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- # State Remove by Weakness by Coelocanth
- # Addon by Roninator2
- #
- # This script alters the "remove by damage" flag on states by giving some
- # extra options about what sort of damage removes the state.
- #
- # Instructions
- #
- # Install this script in the usual way by inserting below Materials in the
- # script editor.
- #
- # In the database, add the following note tags to states with the
- # "remove by damage" flag set:
- #
- # <remove by element damage: amount>
- # e.g. <remove by element damage: 50>
- #
- # Damage will only remove the state if it is higher than the value specified.
- class RPG::State < RPG::BaseItem
- attr_accessor :remove_by_element_damage
- def load_notetags_ccsrw
- @remove_by_weakness = false
- @remove_by_strength = false
- @remove_by_elements = []
- @remove_by_element_damage = 0
- self.note.split(/^/).each do |line|
- case line
- when /<remove by weakness>/i
- @remove_by_weakness = true
- when /<remove by strength>/i
- @remove_by_strength = true
- when /<remove by element:(\d+)/
- @remove_by_elements.push($1.to_i)
- when /<remove by element damage:[ _-](\d+)/
- @remove_by_element_damage = ($1.to_i)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Game_Battler
- def remove_states_by_damage
- states.each do |state|
- if state.remove_by_damage && rand(100) < state.chance_by_damage
- next if state.remove_by_weakness && @result.element_rate <= 1.0
- next if state.remove_by_strength && @result.element_rate >= 1.0
- if @result.hp_damage >= state.remove_by_element_damage
- remove_state(
- next
- end
- next unless state.remove_by_elements.empty? ||
- state.remove_by_elements.include?(@result.element_id) ||
- remove_state(
- end
- end
- end
- end
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