

Apr 7th, 2012
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  1. [15:09:04] AlbinoTitan: we'll both kill ourselves
  2. [15:09:04] AlbinoTitan: our brains are still in control
  3. of everything
  4. [15:09:04] AlbinoTitan: I don't actually enjoy video
  5. games - instead I enjoy seratonin and dopamine
  6. [15:09:04] AlbinoTitan: do you even comprehend
  7. [15:09:04] AlbinoTitan: what about sex
  8. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: I like to think of my body as
  9. Europe and every woman I sleep with as Africa, where my
  10. policies of aggressive cultural insemination cause a
  11. economic and social collapse of the host while my spawn
  12. grows inside her, waiting to either be aborted by an
  13. ubernation African cultural front or birth unto the nation
  14. whereupon it'll feast on its rotting corpse.
  15. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: I didn't write that but it's a
  16. good thought
  17. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: what about trying to comprehend
  18. that your internal organs and components have been with
  19. you, inside of you, every step of the way for your entire
  20. life and chances are that you'll never see them with your
  21. own eyes
  22. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: I mean what the hell they're my
  23. organs, let me see them
  24. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: today I fell down
  25. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: I tried vaulting onto my bed
  26. while my foot was asleep and I fell into the wooden frame
  27. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: it's alright
  28. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: I wasn't using that ribcage
  29. anyway
  30. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: what if we never used
  31. technology?
  32. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: what if man was forced to adapt
  33. rather than use tools?
  34. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: we wouldn't be fleshy, slow,
  35. water-sacs without claws or anything unique besides a
  36. powerful brain
  37. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: >implying humanoid creatures
  38. wouldn't have died out the day they came into existence
  39. without the use of their brain to create technology
  40. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: if some caveman didn't pick up a
  41. stick or make fire, we'd have claws and nightvision right
  42. now
  43. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: it would be Chaos all day every
  44. day
  45. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: hmm
  46. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: you now realize that you never
  47. truly stop thinking
  48. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: even subconciously your brain
  49. reminds you to breathe when you are sleeping
  50. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: even when knocked out, you
  51. perceive
  52. [15:09:05] AlbinoTitan: what are the codes of reality
  53. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: what is the nature of nature
  54. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: the brain is just organic wires
  55. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: we are basically already
  56. artificial intelligence
  57. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: the difference between aegis and
  58. you or I is very small - I can't even say "she was made by
  59. man" because you and I were too.
  60. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: what makes an android brain
  61. different from a human brain?
  62. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: we're each slaves to our
  63. inhibitions and orders of the brain
  64. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: when you're hungry, you eat.
  65. when you're tired, you sleep. you can't disobey or it shuts
  66. you down. the same happens to an android.
  67. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: we're comparing ourselves to
  68. artificial intelligence rather than the other way around
  69. now that we know more
  70. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: what about reflections
  71. [15:09:06] AlbinoTitan: the reflection is something you
  72. see in a mirror. you look at yourself in a mirror, and
  73. there’s a sense in which you don’t see yourself; you see
  74. the reflection of your body
  75. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: what about when you see yourself
  76. mirrored in another person
  77. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: like when you're talking to
  78. someone really close and you see your reflection in the
  79. pupils of their eyes
  80. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: they're looking at you and what
  81. they're giving you back is a reflection of yourself
  82. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: or more accurately, a reflection
  83. of how it is that you appear to them
  84. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: you know what I mean
  85. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: what if everyone sees something
  86. differently
  87. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: anyway
  88. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: what if I'm the only sentient
  89. being in the universe, and everyone is just a robot or
  90. nonsentient being designed to incite reactions from me
  91. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: we've all thought of that one
  92. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: more about the brain
  93. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: the brain wants to understand
  94. itself just so it can make itself compatible with
  95. technology, so it can abandon the flesh body and change it
  96. for a robotic mech, since we've clearly abandoned the
  97. prospect of changing into a more physically powerful
  98. organism
  99. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: envision this
  100. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: a 2-dimensional being walks on a
  101. folded plane
  102. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: it eventually comes back to the
  103. same point without realizing it because the plane is folded
  104. on itself
  105. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: pierce the plane with an object
  106. all the way, making two holes
  107. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: the being encounters the same
  108. needle at two different points on its way, but cannot
  109. conceive it's actually the same because it's stuck on the
  110. flat plane
  111. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: imagine trying to comprehend
  112. that even when you're literally touching an item, like
  113. you're laying down fully on your bed or something
  114. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: you're still never really
  115. touching it
  116. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: your body is mostly empty space
  117. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: actually
  118. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: you're never NOT touching
  119. something
  120. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: never
  121. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: ever
  122. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: okay, so, going back, because of
  123. the empty space, there is a possible, but near infinitely
  124. impossible chance of your atoms aligning in such a way that
  125. you would miss the bed's atoms, and sink into the floor
  126. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: you know
  127. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: it's impossible to see all the
  128. points on a three-dimensional object at once
  129. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: seriously, try it
  130. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: get a cube
  131. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: now with that understood, try to
  132. comprehend the fourth dimension
  133. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: all of this thought process here
  134. just got started by me thinking about how the brain became
  135. aware of its own existence, and gave itself a name
  136. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: did you know
  137. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: Your brain takes the inverted
  138. images that your eyes perceive and flip them so it can
  139. better comprehend them. Our entire universe is literally
  140. upside-down.
