
Wall Climb

Feb 22nd, 2020
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  1. Josh and Reb emerged from the woods, Reb carrying his lariat. Nothing was stirring, not even a dog, and they reached the base of the wall without raising any alarm.
  3. “Drop your loop over that spike,” Josh whispered.
  5. Reb measured the distance and started swinging the rope. He released it, and it flew upward. It dropped exactly over one of the spikes, and he drew it down tight. “There you go, buddy,” he said. He put a hand on Josh’s shoulder and said, “You’re a good egg.”
  7. “You too, Reb. Now, get back to Flash, and when that gate opens, you bring them in.”
  9. Josh did not wait to watch Reb run back for the cover of the trees. He grasped the rawhide rope in one hand and placed one foot on the rock wall. Drawing himself up, he mounted as quietly as he could. His arms began to grow tired when he was three-fourths of the way up, so he stopped and rested a few seconds. By the time he got to the top and was able to reach one of the spikes and pull himself up, he was out of breath. He looked down the line of spikes, and then he sat on the edge of the wall. The castle loomed before him. He looked upward and saw where the magician’s quarters were located at the top.
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