
MAM Sparring Session 2011.0609 A

Jun 9th, 2011
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  1. [12:13] * Now talking in #martial-meido
  2. [12:13] * sets mode: +nt
  3. [12:13] * Sect ( has joined #martial-meido
  4. [12:14] * ZengarNyabolt (~DGGXAM001@37F81038.79B231AC.D2BC1064.IP) has joined #martial-meido
  5. [12:14] <Sect> So, we doing this?
  6. [12:15] <ZengarNyabolt> were doing it man
  7. [12:15] <ZengarNyabolt> were MAKING IT HAPEN
  8. [12:15] * Sect is now known as RenPracticeMode
  9. [12:16] * ZengarNyabolt is now known as NozomeHadakaApron
  10. [12:16] <NozomeHadakaApron> SHIT WRONG OUTFIT
  11. [12:16] <RenPracticeMode> :3c
  12. [12:16] * NozomeHadakaApron is now known as Nozome|Sparring
  13. [12:16] <Nozome|Sparring> No one saw that.
  14. [12:17] <Nozome|Sparring> >>
  15. [12:17] <Nozome|Sparring> <<
  16. [12:17] <rdj522> *Chizuru files away photographs*
  17. [12:18] <Nozome|Sparring> YOU'RE NEXT ON THE LINE I SWEAR TO GOG
  18. [12:18] <rdj522> I can just Rapid Strikes the air to stop you. 8)
  19. [12:19] <Nozome|Sparring> Last time you did that you were the one to suffocate, tho. :B
  20. [12:19] <rdj522> Yeah, but you'd be close by, so you'd suffocate too!
  21. [12:19] <rdj522> Nobody wins! \o/
  22. [12:19] <RenPracticeMode> Anyways, init?
  23. [12:20] <RenPracticeMode> (8 + 4= 12)
  24. [12:20] <Nozome|Sparring> Ow.
  25. [12:20] <Nozome|Sparring> (1+2 = 3 :V)
  26. [12:20] <RenPracticeMode> Okay, I'll start...
  27. [12:20] <RenPracticeMode> (3 POINT SPIRIT ATTACK! >:D )
  28. [12:21] <rdj522> (Going for a one-round KO, maybe?)
  29. [12:21] <RenPracticeMode> By the way, I'm Force/Grace
  30. [12:21] <Nozome|Sparring> Grace/Force like always!
  31. [12:22] <RenPracticeMode> (11 + 5 Force + 9 Spirit = 25)
  32. [12:22] <Nozome|Sparring> (12 + 5 For = 17)
  33. [12:22] <Nozome|Sparring> (That's -4 For)
  34. [12:23] <Nozome|Sparring> Counter time!
  35. [12:23] <Nozome|Sparring> (asfasdf 7 + 6 = 13)
  36. [12:23] <RenPracticeMode> (19 + 5 = 24)
  37. [12:23] <RenPracticeMode> (F17 S3 1 for 1 1 Spirit F16 S3)
  38. [12:23] <Nozome|Sparring> (wrf.)
  39. [12:24] <RenPracticeMode> (You wanna do anything for defense, or should I kick the crap out of you now?)
  40. [12:24] <RenPracticeMode> ( >:3 )
  41. [12:24] <Nozome|Sparring> (O rite me confused)
  42. [12:24] * Lloyd (~moe_home@257EF5BB.62A8361D.F3DA080F.IP) has joined #martial-meido
  43. [01:42:06] <Nozome|Sparring> (14 + 5 = 19, that's -3 fort)
  44. [01:42:07] <RenPracticeMode> (15 + 5 Force + 3 Spirit = 23)
  45. [01:42:17] <RenPracticeMode> (No, just 2)
  46. [01:42:36] <Nozome|Sparring> (WAsn't it rounded up so a 1 difference would deal damage?)
  47. [01:42:49] <RenPracticeMode> (Yeah, but I only beat you by 4)
  48. [01:43:00] <Nozome|Sparring> (o)
  49. [01:43:09] <RenPracticeMode> (You should be down by 6 right now)
  50. [01:43:10] <Nozome|Sparring> (Was checking against your def :V)
  51. [01:43:20] <Nozome|Sparring> (Yeah, I'm on 14)
  52. [01:43:28] <RenPracticeMode> (Your turn)
  53. [01:43:29] <Nozome|Sparring> (Anyways 3 spirit on this attack)
  54. [01:43:36] <RenPracticeMode> (:o)
  55. [01:43:39] <Nozome|Sparring> (...fuckers)
  56. [01:43:44] <RenPracticeMode> (Fff)
  57. [01:43:49] <Nozome|Sparring> (or not!)
