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Jul 31st, 2019
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  1. 31.07 17:51:30 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-networking-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  2. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-networking-blockentity-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  3. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config biomeoverhaul.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  4. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config biom4st3rportal.common.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  5. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabricfurnaces.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  6. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  7. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-renderer-indigo.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  8. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-events-interaction-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  9. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-loot-tables-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  10. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-renderer-api-v1.debughud.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  11. 31.07 17:51:31 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-containers-v0.accurate.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  12. 31.07 17:51:38 [Multicraft] Skipped 41 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  13. 31.07 17:51:38 [Server] main/ERROR Missing translations: entity.netherthings.wither_pigman
  14. 31.07 17:51:38 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  15. 31.07 17:51:38 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  16. 31.07 17:51:38 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  17. 31.07 17:51:38 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  18. 31.07 17:51:38 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  19. 31.07 17:51:39 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: SERVER
  20. 31.07 17:51:39 [Server] main/INFO Discovered plugin waila:core provided by waila at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
  21. 31.07 17:51:39 [Server] main/INFO Discovered plugin waila:vanilla provided by waila at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  22. 31.07 17:51:39 [Server] main/INFO Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
  23. 31.07 17:51:39 [Server] main/INFO Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  24. 31.07 17:51:40 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: Hello World!
  25. 31.07 17:51:42 [Server] main/INFO [Disenchanting] Initializing Disenchanting
  26. 31.07 17:51:42 [Server] main/INFO Loading config file mycommands/config.json
  27. 31.07 17:51:42 [Server] main/INFO [COTTON]: Loaded config.
  28. 31.07 17:51:42 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: ############ Set up server-side networking #############
  29. 31.07 17:51:43 [Server] main/INFO Definitely not up to no good
  30. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] main/INFO GamemodeOverhaul is Initializing!
  31. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] main/INFO [TheBiomeOverhaul] The first fabric biomes mod :)
  32. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] main/FATAL Failed to start the minecraft server
  33. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors!
  34. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.logErrors( ~[custom.jar:?]
  35. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointServer.start( ~[custom.jar:?]
  36. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.class_3176.<init>( ~[intermediary-server.jar:?]
  37. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.main( [intermediary-server.jar:?]
  38. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  39. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  40. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  41. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  42. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at [custom.jar:?]
  43. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.Knot.init( [custom.jar:?]
  44. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotServer.main( [custom.jar:?]
  45. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  46. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  47. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  48. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  49. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.launch( [custom.jar:?]
  50. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.setup( [custom.jar:?]
  51. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main( [custom.jar:?]
  52. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO Suppressed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/class_310
  53. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at ~[977e1074-7986-4616-8736-9a18d95f505d.jar:?]
  54. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at ~[977e1074-7986-4616-8736-9a18d95f505d.jar:?]
  55. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at com.github.briansemrau.cosmeticarmorslots.CosmeticArmorSlotsNetwork.onInitialize( ~[cosmetic-armor-slots-1.1.4.jar:?]
  56. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at com.github.briansemrau.cosmeticarmorslots.CosmeticArmorSlots.onInitialize( ~[cosmetic-armor-slots-1.1.4.jar:?]
  57. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.lambda$logErrors$0( ~[custom.jar:?]
  58. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  59. 31.07 17:51:46 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.logErrors( ~[custom.jar:?]
  60. 31.07 17:51:46 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting)
  61. 31.07 17:51:46 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 5 seconds
  62. 31.07 17:51:46 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  63. 31.07 17:51:51 [Multicraft] Loading server properties
  64. 31.07 17:51:51 [Multicraft] Starting server!
  65. 31.07 17:51:51 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Custom.jar (Use and upload your own JAR)"
  66. 31.07 17:51:51 [Multicraft] Updating eula.txt file
  67. 31.07 17:51:54 [Server] main/INFO Loading for game Minecraft 1.14.3
  68. 31.07 17:51:55 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-2/WARN Mod ID wildworld uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  69. 31.07 17:51:55 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1/WARN Mod ID subnauticredstone uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  70. 31.07 17:51:55 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1/WARN Mod ID mambience uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  71. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-15/WARN Mod ID fabric uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  72. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-19/WARN Mod ID animalnet uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  73. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1/WARN Mod ID fmagnet uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  74. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9/WARN Mod ID silkyspawners uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  75. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Non-mandatory unsatisfied dependencies!
