  287. 'Hide Permissions' => '',
  288. 'Home' => '',
  289. 'Host' => '',
  290. 'Hours' => '',
  291. 'ID' => '',
  292. 'IP' => '',
  293. 'IP Auth Role' => '',
  294. 'If enabled the panel will allow communication with legacy (<2.0.0) daemons.' => '',
  295. 'If enabled the panel will allow connections from legacy (<2.0.0) API clients.' => '',
  296. 'If you change the role of a player you need to save this form again and run "reload" in the console' => '',
  297. 'If you did not request a password reset you can either just let the reset token expire or deactivate it using the following link:' => '',
  298. 'If you have questions regarding our server management software or if you find a bug please contact us using this form or by sending an email to {email}.' => '',
  299. 'In MB. Empty for default amount' => '',
  300. 'In MB. Empty for no limit. Requires a server restart to take effect' => '',
  301. 'In MB. Empty for same as Max. Memory' => '',
  302. 'In case the above link doesn\'t work you can enter the following token manually:' => '',
  303. 'In case this is a bug report please include all the error messages you encountered and a short description of how to reproduce the bug.' => '',
  304. 'Incorrect password' => '',
  305. 'Incorrect username or password.' => '',
  306. 'Inform the players when the world has been saved' => '',
  307. 'Information' => '',
  308. 'Install' => '',
  309. 'Installation Time' => '',
  310. 'Installed' => '',
  311. 'Installed Files' => '',
  312. 'Installed Version' => '',
  313. 'Installer' => '',
  314. 'Interval' => '',
  315. 'Invalid authentication code.' => '',
  316. 'Invalid language selected' => '',
  317. 'Invalid password reset token.' => '',
  318. 'Invalid port number.' => '',
  319. 'Invalid request' => '',
  320. 'Invalid request.' => '',
  321. 'Invalid role selected.' => '',
  322. 'Invalid signature' => '',
  323. 'Invalid subdomain name, only numbers and letters are allowed' => '',
  324. 'Invalid target player...' => '',
  325. 'Invalid theme selected' => '',
  326. 'Invalid user selected.' => '',
  327. 'Invalid verification code' => '',
  328. 'Invalid version selected' => '',
  329. 'JAR File' => '',
  330. 'Key' => '',
  331. 'Kick players' => '',
  332. 'Kill' => '',
  333. 'Language' => '',
  334. 'Last Quit Reason' => '',
  335. 'Last Run' => '',
  336. 'Last Seen' => '',
  337. 'Leave empty for "world"' => '',
  338. 'Leave page without saving changes?' => '',
  339. 'Letters are not case-sensitive.' => '',
  340. 'List' => '',
  341. 'Local Plugins' => '',
  342. 'Log' => '',
  343. 'Login' => '',
  344. 'Login temporarily blocked.' => '',
  345. 'Logout' => '',
  346. 'Logout ({name})' => '',
  347. 'Look for JARs in' => '',
  348. 'MB' => '',
  349. 'Manage' => '',
  350. 'Manage Commands' => '',
  351. 'Manage FTP users' => '',
  352. 'Manage MySQL databases' => '',
  353. 'Manage Players' => '',
  354. 'Manage Server Data' => '',
  355. 'Manage Servers' => '',
  356. 'Manage Tasks' => '',
  357. 'Manage commands' => '',
  358. 'Manage players' => '',
  359. 'Manage plugins' => '',
  360. 'Manage schedule' => '',
  361. 'Manage server parameters' => '',
  362. 'Manage users' => '',
  363. 'Match player IPs to control panel visitors to assign special roles. Enables the "IP Authentication" field in the server settings.' => '',
  364. 'Maximum port count reached.' => '',
  365. 'Memory' => '',
  366. 'Message' => '',
  367. 'Message of the Day' => '',
  368. 'Message too long.' => '',
  369. 'Minecraft EULA' => '',
  370. 'Minecraft FTP Client' => '',
  371. 'Minecraft Server' => '',
  372. 'Minecraft Server Manager' => '',
  373. 'Minutes' => '',
  374. 'Missing argument' => '',
  375. 'Moderator' => '',
  376. 'Multicraft - New Server Assigned' => '',
  377. 'Multicraft - Password Changed' => '',
  378. 'Multicraft - Password Reset' => '',
  379. 'Multicraft Installer' => '',
  380. 'Multicraft Password' => '',
  381. 'Multicraft uses the following technologies:' => '',
  382. 'My Profile' => '',
  383. 'My Servers' => '',
