
l3h dec23

Dec 20th, 2023
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  1. #### on Centos
  2.[student@localhost linuxin3hours]$ history
  3. 1 ls
  4. 2 useradd bob
  5. 3 sudo useradd bob
  6. 4 sudo su
  7. 5 sudo -i
  8. 6 nano counter
  9. 7 ls
  10. 8 history
  11. 9 cat countdown
  12. 10 id student
  13. 11 su -
  14. 12 cat countdown
  15. 13 ls -l countdown
  16. 14 chmod +x countdown
  17. 15 ls -l countdown
  18. 16 countdown
  19. 17 echo $PATH
  20. 18 pwd
  21. 19 ./countdown 1
  22. 20 cp countdown /usr/local/bin/
  23. 21 sudo cp countdown /usr/local/bin/
  24. 22 countdown 1
  25. 23 cat countdown
  26. 24 history
  27. 25 sudo dnf install git
  28. 26 git clone
  29. 27 cd linuxin3hours/
  30. 28 ls
  31. 29 which git
  32. 30 history
  33. 31 cat /etc/os-release
  34. 32 ls /home/$USER
  35. 33 ls /home
  36. 34 ls /tmp
  37. 35 ls /usr/bin
  38. 36 ls /usr/bin | wc -l
  39. 37 ls /usr/sbin
  40. 38 ls /etc
  41. 39 cat /etc/os-release
  42. 40 cat /etc/passwd
  43. 41 history
  44. 42 find / -name "hosts"
  45. 43 find / -name "hosts" 2> /dev/null
  46. 44 find / -name "*hosts*" 2> /dev/null
  47. 45 cat /etc/passwd
  48. 46 grep bob /etc/passwd
  49. 47 grep bob *
  50. 48 grep bob /etc/* 2>/dev/null
  51. 49 which countdown
  52. 50 find / -name "countdown" 2>/dev/null
  53. 51 man hier
  54. 52 sudo find / -name "passwd"
  55. 53 sudo find / -name "passwd" 2> /dev/null
  56. 54 history
  57. 55 man -k sander
  58. 56 man -k user
  59. 57 sudo mandb
  60. 58 man -k user
  61. 59 man -k user | wc -l
  62. 60 man -k user | grep create
  63. 61 useradd --help
  64. 62 useradd --help | less
  65. 63 history
  66. 64 man unminimize
  67. 65 man grep
  68. 66 grep --help
  69. 67 grep --help | grep case
  70. 68 countdown 10
  71. 69 ssh student@
  72. 70 lsblk
  73. 71 sudo umount /dev/sdb1
  74. 72 lsblk
  75. 73 sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
  76. 74 ls /mnt
  77. 75 echo helloagain > /mnt/helloagain
  78. 76 sudo cp /etc/hosts /mnt/
  79. 77 lsblk
  80. 78 touch /run/media/student/SanDisk/hellofolks
  81. 79 ls -l /run/media/student/SanDisk/
  82. 80 history
  83. 81 umount /dev/sdc1
  84. 82 history
  86. ###on Ubuntustudent@student-virtual-machine:~$ history
  87. 1 ps aux
  88. 2 ps aux | grep ssh
  89. 3 sudo apt install openssh-server
  90. 4 ps aux | grep ssh
  91. 5 top
  92. 6 systemctl status sshd
  93. 7 sudo systemctl stop sshd
  94. 8 systemctl status sshd
  95. 9 sudo systemctl start sshd
  96. 10 systemctl status sshd
  97. 11 sudo systemctl disable --now sshd
  98. 12 sudo systemctl status sshd
  99. 13 sudo systemctl status ssh
  100. 14 sudo systemctl stop ssh
  101. 15 sudo systemctl list-unit-files
  102. 16 #sudo systemctl list-unit-files
  103. 17 ps aux | grep ssh
  104. 18 sudo systemctl enable --now ssh
  105. 19 ps aux | grep ssh
  106. 20 pidof sshd
  107. 21 sudo kill $(pidof sshd)
  108. 22 sudo systemctl status ssh
  109. 23 sudo systemctl start ssh
  110. 24 ps aux | grep ssh
  111. 25 sudo top
  112. 26 ip addr show
  113. 27 ifconfig
  114. 28 sudo ufw status
  115. 29 history
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