
WCrest Seawitch

Apr 12th, 2016
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  1. [center][img][/img]
  2. Home of @greeneyedtengu.[/center]
  5. [img][/img][b]1 Card Tarot Reading[/b][img][/img]
  6. This tarot card reading will answer a question in particular, or give you food for thought. Your choice. Recommended questions are things such as 'What do I need to know for today?' or 'What should I be working on?' but 'Should I go to that party?' is always an option. This is a judgement-free zone. [u]Suggested Donation:[/u] 5kt
  7. [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img][b]3 Card Tarot Reading[/b][img][/img]
  8. This tarot spread will be able to go much more in depth with its advice or answers.
  9. Options for this spread are:
  10. Past|Present|Future
  11. [i]This spread helps to see what events or energies from the past are affecting the present, and what in the present might shape the future.[/i]
  13. Situation|Problem|Solution
  14. [i]This helps gain insight into a troubling situation and helps with a possible solution.[/i]
  16. Situation|What to do|What not to do
  17. [i]Use this one for help with a tricky situation.[/i]
  19. Opportunity|Challenge|Outcome
  20. [i]Our personal favorite; this draw helps identify an opportunity to work toward, a challenge to work on, and an outcome that is possible if both at least have effort put into them.[/i]
  21. [u]Suggested Donation:[/u] 20kt
  22. [center][img][/img][/center]
  24. [img][/img][b]Message From the Universe[/b][img][/img]
  25. This reading can be a very powerful experience and includes a picture of the spread uploaded to be meditated upon or for visualization exercises. This is a four card draw that will contain a message for your Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit.
  26. [u]Suggested Donation:[/u] 25kt
  27. [center][img][/img][/center]
  29. [img][/img][b]The Journey[/b][img][/img]
  30. When you find yourself hampered by your current life or the world and you are yearning for something different but not sure what, this spread can help you identify what is holding you back and what you need to move forward. This is a seven card spread.
  31. [u]Suggested Donation:[/u] 35kt [center][img][/img][/center]
  33. [img][/img][b]Siren's Song Spread[/b][img][/img]
  34. This is a 6 card spread that can be used in variety of situations, so geet creative! It tells a bit of a story as it unfolds and also comes with pictures.
  35. [u]Suggested Donation:[/u] 30kt
  36. [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][left]
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