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Mar 7th, 2017
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  1. #UltimateCore language file - EN_US
  2. #Tue Mar 07 07:39:41 GMT 2017
  3. deathmessage.message.attack.explosion=&6%player% &9blew up
  4. sudo.command.sudo.description=Force a player to chat or to use a command.\n/sudo <Player> /command\n/sudo <Player> message
  5. warp.command.setwarp.usage=/setwarp <Name> [Description]
  6. home.command.delhome.description=Remove a home.
  7. core.load.module.registered=Registered module\: %module%
  8. heal.command.sethealth.usage=/sethealth <Amount> [Player]
  9. core.invaliduuid=&cThe UUID %uuid% is invalid.
  10. teleport.command.teleportaskallhere.self=&3You asked everyone to teleport to you.
  11. personalmessage.command.personalmessage.usage=/personalmessage <Player> <Message>
  12. teleport.command.teleportall.success.others=&3You were teleported to &b%player%&3.
  13. warp.command.warplist.char=&2\=
  14. mute.command.unmute.shortdescription=Unmute a player.
  15. heal.command.setmaxhealth.shortdescription=Set the max health of a player.
  16. sudo.command.sudo.longdescription=Force a player to chat or to use a command.
  17. sudo.command.sudo.command.error=&cThe command was executed but threw an exception.
  19. ping is &b%ping%&3.
  20. jail.event.block=&cYou can't place or break blocks while jailed. You have been jailed for %time% for %reason%.
  21. teleport.command.teleportaskhere.accept=&b%player% &3accepted your request to teleport them to you.
  22. jail.command.deljail.success=&3You removed the jail &b%jail%&3.
  23. inventory.command.clearinventory.self=&3You cleared your inventory.
  24. heal.command.sethealth.success.self=&3You set &b%target% &3his health to &b%health%&3.
  25. gamemode.command.survival.description=Change someone's gamemode to survival.
  26. teleport.command.teleportaccept.usage=/tpaccept [TPID/Player]
  27. ban.ipbanned=&cYou have been ipbanned from this server\!\n&cTime remaining\: %time%\n&cReason\: %reason%
  28. gamemode.command.survival.shortdescription=Change someone's gamemode to survival.
  29. heal.command.setmaxhealth.description=Set the max health of a player.
  30. warp.command.setwarp.set=&3The warp &b%warp% &3has been set successfully.
  31. deaf.command.deaf.description=Make a player deaf, for a certain time and reason.
  32. god.command.god.shortdescription=Toggle your or someone else's god mode.
  33. core.load.module.blocked=&cModule %module% was not registered because another plugin blocked the registration.
  34. kit.command.kit.success=&3You used the kit &b%kit%&3.
  35. deathmessage.message.attack.player=&6%player% &9was slain by &6%arg2%
  36. item.command.itemhidetags.success=&3You set the tag &b%tag% &3to &b%status%&3.
  37. deathmessage.message.fell.accident.generic=&6%player% &9fell from a high place
  38. mute.command.mute.usage=/mute <Player> [Time] [Reason]
  39. jail.command.setjail.defaultdescription=No description
  40. core.option.invalidnumber=&cThe value of %option% is invalid. Expected a number, got %value%.
  41. jail.command.setjail.description=Create a new jail with your current location.
  42. home.command.homelist.hoverentry=&3Click to teleport to &b%home%&3.
  43. gamemode.command.spectator.longdescription=Change someone's gamemode to spectator.
  44. gamemode.command.gamemode.longdescription=Change a player's gamemode.
  45. personalmessage.command.reply.usage=/reply <Message>
  46. nick.command.delnick.description=Remove a player's nickname.
  47. core.datafailed=&cFailed to offer a player data.
  48. deathmessage.message.attack.inwall=&6%player% &9suffocated in a wall
  49. spy.command.commandspy.description=Toggle a player's or your own commandspy status.
  50. jail.command.jail.shortdescription=Jail a player in a certain jail, for a certain time and with a certain reason.
  51. kit.defaultdescription=No description
  52. core.selection.block=&3Please select a block...
  53. placed a block, so your warmup has been cancelled.
  54. item.command.hat.self=&3You put the item in your hand on your hat.
  55. mute.command.unmute.notmuted=&cThe player %player% is not muted.
  56. spawn.command.globalspawn.shortdescription=Teleport someone to the global spawn.
  57. jail.command.unjail.usage=/unjail <Player>
  58. core.load.module.failed=&cModule failed to load\: %module%
  59. a player's food bar.
  60. core.load.postinit=&aPost-initialized UltimateCore\! (%ms% ms)
  61. gamemode.command.creative.longdescription=Change someone's gamemode to creative.
  62. mail
  63. deathmessage.message.fell.accident.ladder=&6%player% &9fell off a ladder
  64. personalmessage.command.reply.longdescription=Send a private message to the person who last private messaged you.
  65. deathmessage.message.attack.arrow.item=&6%player% &9was shot by &6%arg2% &9using &6%item%
  66. spawn.command.firstspawn.description=Teleport someone to the new player spawn.
  67. [Player]
  68. gamemode.command.spectator.description=Change someone's gamemode to spectator.
  69. broadcast.command.broadcast.description=Send a message to everyone on the server.
  71. deathmessage.message.attack.cramming=&6%player% &9was squished too much
  72. playerinfo.command.list.entry=&e%group%\: &f%players%
  73. core.shortdescription.hover=&bClick to go to the documentation page for this command.
  74. jail.command.setjail.shortdescription=Create a new jail with your current location.
  75. warp.command.warp.notfound=&cThe warp "%warp%" was not found.
  76. core.number.toolow=&cThe number %number% must be at least %max%.
  77. random.command.random.description=Generate a random number between two values.
  78. spawn.command.spawn.shortdescription=Teleport someone to the spawn.
  79. item.command.itemquantity.description=Change the quantity of the item in your hand.
  80. ban.banned=&cYou have been banned from this server\!\n&cTime remaining\: %time%\n&cReason\: %reason%
  81. deaf.command.undeaf.longdescription=Make a player no longer deaf.
  82. numeric id\: &b%id%
  83. item.itemnotfound=&cThe item type '%type%' could not be found.
  84. teleport.command.teleportask.shortdescription=Ask to teleport to a player.
  85. teleport.command.teleporthere.description=Teleport someone to you.
  86. &3unvanished you.
  87. spawn.command.setfirstspawn.description=Set the new player spawn.
  88. spawn.command.globalspawn.description=Teleport someone to the global spawn.
  89. warp.command.setwarp.shortdescription=Create a new warp with the specified name and description.
  90. spawn.command.setglobalspawn.success=&3You set the global spawn.
  91.\: &b%hardcore%
  92. warp.command.warplist.hoverentry=&3Click to teleport to &b%warp%&3.
  93. home.command.sethome.shortdescription=Set a new home or move the location of a home.
  94. teleport.command.teleport.description=Teleport a player or yourself to another player or certain coordinates.
  95.'s &3ping is %b%ping%&3.
  96. warp.command.warp.usage=/warp <Warp>
  97. teleport.command.teleportaccept.none=&cThere is no teleport request to accept.
  98. home.command.sethome.description=Set a new home or move the location of a home.
  99. jail.command.jail.success=&3You jailed &b%player% &3in jail &b%jail% &3for &b%time% &3for &b%reason%&3.
  100. item.command.itemlore.description=Change the lore of the item in your hand. Use | for multiple lines.
  101. teleport.command.teleport.others=&3You teleported &b%target1% &3to &b%target2%&3.
