
Ch 2: Part 5: Architects of Ruin: Session 29

Jun 20th, 2013
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  1. [15:15] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:15] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 2: Children of the Void~~~
  3. [15:15] <@Kilarra> -Session 29-
  4. [15:17] <@Kilarra> After catching a drow by surprise in a chamber adjacent to the sea, Aluthyra quickly dispatched him, leaving them free to scavenge. There wasn't much in the room beyond his posessions or bizarre research tools though.
  5. [15:19] <Aluthyra> Tognik looks around, scavenging for the drows possessions. He points a finger to the research tools and the corpse of the Akata. "Maybe you should look around for those notes, Kilarra?"
  6. [15:20] * Kilarra doesn't really need to take a look around, considering the book he was writing in was right htere on the stand. She picks it up and skims through it. "Same language we keep seeing these guys using."
  7. [15:21] <@Kilarra> The drow possesses two silver bracelets, a silver ring, an exquisite spear, a set of well made leather armour and a dagger to match, and a wand.
  8. [15:22] * Aluthyra looks over Kilarra's shoulder at the page, asking, "Is there anything of use written?"
  9. [15:22] <Aluthyra> Tognik casts a spell of detect magic on the items.
  10. [15:24] <@Kilarra> The jewellery is mundane, but the wand (obviously) and spear are magic.
  11. [15:27] <@Kilarra> The wand has an aura of mild evocation, and the slight scorching of the tip suggests fire of some kind. The spear has a basic +1 enhancement
  12. [15:30] <Aluthyra> Tognik waves over the pack mule-- Kjell, and shows him the spear. "Think you can hold onto this?"
  13. [15:30] <Aluthyra> Tognik takes the jewelry, them being not too heavy, along with the wand, planning to have Kilarra take a look at it once she is done with the books.
  14. [15:31] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and slips it away, not really caring for spears. But if it was magical, perhaps the proceeds form selling it could be used to further enhance one of his swords.
  15. [15:32] <Aluthyra> Tognik looks at the jewelry as he puts it away, appraising it.
  16. [15:33] * Kilarra shrugs, "Can't read it right now." She slips it away.
  17. [15:36] * Aluthyra nods. "Then shall we move for the other two drow?"
  18. [15:37] <@Kilarra> Kjell smirks, "It would be my genuine pleasure. As well, I think we have just enough time to reach them before my strength bolstering spell expires."
  19. [15:40] * Aluthyra nods, continuing out of the chamber, waiting at the entrance of the next passage.
  20. [15:41] <Aluthyra> Tognik nudges Kilarra, holding up the wand. "Not exactly sure what spell this has on it. Think you can take a look at it?"
  21. [15:41] * Kilarra takes the wand and slips it away, planning to check it out after they dealt with the other two drow they knew of.
  22. [15:44] <Aluthyra> Tognik shrugs, following out.
  23. [15:44] <@Kilarra> Six net hammocks supported by ornate metal frames made level by stacks of stone stand around the edges of this cavern. To the west, a leather curtain hangs over an exit, through which the sound of churning waves rumbles. A ledge to the south rises twenty feet to a second passageway there, while the ceiling itself arches to a vaulted height of forty feet.
  24. [15:44] <@Kilarra> However, the two drow that Aluthyra previously spotted here have vacated.
  25. [15:46] * Aluthyra blinks, looking about the room for any signs of the drow.
  26. [15:50] <@Kilarra> The only other way out of the room is the passage through the curtains through which the sea can be heard.
  27. [15:50] * Aluthyra mumbles. "I know they were here..."
  28. [15:52] * Aluthyra looks out through the curtains for any trail of departure. Anything. Anything at all.
  29. [15:52] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra deduces fairly quickly that the pair of them retreated through the curtain, possibly to join whatever other remnants of their group were left.
  30. [15:52] * Aluthyra sighs and shakes her head. "I should have attacked them while I had the chance."
  31. [15:53] <@Kilarra> Kjell lowers his sword a bit, "I take it the alarm will have been raised now then?"
