

Apr 14th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 A classic beauty- Pale skin, straight dark hair, bright red lips, long legs,: (Ephemeral_Dreamer)
  2. [X] 1 A classic beauty- Pale skin, straight dark hair, bright red lips, long legs.: (Dark Lord Bob)
  3. [X] 1 A generic American city: At least, everyone sounds American, the hotdog stand looks pretty Americanish as do the array of stores and signs and stuff.: (Xicree)
  4. [X] 3 A generic Japanese city. At least you think it's Japanese from all the Kana on the signs and... why do you know what Kana are and how can you read them? Fucking fairies.: (Ct613hulu, Dark Lord Bob, Heaven Canceler)
  5. [X] 12 A generic.... Why is there a castle there? People seem to be speaking English and you can see cars go by, but that... what's with the military-looking guys walking around everywhere and.. okay this is kind of strange.: (Emral282, Eler0, BFldyq, drake_azathoth, Valette-Serafina, Grosstoad, Nervaqus987, Silversun17, Barret, Jiven, Ephemeral_Dreamer, a2znut)
  6. [X] 1 Adorable- Okay, you're a bit on the small side, and you could probably pass for a highschool student rather than an adult if you had the right outfit, but the important thing is that they'll <em>never see you coming. </em> You don't even know who they are yet, but they won't anticipate you!: (a2znut)
  7. [X] 8 Adorable- Okay, you're a bit on the small side, and you could probably pass for a highschool student rather than an adult if you had the right outfit, but the important thing is that they'll never see you coming. You don't even know who they are yet, but they won't anticipate you!: (Xicree, drake_azathoth, Valette-Serafina, Nervaqus987, Heaven Canceler, Silversun17, Jiven, Nekraa)
  8. ----[X] 9 And, you're curious about your powers. It's magic and you're resolved to at least try it out before you have to use it on someone important. Besides, you'll probably need to eventually brainwash all the staff if you're stuck working here anyway. [Minor pleasure when you poke her ribs.]: (Eler0, drake_azathoth, Valette-Serafina, Nervaqus987, Heaven Canceler, Silversun17, Barret, Jiven, a2znut)
  9. ----[X] 1 And, you're curious about your powers. It's magic and you're resolved to at least try it out before you have to use it on someone important. Besides, you'll probably need to eventually brainwash all the staff if you're stuck working here anyway.  (Choose some: (Grosstoad)
  10. ----[X] 1 And, you're curious about your powers. It's magic and you're resolved to at least try it out before you have to use it on someone important. Besides, you'll probably need to eventually brainwash all the staff if you're stuck working here anyway.  (Choose some combination of bindings to work try out on the maid in front of you while you talk.): (Malcolmo)
  11. ----[X] 1 And, you're curious about your powers. It's magic and you're resolved to at least try it out before you have to use it on someone important. Besides, you'll probably need to eventually brainwash all the staff if you're stuck working here anyway.  (Minor Pleasure linked to poking her ribs): (Xicree)
  12. ----[X] 8 But you should hold off on experimenting with your powers until you know how many people are in charge.: (Emral282, Malcolmo, BFldyq, Darik29, EternitynChaos, Ephemeral_Dreamer, Plotvitalnpc, Nekraa)
  13. -----[X] 1 Her fingertips tingles whenever she sees our MANLY chest hair!: (Grosstoad)
  14. -----[X] 1 Her heartrate hitches up a bit whenever she sees this new 'maid': (Grosstoad)
  15. [X] 2 Just have the other maid--saying that feels so wrong--show you to the mistress so you can get with the brainwashing and take over this place! You're a dark lord (candidate) and you demand to be in charge as soon as possible! So what if the fairies made you into a maid, you'll just reverse the situation and make whomever's in charge into your maid! This is a perfect plan and has no chance of error whatsoever.: (Ct613hulu, Dark Lord Bob)
  16. [X] 8 Nope, you were definitely a guy. And man this is strange and... fuck fairies.: (Emral282, Xicree, BFldyq, Ct613hulu, Dark Lord Bob, Grosstoad, Heaven Canceler, Ephemeral_Dreamer)
  17. [X] 8 Of course you were! You've always been a girl, even if you didn't look quite like this before.: (Eler0, drake_azathoth, Valette-Serafina, Nervaqus987, Silversun17, Barret, Jiven, a2znut)
  18. [X] 19 Play it subtly- Ask a few questions along the way, try to get a feel for the mansion and its inhabitants. You're probably stuck here for a while, better figure out the lay of the land.: (Emral282, Xicree, Eler0, Malcolmo, BFldyq, drake_azathoth, Valette-Serafina, Grosstoad, Darik29, Nervaqus987, Heaven Canceler, Silversun17, Barret, Jiven, EternitynChaos, Ephemeral_Dreamer, Plotvitalnpc, a2znut, Nekraa)
  19. [X] 5 Sex- You've got a legs that never stop, curves in all the right places (And none of the wrong ones) and a face most woman would kill for.: (Emral282, Eler0, BFldyq, Ct613hulu, Barret)
  20. [X] 1 Write-in: You're a MAN! And Purity Mesmer is a Manly Man's name! +flex watermelon-sized biceps+ Though, that airbrushed and oiled looks are certainly unnatural additions. At least you still have your hair. ALL your hair. +fluffs chest hair+: (Grosstoad)
  21. [X] 1 a Classic American city: (imposter36)
  22. [X] 1 hurry up and meet the mistress: (imposter36)
  23. [X] 1 sexy: (imposter36)
  24. -[X] 1 wait a moment, what's that feeling in my... crap I'm a Futa.: (Silversun17)
  25. [X] 1 your a goodman guy damnit.: (imposter36)
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