  102. heal.command.heal.description=Heal a player.
  103. deathmessage.message.attack.drown=&6%player% &9drowned
  104. world %name%\!
  105. warp.command.warp.invalidwarp=&cCould not load warp\: "%warp%" (Invalid world?)
  106. sign.destroy=&3You successfully destroyed a %sign% sign.
  107. jail.command.jaillist.shortdescription=View a list of all jails.
  108. deaf.command.deaf.usage=/deaf <Player> [Time] [Reason]
  109. jail.command.jail.notavailable=&cThis jail is not available, because the world where the jail is in is not loaded.
  110. unknowncommand.message=&cThat command could not be found.
  111. spawn.command.setgroupspawn.description=Set a group spawn.
  112. item.command.more.longdescription=Set the quantity of the item in your hand to the maximum.
  113. time.command.night.longdescription=Set the time in a certain world to night.
  114. warp.command.delwarp.description=Remove the specified warp.
  115. deaf.command.undeaf.shortdescription=Make a player no longer deaf.
  116. gamemode.command.gamemode.success.self=&3You have changed &b%player%'s &3gamemode to &b%gamemode%&3.
  117. vanish.command.vanish.others.others.on=&b%player% &3vanished you.
  118. warp.command.warp.success=&3Teleported you to the warp &b%warp%&3.
  119. core.time.seconds=seconds
  120. deathmessage.message.attack.flyintowall=&6%player% &9experienced kinetic energy
  121. item.command.itemhidetags.description=Change whether a certain tag is hidden.
  122. gamemode.command.adventure.longdescription=Change someone's gamemode to adventure.
  123. teleport.command.teleportall.success.self=&3You teleported everyone to you.
  124. teleport.command.randomteleport.description=Teleport to a random location nearby.
  125. kick.command.kickall.description=Kick all players from the server.
  126. deathmessage.message.attack.outofworld=&6%player% &9fell out of the world
  127. %day%, %hours%\:%minutes% (%hours12%\:%minutes% AM)
  128. item.command.itemunbreakable.success=&3You set whether the item in your hand is unbreakable to &b%arg%&3.
  129. a player's food bar.
  130. ban.command.ban.success-ip=&3You ip-banned &b%ip% &3for &b%time% &3with the reason &b%reason%&3.
  131. message was sent but the event was cancelled.
  132. %player%
  133. default.command.ultimatecore.modules.success=&3Modules\: &b%modules%
  134. teleport.command.teleportask.usage=/teleportask <Player>
  135. nick.command.delnick.self=&3You removed your nickname.
  136. gamemode.command.creative.usage=/creative [Player]
  137. home.command.homelist.longdescription=View a list of your homes.
  138. the item in your hand, or all items in your inventory.
  139. warp.command.delwarp.usage=/delwarp <Warp>
  140. back.command.back.description=Teleport back to the location you were before you teleported.
  141. deathmessage.message.attack.mob=&6%player% &9was slain by &6%arg2%
  142. jail.command.unjail.description=Unjail a player.
  143. food bar was filled by &b%player%&3.
  144. teleport.command.teleport.longdescription=Teleport a player or yourself to another player or certain coordinates.
  145. unvanished &b%player%&3.
  146. burn.command.burn.description=Set people on fire.
  147. spawn.command.firstspawn.notset=&cThe new player spawn is not set.
  148. teleport.command.teleportaccept.longdescription=Accept the specified request, or the most recent one.
  149. vanish.command.vanish.self.on=&3You vanished yourself.
  150. item.numberinvalid=&cThe provided number %number% is too high or too low.
  151. teleport.command.teleport.usage=/teleport [Player] <Player> OR /teleport [Player] <X> [Y] <Z> [<Yaw> <Pitch>]
  152. core.time.year=year
  153. weather.command.thunder.usage=/thunder [World]
  154. ban.command.ip.description=View the ip address of a player.
  155. core.config.invalidjar=&cInvalid UltimateCore jar\: No %conf% found.
  156. deny"}],"text"="%player%"}
  157. burn.command.burn.shortdescription=Set people on fire.
  158. mute.command.mute.shortdescription=Mute a player, for a certain time and reason.
  159. kick.command.kick.broadcast=&6%kicker% &9kicked &6%kicked% &9from the server.\n&9Reason\: &6%reason%
  160. commandtimer.warmup.cancel.command=&cYou executed a command, so your warmup has been cancelled.
  161. a player's food bar.
  162. afk.title.title=&c&lYOU ARE AFK\!
  163. fly.command.walkspeed.success.others.other=&b%player%'s &3set your walk speed to &b%speed%x&3.
  164. kit.command.kitlist.shortdescription=Get a paginated list of all kits.
  165. weather.command.thunder.longdescription=Change the weather to thunder.
  166. core.noplayer=&cOnly players can use this command.
  167. item.command.hat.others.self=&3You put the item in your hand on &b%player%'s &3hat.
  168. mute.command.unmute.longdescription=Unmute a player.
  169. playerinfo.command.uuid.success=&3The uuid of &b%player% &3is &b%uuid%&3.
  170. god.command.god.usage=/god [Player]
  171. deathmessage.message.attack.starve=&6%player% &9starved to death
  172. spawn.command.delfirstspawn.longdescription=Delete the new player spawn.
  173. mute.command.mute.exempt=&cYou don't have enough mute power to mute %player%.
  174. jail.command.jaillist.char=&2\=
  175. deaf.command.deaf.exempt=&cYou don't have enough deaf power to make %player% deaf.
  176. teleport.command.teleportask.send=&3You asked &b%player% &3to teleport you to him.
  177. inventory.command.clearinventory.description=Remove all items from someone's inventory.
  178. gamemode.command.gamemode.invalidgamemode=&cThe gamemode "%gamemode%" does not exist.
  179. teleport.command.teleport.noy=&cCouldn't find a suitable place to teleport to, please specify an Y coordinate.
  180. warp.command.warplist.shortdescription=Get a paginated list of all warps.
  181. commandtimer.cooldown=&cThis command is on a cooldown, you have to wait %time%.
  182. deathmessage.message.attack.explosion.player=&6%player% &9was blown up by &6%arg2%
  183. jail.command.jailtp.longdescription=Teleport to a jail without jailing yourself.
  184. spawn.command.delglobalspawn.description=Delete the global spawn.
  185. kick.command.kick.exempt=&cYou don't have enough kick power to kick %player%.
  186. heal.command.sethealth.shortdescription=Set the health of a player.
  187. nick.command.nick.others.self=&3You set &b%player%'s &3nickname to &b%nickname%&3.
  188. deathmessage.message.fell.accident.water=&6%player% &9fell out of the water
  189. teleport.command.biometeleport.success=&3You successfully teleported to the biome &b%biome%&3.
  190. warp.command.warplist.description=Get a paginated list of all warps.
  191. inventory.command.clearinventory.others.others=&b%player% &3cleared your inventory.
  192. core.playernotfound=&cThe player "%player%" was not found.
  193. heal.command.setmaxhealth.longdescription=Set the max health of a player.
  194. spawn.command.firstspawn.longdescription=Teleport someone to the new player spawn.
  195. jail.notfound=&cThe jail '%jail%' could not be found.
  196. ban.command.unban.notbanned=&cThe provided player or ip is not banned.
  197. item.command.itemcanbreak.success=&3You set the blocks this item can break to &b%arg%&3.
  198. time.command.time.query.daytime=&3The amount of ticks passed since the last day is &b%daytime%&3.
  199. mute.command.mute.success=&3You muted &b%player% &3for &b%time% &3with the reason &b%reason%&3.