  384. 'MySQL Database' => '',
  385. 'Name' => '',
  386. 'Name of the template folder or zip file' => '',
  387. 'Never' => '',
  388. 'New API key generated.' => '',
  389. 'New Command' => '',
  390. 'New Config File Setting' => '',
  391. 'New Password' => '',
  392. 'New Password must be repeated exactly.' => '',
  393. 'New Player' => '',
  394. 'New Server' => '',
  395. 'New Task' => '',
  396. 'New User' => '',
  397. 'No' => '',
  398. 'No Access' => '',
  399. 'No FTP account found' => '',
  400. 'No account found for this email address.' => '',
  401. 'No backup in progress' => '',
  402. 'No connection for daemon {id}' => '',
  403. 'No daemon found for this server.' => '',
  404. 'No permission to change that user.' => '',
  405. 'No players online' => '',
  406. 'No plugin sources found' => '',
  407. 'No template setup' => '',
  408. 'None' => '',
  409. 'Not Installed' => '',
  410. 'Not Scheduled' => '',
  411. 'Not connected!' => '',
  412. 'Not installed' => '',
  413. 'Note that if the base directory doesn\'t get deleted and you\'re using a multiuser configuration the system user/group won\'t be deleted either' => '',
  414. 'Notifying new daemon of completed transfer' => '',
  415. 'Offline' => '',
  416. 'Online' => '',
  417. 'Only show this command to other superusers' => '',
  418. 'Only show this task to other superusers' => '',
  419. 'Op' => '',
  420. 'Op Server Owner' => '',
  421. 'Options' => '',
  422. 'Outdated' => '',
  423. 'Owner' => '',
  424. 'Owner Scheduled Tasks' => '',
  425. 'Owner can add Ports' => '',
  426. 'Owner can change basic crash detection settings. If crash detection is disabled globally the user settings will have no effect' => '',
  427. 'Owner can change the "Look for JARs in" setting' => '',
  428. 'Owner can change the amount of server memory' => '',
  429. 'Owner can change the server visibility and Default Role' => '',
  430. 'Owner can create MySQL DB' => '',
  431. 'Owner can create scheduled tasks and change the autosave setting' => '',
  432. 'Owner can give FTP access to other users' => '',
  433. 'Owner can select additional server startup parameters' => '',
  434. 'Owner can set Name' => '',
  435. 'Owner can use Templates' => '',
  436. 'Owner can use the Setup/Template functionality' => '',
  437. 'Owner configurable Crash Detection' => '',
  438. 'Owner managed FTP' => '',
  439. 'Owner only' => '',
  440. 'Owner selectable JAR' => '',
  441. 'Owner set JAR directory' => '',
  442. 'Owner set Player Count' => '',
  443. 'Owner set Server Memory' => '',
  444. 'Owner set Startup Parameters' => '',
  445. 'Owner set Subdomain' => '',
  446. 'Owner set Visibility' => '',
  447. 'PHP Session support needs to be enabled for Google Authenticator to work' => '',
  448. 'PID' => '',
  449. 'Packing server files on source daemon' => '',
  450. 'Parameter' => '',
  451. 'Password' => '',
  452. 'Password Reset Token' => '',
  453. 'Password does not match' => '',
  454. 'Password reset token deactivated.' => '',
  455. 'Password:' => '',
  456. 'Paused' => '',
  457. 'Pending' => '',
  458. 'Permission' => '',
  459. 'Permission denied' => '',
  460. 'Permission denied.' => '',
  461. 'Permissions Plugin' => '',
  462. 'Permissions for role "{role}"' => '',
  463. 'Permissions, comma sepparated' => '',
  464. 'Player List' => '',
  465. 'Player Slots' => '',
  466. 'Player saved.' => '',
  467. 'Players' => '',
  468. 'Please confirm disabling Google Authenticator for this user' => '',
  469. 'Please don\'t use special characters.' => '',
  470. 'Please enter "{yes}" or "{no}"' => '',
  471. 'Please enter the letters as they are shown in the image above.' => '',
  472. 'Please wait for the action to complete.' => '',
  473. 'Plugin List' => '',
  474. 'Plugin Page' => '',
  475. 'Plugins' => '',
  476. 'Port' => '',
  477. 'Powered by' => '',
  478. 'Prefix' => '',
  479. 'Prerequisite' => '',
  480. 'Press OK to move the server and all server files to the new daemon. This process can take a lot of time depending on the total number and size of all server files.
