

Feb 19th, 2019
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  1. You hear the door to the north being unlocked.
  2. The door to the north is opened from the other side.
  3. Toz enters from the north, riding a black rhinoceros.
  4. He is followed by a mahogany warhound.
  5. Toz closes the door to the north.
  6. Toz locks the north door.
  8. You have emoted: Standing by the desk with her hands clasped in front of her clutching a black leather-bound book, Tatia appraises Toz quietly for a few moments before offering a small smile. "While my two other projects are pending, I went ahead and started writing out my outline for the militia system." she tells him while she extends the book out. "I thought you might like to see it or something since technically war is your department." she continues, stepping back to slide on the desk and crossing her ankles.
  10. Accepting the book from you with one hand, Toz steps forward to follow you as you sits down onto the table, his free hand coming to find your hip. He leans down, making a point to place a firm kiss on you lips, lingering - if only briefly - before he turns any attention whatsoever to the book he was handed, turning the cover upwards and inspecting it. "You really are busy," he comments to you, eyes cutting you way after, wearing a very slight grin. "And you were worried about not fitting in, or doing the job well," he adds, squeezing softly at your side.
  12. You have emoted: Tatia presses her lips against Toz's then looks down to the floor for a moment, taking a quiet breath. "I do like to keep myself occupied." she says. Slowly, she lifts her icy gaze to settle on Toz's own, pursing her lips together for a moment. "I have been a little upset with you lately, you know?" she starts, not pausing long enough for a response. "I asked something of you and almost the following week you up and took off on a trip. It wasn't even that that bothered me, it's that you didn't even tell me - you told the Senate." she continues, leaning back against her arm for support. "I've seen you once since you got back, Im fairly self sufficient so I don't expect all your time all the time.. but some sort of acknowledgement would be nice." she finishes, her gaze slipping to her free hand fidgeting with her cloak in her lap. "Easier to be mad than hurt by it. We have always talked things through and I don't hide things from you so.. there you have it." she murmurs, falling silent afterwards.
  14. Pausing some and tilting his head to consider you, Toz listens for a long moment, then nods slowly. "I had noticed you were shorter, but I find myself worrying about you being upset far more often than you actually are," he tells you, moving to raise his hand from your side, reaching instead for you cheek, trying to rest his palm flat against it. "I understand being upset, and I'm sorry for not letting you know," he continues on, with a slow shake of his head from side to side. "It was something of an...immediate necessity, however?" he offers up, with his shoulders drifting up then falling again, loosely shrugging. "I told no one but the Senate, because you were all awake. I needed to abruptly be away, there was not time to handle anything. Should it ever happen again, though, I will at least endeavor to send a message to you? That, at least, I should always be able to do."
  16. You have emoted: Tatia tilts her head to rest in Toz's palm, her eyes falling closed while he speaks. She nods once and lifts her chin enough to lift her eyes to meet Toz's. "Alright then." she says softly, leaning forward just enough to lightly kiss the tip of his nose. "Did you at least have a good trip?" she asks, her tone and demeanor shifting to one of normalcy.
  18. Letting the kiss to his nose land, Toz lifts his own lips and presses to your chin, softly. "No," he tells you, simply, but he continues on, "But I am back, and things are going well, so why worry about that?" His thumb grazes gently on your cheekbone before flicking once, lightly. "Next time I fuck up," he adds, with a narrowing of his eyes, "Come yell at me right away, directly. I can fix it better then."
  20. You have emoted: "Sure. Let me yell at you while I am also happy to see you." Tatia retorts sarcastically vut playfully. She lifts her arms to wrap her arms around Toz's neck, pulling lightly towards her. "Well. I am glad you're back. I might have missed you just a smidge." she informs Toz with a slightly quirked eyebrow and barely restrained smile.