  76. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] INFO - Mod easierchests recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  77. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] INFO - Mod grid recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  78. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] INFO - Mod gbfabrictools recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  79. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] INFO - Mod easiercrafting recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  80. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/INFO [FabricLoader] Loading 114 mods: fabric-keybindings-v0@0.1.1+7dfef87c, couplings@1.0.0, fabricloader@0.4.8+build.155, chunkborders@0.4.1, bettersleeping@0.2.1, org_zeroturnaround_zt-zip@1.13, fmagnet@${version}, extrabows@v1.14.3 Fabric b1, cobwebs@1.0.1, glassential@1.14-1.0.0, fabric-api-base@0.1.0+59147463, chunkactivator@1.1.1+mc1.14.2, extra-pressure-plates@1.1.2, cosmeticarmorslots@1.1.4, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib@1.3.40, waila@1.9.17, autoconfig1@1.1.2+mc1.14.1, leveluphp@4.3.0+mc1.14.2, betterthanmending@1.0.0, libblockattributes_items@0.4.7, org_slf4j_slf4j-api@1.7.26, fabric@0.3.0+build.198, epicurean@2.2.3+1.14.2, fabric-networking-v0@0.1.2+200eb5c2, netherthings@, betterutilities@1.4.2, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8@1.3.40, blockus@1.1.13, fabric-biomes-v1@0.1.0+896c7fbb36, org_slf4j_slf4j-simple@1.7.26, fabric-events-interaction-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-crash-report-info-v1@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-language-kotlin@1.3.40+build.1, cloth-config2@0.3.1, petem@1.0.1, org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8@1.2.2, fabric-resource-loader-v0@0.1.1+7495ea2836, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect@1.3.40, trapexpansion@1.1.0, redstonebits@1.0.4+mc1.14.1, crochet@1.0.2, biom4st3rportal@1.1.1, fabric-commands-v0@0.1.1+25fd0c52, fabric-registry-sync-v0@0.2.2+f0d5680036, adorn@1.1.2+1.14.3, cloth-config@0.2.4+build.17, blockmeter@1.1.2, fabric-mining-levels-v0@0.1.0+ab421b9c36, composableautomation@0.5.0+mc1.14.2, easierchests@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.3.1, grid@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.4, disenchanting@0.8.1, fabric-item-groups-v0@0.1.0+1e69a0a536, fabric-models-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, subnauticredstone@1.0.0, org_jetbrains_annotations@16.0.3, faeriefire@1.0.1, fabric-renderer-api-v1@0.1.1+099c1e8b36, gbfabrictools@1.0.1, libcd@1.3.0+1.14.3, mambience@0.5.1, animalnet@v1.14.3 Fabric b3, mycommands@1.14.2-06, cotton@0.8.3-pre+1.14.3, vanilla-hammers@1.4.3, org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core@1.2.2, locky@1.2.1+1.14.3, fabric-containers-v0@0.1.2+25fd0c5236, polyester@0.3.1+1.14.3, chatbubbles@1.0.1, net_fabricmc_stitch@, clientcommands@0.2.1+1.14-pre5, notenoughwands@1.7.5.beta, leadvillagers@1.1.0+mc1.14.1, ml@2.2.0, mm@1.6, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1@0.1.0+02a46d5b36, fabric-textures-v0@0.1.4+792c1c3536, silkyspawners@1.0.2, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1@0.1.0+dc4c57c236, trees-do-not-float@1.3.0+build.27, fabric-loot-tables-v1@0.1.0+43028fa636, redstonetweaks@1.0.2, wildworld@1.0.0, libblockattributes_core@0.4.7, gamemodeoverhaul@1.14.3-, ender_compass_fabric@2.2.1, fabriblocks@1.1.4, moreberries@1.2.1, cloth@0.3.1+build.23, tbo@1.2.0, fabric-networking-blockentity-v0@0.1.1+25fd0c5236, illuminations@0.3.0, jankson@1.0.0+j1.1.2, towelette@1.7.2, easiercrafting@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.3.0, fabric-renderer-indigo@0.1.9+3c859cf736, locatebiome@1.0.1, roughlyenoughitems@2.9.6+build.138, vanilla-toolsets@1.1.3, fabric-rendering-v0@0.1.1+6dad974e36, mbackpacks@1.1.4, fabric-content-registries-v0@0.1.1+05f11b7536, fabric-tag-extensions-v0@0.1.1+c189dc5c36, blue_endless_jankson@1.1.2, vanilladeathchest@${version}, optifabric@0.4.0, stockpile@1.0.8+1.14.3, fabric-furnaces@1.1.7, battle-towers@1.0.3, appleskin@1.0.6, voxelmap@1.9.12, fabric-events-lifecycle-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-object-builders-v0@0.1.1+39ff57de36
  81. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mod `fmagnet` (${version}) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  82. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mod `extrabows` (v1.14.3 Fabric b1) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  83. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mod `netherthings` ( uses more dot-separated version components than SemVer allows; support for this is currently not guaranteed.