  482. The daemon dropdown will revert back to the previous one until the transfer is complete.
  484. Pressing cancel will only change the daemon ID setting without moving any files.' => '',
  485. 'Previous IPs' => '',
  486. 'Profile' => '',
  487. 'Property File' => '',
  488. 'QR-Code' => '',
  489. 'Re-Scheduled' => '',
  490. 'Read chat' => '',
  491. 'Read only' => '',
  492. 'Register' => '',
  493. 'Register here' => '',
  494. 'Regularly save the world to the disk' => '',
  495. 'Remove' => '',
  496. 'Remove API Key' => '',
  497. 'Remove role and FTP access of old owner manually' => '',
  498. 'Remove this port?' => '',
  499. 'Repair Tool' => '',
  500. 'Required Role' => '',
  501. 'Reset' => '',
  502. 'Reset Password' => '',
  503. 'Reset all' => '',
  504. 'Reset this role to the default permissions?' => '',
  505. 'Resource usage' => '',
  506. 'Response' => '',
  507. 'Restart' => '',
  508. 'Restart if Empty' => '',
  509. 'Restart server' => '',
  510. 'Restore' => '',
  511. 'Restore backup' => '',
  512. 'Resume Server' => '',
  513. 'Role' => '',
  514. 'Role assigned to players on first connect ("No Access" for whitelisting)' => '',
  515. 'Role permissions updated.' => '',
  516. 'Role required to use web based give/teleport' => '',
  517. 'Role that applies for all servers' => '',
  518. 'Role(s) reset.' => '',
  519. 'Root Superuser' => '',
  520. 'Run' => '',
  521. 'Run For' => '',
  522. 'Run Once' => '',
  523. 'Run Repair Tool' => '',
  524. 'Run Setup on every server start' => '',
  525. 'Run on every server startup' => '',
  526. 'Run this Minecraft command (<a href="" target="_blank">see usage</a> for arguments and multiple commands)' => '',
  527. 'Runs only for players that are online, or always if "Server" is selected.' => '',
  528. 'SHA512 is recommended if available' => '',
  529. 'Same as Normal Theme' => '',
  530. 'Save' => '',
  531. 'Save World' => '',
  532. 'Save changes and reload page?\\nYou can press cancel and manually save the changes using the button below.' => '',
  533. 'Say Player List' => '',
  534. 'Scan the QR-Code below with your Google Authenticator app or enter the key manually' => '',
  535. 'Scheduled' => '',
  536. 'Scheduled Tasks' => '',
  537. 'Scheduled Time' => '',
  538. 'Search' => '',
  539. 'Send' => '',
  540. 'Send Assign Notification' => '',
  541. 'Send Reset Link' => '',
  542. 'Send Welcome Mail' => '',
  543. 'Send failed!' => '',
  544. 'Send new password if changed' => '',
  545. 'Send server commands' => '',
  546. 'Server' => '',
  547. 'Server ID' => '',
  548. 'Server JAR' => '',
  549. 'Server JAR directory*' => '',
  550. 'Server List' => '',
  551. 'Server Management' => '',
  552. 'Server Settings' => '',
  553. 'Server Status' => '',
  554. 'Server Version' => '',
  555. 'Server Visibility' => '',
  556. 'Server base directory*' => '',
  557. 'Server files won\'t be deleted:' => '',
  558. 'Server move failed, please check the server console and multicraft.log. Last error:' => '',
  559. 'Server move started' => '',
  560. 'Server move status from daemon {a} to daemon {b}:' => '',
  561. 'Server resume failed: ' => '',
  562. 'Server resumed' => '',
  563. 'Server settings saved.' => '',
  564. 'Server still running' => '',
  565. 'Server suspend failed: ' => '',
  566. 'Server suspended' => '',
  567. 'Servermove completed.' => '',
  568. 'Servers' => '',
  569. 'Settings' => '',
  570. 'Setup' => '',
  571. 'Setup template on EVERY restart' => '',