  200. kick.command.kick.description=Kick a player from the server.
  201. nick.command.nick.self=&3You set your nickname to &b%nickname%&3.
  202. kick.command.kickall.longdescription=Kick all players from the server.
  203. teleport.command.teleportaskallhere.description=Ask everyone to teleport to you.
  204. deaf.command.undeaf.usage=/undeaf <Player>
  205.\: &b%pvp%
  206. time.command.time.description=Time-related actions.
  207. jail.command.jail.description=Jail a player in a certain jail, for a certain time and with a certain reason.
  208. successfully teleported to the highest location.
  209. kick.command.kickall.message=&cEveryone was kicked from the server by %kicker%\:\n&6%reason%
  210. someone's fly status.
  211. blockprotection.command.lock.alreadyclaimed=&cThis block is already claimed by %player%.
  212. world.exists=&cA world with the name '%name%' already exists. Use /world remove <World> to remove this world.
  213. weather.command.rain.longdescription=Change the weather to rain.
  214. spawn.command.delgroupspawn.usage=/delgroupspawn <Group>
  215. warp.command.setwarp.description=Create a new warp with the specified name and description.
  216. to change &b%gamerule%&3.
  217. spawn.command.groupspawn.description=Teleport someone to a group spawn.
  218. weather.command.rain.usage=/rain [World]
  219. teleported to the spawn of the world &b%world%&3.
  220. weather.command.thunder.shortdescription=Change the weather to thunder.
  221. teleport.command.teleportaccept.success=&3You accepted the teleport request.
  222. heal.command.setmaxhealth.success=&3You set your max health to &b%health%&3.
  223. time.command.time.shortdescription=Time-related actions.
  224. gamemode.command.creative.description=Change someone's gamemode to creative.
  225. here to view game rules
  226. kick.command.kick.longdescription=Kick a player from the server.
  227. heal.command.heal.shortdescription=Heal a player.
  228. world.generatornotfound=&cThe generator type '%type%' could not be found.
  229. sudo.command.sudo.usage=/sudo <Player> [/]<Command/Message>
  230. spy.disabled=&cdisabled
  231. warp.command.setwarp.replace=&3The warp &b%warp% &3has been moved successfully.
  232. teleport.command.teleportdeny.longdescription=Deny the specified request, or the most recent one.
  233. default.command.ultimatecore.description=The UltimateCore base command.
  234. spy.command.commandspy.others=&3You switched &b%player%'s commandspy to &b%status%&3.
  235. warp.command.warplist.usage=/warplist
  236. %arg%, expected one of the following arguments\: %args%
  237. deaf.command.deaf.shortdescription=Make a player deaf, for a certain time and reason.
  238. disabled the world %world%.
  239. heal.command.sethealth.success=&3You set your health to &b%health%&3.
  240. heal.command.setmaxhealth.success.self=&3You set &b%target% &3his max health to &b%health%&3.
  241. time.command.time.longdescription=/time (set/add) day/night/<ticks> - Change the time.\n/time enable/disable - Enable or disable time.\n/time query - View the time.
  242. item.command.more.usage=/more
  243.{"extra"\:[{"color"\:"green","clickEvent"\:{"action"\:"suggest_command","value"\:"/mail send %player% "},"hoverEvent"\:{"action"\:"show_text","value"\:{"color"\:"green","text"\:"Click to reply"}},"text"\:"[Reply] "},{"color"\:"red","clickEvent"\:{"action"\:"suggest_command","value"\:"/mail delete %mailid%"},"hoverEvent"\:{"action"\:"show_text","value"\:{"color"\:"red","text"\:"Click to delete mail"}},"text"\:"[Delete]\n"},{"color"\:"dark_aqua","text"\:"Date sent\: "},{"color"\:"aqua","text"\:"%date% ago\n"},{"color"\:"dark_aqua","text"\:"Sender\: "},{"color"\:"aqua","text"\:"%sender%\n"},{"color"\:"dark_aqua","text"\:"Message\: \n"},{"color"\:"aqua","text"\:"%message%"}],"text"\:""}
  244. management command.
  245. fly.command.flyspeed.success.others.self=&3You set &b%player%'s &3fly speed to &b%speed%x&3.
  246. spawn.command.delfirstspawn.usage=/delfirstspawn
  247. teleport.command.teleportask.longdescription=Ask to teleport to a player.
  248. gamemode.command.survival.usage=/survival [Player]
  249. spawn.command.firstspawn.success.self=&3You teleported to the new player spawn.
  250. the weather to sun, rain or thunder.
  251. kick.command.kickall.usage=/kickall [Reason]
  252. teleport.command.teleportask.deny=&b%player% &3denied your teleport request.
  253. back.command.back.success=&3You teleported back to your last location.
  254. to find a suitable location of the biome %biome%.
  255. time.command.time.set.ticks=&3The time has been set to &b%ticks%&3.
  256. item.command.hat.others.others=&b%player% &3put the item in his hand on your hat.
  257. fly.command.walkspeed.success.others.self=&3You set &b%player%'s &3walk speed to &b%speed%x&3.
  258. kit.command.kitlist.header=&aKits
  259. spawn.command.firstspawn.success.others.others=&3You have been teleported to the new player spawn by &b%player%&3.
  260. kit.command.kitlist.description=Get a paginated list of all kits.
  261. home.command.delhome.success=&3The home "&b%home%&3" has been removed.
  262. core.load.init=&aInitialized UltimateCore\! (%ms% ms)
  263. teleport.command.teleportaskhere.longdescription=Ask to teleport a player to you.
  264. time.command.night.shortdescription=Set the time in a certain world to night.
  265. unvanished yourself.
  266. afk.command.afk.description=Toggle whether a player is marked as away-from-keyboard.
  267. item.command.itemname.description=Change the name of the item in your hand.
  268. world.worldgeneratormodifiernotfound=&cThe world generator modifier '%type%' could not be found.
  269. burn.command.burn.usage=/burn <Player> [Time]
  270. kit.command.kit.shortdescription=Use a certain kit.
  271. core.load.module.disabled=&cModule %module% was not registered because it is disabled in the modules.conf.
  272. deathmessage.message.attack.arrow=&6%player% &9was shot by &6%arg2%
  273. time.command.time.query.gametime=&3The amount of ticks passed is &b%gametime%&3.
  274. warp.command.warp.longdescription=Teleport yourself to the specified warp.
  275. spawn.command.delgroupspawn.longdescription=Delete a group spawn.
  276. default.command.ultimatecore.clearcache.success=&3The UltimateCore cache has been cleared.
  277. heal.command.heal.usage=/heal [Player]
  278. kit.command.removekit.description=Permanently delete a kit.
  279. afk.command.afk.shortdescription=Toggle whether a player is marked as away-from-keyboard.
  280. fly mode has been &b%state%&3 &3by &b%sender%&3.
  281. commandtimer.warmup.cancel.damage=&cYou got damaged, so your warmup has been cancelled.
  282. filled your food bar.
  283. warp.command.warplist.empty=&cThere are no warps available.
  284. world %name%\!
  285. core.booleaninvalid=&cExpected 'true' or 'false', got %argument%.
  286. item.command.itemcanplaceon.description=Change the blocks this item can be placed on.
  287. the world %name%...
  288. core.command.ultimatecore.clearcache.success=&3The UltimateCore cache has been cleared.
  289. [Player]
  290. inventory.command.workbench.description=Opens a workbench inventory for you.
  291. teleport.command.teleportask.description=Ask to teleport to a player.