  58. [01:43:52] <RenPracticeMode> (1 + 5 Grace= 6)
  59. [01:44:10] <Nozome|Sparring> (8 + 6 Gra + 6 Spi = 20)
  60. [01:44:15] <RenPracticeMode> (By the way, you have trap, right?)
  61. [01:44:20] <RenPracticeMode> (Ouch, 7 damage)
  62. [01:44:42] <Nozome|Sparring> (Yeah, I do. That's for the GM to peruse tho.)
  63. [01:44:52] <RenPracticeMode> (Yeah, we need to figure out how that works)
  64. [01:44:53] <rdj522> (I'm still waiting for someone to spend 3 spirit on an attack and then fumble.)
  65. [01:45:02] <rdj522> ("FALCON P-*trip*")
  66. [01:45:13] * Lloyd (chuckles xD)
  67. [01:45:17] <Nozome|Sparring> (Hey that was me last time ;_;)
  68. [01:45:32] <Nozome|Sparring> (Anyways your go, Ren)
  69. [01:45:33] <RenPracticeMode> (F9 S3 1 for 1 Spirit 2 F8 S2)
  70. [01:45:44] <Nozome|Sparring> (ffff)
  71. [01:46:00] <RenPracticeMode> (Wanna use spirit to block? >:3)
  72. [01:46:26] <Nozome|Sparring> (No. I'l endure itlike a bro)
  73. [01:46:53] <RenPracticeMode> ( :( )
  74. [01:47:10] <RenPracticeMode> (7 + 5 Force + 6 Spirit = 18)
  75. [01:47:15] <RenPracticeMode> ( fff)
  76. [01:47:18] <Nozome|Sparring> (PERFECT DEFENSE)
  77. [01:47:25] <Nozome|Sparring> (20 + 5 Gra = 15 :3c)
  78. [01:47:29] <Nozome|Sparring> (LIKE A BAWSS)
  79. [01:47:50] <Nozome|Sparring> (My turn. 3 Spi again!)
  80. [01:47:51] <RenPracticeMode> (1 spirit to block)
  81. [01:48:03] <Nozome|Sparring> (fcuk)
  82. [01:48:08] <rdj522> (Nozome's defense is so perfect, she had to subtract her Grace instead!)
  83. [01:48:23] <RenPracticeMode> (19 + 5 Grace + 3 Spirit= 27. Like a bawss)
  84. [01:48:25] <Nozome|Sparring> (I mean 20 :V)
  85. [01:48:30] <Nozome|Sparring> (Er 25)
  86. [01:48:48] <Nozome|Sparring> (Anyways 9 + 6 gra + 6 spi = something lower than you)
  87. [01:49:22] <RenPracticeMode> (F8 S1 1 for 1 No spirit F7 S2)
  88. [01:49:40] <RenPracticeMode> (6 + 5 Force = 11)
  89. [01:49:59] <Nozome|Sparring> (19 + 5 For = 24)
  90. [01:50:10] <Nozome|Sparring> (Seriously on the defensive Keine has something with me)
  91. [01:50:34] <Nozome|Sparring> (Anyways HERE I GO)
  92. [01:50:49] <RenPracticeMode> (Ouch. 5 + 5= 10)
  93. [01:50:53] <Nozome|Sparring> (19 + 6 Gra = 25!)
  94. [01:51:19] <Nozome|Sparring> (And that's it, - 8 For)
  95. [01:51:20] <RenPracticeMode> (Yeah, I'm down. :()
  96. [01:51:42] <Nozome|Sparring> ONCE AGAIN I PROVE I'M THE UNDEFEATED OF THE EAST!
  97. [01:51:44] <Nozome|Sparring> WEST!
  98. [01:51:47] <Nozome|Sparring> NORTH! SOUTH!
  99. [01:51:50] <Nozome|Sparring> I am become
  100. [01:51:53] <Nozome|Sparring> super asia
  101. [01:51:56] <RenPracticeMode> (Three straight losses. :( I need a rabbit to console me ;_; )
  102. [01:52:38] <Lloyd> (I'm no rabbit, but...)
  103. [01:52:40] * Lloyd (pats Ren :<)
  104. [01:52:58] <Nozome|Sparring> You need Chaore? :V
  105. [01:53:09] <RenPracticeMode> (Well, I meant Kimi...)
  106. [01:53:10] <rdj522> "@later tell Iced Kimi needs to approach Ren and roll an Affection check when she's able."
  107. [01:53:37] <Lloyd> (~<3)
  108. [01:54:17] <Nozome|Sparring> (Too bad I don't have my RED THREADED MAIDEN to congratulate my victory.)
  109. [01:55:05] <rdj522> One of us needs to convince Moerin to spar with us. :P
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