
DAiE Ch. 3 P. 2 - The Solar Princess

Apr 23rd, 2012
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  1. >The carriage soars through the air, being pulled by two impressive pegasi in armor.
  2. >Accompanying you are Twilight, Fluttershy and Albert.
  3. >And then you see it, suspended majestically against a massive mountain's face, the castle-city of Canterlot. Impressive, you have to admit. So impressive that you almost forget that the laws of physics being subdued is an easy feat here.
  4. >Almost.
  5. >You distract yourself by talking to Twilight. She's going on about her mentor, the princess, who you're on your way to meet.
  6. >At least, you think she is. You aren't really paying attention. You're not really comfortable around royalty. Silently, you consider dismantling Albert for talking you into this.
  7. >Before long, and far before you're ready, the carriage comes to a surprisingly soft landing in Canterlot's gardens.
  9. >You step out of the carriage, followed by your pony accompaniment. A guard approaches the carriage and surveys your group with some scrutiny.
  10. >"Is the, 'human' we're expecting, Ms. Sparkle?"
  11. >Twilight gives the guard a deadpan look. "He's got a name."
  12. >"I'm sure. Princess Celestia is waiting for you, she's on her morning stroll through the gardens.
  13. >Twilight thanks the guard curtly and you follow her deeper in the garden. You make your way through the maze of topiaries and flowers before you round a corner and finally see her.
  14. >Standing by a small lake is one of the most majestic creatures you have ever seen. A white pony, standing about as tall as you, with two massive wings folded against her sides, and a sharp horn sitting above her tiara.
  15. >But most striking is her hair, a long, billowing, flowing stream of pure light, which seems to radiate from her presence. If you were in search of a way to personify the sun, you've found it.
  16. >She turns to meet your group with her stern, yet fair gaze. You see some glint in her eyes as she looks over you, but you are too captivated to process it.
  17. >"Hello, Twilight Sparkle. Fluttershy. And I assume you are Doctor Anonymous?"
  18. >Dear lord even her speech is majestic.
  19. "Gaghle.. faz baz?"
  20. >NO, MOUTH. WORK.
  22. >You mentally slap yourself, being deeply careful not to ACTUALLY slap yourself. You do that too often.
  23. "Ah, excuse me. Yes. I'm Doctor Anonymous."
  24. >She smiles warmly. "Very pleased to meet you. I am Princess Celestia."
  25. "The pleasure is all mine, princess."
  26. >Very smooth. Cliche, but at least you aren't uncontrollably screaming about the string theory, like the last time you met royalty.
  27. >"Walk with me, everyone. I'm having lunch prepared for us."
  28. >Twilight and Fluttershy seem very pleased at the idea of a Canterlot lunch, but you are all too willing to follow Celestia. Her every facet seems to have inspired a deep loyalty in you almost immediately.
  29. >You should take note of that. You don't resist it for now, but if she's capable of magic, this might be a less than desirable path.
  30. >Still, your instinctual levels trust her deeply for now, and you follow her into the gardens.
  32. >"Twilight tells me you suspect that you were sent to Equestria from another universe."
  33. "Oh, yes."
  34. >You're interrupted from your internal monologue by the princess.
  35. "Well, less -sent- and more, accidentally found my way during a scientific experiment."
  36. >She turns her long neck to see you, an eyebrow raised coyly. "You're a scientist?"
  37. "Chiefly. An inventor and practitioner of medicine, as well. And in my spare time I bake."
  38. >"My. Well, if I judge you to not be a threat to my little ponies, I'll see about assisting you in getting a laboratory set up."
  39. >Your heart instantly surges with joy.
  40. "A laboratory? You mean it? What sort ofwaitwhatdoyoumeanjudgeme."
  41. >Her grin only grows wider, and she looks forward again. "Oh, Doctor. I didn't invite you here only to enjoy the garden. You're the first human to ever visit Equestria, and I can't allow such an occurrence to go without royal scrutiny."
  42. >It made sense, but now that you know you're being judged, your confidence starts to fade.
  44. >"Don't be so nervous, Doctor. It's not that, if you say something I don't like, I'll send you to the moon, or something."
  45. >Both of the other ponies look at each other, and you see concern in their eyes.
  46. >That is not a good look.
  47. "Ha! Ha! That is a suspicion that I definitely had! Thank you for assuaging my fears! Ha!"
  48. >Ha.
  49. >You come to a part of the garden filled with stone statues. Some of them crude, others deeply detailed.
  50. >"It's just a little joke, Doctor. I promise you have nothing to fear from me."
  51. >"Ah, princess?" Twilight speaks up.
  52. >"Yes, my most faithful student?"
  53. >"The world Anonymous comes from doesn't have magic. Isn't that interesting?"
  54. >Oh, thank science, Twilight's brought up a different conversation.
  55. >Celestia stops, and turns, looking at Twilight. "No magic? Then how does your little friend there float, Doctor?"
  56. "Electromagnetism."
  57. >As the princess cocks her head, you grin.
  58. "My world is governed by natural 'laws', rules of phyiscs that we observe and then utilize to accomplish our ends. Science."
  59. >"That's quite advanced technology, then, Doctor. Most of our technology are merely implements for channeling magic."
  60. >You smile at the compliment. And as you step forward to continue walking with Celestia, something in the back of your mind seizes up.
  62. >You are ripped from the garden, as you see it. A statue of a long creature, who almost looks like a chinese dragon. It has the head of a pony, and each of its limbs is a different animal. Some sort of chimera.
  63. >The sight of it transports you back to the dream you had when you first arrived in Equestria. The creature seems to be posed in horror, but as you look on it, its silent scream seems to twist into a smile.