  292. deathmessage.message.fell.accident.vines=&6%player% &9fell off some vines
  293. the country where a player is from.
  294. someone's fly status.
  295. gamemode.command.gamemode.description=Change a player's gamemode.
  296. spawn.command.groupspawn.longdescription=Teleport someone to a group spawn.
  297. jail.command.jaillist.usage=/jaillist
  298. gamemode.command.gamemode.shortdescription=Change a player's gamemode.
  299. core.load.stop=&aStopped UltimateCore\! (%ms% ms)
  300. playerinfo.command.list.nobody=&3Nobody is online.
  301. have changed the weather to &b%weather% &3in &b%world%.
  302. teleport.command.teleportaskhere.description=Ask to teleport a player to you.
  303. kick.command.kickall.success=&3You kicked all players excluding yourself from the server.
  304.\: &b%value%
  305. spawn.command.setgroupspawn.usage=/setgroupspawn <Group>
  306. deathmessage.message.attack.onfire=&6%player% &9burned to death
  307. sign.create=&3You successfully created a %sign% sign.
  308. fly.command.flyspeed.description=Change a player's flyspeed. (1 by default)
  309. afk.command.afk.datafailed=&cFailed to change the afk status.
  310. ban.command.unban.description=Unban a player or ip address.
  311. spy.command.commandspy.usage=/commandspy [Player]
  312. ban.command.unban.success=&3You unbanned &b%player%.
  313. item.command.itemdurability.success=&3You set the durability of the item in your hand to &b%arg%&3.
  314. jail.command.jaillist.header=&aJails
  315. removed the world %world%.
  316. core.command.ultimatecore.modules.success=&3Modules\: &b%modules%
  317. the weather to sun, rain or thunder.
  318. random.command.random.success=&3You generated a random from &b%min% &3to &b%max% &3and got &b%value%&3.
  319. gamemode.command.survival.longdescription=Change someone's gamemode to survival.
  320. spawn.command.setgroupspawn.success=&3You set the group spawn for &b%group%&3.
  321. core.number.invalid=&cThe argument "%number%" is not a number.
  322. kick.command.kick.usage=/kick <Player> [Reason]
  323. vanish.command.vanish.others.self.on=&3You vanished &b%player%&3.
  324. afk.broadcast.afk=&6&6%player% &9&9is now afk.
  325. deathmessage.message.fell.killer=&6%player% &9was doomed to fall
  326. to view information about %world%
  327. core.number.toohigh=&cThe number %number% can be at most %max%.
  328. deathmessage.message.attack.player.item=&6%player% &9was slain by &6%arg2% &9using &6%item%
  329. kick.command.kick.defaultreason=No reason given
  330. god.onhit=&cThis player is in god mode and can't be hit.
  331. spy.command.messagespy.longdescription=Toggle a player's or your own commandspy status. When commandspy is enabled you can see when other people whisper.
  332. spy.command.messagespy.self=&3Your messagespy has been &b%status%&3.
  333. jail.command.jaillist.hoverentry=&3Click to teleport to &b%jail%&3. (Without jailing yourself)
  334.\: &b%gamemode%
  335. player &b%player% &3is from &b%country%&3.
  336. warp.command.setwarp.defaultdescription=No description given.
  337. blockinfo.command.break.success=&3The block you are looking at has been broken.
  338. spawn.command.setfirstspawn.usage=/setfirstspawn
  339. core.stats.failed=Failed to send stats to - %message%
  340. kick.command.kick.message=&cYou were kicked from the server by %kicker%\:\n&6%reason%
  341. jail.command.jaillist.empty=&cThere are no jails available.
  342. jail.command.jailtp.success=&3You teleported to the jail &b%jail%&3.
  343. core.command.ultimatecore.description=The UltimateCore base command.
  344. kit.command.kit.longdescription=Use a certain kit.
  345. can't disable this world because there are players inside.
  346. god.command.god.others.self=&b%player%'s &3godmode has been &b%status%&3.
  347. core.time.second=second
  348. core.command.ultimatecore.reload.success=&3You reloaded the ultimatecore configuration files.
  349. item.noiteminhand=&cYou don't have an item in your hand.
  350. teleport.command.teleporthere.success.self=&3You teleported &b%player% &3to you.
  351. personalmessage.command.personalmessage.description=Send a private message to an other player.
  352. deathmessage.message.attack.thrown.item=&6%player% &9was pummeled by &6%arg2% &9using &6%item%
  353. toggled whether to keep the spawn loaded of &b%world% &3to &b%state%&3.
  354. deathmessage.message.attack.thorns=&6%player% &9was killed trying to hurt &6%arg2%
  355. default.command.ultimatecore.shortdescription=The UltimateCore base command.
  356. home.command.home.shortdescription=Teleport to your home.
  357. while creating world file\: %message%
  358. time.command.time.disable=&3The daylight cycle has been &cdisabled&3.
  359. back.command.back.shortdescription=Teleport back to the location you were before you teleported.
  360. item.command.itemcanplaceon.success=&3You set the blocks this item can be placed on to &b%arg%&3.
  361. for /%command%
  362. world folder for &b%world% &3could not be found.
  363. home.command.delhome.shortdescription=Remove a home.
  364. heal.command.sethealth.longdescription=Set the health of a player.
  365. spy.enabled=&aenabled
  366. core.time.hour=hour
  367. teleport.command.teleportall.description=Teleport everyone to you.
  368.\: &b%module%
  369. deathmessage.message.attack.fireworks=&6%player% &9went off with a bang
  370. deathmessage.message.attack.wither=&6%player% &9withered away
  372. teleport.command.teleport.shortdescription=Teleport a player or yourself to another player or certain coordinates.
  373. warp.command.warplist.entry=&3%warp%\: &b%description%
  374. can't chat while jailed. You have been jailed for %time% for %reason%.
  375. to load world. See console for details.
  376. weather.command.rain.shortdescription=Change the weather to rain.
  377. afk.command.afk.usage=/afk [Player] [Message]
  378. deaf.command.undeaf.notdeafd=&cThe player %player% is not deaf.
  379. core.permissionlevelnotfound=&cPermission level not found\: %level%
  380. mail.command.mail.send=&3You sent a mail to &b%player%&3.
  381. item can't be repaired.
  382. item.command.more.success=&3The amount of items in your hand has been set to &b%amount%&3.
  383. item.command.itemdurability.description=Change the durability of the item in your hand.
  384. default.command.ultimatecore.gendocs.success=&3You generated the documentation.
  385. playerinfo.command.list.description=View a list of online players.
  386. core.worldnotfound=&cThe world "%world%" does not exist.
  387. spawn.command.globalspawn.longdescription=Teleport someone to the global spawn.
  388.'t find where %player% is from.
  389. back.command.back.longdescription=Teleport back to the location you were before you teleported.
  390. gamemode.command.gamemode.usage=/gamemode <Survival/Creative/Adventure/Spectator> [Player]
  391. random.command.random.shortdescription=Generate a random number between two values.
  392. spawn.command.setglobalspawn.shortdescription=Set the global spawn.
  393. weather.command.sun.usage=/sun [World]
  394. nick.command.delnick.others.self=&3You removed &b%player%'s &3nickname.
  395. sign.command.signedit.success=&3You changed line &b%line% &3of the sign to &b%text%
  396. deaf.command.undeaf.description=Make a player no longer deaf.
  397. jail.event.command=&cYou can't use this command while jailed. You have been jailed for %time% for %reason%.
  398. core.time.years=years
  399. spy.command.commandspy.longdescription=Toggle a player's or your own commandspy status. When commandspy is enabled you can see when other people use commands.
