
DGA Season 1 Aftermath: Akio

Jun 29th, 2016
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  1. The second DGA Aftermath Chapter, this one featuring Akio. Enjoy.
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. “Akio... Akio? Where's my son?”
  6. “I'm right here, dad.”
  8. “Akio... listen to me, boy. You... you have so many years ahead of you. You can do anything with them... become anything if you put your mind to it. You hear me, boy? Don't let anyone tell you... tell you that you're not good enough. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't great... because you are. You're a Naito, and that name means greatness. You are greatness, Akio. You're going to reach great heights, okay? I... I'm so proud...”
  10. “D-Dad...? Dad, wake up! DAAAAAAAD!”
  12. Akio was eight years old when his father passed away. The next few years, Akio spent very little time living with his mother, who was struggling to get by without her husband, and found himself taking extended trips to the homes of his various uncles. Akio's father was the second of five brothers, and the only one to have a kid. Akihito, being the youngest of the five, was Akio's favourite. He was a lot more youthful and fun... until he got into teaching, that is. Then he became a lot more serious. His least favourite was Naoaki, the oldest. He was strange, and strict, and cruel. He would get drunk and berate Akio on a nightly basis. Thankfully, Naoaki disappeared into the mountains one day, hopefully to be eaten by a bear.
  14. Akio isn't sure why he thinks back to his father as he sits on the lounge sofa, a pair of cards on the table, as the rest of those around him discuss the events of the Endless Night.
  16. “She's still out there...” Nanami mutters solemnly as she stares out the window, as Saki remains on her knees on the cold concrete outside the dormitory building.
  18. “She's completely petrified...” Nariko adds, looking out with the same level of concern.
  20. Ken makes his way to exit the lounge. “I'll see if I can talk her into coming outside. She'll catch her death out there...”
  22. As the door shuts, Seishiro lays a card down on the table. “You know, I feel like everyone ignoring a really important point here...”
  24. “And what's that?” Akio asks, biting the bait.
  26. “When Alice went full crazy demon...” Seishiro begins, “She... got a whole lot hotter, don't you think? Like, scary hot.”
  28. Akio lets out a sigh, and place a card on the table. He's not even sure what game he's supposed to be playing with Seishiro, but he isn't really invested. “I think there's more important things to focus on first, Seishiro.” Akio remembers a time not long ago when he would be the one to point that stuff out, but these days all he can do is shake his head and laugh when Seishiro does it.
  30. Seishiro doesn't seem amused by his casual dismissal however, setting down his hand of cards and walking off. Akio raises an eyebrow as he watch Seishiro retreat to his dormroom. “What's up with him?” Akio wonders.
  32. Hikaru shrugs, sitting on the couch next to him. “I don't know... a lot of weird stuff just happened, maybe it's had more of an effect on him than you'd think?”
  34. “I don't know,” Akiro replies. “Seishiro isn't the type to get freaked out like that?”
  36. Hikaru places a finger to her chin. “Hmm... maybe it's us?”
  38. “What?”
  40. “Maybe he has a problem with me and you... he wasn't a big fan of you acting more mature.”
  42. Akio stares out into the hallway where Seishiro left. His buddy would never be angry about Akio finding a girlfriend... of course, Akio's never actually been serious about a girl until now. Maybe that's the key difference...
  44. Hikaru places her hand on Akio's, tugging him off the couch. “Anyway, come on. It's been a long night. Let's get to bed.”
  46. Akio smirks. “What, together? First you were playing hard to get, now you're acting all forward?”
  48. Hikaru blushes. “What? No! We won't be doing... anything like that. It's just that... I don't have a roommate, and after the night we've had, I could use some company.”
  50. Akio nods. “Right. I've got'cha.”
  52. Akio lets Hikaru lead him back to her empty dormroom. She flicks on the light as she moves towards her wardrobe. “Can you look away for a minute?” she asks. “I'm going to get changed.”