  141. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: seriously
  142. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: we see upside-down
  143. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: dreams scare me too
  144. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: every thought we will ever have
  145. is locked away in some part of our minds, unable to be
  146. accessed except at extreme random intervals
  147. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: our brain controls it
  148. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: if you don't repeat a thought
  149. you forget it 20 seconds later tops
  150. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: "but I remember this thought"
  151. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: you repeated it
  152. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: you might know that you thought
  153. of something that you forgot but you'll never recall it
  154. again
  155. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: a random observation perhaps
  156. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: our minds are capable of
  157. recreating a reality based off of memories while we sleep
  158. [15:09:07] AlbinoTitan: the pseudo-reality is so
  159. lifelike that we are almost always fooled by it
  160. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: when we're not fooled, we gain
  161. the ability to mold reality as we wish, or it is as if our
  162. brain has become aware that it is aware that it is
  163. deceiving itself, and thus attempts to scare us out of
  164. sleep with eldritch abominations
  165. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: we dream nearly every night but
  166. cannot remember it - what doesn't the brain want us to
  167. remember?
  168. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: what happens to consciousness
  169. after we perish?
  170. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: all living things are decaying
  171. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: or what about dimensions again -
  172. without the intermolecular and inter-atomic attractive
  173. forces in your body, you would be a 1-dimensional being
  174. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: wait
  175. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: WAIT
  176. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: WHAT IF AIR IS TOXIC, AND IT
  178. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: SMOKING WEAKENS YOUR LUNG'S
  180. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: okay
  181. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: Easter is coming, right?
  182. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: It's the day that Christians
  183. celebrate the Resurrection
  184. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: somehow this has translated into
  185. us finding colorful (possibly chocolate, but moreoften
  186. chicken) eggs hidden by giant rabbits
  187. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: why am I me
  188. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: where does matter and
  189. consciousness separate
  190. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: I'm a separate person
  191. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: separate people walk all around
  192. me and do human things without me sharing in their
  193. conscious
  194. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: for all I know I could be the
  195. only conscious thing among robots
  196. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: people were born at the same
  197. time as me
  198. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: but I'm me
  199. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: living in 2012
  200. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: not 1888 or 250 BC, but why
  201. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: the sky moves if you stare at it
  202. long enough
  203. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: so does the sun
  204. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: and the stars
  205. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: the earth is moving at
  206. lightspeed while you remain "stationary"
  207. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: somewhere in the multiverse of
  208. infinite combinations you're being used as a human
  209. cocksleeve for a monster with a 20" barbed penis
  210. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: how fortunate you are to be
  211. experiencing consciousness as a person in this mild
  212. universe at this time
  213. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: the day you die you're back on
  214. the roulette table
  215. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: time travel
  216. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: what if you met yourself in the
  217. past/future? which "you" would the "you" who is "you"
  218. control? and who is controlling the other "you"?
  219. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: who's "you" is the real
  220. conscious "you"?
  221. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: try to visualize a color that
  222. doesn't exist
  223. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: try to come up with a new number
  224. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: so matter can't be created or
  225. destroyed, right
  226. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: there were as many atoms in the
  227. universe today as there were at the start
  228. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: the universe is expanding
  229. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: so the universe is getting less
  230. and less dense
  231. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: this means the universe will
  232. either inevitably rip at the seams like a tapestry or it
  233. will have an elastic effect and rapidly converge again at a
  234. center point, crushing every galaxy together
  235. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: body composition
  236. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: you now realize every single
  237. part of your body was once part of dirt, food, or another
  238. living thing that decomposed, was harvested for food, eaten
  239. by your mother/father, and turned into a cell that
  240. replicated using more materials to create the
  241. conscientiousness that is "you."
