
Saku on awfulnet

Jan 26th, 2015
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  1. --When Saku joined the channel:
  2. * Saku (SakuraKami@A4EB75D8.37BD0F10.4B4B9212.IP) has joined #LGBTeens
  3. <Saku> hey memers
  4. <Saku> is anyone here
  5. * Carlyle (Carlyle@the.cannibal) has joined #LGBTeens
  6. <Saku> hey
  7. <Saku> hello
  8. <Kris> sup Saku
  9. <Saku> i forgot to take my meds and i feel drunk oops please do not hold me accoutnable for anything i say im rly gay so im probs gonna sya something rly gay
  10. <Saku> im like so gay that my gay friend told me to tone down the gay once no joke
  11. <Saku> i was actually crowned supreme gay
  12. <Saku> like for real
  13. <Mag> Saku: could you not
  14. <Saku> 14/14 people voted for me
  15. <Saku> man ok
  17. --Saku takes to private messaging me:
  18. <Saku> wait why u anger tho
  19. <Mag> I'm sorry, I don't understand the question
  20. <Saku> y u be like could u not
  21. <Mag> as you understood what I was asking, given that you stopped, I'm pretty sure you understood why I was asking
  22. <Saku> uh i just stopped speaking so
  23. <Saku> no
  24. <Saku> i dont rly
  25. <Saku> did u literally want me to stop speaking or
  26. <Mag> I meant for you to stop trying to be funny.
  27. <Saku> no u dont understand tho
  28. <Saku> like i literally forgot my meds and think everything is funny
  29. <Mag> perhaps you could come back when you're properly medicated
  30. <Mag> if you're going to blame it on that
  31. <Saku> uh well.....,,,,,,,, i d k i was kinda hoping to screw around lol screw
  32. <Mag> you won't get far
  33. <Saku> but honestly thy're telling jokes about victoria the steak so
  34. <Saku> lik
  35. <Mag> there's a difference -- you were being annoying
  36. <Mag> so I simply asked you to stop
  37. <Saku> mag i just wanted to have fun sorry if ur killjoyness has a problem - and from my friend who's screencharing on skype "heck right off"
  38. <Saku> and on some level i get im annoying thats literally what ive been told my whole life by like everyone so ty for that
  39. <Mag> you're not making much sense, perhaps you could come back when you're medicated
  40. <Saku> its only my biggest insecurity lmao not like it hurts or anything but yeah!!!
  41. <Mag> is there something else I can help you with?
  42. <Saku> naw, I'm good, have fun being an all-around asshole and raining on everyone's parade!! gl in life with that kind of attitude
  43. <Mag> I can see why other people would call you annoying. Perhaps you could work on that.
  44. <Mag> take care
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