  64. >A deep, sharp pain tears through your mind.
  65. >Chaos.
  66. >Chaos.
  67. >CHAOS.
  68. "CHAOS!"
  69. >Your scream instantly brings you back to the present. All three ponies are staring at you, startled by your sudden outburst. Celestia's surprise turns suddenly to suspicion. "What was that?"
  70. "Ugh.. nothing. I'm sorry, could we perhaps go inside? I've just gotten a terrible headache, maybe I'm allergic to one of these flowers."
  71. >She raises an eyebrow, and you grin sheepishly.
  72. "N-not that they aren't lovely."
  73. >The princess considers you carefully for a moment, before returning to her smile. "Very well, Doctor. I think lunch will be ready now anyway."
  74. >Lunch actually sounds very good. You haven't eaten since...
  75. >Oh, what the hell. You haven't eaten since you got here. No wonder that cider hit you so hard.
  76. >You only now realize just how damn hungry you are.
  78. >You have a massive, raging food boner for what you see before you.
  79. >Confections, entrees and appetizers from a vast array of different cultures, some of them you can't identify. All of them delicious looking.
  80. >Oh, the perks of visiting royalty. Why are you so uncomfortable around them, again?
  81. >Oh, right, because you're insane and prone to shouting things like "CHAOS!" in the middle of the garden in front of everyp0ny.
  82. >Still, you can't help yourself. At Celestia's invitation, you nearly dive into the food.
  83. >The ponies join you at the table, the princess taking her seat at its head. "My, hungry, are we?"
  84. "I -*om*- haven't-*nom*-eaten since I arrived-*om*."
  85. >You swallow a particularly large bite and sigh contently. This food tastes even better than it looks. Celestia gives you an amused grin, and you feel your face turn red.
  86. "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I've just been suppressing my appetite so long that I've forgotten my manners."
  87. >She laughs, and gives you that strange, glinting look again. You can't identify the expression. "Don't trouble yourself over it, Doctor. I think everyp0ny's been there before."
  88. >Nevertheless, you control yourself as you eat.
  89. >This is actually going quite well! You've only had one outburst and Celestia seems to like you so far.
  90. >And she offered you a lab. A lab! Maybe with the proper equipment you can find your way home. Something is already turning in the gears of the difference engine that is your brain, and you think Pinkamina might be the key.
  91. >But that's a thought for another time. Right now? Right now is food time.
  93. >Long after the ponies finish, you're still stuffing your face. You feel slightly embarrassed, but your cybernetic implants DO run off your own bioenergy, so a higher caloric intake is necessary.
  94. >"Princess," Twilight begins, "Albert here was expressing an interest in learning more about magic. Would you mind if I showed him to the Canterlot Archives?"
  95. >The princess' regal form shifts to the side in consideration, before nodding gently. "Gaurds, escort Twilight and Albert to the Archives. You can go too, if you'd like, Fluttershy."
  96. >The yellow pony nods, and the others wish you goodbye, saying they'll return shortly. Which leaves you alone in the room with...
  97. >You are startled out of your food stupor by a pair of hooves stomping suddenly onto the table. Looking up, you see the massive, dignified form of Celestia towering above you, that glint in her eye is back as she looks down at you in the seat.
  98. >What the hell is she wearing?
  100. >A black leather outfit has seemingly materialized on the princess, and you suddenly recognize that glint.
  101. >It's a predator eying her prey.
  102. >Suddenly you are very uncomfortable again.
  103. >Fuck uncomfortable, you are officially scared out of your mind. This seems to happen a lot in Equestria.
  104. >"So, Anonymous. How do you like my Equestria. Does it please you?"
  105. "yes"
  106. >You squeak out. Is that... a riding crop in her mouth? How is she talking around it?
  107. >"I'm so glad. Stand up, Anonymous."
  108. >You gently do so, not taking your eyes off her for a second.
  109. >"And what of me? Do I please you? I saw how stricken you were when you first saw me. Do not think me unaware of my own charm."
  110. >Her half-lidded eyes still gleam with predatory teasing. She's toying with you.
  111. "Y-you're beautiful, yes. Princess, t-there's something you should know."
  112. >The princess smiles coyly, taking a step towards you. "There's something you should know, too, Doctor. Let's trade. You go first."
  113. >You swallow your saliva, taking a step back. She responds with another step in your direction.
  114. "If.. if you're planning on rustling my jimmies, princess, I'd advise against it. You wouldn't like me when my jimmies are rustled."
  116. >The alarm klaxons in your mind are blaring now. You take another step back, but she follows you, still grinning widely.
  117. >"Duly noted, Doctor. And as for me, there's something you should know about me, as well."
  118. "Y..yes?"
  119. >"I've got a nickname in certain circles. You see, after living for thousands of years, you simply cease to care about certain trivial... hangups."
  120. >You step back again, only to find yourself against a wall. Celestia draws even closer.
  121. >"Do you know what that nickname is?"
  122. >You're shaking now.
  123. "N... no."
  124. >She shifts again, this time pulling her mouth right up to the side of your head, whispering into your ear.
  125. >ohmanohgodohmanohgodohman
  126. >"It's Princess... Molestia."
  127. >Her horn glows, and you feel a force take a firm, but not uncomfortable hold of
  128. >of
  129. >of your crotch.
  130. >In the distance, the faint sound of a crying child.
  131. >Howling wind.
  132. >And shattering glass.
  133. >Celestia is snapped out of her predatory stalking, looking up and around. "Wh-.. what was that?" She can't find the source of the sound, until she looks back at you, her eyes widening at the sight.
  134. >It was the sound of every jimmy in your body, suddenly reaching maximum overrustle.
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