  242. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: when you die, you will decompose
  243. and start the cycle again. what makes up you right now,
  244. will eventually be what makes another person.
  245. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: what if you memorize a tune
  246. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: you're not really hearing
  247. anything when you hear a song in your head
  248. [15:09:08] AlbinoTitan: Your entire body is constantly
  249. growing and discarding cells.
  250. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: You are literally not the same
  251. person you were 10 years ago
  252. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: You sweated, pissed, and spat
  253. that guy out.
  254. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: You have literally excreted your
  255. former self.
  256. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: when your "life flashes before
  257. your eyes", why does that happen
  258. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: is your brain attempting
  259. desperately to recall a situation that would help in your
  260. dire situation?
  261. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: when you drown, your mind is
  262. desperately seeking a way out, and fails as you die
  263. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: take a grain of sand
  264. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: if compressed enough, it would
  265. become dense enough to incite a powerful enough reaction to
  266. annihilate a sizeable portion of the universe
  267. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: except the outskirts
  268. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: how would that work
  269. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: I don't know
  270. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: everything already exists. there
  271. isn't a single thing that does not
  272. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: the water we drink is the same
  273. water the dinosaurs drank
  274. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: I had the girl dream again
  275. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: Now I keep having this weird
  276. unknown memory pop into my head at COMPLETELY RANDOM
  277. MOMENTS.
  278. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: It's like a fragment of an
  279. incomprehensible image of something that may or may not
  280. exist or have even happened, and it feels like complete
  281. deja vu every time but only because I'm remembering the
  282. memory itself.
  283. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan:
  284. And I keep wondering why its there and why it keeps coming
  285. back when I cant even identify it.
  286. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: which makes sense
  287. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: think of how our consciousness
  288. interacts with our bodies, we interact with our environment
  289. through our bodies, not our consciousness. are our bodies
  290. in a higher level of reality then our consciousness?
  291. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: your brain is trapped in your
  292. skull in total darkness
  293. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: yet it tells you how stuff looks
  294. and sounds, and smells
  295. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: it has never been exposed to
  296. anything, yet it dictates everything
  297. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: You know when you go in a room
  298. and totally forgot what you are doing there
  299. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: someone deleted your action
  300. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: Since sunlight takes roughly 8
  301. minutes to get to earth, if the sun just happened to blow
  302. up and take the Earth with it, would we see it first, or
  303. feel it first?
  304. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: I think feel
  305. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: feel the end
  306. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: oh man an hour and twenty
  307. minutes of this
  308. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: it felt like 10 minutes
  309. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: the me that wrote the first
  310. message is not the me that is writing this one
  311. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: the me that is questioned by you
  312. as to what drugs I took prior to writing this is not the
  313. same me
  314. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: and the you that reads this is
  315. not the same you that will talk to me in 10 hours
  316. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: I'm going to sleep
  317. [15:09:09] AlbinoTitan: will I wake up?
  318. [15:18:24] Tort: ohhh i have thought about all these things before
  319. myself
  320. [15:18:36] Tort: being a NEET gives you a whole lot of time to think
  321. [15:21:13] Tort: the world doesnt actually "exist" in a predefined
  322. form
  323. [15:22:02] Tort: you know that scene in SH3 where vincent asks heather
  324. if she "sees them as monsters"?
  325. [15:22:31] Tort: its just like that
  326. [15:22:50] Tort: schizophrenic people dont actually have any disorder
  327. [15:23:07] Tort: they just perceive things MORE differently than
  328. everyone else
  329. [15:23:34] Tort: think about a color
  330. [15:23:40] Tort: is it red? i bet its red
  331. [15:23:51] Tort: what if you are the only one that sees red as red
  332. [15:23:58] Tort: what if red is actually blue
  333. [15:24:57] Tort: even if it was you would never know because you were
  334. taught that the shade you perceive as red is called red
  335. [15:26:04] Tort: your brain tells you its red so you just assume it is
  336. [15:26:15] Tort: because you are not the owner of your own mind
  337. [15:27:39] Tort: you already realize that all the physical needs you
  338. feel such as sleep and hunger and just the brain telling
  339. you to do those things
  340. [15:27:45] Tort: but what about everything else
  341. [15:28:11] Tort: thing that you think you decided yourself, like what
  342. clothes to wear or what game to play
  343. [15:28:19] Tort: did you really decided that yourself?
  344. [15:28:31] Tort: or was it just your subconscious telling you to do
  345. it?
  346. [15:28:34] Tort: how can you tell
  347. [15:30:04] Tort: think of all the things you know
  348. [15:30:36] Tort: do "you" know them? or is it your subconcious telling
  349. you the answers when you try to recall them?