  54. Akio nods and turns his back to Hikaru. Of course, she should have thought smarter, as Akio can still see everything reflected in her bedside mirror. And yet... he doesn't look. Odd... perhaps he feels that he should work to see Hikaru out of her clothes, that it should be a kind of reward for his good behaviour.
  56. “Do you need anything?” Hikaru asks.
  58. “Nah, I'm good,” Akio replies, looking down at his blue polo shirt and black pants. Sure, the endless night started during a party but Akio still can't believe he did so much fighting this. “I can sleep like this. Maybe take the shirt off.”
  60. “You're definitely taking the shirt off,” Hikaru mutters. “Not because I want to see you shirtless... but because it's dirty as hell.”
  62. “Yeah, but you also want to see me shirtless, right?”
  64. “That's besides the point,” Hikaru laughs.
  66. There's a brief silence from the couple, as Hikaru continues to change into her pyjamas. Eventually, Hikaru decides to ask. “Do you... do you think they're gone forever?”
  68. “What?”
  70. “Ryoji... and Alice. We'll see them again... right? They aren't just... gone, are they?”
  72. Akio decides to answer truthfully. “Can't say... I'm trying hard not to think about it.”
  74. Akio has been avoiding the thought for a while now. Ryoji disappeared right before they returned to the real world, and Alice seems to have up and vanished as well. Something weird like that is completely out of Akio's wheelhouse. He isn't the type to think about these kinds of things. He usually leaves that to someone like Saki, Ken or Sayeka.
  76. Sayeka... Akio recalls back to when she was the most popular girl in the entire class. Everyone loved her... he certainly did, as he followed her around like a lapdog showering her with praise. After tonight, though... he saw the way everyone looked at her. She was vilified by them... but it wasn't her fault, right? Sure, it was a tough decision, but it was one that had to be made. Akio considers if trying to support Sayeka would be the right move. She's usually so calm and reserved, but at a time like this, even she may need a shoulder to cry on. Akio then wonders if he should be that shoulder, and if Hikaru would get jealous if he was. She wouldn't, Hikaru is much more understanding than that.
  78. “Okay... you can turn around now,” Hikaru says, as Akio spins to face her.
  80. He doesn't know why he expected something revealing. Hikaru is dressed in a light blue pyjama button-shirt and pants, covering her full body. She gives a small smile, as if this is an embarrassing sight. She's so modest.
  82. Akio gives a slight smirk. “Do you own any clothes that aren't blue?”
  84. Hikaru giggles. “I don't know. Do you own any clothes that aren't tacky?”
  86. “Good one,” Akio scoffs as he removes his polo shirt. He catches Hikaru staring at his chest. “Oh, you're impressed, I see!”
  88. Hikaru furrows her brow. “Akio... that's a pretty huge scar.”
  90. Oh... that. Akio looks down at the the scar running from his right shoulder down to the bottom of his left ribcage. He's had it for so long that he had forgotten about it. “Yeah... it is.”
  92. “How did... if you don't mind me asking...”
  94. Akio sighs as he sits on the edge of Hikaru's bed. “My dad and his brothers were students at this school, did you know that?”
  96. “Well, your uncle is our homeroom teacher...” Hikaru replies. “But I didn't know about your dad... or that you had other uncles.”
  98. “Yeah... well, I knew about the Academy from a young age, and what it did. I figured I'd be going there when I reached the right age, and I wanted to be ready, to train in combat so that when I got there I could be this amazingly cool badass and impress everyone.”
  100. “Not much has changed then,” Hikaru jokes.
  102. Akio laughs. “Anyway, I went to my oldest uncles, Naoaki for training, because he was always supposed to be the strongest. His training session were... unforgiving, to say the least. He was not a nice man.”
  104. “So... your uncle did that to you?” Hikaru asks, unconsciously running her fingers along the scar. “How old were you?”
  106. “About... ten years old, I think.”
  108. “Ten?!” Hikaru exclaims. “That's horrible! What did your dad say?”
  110. “He would have been outraged,” Akio explains, “But he was a little too busy being dead to kick up a fuss.”