  84. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mod `animalnet` (v1.14.3 Fabric b3) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  85. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mod `net_fabricmc_stitch` ( uses more dot-separated version components than SemVer allows; support for this is currently not guaranteed.
  86. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mod `notenoughwands` (1.7.5.beta) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  87. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mod `vanilladeathchest` (${version}) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  88. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/INFO SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.7.11 Source=file:/custom.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER
  89. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/INFO Compatibility level set to JAVA_8
  90. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-networking-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  91. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-networking-blockentity-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  92. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config biomeoverhaul.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  93. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config biom4st3rportal.common.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  94. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabricfurnaces.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  95. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  96. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-renderer-indigo.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  97. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-events-interaction-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  98. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-loot-tables-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  99. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-renderer-api-v1.debughud.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  100. 31.07 17:52:05 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-containers-v0.accurate.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  101. 31.07 17:52:06 [Multicraft] Skipped 39 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  102. 31.07 17:52:06 [Server] main/WARN Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1132 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1132)
  103. 31.07 17:52:06 [Server] main/WARN @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1132 was not found animalnet.common.json:AnimalNetMixinServerStartingIntegrated
  104. 31.07 17:52:14 [Server] main/ERROR Missing translations: entity.netherthings.wither_pigman
  105. 31.07 17:52:14 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  106. 31.07 17:52:14 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  107. 31.07 17:52:14 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  108. 31.07 17:52:14 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  109. 31.07 17:52:14 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  110. 31.07 17:52:25 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: SERVER
  111. 31.07 17:52:25 [Server] main/INFO Discovered plugin waila:core provided by waila at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
  112. 31.07 17:52:25 [Server] main/INFO Discovered plugin waila:vanilla provided by waila at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  113. 31.07 17:52:25 [Server] main/INFO Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
  114. 31.07 17:52:25 [Server] main/INFO Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  115. 31.07 17:52:26 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: Hello World!
  116. 31.07 17:52:26 [Server] main/INFO [Disenchanting] Initializing Disenchanting
  117. 31.07 17:52:26 [Server] main/INFO Loading config file mycommands/config.json
  118. 31.07 17:52:27 [Server] main/INFO [COTTON]: Loaded config.
  119. 31.07 17:52:27 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: ############ Set up server-side networking #############
  120. 31.07 17:52:27 [Server] main/INFO Definitely not up to no good
  121. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] main/INFO GamemodeOverhaul is Initializing!
  122. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] main/INFO [TheBiomeOverhaul] TheBiomeOverhaul has been initialised!
  123. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] main/FATAL Failed to start the minecraft server
  124. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors!
  125. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.logErrors( ~[custom.jar:?]
  126. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointServer.start( ~[custom.jar:?]
  127. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.class_3176.<init>( ~[intermediary-server.jar:?]
  128. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.main( [intermediary-server.jar:?]
  129. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  130. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  131. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  132. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  133. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at [custom.jar:?]
  134. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.Knot.init( [custom.jar:?]
  135. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotServer.main( [custom.jar:?]
  136. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  137. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  138. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  139. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  140. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.launch( [custom.jar:?]
  141. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.setup( [custom.jar:?]
  142. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main( [custom.jar:?]
  143. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO Suppressed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/class_310
  144. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at ~[a6134037-d60b-4119-ab0e-6e71fa276503.jar:?]
  145. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at ~[a6134037-d60b-4119-ab0e-6e71fa276503.jar:?]
  146. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at com.github.briansemrau.cosmeticarmorslots.CosmeticArmorSlotsNetwork.onInitialize( ~[cosmetic-armor-slots-1.1.4.jar:?]