  400. deathmessage.message.attack.fireball.item=&6%player% &9was fireballed by &6%arg2% &9using &6%item%
  401. spy.format.commandspy=&5[SPY\: %player% used] &d/%message%
  402. heal.command.heal.success.self=&3You healed &b%player%&3.
  403. spawn.command.setfirstspawn.success=&3You set the new player spawn.
  404. home.command.sethome.success.replace=&3The home "&b%home%&3" has been moved.
  405. time.command.time.set.add=&b%ticks% &3ticks have been added to the time.
  406. default.command.ultimatecore.resetuser.success=&3The player "&b%player%&3" has been reset.
  407. core.time.minutes=minutes
  408. spawn.command.spawn.notset=&cBoth the global spawn and the group spawn for %group% are not set.
  409. the time in a certain world to day.
  410. the time in a certain world to day.
  411. toggled whether pvp is enabled in &b%world% &3to &b%state%&3.
  412. spawn.command.spawn.longdescription=Teleport someone to the spawn.
  413. afk.title.subtitle.exempt=&cYou are exempted from being kicked.
  414. warp.notfound=&cThe warp "%warp%" was not found.
  415. gamemode.command.gamemode.success.others=&3Your gamemode has been changed to &b%gamemode% &3by &b%sender%&3.
  416. nick.command.nick.others.others=&b%player% &3set your nickname to &b%nickname%&3.
  417. mail.command.mail.delete=&3You deleted the specified mail.
  418. [All/Hand]
  419. warp.command.warplist.longdescription=Get a paginated list of all warps.
  420. core.variable.player.hover=&3Display name\: &b%name%\n&3Name\: &b%rawname%\n&3UUID\: &b%uuid%\n&3Language\: &b%language%
  421. spy.command.messagespy.shortdescription=Toggle a player's or your own commandspy status.
  422. warp.command.warp.shortdescription=Teleport yourself to the specified warp.
  423. deathmessage.message.attack.cactus.player=&6%player% &9walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape &6%arg2%
  424. jail.command.jaillist.entry=&3%jail%\: &b%description%
  425. teleport.command.teleporthere.success.others=&3You were teleported to &b%player%&3.
  426. burn.command.burn.longdescription=Set people on fire.
  427. world.enabled=&aenabled
  428. playerinfo.command.list.header=&aOnline players
  430. fly mode has been &b%state%&3.
  431. teleport.command.teleport.self=&3You teleported to &b%target%&3.
  432. the item in your hand, or all items in your inventory.
  433. spawn.command.spawn.usage=/spawn [Player]
  434. gamemode.command.creative.shortdescription=Change someone's gamemode to creative.
  435. spawn.command.spawn.success.others.self=&3You teleported &b%player% &3to the spawn.
  436. vanish.command.vanish.description=Toggle whether a player is vanished.
  437. deathmessage.message.attack.hotfloor=&6%player% &9discovered floor was lava
  438. kit.command.removekit.success=&3You removed the kit &b%kit%&3.
  439. random.command.random.invalid=&cYour maximum %max% must be higher than your minimum %min%.
  440. kit.command.kit.usage=/kit <Kit>
  441. spawn.command.spawn.description=Teleport someone to the spawn.
  442. ban.command.ban.exempt=&cYou don't have enough ban power to ban %player%.
  443. item.command.more.nohand=&cYou don't have an item in your hand.
  444. heal.command.setmaxhealth.success.others=&b&6%player% &9&3set your max health to &b%health%&3.
  445. to find a suitable location.
  446. don't have any mail.
  447. teleport.command.teleportdeny.usage=/tpdeny [TPID/Player]
  448. jail.command.unjail.shortdescription=Unjail a player.
  449. kit.command.createkit.description=Create a kit with the contents of your inventory.
  450. warp.command.warp.description=Teleport yourself to the specified warp.
  451. burn.command.burn.success=&3You set &b&6%player% &9&3on fire for &b%time% &3second(s).
  452. nick.alphanumeric=&cThe provided name is not alphanumeric.
  453. deathmessage.message.attack.magic=&6%player% &9was killed by magic
  454. personalmessage.command.reply.description=Send a private message to the person who last private messaged you.
  455. jail.command.deljail.shortdescription=Remove the jail with the provided name.
  456. spawn.command.delglobalspawn.shortdescription=Delete the global spawn.
  457. mute.command.unmute.usage=/unmute <Player>
  458. warp.command.warplist.header=&aWarps
  459. spawn.command.delgroupspawn.success=&3You removed the group spawn for &b%group%&3.
  460. deathmessage.message.attack.lightningBolt=&6%player% &9was struck by lightning
  461. mute.command.unmute.description=Unmute a player.
  462. spawn.command.spawn.success.others.others=&3You have been teleported to the spawn by &b%player%&3.
  463. default.command.ultimatecore.usage=/ultimatecore modules/resetuser/clearcache
  464. item.command.itemcanbreak.description=Change the blocks this item can break.
  465. jail.command.jail.usage=/jail <Player> [Jail] [Time] [Reason]
  466. jail.command.jail.defaultreason=No reason given
  467. deathmessage.message.attack.anvil=&6%player% &9was squashed by a falling anvil
  468. item.command.itemquantity.success=&3You set the quantity of the item in your hand to &b%arg%&3.
  469. home.command.homelist.char=&2\=
  470. item.command.itemenchant.notfound=&cThe enchantment '%enchantment%' could not be found.
  471. item.command.more.description=Set the quantity of the item in your hand to the maximum.
  472. spawn.command.groupspawn.success.others.others=&3You have been teleported to the group spawn for &b%group%&3 by &b%player%&3.
  473. warp.command.delwarp.shortdescription=Remove the specified warp.
  474. god.command.god.self=&3Your godmode has been &b%status%&3.
  475. commandtimer.warmup.cancel.move=&cYou moved, so your warmup has been cancelled.
  476. mail.command.mail.newmail.hover=Click here to view your mail(s).
  477. teleport.command.teleportdeny.description=Deny the specified request, or the most recent one.
  478. heal.command.heal.success=&3You healed yourself.
  479. home.command.sethome.usage=/sethome <Name>
  480. gamemode.command.adventure.description=Change someone's gamemode to adventure.
  481. kit.notfound=&cThe kit "%kit%" was not found.
  482. world.difficultynotfound=&cThe difficulty '%type%' could not be found.
  483. deathmessage.message.attack.fall=&6%player% &9hit the ground too hard
  484. set the difficulty of &b%world% &3to &b%difficulty%&3.
  485. jail.command.jaillist.description=View a list of all jails.
  486. spawn.command.delglobalspawn.usage=/delglobalspawn
  487. teleport.command.randomteleport.success=&3You successfully teleported to a random location.
  488. kit.command.kitlist.hoverentry=&3Click to use &b%kit%&3.
  489. teleport.command.biometeleport.description=Teleport to a specific biome.
  490. god.command.god.enabled=&aenabled
  491. core.time.ever=ever
  492. fly.command.flyspeed.success.others.other=&b%player%'s &3set your fly speed to &b%speed%x&3.
  493. teleport.command.teleportaskhere.send=&3You sent a teleport request to teleport &b%player% &3to you.
  494. here to view more information.
  495. spawn.command.setgroupspawn.longdescription=Set a group spawn.
  496. core.load.reload=&aReloaded UltimateCore\! (%ms% ms)
  497. have been unjailed.
  498. blockprotection.error.private=&cThis block is protected by %player%.