  32. [15:54] * Aluthyra nods. "It seems so." She looks to Kilarra. "Perhaps those notes will give us information on where they would be retreating to."
  33. [15:55] * Kilarra raises an eyebrow, "I think it's pretty obvious that they went that way." She points to the curtain. "It's the only way to go aside from into the room I flooded with daylight."
  34. [16:00] * Aluthyra blinks. "Right." She looks around the chamber for any valuables, and looks to Kjell, "Would you like to take the lead again?"
  35. [16:00] <@Kilarra> If there were any valuables here, the drow made off with them.
  36. [16:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell smiles, "I've still got the strength of a Bull in my blood, so let them gather all they like, it will make it that much easier to but down their threat all at once."
  37. [16:05] <@Kilarra> Kjell takes point, pushing through the curtain.
  38. [16:06] * Aluthyra rolls her eyes. "It would be better to take them in small groups."
  39. [16:06] * Aluthyra shakes her head, following the man.
  40. [16:06] <Aluthyra> Tognik takes up after Aluthyra.
  41. [16:07] <@Kilarra> Several thick, rocky natural pillars rise up in this high sea cave. The water filling the lower portion of the enormous cavern sloshes and surges with the tide, and a five-foot-wide rocky beach lines the northeastern face of the pool. The cave ceiling soars to a height of eighty feet. To the south, several wooden platforms attached to the rock pillars are further supported by wooden pilingsβ€”the structure looks somewhat treacherous.
  42. [16:08] <@Kilarra> The sound of rushing, falling water comes from the northern end of the chamber, where a thin cascade of water plummets from a narrow crack in the ceiling into the pool below.
  43. [16:10] * Aluthyra frowns, still focused on finding the drow. She looks for any tracks that may lead to them.
  44. [16:12] <@Kilarra> The tracks in the soft sand are evident, and point directly south along the main wall of the cavern. The drow guards have taken point along with two more of their companions on the lowest of the platforms. They have their crossbows out and look ready for a fight, given that there was nowhere further to retreat to.
  45. [16:14] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks back, "Aluthyra, I imagine you've got them trumped for range. Try to pick one or two off while I go in closer. Kilarra, your support would be appreciated."
  46. [16:22] <@Kilarra> Kjell begins his advance, Tyrant's bane at the ready. He moves as close as he can before casting a defensive spell upon himself, his body crackling with electricity.
  47. [16:27] * Aluthyra aims towards the two drow she had seen earlier, firing one arrow at one, and two at the second.
  48. [16:29] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra;s first two arrows fell the first target quite thoroughly, while the second growls in pain as he's caught in the stomach.
  49. [16:31] <@Kilarra> The three remaining Drow open fire on Kjell the first chance they get. They then drop their fired crossbows and draw their rapiers in preparation for him coming closer.
  50. [16:33] <@Kilarra> Kjell winces as one of the bolts clips his neck, drawing some blood but thankfully not tearing open the artery completely. Another bolt embeds itself in his shoulder to minimal effect
  51. [16:33] <@Kilarra> The third misses entirely
  52. [16:34] <@Kilarra> KIlarra moves up behind Kjell, tsking at his wounds, though minor, and casting a spell so as to better protect herself in her weakened state.
  53. [16:41] <@Kilarra> Some churning in the water indicates the presence of something large, but it doesn't breach the surface
  54. [16:42] <@Kilarra> Kjell moves up to the remaining Drow and takes a swing at the injured one with his sword, using his off hand to send a pair of scorching rays of heat at one of the others.
  55. [16:47] <@Kilarra> Kjell gives the already injured drow a nasty slash across the chest, although it's not quite enough to finish him off. However, his spell chars the other drow he targeted
  56. [16:49] <@Kilarra> Now that he's on the raised platform, Kjell can see, on the highest platform in the midst of the cave, another drow woman, armed with a sick looking spiked flail.
  57. [16:50] * Aluthyra focuses her ki into one precise shot, aimed at the injured drow. Two more shots are fired at the last uninjured drow.