  147. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at com.github.briansemrau.cosmeticarmorslots.CosmeticArmorSlots.onInitialize( ~[cosmetic-armor-slots-1.1.4.jar:?]
  148. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.lambda$logErrors$0( ~[custom.jar:?]
  149. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  150. 31.07 17:52:30 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.logErrors( ~[custom.jar:?]
  151. 31.07 17:52:31 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting)
  152. 31.07 17:52:31 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 5 seconds
  153. 31.07 17:52:31 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  154. 31.07 17:52:36 [Multicraft] Loading server properties
  155. 31.07 17:52:36 [Multicraft] Starting server!
  156. 31.07 17:52:36 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Custom.jar (Use and upload your own JAR)"
  157. 31.07 17:52:36 [Multicraft] Updating eula.txt file
  158. 31.07 17:52:38 [Server] main/INFO Loading for game Minecraft 1.14.3
  159. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-27/WARN Mod ID wildworld uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  160. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-15/WARN Mod ID subnauticredstone uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  161. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9/WARN Mod ID mambience uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  162. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-8/WARN Mod ID fabric uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  163. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-15/WARN Mod ID animalnet uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  164. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1/WARN Mod ID fmagnet uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  165. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-2/WARN Mod ID silkyspawners uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  166. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Non-mandatory unsatisfied dependencies!
  167. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] INFO - Mod easierchests recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  168. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] INFO - Mod grid recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  169. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] INFO - Mod gbfabrictools recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  170. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] INFO - Mod easiercrafting recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  171. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/INFO [FabricLoader] Loading 114 mods: fabric-keybindings-v0@0.1.1+7dfef87c, couplings@1.0.0, fabricloader@0.4.8+build.155, chunkborders@0.4.1, bettersleeping@0.2.1, org_zeroturnaround_zt-zip@1.13, fmagnet@${version}, extrabows@v1.14.3 Fabric b1, cobwebs@1.0.1, glassential@1.14-1.0.0, fabric-api-base@0.1.0+59147463, chunkactivator@1.1.1+mc1.14.2, extra-pressure-plates@1.1.2, cosmeticarmorslots@1.1.4, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib@1.3.40, waila@1.9.17, autoconfig1@1.1.2+mc1.14.1, leveluphp@4.3.0+mc1.14.2, betterthanmending@1.0.0, libblockattributes_items@0.4.7, fabric@0.3.0+build.198, org_slf4j_slf4j-api@1.7.26, epicurean@2.2.3+1.14.2, fabric-networking-v0@0.1.2+200eb5c2, netherthings@, betterutilities@1.4.2, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8@1.3.40, blockus@1.1.13, fabric-biomes-v1@0.1.0+896c7fbb36, org_slf4j_slf4j-simple@1.7.26, fabric-crash-report-info-v1@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-events-interaction-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-language-kotlin@1.3.40+build.1, cloth-config2@0.3.1, petem@1.0.1, org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8@1.2.2, fabric-resource-loader-v0@0.1.1+7495ea2836, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect@1.3.40, trapexpansion@1.1.0, crochet@1.0.2, redstonebits@1.0.4+mc1.14.1, biom4st3rportal@1.1.1, fabric-commands-v0@0.1.1+25fd0c52, fabric-registry-sync-v0@0.2.2+f0d5680036, adorn@1.1.2+1.14.3, cloth-config@0.2.4+build.17, blockmeter@1.1.2, fabric-mining-levels-v0@0.1.0+ab421b9c36, composableautomation@0.5.0+mc1.14.2, easierchests@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.3.1, grid@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.4, disenchanting@0.8.1, fabric-item-groups-v0@0.1.0+1e69a0a536, fabric-models-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, subnauticredstone@1.0.0, org_jetbrains_annotations@16.0.3, faeriefire@1.0.1, fabric-renderer-api-v1@0.1.1+099c1e8b36, gbfabrictools@1.0.1, mambience@0.5.1, libcd@1.3.0+1.14.3, animalnet@v1.14.3 Fabric b3, mycommands@1.14.2-06, cotton@0.8.3-pre+1.14.3, vanilla-hammers@1.4.3, org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core@1.2.2, locky@1.2.1+1.14.3, fabric-containers-v0@0.1.2+25fd0c5236, polyester@0.3.1+1.14.3, chatbubbles@1.0.1, net_fabricmc_stitch@, clientcommands@0.2.1+1.14-pre5, notenoughwands@1.7.5.beta, leadvillagers@1.1.0+mc1.14.1, ml@2.2.0, mm@1.6, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1@0.1.0+02a46d5b36, fabric-textures-v0@0.1.4+792c1c3536, silkyspawners@1.0.2, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1@0.1.0+dc4c57c236, trees-do-not-float@1.3.0+build.27, fabric-loot-tables-v1@0.1.0+43028fa636, redstonetweaks@1.0.2, wildworld@1.0.0, libblockattributes_core@0.4.7, gamemodeoverhaul@1.14.3-, ender_compass_fabric@2.2.1, fabriblocks@1.1.4, moreberries@1.2.1, cloth@0.3.1+build.23, tbo@1.2.0, fabric-networking-blockentity-v0@0.1.1+25fd0c5236, illuminations@0.3.0, jankson@1.0.0+j1.1.2, towelette@1.7.2, easiercrafting@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.3.0, fabric-renderer-indigo@0.1.9+3c859cf736, locatebiome@1.0.1, roughlyenoughitems@2.9.6+build.138, vanilla-toolsets@1.1.3, fabric-rendering-v0@0.1.1+6dad974e36, mbackpacks@1.1.4, fabric-content-registries-v0@0.1.1+05f11b7536, fabric-tag-extensions-v0@0.1.1+c189dc5c36, blue_endless_jankson@1.1.2, vanilladeathchest@${version}, optifabric@0.4.0, stockpile@1.0.8+1.14.3, fabric-furnaces@1.1.7, battle-towers@1.0.3, appleskin@1.0.6, voxelmap@1.9.12, fabric-events-lifecycle-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-object-builders-v0@0.1.1+39ff57de36