  350. [15:30:49] Tort: the subconscious is you but it isnt you
  351. [15:31:00] Tort: its a part of you but its completely separate
  352. [15:31:19] Tort: its like a parasite that controls you but also keeps
  353. you alive
  354. [15:31:44] Tort: we are in symbiosis right from the moment we are born
  355. [15:31:55] Tort: what if the subconscious wasnt actually human
  356. [15:32:06] Tort: what if the primitive proto-humans didnt have one
  357. [15:32:33] Tort: what if the reason for humans having such advanced
  358. minds compared to other species is because we have TWO
  359. minds
  360. [15:32:51] Tort: where did the second one came from?
  361. [15:33:12] Tort: aliens? evolution? a literal mind parasite?
  362. [15:33:43] Tort: maybe its like the matrix and everything is an
  363. illusion and our actual bodies are plugged in somewhere
  364. feeding a machine
  365. [15:34:04] Tort: while the 2nd mind, controlled by these machines,
  366. tells us to see life as we see it
  367. [15:36:52] Tort: touch a wall and try to move your finger through it,
  368. you cant
  369. [15:36:58] Tort: you assume its because the wall is solid
  370. [15:37:16] Tort: you ASSUME the properties of the wall are what you
  371. were taught they were
  372. [15:37:26] Tort: but what if it isnt actually solid
  373. [15:37:28] Tort: and there is no wall
  374. [15:38:02] Tort: but your other mind tells you there is, so it makes
  375. your arm movement stop and makes you feel like if you were
  376. touching something
  377. [15:39:45] Tort: what about this very conversation
  378. [15:39:50] Tort: is it actually happening
  379. [15:40:05] Tort: im typing things but cant know if you will see the
  380. same things
  381. [15:40:22] Tort: maybe you will see something completely different
  382. [15:40:52] Tort: and what i saw you write was nothing like you saw
  383. yourself typing
  384. [15:46:37] Tort: what about emotions
  385. [15:47:02] Tort: does love exist? or hate? jealousy? happiness?
  386. [15:47:12] Tort: in the end they are all just chemicals
  387. [15:47:29] Tort: but why do determined things trigger determined
  388. chemicals
  389. [15:48:16] Tort: why do you get endorphines when you pleasure yourself
  390. [15:49:03] Tort: does life itself exist?
  391. [15:49:06] Tort: and death?
  392. [15:49:08] Tort: what is life
  393. [15:50:09] Tort: you perceive yourself as alive, and can tell when
  394. something else is alive to a degree
  395. [15:51:07] Tort: you said that thing about android brains being just
  396. like human brains
  397. [15:51:44] Tort: does that mean a sufficiently advanced android that
  398. could mimic every single function the human body has would
  399. be considered alive
  400. [15:53:56] Tort: what defines life
  401. [15:54:05] Tort: how do you know something is dead
  402. [15:54:32] Tort: living things are matter which cant be created and
  403. destroyed
  404. [15:54:53] Tort: does that mean machines are alive too
  405. [15:55:06] Tort: how can something die if their matter cant be
  406. destroyed
  407. [15:55:30] Tort: its not possible to stop existing according to the
  408. very laws of physics
  409. [15:55:55] Tort: you dont die you just are dismantled and eventually
  410. reconstructed
  411. [15:57:31] Tort: this is assuming the laws of physics are true
  412. [15:57:35] Tort: how do you know they are
  413. [15:57:59] Tort: why does the universe exist
  414. [15:58:05] Tort: where did all the matter came from
  415. [15:58:06] Tort: and why
  416. [16:02:19] Tort: what would happen if someone managed to take control
  417. of their own subconscious
  418. [16:05:44] Tort: what if dreams are the actual reality
  419. [16:06:21] Tort: your mind is free to go into the real world while the
  420. body rests, then it goes back to "reality" when you wake up
  421. [16:16:59] Tort: you said that people are not the same they were 10
  422. hours ago since their matter keeps coming and going
  423. [16:17:06] Tort: but you perceive yourself as the same
  424. [16:17:30] Tort: expect that you dont
  425. [16:17:35] Tort: "you" dont
  426. [16:17:47] Tort: the subconscious is telling you to
  427. [16:18:06] Tort: does this 2nd mind also changes like the rest of the
  428. body?