  22. "You can yell and be happy at the same time, just look at Emir," Toz mildly notes of you. Only then does he let you pull him down, leaning in and catching your lips in a firmer, more lingering kiss, letting his weight rest against your dangling legs. "So. Shall we look at this book?" he wonders after the contact ends, hand sliding behind you to scratch lightly at you scalp.
  24. You have emoted: "Okay, I'll remember to yell at you next time you piss me off." Tatia snorts after the shared kiss breaks. Her attention shifts to the book, and she nods. "It's rough right now. But I envision the sub categories and.. oh, I need rank names from you."
  26. Grinning some, Toz moves and leans against the table just beside you, flipping the book open and beginning to glance through it. "'Volunttered' on page one, is a novel new name for it," he comments, with a slight twitch of his lips. "I like the idea though- push progression through a primary class, develop good basics."
  28. You have emoted: Tatia leans over enough to bump her elbow against Toz's arm. "I said it was rough!" she snorts in return.
  30. Passing the book back to you, Toz flashes a slight grin and elbows back. "You did," he agrees. "I think it's a good start?"
  32. You have emoted: Tatia rests the book in her lap, leaning over enough to nip lightly at Toz's neck just before playfully nuzzling against it. "It's a start." she agrees, "But, I needed the big mans approval before I get deeper in it." she teases.
  34. "Well, you have my complete approval," Toz murmurs back to you, turning to rest his forehead against your as you starts to nuzzle against him. "I'm training people already, but a set of steps...a path for people to follow? That's invaluable." He reaches his arm around behind you, pulling you in against his side.
  36. You have emoted: "As talented as you are, you're only one man." Tatia murmurs, sliding easily across the table with Toz's pull. "Hopefully, this way, you don't have to go through the basic things a million times. You, my dear, can deal with the hard stuff." she says through a snicker, lifting her hand to rest against his chest.
  38. With a laugh and a shake of his head, Toz tells you, "Skiva alone is going to make sure I stay busy." His arm squeezes tight, and he leans back, elbow propping him up partially atop the table, which creaks very faintly in protest of the added bulk shifted against it. "But you keep trimming away the paperwork in front of me...mmh."
  40. You have emoted: Tatia shrugs her shoulder lightly with a slight grin. "Robyn calls me a workhorse." she tells Toz, glancing down at the desk when it creaks. "Happy it helps." she decides while leaning her head against Toz's shoulder.
  42. "You deserve a statue," Toz tells you frankly, ignoring the desk's complaint and keeping his spot. He glances to you, then smiles faintly and permits his eyes to slide towards shut, seeming for all the world content to just rest against you. "Anything I can do for you, to lighten the load?"
  44. You have emoted: "Get me rank titles?" Tatia says thoughtfully from her place against Toz. "You have my book, and pending Kelliara's approval.. everything else is on hold." She lets a long breath escape her, but she smiles. "And maybe give me quiet moments like this every once in a while." she adds, lifting her eyes to Toz.
  46. With a nod of his head to you, Toz assures you, "I'll look at the book soon, yes. And beyond that...I think we can manage times like this." He gives a crooked smile, glancing towards the door, then claiming with a flash of teeth, "Look, I'm not even rushing towards the fight."
  48. You have emoted: "I was half expecting to fall off the table with you rushing for the door." Tatia teases playfully. "Did you want to go?" she asks curiously.
  50. With a slight smile, Toz Aquila-Seirath says to you, "I think they're winning."
  52. You have emoted: Tatia chuckles quietly and nods, "Seems so." she declares, slipping from under Toz's arm. She scoots behind him on the desk and begins to kneed at his shoulders. Leaning up to press her lips against Toz's ear, "Alright, if the bloodlust isn't pulling you away, tell me something?" she whispers softly.
  54. With a laugh to himself, Toz settles down and tilts his head to the side, welcoming the touch to his ear, and the hands on his shoulders. "What would you like to know, my love?" he murmurs absently, glancing back without turning his head away from the contact, permitting himself to slump back against you.
