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Apr 1st, 2015
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  1. Kariana,Thank you for your comment. You are ceorrct. We are looking at this through our own world view. But I'm not talking about child labor, I'm talking about child slavery forced labor. A poor child who must work, and is able to return home to his/her family, is not the same as a child who is taken from his/her family and forced to work in a brothel as a sex slave, or forced to work period. Your suggestion is, however, right on track as far as I'm concerned: rather than vilify them it would be helpful if we in the developed world paid fairly and support children in Africa so they have basic education and health care. I agree 100%. There are many sides to this issue. The solution is not as simple as jailing traffickers. Education is a key, on many levels. But in order for American's to change their buying habits and become an active part of the pay fairly side of things, we must awaken them.That said, many forms of trafficking deserve to be vilified.
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