  572. 'Setup template on next restart' => '',
  573. 'Show Advanced Settings' => '',
  574. 'Show Permissions' => '',
  575. 'Source' => '',
  576. 'Staff' => '',
  577. 'Stage' => '',
  578. 'Start' => '',
  579. 'Start backup' => '',
  580. 'Start server' => '',
  581. 'Start this server automatically when Multicraft restarts' => '',
  582. 'Startup Memory' => '',
  583. 'Startup Parameters' => '',
  584. 'Status' => '',
  585. 'Stay logged in' => '',
  586. 'Stop' => '',
  587. 'Stop if Empty' => '',
  588. 'Stop server' => '',
  589. 'Strict crash detection' => '',
  590. 'Submit' => '',
  591. 'Suffix' => '',
  592. 'Summon' => '',
  593. 'Summon Player' => '',
  594. 'Summon Role' => '',
  595. 'Super Moderator' => '',
  596. 'Superuser' => '',
  597. 'Support' => '',
  598. 'Support Form' => '',
  599. 'Suspend Server' => '',
  600. 'Suspended' => '',
  601. 'Teleport' => '',
  602. 'Teleport Other' => '',
  603. 'Teleport Role' => '',
  604. 'Teleport To' => '',
  605. 'Teleport players' => '',
  606. 'Teleport self' => '',
  607. 'Teleport to' => '',
  608. 'Template' => '',
  609. 'Template Name' => '',
  610. 'Template Setup' => '',
  611. 'Thank you for contacting us!' => '',
  612. 'The associated database will also be deleted.' => '',
  613. 'The backup is available as "<b>{file}</b>" on the following FTP server:' => '',
  614. 'The base directory contains invalid characters.' => '',
  615. 'The domain users will be able to create subdomains for, e.g. "". Can be multiple domains separated by commas, e.g. ","' => '',
  616. 'The following template will be setup on the next server startup' => '',
  617. 'The operation timed out, please check the console for more information.' => '',
  618. 'The plugin archive is being unpacked, please see the server log.' => '',
  619. 'The requested page does not exist.' => '',
  620. 'The server ID, use 0 for "Global"' => '',
  621. 'The server is offline.' => '',
  622. 'The server is online!' => '',
  623. 'The server is still running, please stop the server first.' => '',
  624. 'The server status is currently changing.' => '',
  625. 'The users message has to begin with this' => '',
  626. 'The world name contains invalid characters.' => '',
  627. 'There are no plugins available for the "JAR File" currently in use by the server.' => '',
  628. 'There is an error with the daemon connection for this Server' => '',
  629. 'There is currently no database associated with this server.' => '',
  630. 'This command has to be run before' => '',
  631. 'This creates a new MySQL database for this server.' => '',
  632. 'This domain name is already taken' => '',
  633. 'This is a tool that can fix corrupted worlds. Use it at your own risk and create a backup first.' => '',
  634. 'This name is already in use by another command.' => '',
  635. 'This name is already in use by another player.' => '',
  636. 'This name is already in use by another task.' => '',
  637. 'This server needs additional files to run correctly. Your changes will now be saved and you will be forwarded to the "Setup" section to configure your server installation.
  639. Press "Cancel" to stay on this page.' => '',
  640. 'This subdomain name cannot be used' => '',
  641. 'This tool will only run when your server has been fully stopped first. Use it at your own risk.' => '',
  642. 'This will overwrite existing files with files from the archive. It is recommended that the server is stopped before performing a restore.