  58. [16:58] <@Kilarra> The injured drow is finished off handily, while the second one takes the first shot against him through the stomach, then the other right in the eye, dropping him, leaving just the drow woman at the top of the platforms and whatever was in the water.
  59. [17:00] * Kilarra moves up with Kjell again, glad the drow guards had been taken care of. She lays a hand on Kjell, suspecting he was going to run up to take on the last drow himself, and gives him a jolt of healing.
  60. [17:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods appreciatively, then indeed sets his sights on their last enemy.
  61. [17:04] <Aluthyra> Tognik sprints to catch up, having been distracted by... shiny things.
  62. [17:05] <Aluthyra> Tognik pulls out his wand of enlarge person as he moves to Kjell.
  63. [17:05] <@Kilarra> Kjell appreciates Tognik's company, since the backup would be useful against this woman, who he suspected to be the leader of this expedition.
  64. [17:07] <@Kilarra> The dark elf casts one more spell on herself, and then stands up, bringing up a heavy shield and her flail. She looked like she was just as ready to fight as Kjell
  65. [17:09] * Kilarra calls out to Aluthyra, "We got one more up there. I'd wager good coin she's the one calling the shots.
  66. [17:09] <@Kilarra> "
  67. [17:10] * Aluthyra nods, sprinting to get up to her companions.
  68. [17:14] <@Kilarra> Kjell had waited for his companions to join him, but rather than rush in to fight the woman by his lonesome, which would require running up rickety platforms against someone who's abilities they didn't know yet, he fires off a quartet of Magic MIssiles at her.
  69. [17:15] <@Kilarra> The spell fizzles harmlessly when it reaches the drow, who simply sneers.
  70. [17:16] <@Kilarra> Kjell frowns, but had expected a similar result, given the magical resilience of these dark skinned elves. He was glad he had tested that before going in close.
  71. [17:45] <@Kilarra> The drow woman eyes her adversaries, then looks to Aluthyra, "Why don't you take a dip." Her words are laced with magic and sound like a good suggestion...
  72. [17:46] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra does not bend will to the magical suggestion
  73. [17:46] * Aluthyra smirks. "I would prefer not to."
  74. [17:47] <@Kilarra> The drow woman frowns and then steps off the edge of the platform, dropping down to the water below... upon which she lands like it was solid ground.
  75. [17:48] <@Kilarra> Her fall was slowed magically, preventing her form harming herself.
  76. [17:49] <@Kilarra> The water churns, and right next to the drow woman a killer whale surfaces, looking ferocious and hungry. It does not, however, attack the drow, seeming to be either her ally, or under her control.
  77. [17:51] * Aluthyra pays back the drow's attempt at suggestion with three arrows, firing each at the women.
  78. [17:55] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks between the Orca and the Drow woman. They wouldn't be able to get close to her unless... "Tognik, if you've got something to make me bigger, now's the time." He holds to see if Tognik has a response.
  79. [17:57] <@Kilarra> The drow woman looks to Kjell and the lightning crackling around him, and attempts to remove the benefit. The archer she hadn't been able to get into the pool, so perhaps she could remove his advantage. Getting electrocuted if he jumped in would not be pleasant.
  80. [17:57] <@Kilarra> Kjell's magic proves stronger as his lightning defense remains intact.
  81. [17:58] <Aluthyra> Tognik does indeed have something! He touches his wand to Kjell, attempting to activate it.
  82. [17:58] <@Kilarra> Kjell gets bigger, the platform creaking a bit under him.
  83. [17:59] <@Kilarra> Kjell smirks and steps down from the platform, beginning to wade into the water, although not going deeper than his waste for now.
  84. [17:59] <@Kilarra> The drow woman frowns at Kjell's increase in size. Still, her pet was yet bigger.
  85. [18:01] <@Kilarra> The Orca lunges forward with the force of a tidal wave, attempting to grab hold of Kjell in order to drag him into deeper water.