  172. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mod `fmagnet` (${version}) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  173. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mod `extrabows` (v1.14.3 Fabric b1) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  174. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mod `netherthings` ( uses more dot-separated version components than SemVer allows; support for this is currently not guaranteed.
  175. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mod `animalnet` (v1.14.3 Fabric b3) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  176. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mod `net_fabricmc_stitch` ( uses more dot-separated version components than SemVer allows; support for this is currently not guaranteed.
  177. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mod `notenoughwands` (1.7.5.beta) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  178. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mod `vanilladeathchest` (${version}) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  179. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/INFO SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.7.11 Source=file:/custom.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER
  180. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/INFO Compatibility level set to JAVA_8
  181. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-networking-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  182. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-networking-blockentity-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  183. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config biomeoverhaul.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  184. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config biom4st3rportal.common.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  185. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabricfurnaces.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  186. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  187. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-renderer-indigo.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  188. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-events-interaction-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  189. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-loot-tables-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  190. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-renderer-api-v1.debughud.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  191. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-containers-v0.accurate.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  192. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-rendering-fluids-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  193. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config tdnf.server.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  194. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-resource-loader-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  195. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config extrabows.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  196. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config redstonetweaks.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  197. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config mixins.moreberries.common.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  198. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-rendering-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  199. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-object-builders-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  200. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-tag-extensions-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  201. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-item-groups-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  202. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config appleskin.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  203. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-crash-report-info-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  204. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config stockpile.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  205. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-commands-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  206. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-renderer-api-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  207. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config hwyla.server.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  208. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-biomes-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  209. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-mining-levels-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  210. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-containers-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  211. 31.07 17:52:39 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config notenoughwands.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  212. 31.07 17:52:46 [Multicraft] Skipped 21 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  213. 31.07 17:52:46 [Server] main/ERROR Missing translations: entity.netherthings.wither_pigman
  214. 31.07 17:52:47 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  215. 31.07 17:52:47 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  216. 31.07 17:52:47 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  217. 31.07 17:52:47 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  218. 31.07 17:52:47 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  219. 31.07 17:52:48 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: SERVER
  220. 31.07 17:52:48 [Server] main/INFO Discovered plugin waila:core provided by waila at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
  221. 31.07 17:52:48 [Server] main/INFO Discovered plugin waila:vanilla provided by waila at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  222. 31.07 17:52:48 [Server] main/INFO Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
  223. 31.07 17:52:48 [Server] main/INFO Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  224. 31.07 17:52:49 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: Hello World!