  499. home.command.homelist.usage=/homelist
  500. heal.command.sethealth.success.others=&b&6%player% &9&3set your health to &b%health%&3.
  501. afk.broadcast.afk.message=&6&6%player% &9&9is now afk\: %message%
  502. item.command.itemname.success=&3You set the name of the item in your hand to &b%arg%&3.
  503. home.command.sethome.longdescription=Set a new home or move the location of a home.
  504. spy.command.messagespy.description=Toggle a player's or your own commandspy status.
  505. back.command.back.notfound=&cNo location found to go back to.
  506. commandtimer.warmup.cancel.destroy=&cYou destroyed a block, so your warmup has been cancelled.
  507. personalmessage.command.personalmessage.format.receive=&5[%player% -> You] &d%message%
  508. teleport.command.teleportdeny.none=&cThere is no teleport request to deny.
  509. geoip module is not enabled in the geoip.conf file.
  510. mute.command.mute.defaultreason=No reason given
  511. heal.command.sethealth.description=Set the health of a player.
  512. spawn.command.setfirstspawn.longdescription=Set the new player spawn.
  513. ban.command.ban.description=Ban a player or an ip address, for a certain time and reason.
  514. have repaired all items in your inventory.
  515. home.command.homelist.footer=&aYou currently have %current% out of %max% homes.
  516. kit.command.kitlist.usage=/kitlist
  517. deaf.command.undeaf.notdeaf=&cThe player %player% is not deaf.
  518. sign.command.signedit.nosign=&cYou are not looking at a sign.
  519. spawn.command.setglobalspawn.longdescription=Set the global spawn.
  520. spawn.command.groupspawn.noplayerorgroup=&cCouldn't find the player or group '%arg%'.
  521. teleport.command.teleportaskhere.usage=/teleportaskhere <Player>
  522. god.command.god.others.others=&b%player% &3has &b%status% &3your godmode.
  523. kick.command.kickall.defaultreason=No reason given
  524. item.blocknotfound=&cThe block type '%type%' could not be found.
  525. teleport.command.teleportdeny.success=&3You denied the teleport request from &b%player%&3.
  526. weather.command.sun.description=Change the weather to sun.
  527. jail.command.jaillist.longdescription=View a list of all jails.
  529. home.command.home.success=&3You have been teleported to the home "&b%home%&3".
  530. core.entitynotfound=&cThe entity "%entity%" was not found.
  531. kick.command.kick.shortdescription=Kick a player from the server.
  532. core.command.ultimatecore.resetuser.success=&3The player "&b%player%&3" has been reset.
  533. spawn.command.globalspawn.usage=/globalspawn [Player]
  534. teleport.command.teleportaskhere.shortdescription=Ask to teleport a player to you.
  535. ban.invalidip=&cInvalid ip provided\: %ip%
  536. spawn.command.globalspawn.success.self=&3You teleported to the global spawn.
  537. weather.command.sun.longdescription=Change the weather to sun.
  538. home.command.home.notfound=&cThe home "%home%" could not be found.
  539. can't delete this world because there are players inside.
  540. deathmessage.message.attack.drown.player=&6%player% &9drowned whilst trying to escape &6%arg2%
  541. spawn.command.delglobalspawn.longdescription=Delete the global spawn.
  542. item.command.more.shortdescription=Set the quantity of the item in your hand to the maximum.
  543. warp.command.delwarp.success=&3The warp &b%warp% &3has been removed.
  544. weather.command.sun.shortdescription=Change the weather to sun.
  545. nick.command.delnick.others.others=&b%player &3removed your nickname.
  546. spawn.command.groupspawn.success.others.self=&3You teleported &b%player% &3to the group spawn for &b%group%&3.
  547. personalmessage.command.personalmessage.format.send=&5[You -> %player%] &d%message%
  548. home.command.homelist.empty=&cNo homes found.
  549. to a random location nearby.
  550. god.command.god.longdescription=Toggle your or someone else's god mode.
  551. time has been set to day.
  552. core.nopermissions=&cYou don't have enough permissions to do that.
  553. jail.command.jailtp.description=Teleport to a jail without jailing yourself.
  554. ban.command.ip.success=&3The ip address of &b%player% &3is &b%ip%
  555. spawn.command.delfirstspawn.description=Delete the new player spawn.
  556. mute.command.unmute.success=&3You unmuted &b%player%&3.
  557. teleport.command.teleport.coords.others=&3You teleported &b%target% &3to &b%x% %y% %z%&3.
  558. deaf.deafed=&cYou have been deaf for %time% with the reason %reason%.
  559.'s &3fly mode has been &b%state%&3.
  560. home.command.home.notavailable=&cThis home is not available, because the world where the home is in is not loaded.
  561. kit.command.kitlist.empty=&cThere are no kits.
  562. spawn.command.firstspawn.shortdescription=Teleport someone to the new player spawn.
  563. core.load.preinit=&aPre-initialized UltimateCore\! (%ms% ms)
  564. item.command.itemdurability.notsupported=&cThe item in your hand does not have a durability.
  565. have been jailed by %player% for %time% for %reason%.
  566. sudo.command.sudo.command.success=&3Successfully forced &b%target% &3to run &b%command%
  567. home.command.delhome.longdescription=Remove a home.
  569. core.command.ultimatecore.gendocs.success=&3You generated the documentation.
  570. about %world%
  571.\: &b%enabled%
  573. time.command.time.set.night=&3The time has been set to night.
  574. jail.command.jail.longdescription=Jail a player in a certain jail, for a certain time and with a certain reason.
  575. the world %name%...
  576. teleport.command.teleportaskhere.deny=&b%player% &3denied your request to teleport them to you.
  577. world.disabled=&cdisabled
  578. weather.command.thunder.description=Change the weather to thunder.
  579. inventory.command.invsee.description=View and edit a player's inventory.
  580. deathmessage.message.attack.onfire.player=&6%player% &9was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting &6%arg2%
  581. mute.unmuted=&3You have been unmuted.
  582. fly.command.speed.description=Change a player's flyspeed if he is flying, or else the player's walkspeed. (1 by default)
  583. someone's fly status.
  584. deathmessage.message.attack.infire.player=&6%player% &9walked into fire whilst fighting &6%arg2%
  585. item.command.hat.description=Put the item in your hand on your hat.
  586.\: &b%difficulty%
  587. gamemode.command.adventure.shortdescription=Change someone's gamemode to adventure.
  588. set the gamemode of &b%world% &3to &b%gamemode%&3.
  589. spawn.command.delfirstspawn.shortdescription=Delete the new player spawn.
  590. heal.command.setmaxhealth.usage=/setmaxhealth <Amount> [Player]
  591. item.command.itemunbreakable.notsupported=&cThe item in your hand does not have a durability.
  592. core.nonumber=&cThe argument "%number%" is not a number.
  593. random.command.random.longdescription=Generate a random number between two values. If the minimum is not given it is set to 1.
  594. blockinfo.command.break.description=Break the block you are looking at.
  595. spy.format.messagespy=&5[SPY\: %player% -> %target%] &d%message%
  596. to find a suitable location.
  597. toggled whether to load the world &b%world% &3on startup to &b%state%&3.
  598. deathmessage.message.fell.finish.item=&6%player% &9fell too far and was finished by &6%arg2% &9using &6%item%
  599. deathmessage.message.fell.finish=&6%player% &9fell too far and was finished by &6%arg2%
  600. spawn.command.spawn.success.self=&3You teleported to the spawn.