  56. You have emoted: Tatia leans back and shifts her weight forward to press into the muscles of Toz's shoulders. "Hmm." she murmurs to herself while her hands work against him. "Dealers choice. Whatever comes to mind." she decides.
  58. "You are entirely too good to me," Toz tries out to you, with a little laugh and a shake of his head, shrugging his shoulders against your touch. He pauses, then thoughtfully murmurs to you, "You tell me something, same thing? Dealer's choice." He lets a hand stray back, touching your leg gently.
  60. You have emoted: Tatia squints her eyes at the back of Toz's head, shaking her own with a slight smirk. "You make me crazy sometimes, but the only place I want to end my weeks is in your arms." she returns lightly, focusing her attention on a knot she runs across.
  62. With a raise of his shoulder into the kneading at it, Toz gives a chuckle and a nod of his head. "I know I do. But sometimes I hope I make you crazy in the good way," he turns back, with a twist of his lips in faint amusement. "And, I hope you'll start letting me know when I drive you crazy, so we can focus more on the 'in my arms' bit?"
  64. You have emoted: "You already know you drive me wild in the best ways possible." Tatia returns, pushing more of her weight against Toz while she works. "To be fair.. I did threaten to beat you to death if you lost my book." she teases, leaning down to press a light kiss against Toz's ear. "I try not to complain much, but you did tell me to yell at you next time."
  66. Ear flicking against your lips, Toz tells you, "Yes, well, that's true," he agrees to you, but he continues on, "I'm imperfect. If you don't help me get better, how will I get better?" He squeezes your leg again, gently, and then adds with a little laugh, "I went on vacation, you did all the work. Why are you rubbing my back?"
  68. You have emoted: Pulling her hands back abruptly, Tatia sucks her teeth. "Hmm, I did write a treaty, manage two Senators additions, hunt out a circle and a half.." she says thoughtfully, snickering quietly behind Toz. Her hands find their way back to his shoulders and she shrugs behind Toz. "Maybe I just wanted to touch you? Or thought that you've been hunting nonstop for weeks and fighting and it might be nice. I dont think anyone has ever complained about getting their back rubbed."
  70. Reaching back behind him, Toz stretches a hand out until he finds the side of your head, sliding around further until he cups the back of it instead. "I am not complaining, just commenting that it should probably be the other way around," he murmurs to you, only then turning his head to look at you. "Instead, would you care to settle down? I think we can find a way for you to end your week in my arms?"
  72. You have emoted: "You can spoil me sometime then." Tatia murmurs softly. She pulls a hand from Toz's shoulder to run lightly along Toz's arm, "Sounds like a good ending to the week." she agrees.
  74. With a nod of his head, Toz catches your trailing hand and lifts it to his lips, kissing the knuckles. He rises to his feet after, trying to tug you along with him until he reaches the side of the bed. He peels his shirt off, tossing it aside, and moves to slide in, resting expectantly on his back.
  76. You have emoted: Tatia shakes her head lightly and smiles while she manages to get her feet under her while following Toz's tug. She pauses at the side of the bed to pull her cloak and dress off. She climbs up on the bed and over Toz to settle herself down against his chest. She leans up enough to press her lips against Toz's and nuzzles her face against Toz's neck comfortably.
  78. Wrapping his arms tight around you immediately, Toz squeezes almost hard. He reaches over to the furs next, and tosses them over the pair, stretching out comfortably beneath you. "You draped over me is wonderful," he murmurs to you. "I love you, and hope that this never changes." He returns to gripping you down against him, head leaning to one side to let you continue to nuzzle at his neck freely.
  80. You have emoted: Tatia shifts lightly against Toz's chest in his grasp, settling comfortably. "I love you too. I dont intend on going anywhere." she murmurs quietly. "Pleasant dreams, Bam.. I'm glad you're home."
  82. "I'm glad you're home too," Toz lightly points out, smiling down to you. He lets his eyes shut and settles, after, drifting off beneath you.
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