  225. 31.07 17:52:50 [Server] main/INFO [Disenchanting] Initializing Disenchanting
  226. 31.07 17:52:50 [Server] main/INFO Loading config file mycommands/config.json
  227. 31.07 17:52:50 [Server] main/INFO [COTTON]: Loaded config.
  228. 31.07 17:52:50 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: ############ Set up server-side networking #############
  229. 31.07 17:52:52 [Server] main/INFO Definitely not up to no good
  230. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] main/INFO GamemodeOverhaul is Initializing!
  231. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] main/INFO [TheBiomeOverhaul] TheBiomeOverhaul has been initialised!
  232. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] main/FATAL Failed to start the minecraft server
  233. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors!
  234. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.logErrors( ~[custom.jar:?]
  235. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointServer.start( ~[custom.jar:?]
  236. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.class_3176.<init>( ~[intermediary-server.jar:?]
  237. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.main( [intermediary-server.jar:?]
  238. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  239. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  240. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  241. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  242. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at [custom.jar:?]
  243. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.Knot.init( [custom.jar:?]
  244. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotServer.main( [custom.jar:?]
  245. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  246. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  247. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  248. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  249. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.launch( [custom.jar:?]
  250. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.setup( [custom.jar:?]
  251. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main( [custom.jar:?]
  252. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO Suppressed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/class_310
  253. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at ~[f75953de-bf05-4f3a-8608-bd8cc7693a0c.jar:?]
  254. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at ~[f75953de-bf05-4f3a-8608-bd8cc7693a0c.jar:?]
  255. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at com.github.briansemrau.cosmeticarmorslots.CosmeticArmorSlotsNetwork.onInitialize( ~[cosmetic-armor-slots-1.1.4.jar:?]
  256. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at com.github.briansemrau.cosmeticarmorslots.CosmeticArmorSlots.onInitialize( ~[cosmetic-armor-slots-1.1.4.jar:?]
  257. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.lambda$logErrors$0( ~[custom.jar:?]
  258. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  259. 31.07 17:52:55 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.logErrors( ~[custom.jar:?]
  260. 31.07 17:52:55 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting)
  261. 31.07 17:52:55 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 5 seconds
  262. 31.07 17:52:55 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  263. 31.07 17:53:00 [Multicraft] Loading server properties
  264. 31.07 17:53:00 [Multicraft] Starting server!
  265. 31.07 17:53:00 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Custom.jar (Use and upload your own JAR)"
  266. 31.07 17:53:00 [Multicraft] Updating eula.txt file
  267. 31.07 17:53:03 [Server] main/INFO Loading for game Minecraft 1.14.3
  268. 31.07 17:53:03 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-2/WARN Mod ID wildworld uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  269. 31.07 17:53:03 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-23/WARN Mod ID subnauticredstone uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  270. 31.07 17:53:03 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25/WARN Mod ID mambience uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  271. 31.07 17:53:03 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-30/WARN Mod ID fabric uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  272. 31.07 17:53:03 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-25/WARN Mod ID silkyspawners uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  273. 31.07 17:53:03 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-12/WARN Mod ID animalnet uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  274. 31.07 17:53:03 [Server] ForkJoinPool-1-worker-16/WARN Mod ID fmagnet uses outdated schema version: 0 < 1
  275. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Non-mandatory unsatisfied dependencies!
  276. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] INFO - Mod easierchests recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  277. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] INFO - Mod grid recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  278. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] INFO - Mod gbfabrictools recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  279. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] INFO - Mod easiercrafting recommends mod {modmenu @ [*]}, which is missing!