  644. The operation will run in the background and can take a while to complete. See the console for information about the progress of the unpack.' => '',
  645. 'This will reset all roles to the default permissions, continue?' => '',
  646. 'This will shut down the server and remove control from normal users until the server is resumed.' => '',
  647. 'Time' => '',
  648. 'To access your files you can either use this web based client or any other FTP program' => '',
  649. 'To edit your profile visit:' => '',
  650. 'To proceed with the password reset, please use the following link within the next {nr} hours:' => '',
  651. 'To see a list of all of your servers visit:' => '',
  652. 'Today' => '',
  653. 'Token' => '',
  654. 'Transfer complete, starting unpack' => '',
  655. 'True' => '',
  656. 'Type' => '',
  657. 'Type <b>yes</b> here to delete <b>all</b> files in this servers base directory (including all worlds).' => '',
  658. 'Unable to connect to FTP server <b>{ip}</b> on port <b>{port}</b>.' => '',
  659. 'Unable to login to FTP server, please make sure the password has been entered correctly.<br/><br/>(FTP Server: {ip}:{port}, user: {user})<br/><br/>' => '',
  660. 'Unassigned' => '',
  661. 'Unauthorized Kick Delay' => '',
  662. 'Unpack' => '',
  663. 'Unpacking server files on destination daemon' => '',
  664. 'Unsuspending server' => '',
  665. 'Update' => '',
  666. 'Update available' => '',
  667. 'Update list every {field} seconds' => '',
  668. 'Updated' => '',
  669. 'Uploading server files to new daemon' => '',
  670. 'Use chat' => '',
  671. 'Use default settings' => '',
  672. 'Use give command' => '',
  673. 'Use templates' => '',
  674. 'Use this button if you agree to the Minecraft EULA' => '',
  675. 'User' => '',
  676. 'User List' => '',
  677. 'User not found' => '',
  678. 'User saved.' => '',
  679. 'Username' => '',
  680. 'Username:' => '',
  681. 'Users' => '',
  682. 'Users with Roles only' => '',
  683. 'Verification Code' => '',
  684. 'Version' => '',
  685. 'View Task' => '',
  686. 'View backup status' => '',
  687. 'View commands' => '',
  688. 'View log' => '',
  689. 'View own player' => '',
  690. 'View player' => '',
  691. 'View player details' => '',
  692. 'View player list' => '',
  693. 'View server' => '',
  694. 'View server status' => '',
  695. 'Visibility in the Multicraft server list' => '',
  696. 'Warning: This will overwrite your existing users.yml and groups.yml!' => '',
  697. 'Welcome' => '',
  698. 'Welcome to <b>{Multicraft}</b>, the Minecraft server control panel.' => '',
  699. 'Welcome to Multicraft!' => '',
  700. 'Welcome to Multicraft! The login information for your new Multicraft account is:' => '',
  701. 'Whispered to the player' => '',
  702. 'World' => '',
  703. 'Yes' => '',
  704. 'You are leaving your control panel.
  706. You will be forwarded to the documentation on the official Multicraft website.' => '',
  707. 'You are not authorized to perform this action.' => '',
  708. 'You can directly connect to this address without indicating a port.' => '',
  709. 'You can login to Multicraft here:' => '',
  710. 'You can use the following information to access your files with any FTP client.' => '',
  711. 'You can use the {link} to access your backup. For all other FTP clients, please use the information below.' => '',
  712. 'You do not have FTP access to this server' => '',
  713. 'You don\'t have an FTP account for this server.' => '',
  714. 'You may optionally enter a comparison operator (<b>&lt;</b>, <b>&lt;=</b>, <b>&gt;</b>, <b>&gt;=</b>, <b>&lt;&gt;</b> or <b>=</b>) at the beginning of each of your search values to specify how the comparison should be done.' => '',
  715. 'Your Multicraft Password' => '',
  716. 'Your Multicraft login password' => '',
  717. 'Your Multicraft password has been changed. The new login information for your Multicraft account is:' => '',
  718. 'Your backup is available as "<b>{file}</b>" in your servers base directory.' => '',
  719. 'Your own servers and other servers you have access to will be listed here.' => '',
  720. 'Your password has been successfully changed.' => '',
  721. 'by {author}' => '',
  722. 'd. M Y H:i' => '',
  723. 'd. M Y, H:i' => '',
  724. 'day|days' => '',
  725. 'dd. M yy' => '',
  726. 'error' => '',
  727. 'hour|hours' => '',
  728. 'if you don\'t have an account yet.' => '',
  729. 'local host' => '',
  730. 'minute|minutes' => '',
  731. 'more' => '',
  732. 'no' => '',
  733. 'players' => '',
  734. 'yes' => '',
  735. '{source} Plugin List' => '',
  736. );
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