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a guest
Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. I loved MGS so much, I had all the merchandise and cinematic gameplay.
  2. I pray to Snake every night before bed, hoping he'll give me a new life on Mother Base.
  3. "Snake? Snake?" I say; "SNAKE!"
  4. My commanding officer hears me and calls me a traitor to mother Russia.
  5. I knew he was jealous of my devotion for Diamond Dogs.
  6. I called him a 'cyka bykat."
  7. He slaps me and sends me to a guard post for night duty.
  8. I'm crying now, and my face hurts.
  9. I stare into the distance, ignoring the white horse on the horizon.
  10. Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me. Someone didn't upgrade their stealth suit.
  11. It's Snake!
  12. I am so happy but I pretend not to notice.
  13. He whispers into my ear "Where are your friends?"
  14. He grabs my neck with his powerful hands and chokes me until I'm barely conscious.
  15. I'm ready
  16. I feel something attached to my back.
  17. I feel the air dashed against my face as I suddenly fly into the air.
  18. It hurts so much but I do it for Snake.
  19. I feel my dinner in my throat as my eyes start to water.
  20. I push down my vomit back into my stomach.
  21. I want to please Snake.
  22. He nods silently as a voice exclaims "He's coming too?"
  23. My commanding officer walks in.
  24. Snake looks him straight in the eyes and shoots him.
  25. Snake leaves the outpost on his horse.
  26. Snake is love. Snake is life. I'm so glad he rescued that puppy.
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