  280. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/INFO [FabricLoader] Loading 114 mods: fabric-keybindings-v0@0.1.1+7dfef87c, couplings@1.0.0, fabricloader@0.4.8+build.155, chunkborders@0.4.1, bettersleeping@0.2.1, org_zeroturnaround_zt-zip@1.13, fmagnet@${version}, extrabows@v1.14.3 Fabric b1, cobwebs@1.0.1, glassential@1.14-1.0.0, fabric-api-base@0.1.0+59147463, chunkactivator@1.1.1+mc1.14.2, extra-pressure-plates@1.1.2, cosmeticarmorslots@1.1.4, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib@1.3.40, waila@1.9.17, autoconfig1@1.1.2+mc1.14.1, leveluphp@4.3.0+mc1.14.2, betterthanmending@1.0.0, libblockattributes_items@0.4.7, fabric@0.3.0+build.198, org_slf4j_slf4j-api@1.7.26, epicurean@2.2.3+1.14.2, fabric-networking-v0@0.1.2+200eb5c2, netherthings@, betterutilities@1.4.2, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8@1.3.40, blockus@1.1.13, fabric-biomes-v1@0.1.0+896c7fbb36, org_slf4j_slf4j-simple@1.7.26, fabric-crash-report-info-v1@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-events-interaction-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-language-kotlin@1.3.40+build.1, cloth-config2@0.3.1, petem@1.0.1, org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8@1.2.2, fabric-resource-loader-v0@0.1.1+7495ea2836, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect@1.3.40, trapexpansion@1.1.0, redstonebits@1.0.4+mc1.14.1, crochet@1.0.2, biom4st3rportal@1.1.1, fabric-commands-v0@0.1.1+25fd0c52, fabric-registry-sync-v0@0.2.2+f0d5680036, adorn@1.1.2+1.14.3, cloth-config@0.2.4+build.17, blockmeter@1.1.2, fabric-mining-levels-v0@0.1.0+ab421b9c36, composableautomation@0.5.0+mc1.14.2, easierchests@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.3.1, grid@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.4, disenchanting@0.8.1, fabric-models-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-item-groups-v0@0.1.0+1e69a0a536, subnauticredstone@1.0.0, org_jetbrains_annotations@16.0.3, faeriefire@1.0.1, fabric-renderer-api-v1@0.1.1+099c1e8b36, gbfabrictools@1.0.1, mambience@0.5.1, libcd@1.3.0+1.14.3, animalnet@v1.14.3 Fabric b3, mycommands@1.14.2-06, cotton@0.8.3-pre+1.14.3, vanilla-hammers@1.4.3, org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core@1.2.2, locky@1.2.1+1.14.3, fabric-containers-v0@0.1.2+25fd0c5236, polyester@0.3.1+1.14.3, chatbubbles@1.0.1, net_fabricmc_stitch@, clientcommands@0.2.1+1.14-pre5, notenoughwands@1.7.5.beta, leadvillagers@1.1.0+mc1.14.1, ml@2.2.0, mm@1.6, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1@0.1.0+02a46d5b36, fabric-textures-v0@0.1.4+792c1c3536, silkyspawners@1.0.2, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1@0.1.0+dc4c57c236, trees-do-not-float@1.3.0+build.27, fabric-loot-tables-v1@0.1.0+43028fa636, redstonetweaks@1.0.2, wildworld@1.0.0, libblockattributes_core@0.4.7, gamemodeoverhaul@1.14.3-, ender_compass_fabric@2.2.1, fabriblocks@1.1.4, cloth@0.3.1+build.23, moreberries@1.2.1, tbo@1.2.0, fabric-networking-blockentity-v0@0.1.1+25fd0c5236, illuminations@0.3.0, jankson@1.0.0+j1.1.2, towelette@1.7.2, easiercrafting@1.14-fabric0.2.7-1.3.0, fabric-renderer-indigo@0.1.9+3c859cf736, locatebiome@1.0.1, roughlyenoughitems@2.9.6+build.138, vanilla-toolsets@1.1.3, fabric-rendering-v0@0.1.1+6dad974e36, mbackpacks@1.1.4, fabric-content-registries-v0@0.1.1+05f11b7536, fabric-tag-extensions-v0@0.1.1+c189dc5c36, blue_endless_jankson@1.1.2, vanilladeathchest@${version}, optifabric@0.4.0, stockpile@1.0.8+1.14.3, fabric-furnaces@1.1.7, battle-towers@1.0.3, appleskin@1.0.6, voxelmap@1.9.12, fabric-events-lifecycle-v0@0.1.0+5914746336, fabric-object-builders-v0@0.1.1+39ff57de36
  281. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mod `fmagnet` (${version}) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  282. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mod `extrabows` (v1.14.3 Fabric b1) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  283. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mod `netherthings` ( uses more dot-separated version components than SemVer allows; support for this is currently not guaranteed.
  284. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mod `animalnet` (v1.14.3 Fabric b3) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  285. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mod `net_fabricmc_stitch` ( uses more dot-separated version components than SemVer allows; support for this is currently not guaranteed.