  86. [18:04] <@Kilarra> Kjell gets a nasty bite off the huge orca, but it doesn't have enough depth to drag him freely with.
  87. [18:05] * Aluthyra frowns, seeing as her arrows were not as effective against the drow, and instead fires three arrows at the Orca.
  88. [18:06] <@Kilarra> The killer whale thrashes as the top of its large body is punctured twice
  89. [18:07] * Kilarra only has one spell that might even have a chance of working without touching the drow woman, so she attempts it, although she figures it would likely not work. "Calistria, see if you can make this drow a little friendlier."
  90. [18:08] <@Kilarra> The spell has no effect
  91. [18:08] * Kilarra figured as much, and moves a bit so as to be behind Kjell relative to the whale
  92. [18:11] <@Kilarra> Shindiira knows that she can survive the archer well enough so long as she didn't get any lucky shots, so she walks towards Kjell, bringing up her flail.
  93. [18:11] <@Kilarra> Kjell takes a precursory swing as she approaches.
  94. [18:12] <@Kilarra> The drow ducks the swing and gets in close. She attempts to use her flail to deprive Kjell of his sword.
  95. [18:14] <@Kilarra> SHe manages to ensnare his sword's blade in her flail, forcing it from his hand and dropping it into the shallows. The blade shrinks back to normal size.
  96. [18:17] <Aluthyra> Tognik attempts to cast a spell upon the drow, frowning. He hopes it'll work.
  97. [18:18] <@Kilarra> Nothing happens
  98. [18:19] <Aluthyra> Tognik groans.
  99. [18:19] <@Kilarra> Kjell frowns at the disarming, but quickly draws his newer sword, apologizing to Bane in his mind before taking a swing at the drow woman.
  100. [18:20] <@Kilarra> The orca goes in to bite Kjell again
  101. [18:21] <@Kilarra> Kjell winces as he's savaged again. He really needed to be healed before he took another blow like that.
  102. [18:23] * Aluthyra attempts to end the orca, firing another round of arrows into the beast, the last with extra precision.
  103. [18:24] <@Kilarra> The whale reels, badly wounded by the barrage of arrows.
  104. [18:25] * Kilarra frowns and wades into the water to get close enough to lay her hands on Kjell. However with his increase in height, his waster had her up to her neck. She touches him, hoping it would be enough to finish this
  105. [18:25] <@Kilarra> *waist
  106. [18:25] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks much better now.
  107. [18:26] <@Kilarra> The drow decides to forgo disarming again, aiming to wound Kjell enough for her pet to finish off.
  108. [18:27] <@Kilarra> Her flail strike bounces off the invisible shield of Kjell's spell
  109. [18:28] <Aluthyra> Tognik once again tries to cast his spell; this time on the orca.
  110. [18:29] <@Kilarra> The orca seems a little disoriented
  111. [18:31] <@Kilarra> Kjell smirks at the drunk looking whale and decides to finish off Shindiira, leaving the whale to ALuthyra, figuing he could take another bite now if he needed to.
  112. [18:32] <@Kilarra> The drow woman does not seem angry or upset as Kjell's strike knocks the life out of her. Or most of it anyways. Her unconscious body falls against the water, still supported by her spell.
  113. [18:34] <@Kilarra> The orca, badly wounded and its master unconscious, no longer has any source of suggestions or orders, and drifts back out into the bay weakly.
  114. [18:35] <@Kilarra> Kjell drags the drow's body back to the shore, dumping it next to Kilarra.
  115. [18:35] <Aluthyra> Tognik is quick to Kjell's side, readying his wand to heal the man.
  116. [18:36] * Kilarra pumps the drow woman with a small dose of negative energy to make sure she keeps bleeding. "We won't get anything from her, so let's take her shit, loot this place and get out. Whatever information we can find I'll need till tomorrow to translate anyways, since I need a spell I didn't have ready today."
  117. [18:36] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
  118. [18:37] <@Kilarra> Rewards: 1 CR 7, 1 CR 5, 4 CR 4. 2400 Experience Each
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