
Web Scraping Google Shopping | i need your help

Sep 4th, 2020
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  1. Web Scraping Google Shopping | i need your help
  2. Im in need of a setup for web crawling
  3. ++++++++++++++
  4. list of top cheapest host http://Listfreetop.pw
  6. Top 200 best traffic exchange sites http://Listfreetop.pw
  8. free link exchange sites list http://Listfreetop.pw
  9. list of top ptc sites
  10. list of top ptp sites
  11. Listfreetop.pw
  12. Listfreetop.pw
  13. +++++++++++++++
  14. BHW Community | I need your help
  15. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/15441182589886828859/online?q=nike&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_deDE891DE891&sxsrf=ALeKk02B3VGibi_0xDWt4Dr11faGzzaxEg:1588968660842&biw=1176&bih=959&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX7UAvI_UK5daydTsvDGc8wLd2Uvr85i_-09PHWfJvRTFZ2vZAj2qcvV9mtYCt8Npbt2VyWLbLBrHJ2ryY0cZku1zDllJ_wzgAQbtk1K27bmYv7bZJxIZAFPVH71iVUznMdZnEQ-Eye5no0_qLHo5Ew,scoring:tp&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj88-LGiaXpAhVLRBoKHW9qAVUQ0ykIPg
  16. this is a sample link of a random product from google shopping.
  17. Its a pricing table which is showing data about the competition. For my project i need to get info about the best price (lowest endprice with shipping costs). Furthermore i want to scrape thousands of these google shopping price tables, so i need a tool which is able to work multi-threaded and with proxies. On my journey i couldnt find any tool which is able to do this. therefore im asking this community to help me out. Would be great if there is any program which is able to parse the information directly into an exel or csv, etc. file.
  18. im aware that google proxies will may cost and that free proxies may be blocked. So in the first step im interested in a working tool that can output the information i need in a fast and reliable way. It should check if the price table is working -> block check or some way of checking if data is fetchable.
  19. I tried to setup scrapy or other python based programs but all of them where not able to work for me or werent able to work multi threaded or have proxy support...
  20. Redirect chains are easy to detect, as you can see the code below.
  22. They are also relatively easy to fix once you identify the problematic code. Always redirect from the source to the final destination.
  24. Mobile/Desktop Redirect Link
  26. An interesting type of redirect is the one used by some sites to help users force the mobile or desktop version of the site. Sometimes it uses a URL parameter to indicate the version of the site requested and this is generally a safe approach.
  28. However, cookies and user agent detection are also popular and that is when loops can happen because search engine crawlers don’t set cookies.
  30. This code shows how it should work correctly.
  32. This one shows how it could work incorrectly by altering the default values to reflect wrong assumptions (dependency on the presence of HTTP cookies).
  34. Crawler Traps: Causes, Solutions & Prevention – A Developer’s Deep Dive
  36. Circular Proxied URLs
  38. This happened to us recently. It is an unusual case, but I expect this to happen more often as more services move behind proxy services like Cloudflare.
  40. You could have URLs that are proxied multiple times in a way that they create a chain. Similar to how it happens with redirects.
  42. You can think of proxied URLs as URLs that redirect on the server side. The URL doesn’t change in the browser but the content does. In order to see track proxied URL loops, you need to check your server logs.
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