  286. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mod `notenoughwands` (1.7.5.beta) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  287. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mod `vanilladeathchest` (${version}) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  288. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/INFO SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.7.11 Source=file:/custom.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER
  289. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/INFO Compatibility level set to JAVA_8
  290. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-networking-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  291. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-networking-blockentity-v0.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  292. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config biomeoverhaul.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  293. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config biom4st3rportal.common.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  294. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabricfurnaces.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  295. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  296. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Mixin config fabric-renderer-indigo.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
  297. 31.07 17:53:04 [Multicraft] Skipped 41 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  298. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Reference map 'ExtraBows1.14.3Fabric-refmap.json' for extrabows.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
  299. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Reference map 'extra-pressure-plates-refmap.json' for modid.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
  300. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1132 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1132)
  301. 31.07 17:53:04 [Server] main/WARN @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1132 was not found animalnet.common.json:AnimalNetMixinServerStartingIntegrated
  302. 31.07 17:53:10 [Server] main/ERROR Missing translations: entity.netherthings.wither_pigman
  303. 31.07 17:53:11 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  304. 31.07 17:53:11 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  305. 31.07 17:53:11 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  306. 31.07 17:53:11 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  307. 31.07 17:53:11 [Server] main/WARN Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  308. 31.07 17:53:12 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: SERVER
  309. 31.07 17:53:12 [Server] main/INFO Discovered plugin waila:core provided by waila at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
  310. 31.07 17:53:12 [Server] main/INFO Discovered plugin waila:vanilla provided by waila at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  311. 31.07 17:53:12 [Server] main/INFO Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.core.PluginCore
  312. 31.07 17:53:12 [Server] main/INFO Registering plugin at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  313. 31.07 17:53:13 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: Hello World!
  314. 31.07 17:53:14 [Server] main/INFO [Disenchanting] Initializing Disenchanting
  315. 31.07 17:53:14 [Server] main/INFO Loading config file mycommands/config.json
  316. 31.07 17:53:14 [Server] main/INFO [COTTON]: Loaded config.
  317. 31.07 17:53:14 [Server] main/INFO [STDOUT]: ############ Set up server-side networking #############
  318. 31.07 17:53:14 [Server] main/INFO Definitely not up to no good
  319. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] main/INFO GamemodeOverhaul is Initializing!
  320. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] main/INFO [TheBiomeOverhaul] TheBiomeOverhaul has been enabled!
  321. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] main/FATAL Failed to start the minecraft server
  322. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors!
  323. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.logErrors( ~[custom.jar:?]
  324. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointServer.start( ~[custom.jar:?]
  325. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.class_3176.<init>( ~[intermediary-server.jar:?]
  326. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.main( [intermediary-server.jar:?]
  327. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  328. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  329. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  330. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  331. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at [custom.jar:?]
  332. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.Knot.init( [custom.jar:?]
  333. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotServer.main( [custom.jar:?]
  334. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  335. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  336. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  337. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  338. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.launch( [custom.jar:?]
  339. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.setup( [custom.jar:?]
  340. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main( [custom.jar:?]
  341. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO Suppressed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/class_310
  342. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at ~[e9eac15c-e831-43d8-878b-4da4e79b1171.jar:?]
  343. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at ~[e9eac15c-e831-43d8-878b-4da4e79b1171.jar:?]
  344. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at com.github.briansemrau.cosmeticarmorslots.CosmeticArmorSlotsNetwork.onInitialize( ~[cosmetic-armor-slots-1.1.4.jar:?]
  345. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at com.github.briansemrau.cosmeticarmorslots.CosmeticArmorSlots.onInitialize( ~[cosmetic-armor-slots-1.1.4.jar:?]
  346. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.lambda$logErrors$0( ~[custom.jar:?]
  347. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( ~[?:1.8.0_111]
  348. 31.07 17:53:19 [Server] INFO at net.fabricmc.loader.entrypoint.hooks.EntrypointUtils.logErrors( ~[custom.jar:?]
  349. 31.07 17:53:19 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting)
  350. 31.07 17:53:19 [Multicraft] Restarting crashed server in 5 seconds
  351. 31.07 17:53:19 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  352. 31.07 17:53:23 [Multicraft] Received stop command
  353. 31.07 17:53:23 [Multicraft] Server stopped
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