  601. god.command.god.disabled=&cdisabled
  602. spawn.command.groupspawn.shortdescription=Teleport someone to a group spawn.
  603. unique id\: &b%id%
  604. nick.command.nick.description=Give someone a custom name.
  605. home.command.home.usage=/home <Name>
  606. jail.command.unjail.success=&3The player &b%player% &3has been unjailed.
  607. spy.command.commandspy.shortdescription=Toggle a player's or your own commandspy status.
  608. home.command.homelist.footer.unlimited=&aYou can have an unlimited amount of homes.
  609. deathmessage.message.attack.fireball=&6%player% &9was fireballed by &6%arg2%
  610. personalmessage.command.personalmessage.shortdescription=Send a private message to an other player.
  611. home.command.sethome.success.set=&3The home "&b%home%&3" has been set.
  612. ban.command.ban.defaultreason=No reason given
  613. jail.command.jail.exempt=&cYou don't have enough kick power to jail %player%.
  614. home.command.homelist.description=View a list of your homes.
  615. mail.command.mail.description=Send, receive or clear your mail.
  616. afk.command.afk.longdescription=Toggle whether a player is marked as away-from-keyboard.\n/afk [Player] [Message]
  617. core.time.days=days
  619. spy.command.commandspy.self=&3Your commandspy has been &b%status%&3.
  620. core.usage.hover=&3Click to go to the documentation page for this command.
  621. kit.command.createkit.success=&3You created the kit &b%name%&3.
  622. sign.command.signedit.description=Edit the sign you are looking at.
  623. spawn.command.globalspawn.notset=&cThe global spawn is not set.
  624. home.command.delhome.usage=/delhome <Name>
  625. home.command.homelist.shortdescription=View a list of your homes.
  626. default.command.ultimatecore.reload.success=&3You reloaded the ultimatecore configuration files.
  627. personalmessage.command.personalmessage.longdescription=Send a private message to an other player.
  628. vanish.onjoin=&3You are still vanished\!
  629. mail.command.mail.clear=&3Your mails have been cleared.
  630. warp.command.setwarp.longdescription=Create a new warp with the specified name and description.
  631. kit.command.kit.notfound=&cThe kit "%kit%" was not found.
  632. item.command.itemenchant.description=Add an enchantment to the item in your hand.
  633. gamemode.command.adventure.usage=/adventure [Player]
  634. sudo.command.sudo.command.failed=&cThe command was executed but the usage may have been incorrect.
  635. fly.command.walkspeed.description=Change a player's walkspeed. (1 by default)
  636. item.command.itemenchant.success2=&3You removed the enchantment &b%enchant% &3from the item.
  637. blockprotection.error.password=&cThis block is password protected by %player%.
  638. item.command.itemhidetags.shown=shown
  639. deathmessage.message.attack.generic=&6%player% &9died
  640. afk.title.subtitle.kick=&cYou will be kicked in %time%.
  641. kit.command.kit.cooldown=&cThis kit is on a cooldown for %time%.
  642. fly.command.walkspeed.success.self=&3You set your walk speed to &b%speed%x&3.
  643. core.none=none
  644. while importing world file\: %message%
  645. jail.command.setjail.usage=/setjail <Jail> [Description]
  646. spawn.command.firstspawn.success.others.self=&3You teleported &b%player% &3to the new player spawn.
  647. item.command.itemenchant.success=&3You added the enchantment &b%enchant% &3level &b%level% &3to the item.
  648. home.command.homelist.entry=&3%home%
  649. inventory.command.clearinventory.others.self=&3You cleared &b%player%&3's inventory.
  650. god.command.god.description=Toggle your or someone else's god mode.
  651. gamemode.command.spectator.shortdescription=Change someone's gamemode to spectator.
  652. amount of days passed is &b%days%&3.
  653. default.command.ultimatecore.longdescription=The UltimateCore base command.
  654. the weather to sun, rain or thunder.
  655. core.config.malformedfile=&cFailed to load %conf%\: Malformed file?
  656. time.command.night.usage=/night
  657. heal.command.heal.longdescription=Heal a player.
  658. home.command.sethome.invalidhomecount=&cYour home-count value "%homecount%" is invalid. Please contact an admin.
  659. kit.command.kitlist.entry=&3%kit%\: &b%description%
  660. core.time.hours=hours
  661. mail.command.mail.newmail=&eYou have %count% new mail(s).
  662. set the world spawn of &b%world% &3to your current location.
  663. gamemode.command.gamemode.success=&3You have changed your gamemode to &b%gamemode%&3.
  664. have repaired the item in your hand.
  665. kick.command.kickall.shortdescription=Kick all players from the server.
  666. jail.command.jailtp.usage=/jailtp <Jail>
  667. deathmessage.message.fell.assist=&6%player% &9was doomed to fall by &6%arg2%
  668. forced &b%target% &3to say &b%message%
  669. gamerule &b%gamerule% &3was not found.
  670. ban.command.unban.success-ip=&3You unbanned the ip &b%ip%.
  671. kit.command.kit.description=Use a certain kit.
  672. mute.muted=&cYou have been muted for %time% with the reason %reason%.
  673. spawn.command.globalspawn.success.others.others=&3You have been teleported to the global spawn by &b%player%&3.
  674. item.command.itemlore.success=&3You set the lore of the item in your hand to &b%arg%&3.
  675. spawn.command.delfirstspawn.success=&3You removed the new player spawn.
  676. teleport.command.teleportaccept.invalidargument=&cThe player or teleportrequest "%argument%" could not be found.
  677. %day%, %hours%\:%minutes% (%hours12%\:%minutes% PM)
  678. spy.command.messagespy.others=&3You switched &b%player%'s messagespy to &b%status%&3.
  679. value of &b%gamerule% &3is &b%value%&3.
  680. deathmessage.message.attack.infire=&6%player% &9went up in flames
  681. kit.command.kitlist.char=&2\=
  682. home.command.home.description=Teleport to your home.
  683. deaf.command.deaf.defaultreason=No reason given
  684. spawn.command.setglobalspawn.usage=/setglobalspawn
  685. spawn.command.setfirstspawn.shortdescription=Set the new player spawn.
  686. warp.command.delwarp.longdescription=Remove the specified warp.
  687. home.command.home.longdescription=Teleport to your home.
  688. the item in your hand, or all items in your inventory.
  689. ban.command.ban.success=&3You banned &b%player% &3for &b%time% &3with the reason &b%reason%&3.
  690. core.stats.sent=Sent stats to - %status%
  691. spawn.command.delgroupspawn.description=Delete a group spawn.
  692. deaf.undeafed=&3You have been undeafd.
  693. spawn.command.groupspawn.usage=/groupspawn [Player] [Group]
  694. deathmessage.message.attack.lava.player=&6%player% &9tried to swim in lava to escape &6%arg2%
  695. time.command.time.enable=&3The daylight cycle has been &aenabled&3.
  696. core.command.ultimatecore.setuppermissions.success=&3The group &b%group% &3has been given all &b%level% &3permissions.
  697. item.command.itemunbreakable.description=Change whether the item in your hand is unbreakable.
  698. the gamerule &b%gamerule% &3to &b%value%&3.
  699. kit.command.kitlist.longdescription=Get a paginated list of all kits.
  700. deathmessage.message.attack.hotfloor.player=&6%player% &9walked into danger zone due to &6%arg2%
  701. heal.command.heal.success.others=&b%sender% &3healed you.
  702. jail.command.unjail.longdescription=Unjail a player.
  703. jail.command.jailtp.shortdescription=Teleport to a jail without jailing yourself.