  429. [16:18:45] Tort: if reality isnt real then maybe the subconscious is
  430. not even on this world
  431. [16:19:21] Tort: why do you perceive yourself as the same if you
  432. excreted your previous being and will keep doing so for as
  433. long as your body is there
  434. [16:19:52] Tort: the other mind doesnt decay
  435. [16:20:14] Tort: it keeps telling you you are you, even if technically
  436. you arent
  437. [16:20:19] Tort: what defines "YOU"
  438. [16:20:32] Tort: maybe its not your composition
  439. [16:21:13] Tort: imagine someone who could regenerate all body parts
  440. at will
  441. [16:22:15] Tort: and this someone is perfectly bisected lenghtwise
  442. [16:22:22] Tort: then it regenerates both sides
  443. [16:22:28] Tort: you have essentially cloned him
  444. [16:22:33] Tort: but who is the original?
  445. [16:23:53] Tort: the logic answer would be they both are
  446. [16:24:05] Tort: but this is contradictory by the very same logic
  447. [16:32:26] Tort: you could say one of them is an extension of the
  448. other one
  449. [16:32:42] Tort: they are both the same being, but have separate
  450. bodies
  451. [16:33:03] Tort: but WHO is an extension of WHO
  452. [16:33:17] Tort: is there a "main" body between them?
  453. [16:33:22] Tort: what about their minds
  454. [16:33:38] Tort: is there a single subconsciousness controlling them
  455. both?
  456. [16:33:49] Tort: or did the 2nd mind replicate itself?
  457. [16:39:55] Tort: are their minds linked?
  458. [16:40:59] Tort: what if you cut a toe off this person?
  459. [16:41:08] Tort: the "main" person would regenerate the toe
  460. [16:41:23] Tort: but why wouldnt the toe regenerate the person
  461. instead?
  462. [16:41:41] Tort: is it because the toe has no brain of its own, and
  463. therefore no mind?
  464. [16:42:29] Tort: does this mean the bisected person loses a part of
  465. his mind when half his brain is separated?
  466. [16:52:25] Tort has changed his/her status to Away
  467. [16:55:09] Tort has changed his/her status to Online
  468. [17:01:23] Tort: when someone "dies", where does his mind go?
  469. [17:01:29] Tort: does it just vanish?
  470. [17:01:40] Tort: is the mind even made of regular matter?
  471. [17:02:00] Tort: what if its just data
  472. [17:02:03] Tort: where does the data go
  473. [17:04:02] Tort: maybe the data goes back to the subconscious machines
  474. and gets purged of most memories, then reuploaded to the
  475. next human born
  476. [17:04:20] Tort: if minds are data, can they be copied?
  477. [17:04:45] Tort: what if the bisected man from earlier had a copy of
  478. his mind on the other half
  479. [17:04:52] Tort: how would they perceive each other
  480. [17:10:37] Tort: why do the properties of matter are what they are
  481. [17:10:49] Tort: what makes photons massless
  482. [17:10:59] Tort: what if this data could be changed somehow
  483. [17:11:57] Tort: if all properties are data, and reality is an
  484. illusion created from this data, does this make whoever
  485. manipulated this data "god"?
  486. [17:12:38] Tort: maybe its something on a much bigger scale
  487. [17:13:00] Tort: and god its just a regular creature on the universe
  488. containing us
  489. [17:13:49] Tort: maybe our universe is a program and god just some
  490. alien programmer on a much more advanced reality
  491. [17:14:39] Tort: maybe our universe is a petri dish and the whole of
  492. our reality is but an experiment
  493. [17:14:54] Tort: earth is a tiny meaningless place
  494. [17:15:52] Tort: all of humanity is but a single cell on an experiment
  495. far too big for it to ever comprehend
  496. [17:16:07] Tort: is life on earth really an accident?
  497. [17:16:27] Tort: the chances are pretty big since our universe IS
  498. pretty damn big too
  499. [17:17:06] Tort: having the right rock at just the right distance of
  500. the right star isnt so unlikely considering the scale of
  501. the universe
  502. [17:17:26] Tort: does humanity mean anything for the rest of the
  503. universe?
  504. [17:17:40] Tort: if the universe had a mind, would it even notice us?
  505. [17:18:20] Tort: what if this universal mind is what humans understand
  506. as god
  507. [17:18:53] Tort: what is the point of life in the first place
  508. [17:19:17] Tort: even if we are just some machine batteries living in
  509. a dream, whats the point of those machines?
  510. [17:19:32] Tort: who made them and why?
  511. [17:19:38] Tort: and who made whoever made those?
  512. [17:21:02] Tort: is it even worthwhile to wonder all of this?
  513. [17:21:11] Tort: who knows if the answers will ever come
  514. [17:21:33] Tort: and if they do, who says they are the real answers
  515. and not just your mind telling you they are?
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