  704. personalmessage.command.reply.notarget=&cThere is no target to reply to or the target is offline.
  705. playerinfo.command.uuid.description=View the uuid of a player.
  706. spy.command.messagespy.usage=/commandspy [Player]
  707. jail.command.setjail.longdescription=Create a new jail with your current location.
  709. core.groupsubjectnotfound=&cThe group '%group%' could not be found.
  710. spawn.command.globalspawn.success.others.self=&3You teleported &b%player% &3to the global spawn.
  711. don't have an item in your hand.
  712. kit.command.kit.invalidkit=&cCould not load kit\: "%kit%" (Invalid kit?)
  713. jail.command.setjail.success=&3You set the jail &b%jail% &3with description &b%description% &3at your current location.
  714. spawn.command.setgroupspawn.shortdescription=Set a group spawn.
  715. teleport.command.teleportaskhere.receive={"color"\:"aqua","extra"\:[{"color"\:"dark_aqua","text"\:" wants to teleport you to them.\n"},{"color"\:"green","clickEvent"\:{"action"\:"run_command","value"\:"/tpaccept %tpid%"},"hoverEvent"\:{"action"\:"show_text","value"\:{"color"\:"green","text"\:"Click to ccept"}},"text"\:"Click here or use /tpaccept to accept\n"},{"color"\:"red","clickEvent"\:{"action"\:"run_command","value"\:"/tpdeny %tpid%"},"hoverEvent"\:{"action"\:"show_text","value"\:{"color"\:"red","text"\:"Click to deny"}},"text"\:"Click here or use /tpdeny to deny"}],"text"\:"%player%"}
  716. deathmessage.message.attack.thrown=&6%player% &9was pummeled by &6%arg2%
  717. afk.kick.reason=&cYou were kicked for being afk for too long\!
  718. of %world%
  719. jail.command.deljail.description=Remove the jail with the provided name.
  720. spawn.command.firstspawn.usage=/firstspawn [Player]
  721. teleport.command.teleportaccept.description=Accept the specified request, or the most recent one.
  722. gamemode.command.spectator.usage=/spectator [Player]
  723. mute.command.mute.description=Mute a player, for a certain time and reason.
  724. teleport.command.teleportdeny.shortdescription=Deny the specified request, or the most recent one.
  725. world.dimensionnotfound=&cThe dimension type '%type%' could not be found.
  726. deathmessage.message.attack.indirectmagic.item=&6%player% &9was killed by &6%arg2% &9using &6%item%
  727. warp.command.warp.notavailable=&cThis warp is not available, because the world where the warp is in is not loaded.
  728. spawn.command.setglobalspawn.description=Set the global spawn.
  729. random.command.random.usage=/random [Min] <Max>
  730. deathmessage.message.attack.indirectmagic=&6%player% &9was killed by &6%arg2% &9using magic
  731. filled the food bar of &b%player%&3.
  732. a player's ping.
  733. blockprotection.error.public=&cThis block is publicly protected by %player%. (You can't break it but you can use it.)
  734. spawn.command.delgroupspawn.shortdescription=Delete a group spawn.
  735. set the hardcore mode of &b%world% &3to &b%state%&3.
  736. core.nopermissions.subcommand=&cYou don't have enough permissions to execute this subcommand.
  737. spawn loaded\: &b%keepspawnloaded%
  738. blockprotection.command.lock.description=Claim a block as your own.
  739. teleport.command.teleport.coords.self=&3You teleported to &b%x% %y% %z%&3.
  740. kick.command.kick.self=&cYou can't kick yourself, just press disconnect.
  741. personalmessage.command.personalmessage.cancelled=&cThe private message was cancelled by an other plugin.
  742. core.time.invalid=&cYou entered a invalid time %time%. Use a string like '1y6M', '5h30m' or '17s'
  743. teleport.command.teleportaccept.shortdescription=Accept the specified request, or the most recent one.
  744. spawn.command.groupspawn.nogroup=&cThe player %player% has no group spawn assigned.
  745. home.command.sethome.maxhomes=&cYou reached your maximum amount of homes. (You have %homecount% homes)
  746. mute.command.mute.longdescription=Mute a player, for a certain time and reason.
  747. personalmessage.command.reply.shortdescription=Send a private message to the person who last private messaged you.
  748. deathmessage.message.attack.cactus=&6%player% &9was pricked to death
  749. weather.command.rain.description=Change the weather to rain.
  750. deaf.command.undeaf.success=&3You made &b%player% &3no longer deaf.
  751. teleport.command.teleportask.accept=&b%player% &3accepted your teleport request.
  752. fly.command.flyspeed.success.self=&3You set your fly speed to &b%speed%x&3.
  753. weather type "%weather%" does not exist.
  754. deaf.command.deaf.longdescription=Make a player deaf, for a certain time and reason.
  755. back.command.back.usage=/back
  756. information
  757. <Sun/Rain/Thunder> [World]
  758. jail.command.unjail.notjailed=&cThe player %player% is not jailed.
  759. sudo.command.sudo.shortdescription=Force a player to chat or to use a command.\n/sudo <Player> /command\n/sudo <Player> message
  760. deathmessage.message.attack.lava=&6%player% &9tried to swim in lava
  761. home.command.homelist.header=&aHomes
  762. core.time.month=month
  763. spawn.command.spawn.notavailable=&cYour spawn is not available, because the world where the spawn is in is not loaded.
  764. jail.command.deljail.usage=/deljail <Jail>
  765. core.time.minute=minute
  766. deathmessage.message.attack.fallingblock=&6%player% &9was squashed by a falling block
  767. item.command.itemhidetags.hidden=hidden
  768. enabled the world %world%.
  769. core.time.months=months
  770. teleport.biometypenotfound=&cThe biome type '%type%' could not be found.
  771. commandtimer.warmup=&cCommand warmup activated... (%time% remaining)
  772. jail.command.deljail.longdescription=Remove the jail with the provided name.
  773.\: &f%message%
  774. deaf.command.deaf.success=&3You make &b%player% &3deaf for &b%time% &3with the reason &b%reason%&3.
  775. spawn.command.delglobalspawn.success=&3You removed the global spawn.
  776. spawn.command.groupspawn.success.self=&3You teleported to the group spawn for &b%group%&3.
  777. teleport.command.teleportask.receive={"color"\:"aqua","extra"\:[{"color"\:"dark_aqua","text"\:" wants to teleport to you.\n"},{"color"\:"green","clickEvent"\:{"action"\:"run_command","value"\:"/tpaccept %tpid%"},"hoverEvent"\:{"action"\:"show_text","value"\:{"color"\:"green","text"\:"Click to ccept"}},"text"\:"Click here or use /tpaccept to accept\n"},{"color"\:"red","clickEvent"\:{"action"\:"run_command","value"\:"/tpdeny %tpid%"},"hoverEvent"\:{"action"\:"show_text","value"\:{"color"\:"red","text"\:"Click to deny"}},"text"\:"Click here or use /tpdeny to deny"}],"text"\:"%player%"}
  778. to import world. See console for details.
  779. deathmessage.message.fell.assist.item=&6%player% &9was doomed to fall by &6%arg2% &9using &6%item%
  780. deathmessage.message.attack.dragonbreath=&6%player% &9was roasted in dragon breath
  781. the time in a certain world to day.
  782. time.command.time.usage=/time (set/add) day/night/<ticks>/enable/disable/query
  783. afk.broadcast.nolonger=&6&6%player% &9&9is no longer afk. (Was afk for %time%)
  784. time.command.night.description=Set the time in a certain world to night.
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