  112. “Akio... I'm sorry, I had no idea-”
  114. “It's fine,” Akio waves his hand. “It happened eight years ago. I've had plenty of time to adjust. Anyway, my mom was still around, and you can imagine she wasn't happy with this huge scar running up her son's torso. I never saw Uncle Naoaki again after that, and soon he disappeared.”
  116. Hikaru looks up into Akio's eyes, her fingers still on his chest, as she whispers. “Lie back on the bed.”
  118. Akio does as she commands, resting his head against the pillow. Hikaru crawls into the bed beside him, resting her head and hand on his chest. Her hand is warm and soft at the touch, and Akio can't resist wrapping one arm over her shoulder, and stroking her hair. “Hey, Hikaru...” Akio mumbles.
  120. “Yeah?”
  122. “Now that we're out of that place, I want you to know something.” Akio hesitates, taking a deep breath before continuing. “When I told you I loved you... that wasn't just me being scared about what was coming next. I really meant it.”
  124. “I know...” Hikaru yawns, hugging into Akio. “I meant it too, just so you know.”
  126. Akio smiles. “I know, Hikaru. So... about that whole marriage thing...”
  128. “Not a chance,” Hikaru interjects. “I'm young. Not stupid.”
  130. “Heh, thought so...” Akio chuckles. He supposes he'll just have to hold onto that ring for a longer time.
  132. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. He arrived at noon.
  136. It was around 1pm that the news was spread. Akihito sensei had requested that all Class 2 members come to the home-room for a very important meeting. Akio wasn't surprised by how many absences there were among Class 2, many of them were still recovering from everything that happened after the fight with The Crone.
  138. What did surprise Akio... was to see him. Standing before him, a giant of a man, a mess of tangled and dirty brown hair, towering behind Akihito... Naoaki.
  140. Akio stands silent, staring at his beastly uncle, as Naoaki gives a low-voiced chuckle and pats Akihito on the back, almost sending him flying forward with the force. “AHA! There he is! That's your little boy, eh?”
  142. “Not mine...” Akihito sighs, adjusting his glasses.
  144. Naoaki tilts his head back, pendering. “Ah... yes, you're the baby. You're too young to have a son that age! This is... uhh...”
  146. “Akiko's...” the teacher sighs.
  148. Naoaki places his hand to his chin. “Ah yes! My dear departed brother!”
  150. Naoki stares at Akio with rapt attention. “Man... he's quiet! I never knew any of us could make a shy one.”
  152. “What... what are you doing here?” Akio asks. “I though you were-”
  154. “Dead?” Naoaki laughs. “Yeah, Akihito said the same thing! Apparently you can't go train in peace for a few years without everyone thinking you've croaked! What kind of world is this?”
  156. “You were gone for six years, without a single word,” Akio replies reply. Not that he would have preferred his uncle stay in contact. “What else were we going to assume?”
  158. “Not that I was dead!” Naoaki booms. “Come on! Naito's don't die easy! Well, except your pops. But hey, we can't all be winners!”
  160. Akio clenches his fist tight and grinds his teeth.
  162. Hikaru approaches from behind, concerned. “Akio, is this guy...”
  164. “Yeah... this is my uncle Naoaki,” he replies.
  166. Hikaru glares at Naoaki as he decides to address the class.
  168. “Anyway... I don't know what my little brother told all of you, but I'm here on very important business. Concerning the Darkworld.”
  170. “If it's to warn us about that cult, you're a little too late,” Ken replies. “We already defeated them.”
  172. “What cult?” Naoaki asks, raising an eyebrow. He doesn't give room for someone to answer him as he continues to speak, however. “What I'm talking about is much bigger than some silly little cult! I'm talking a major catastrophe!”
  174. “Okay...” Kosuke shrugs. “What do you want us to do?”
  176. “I don't need all of you kids!” Naoaki replies. “I just need one! I'm giving one of you the chance to come and train with me, in order to become fully prepared for what you're about to face!”
  178. “Only one?” Chihiro asks. “Why only one?”
  180. “I can't focus all of my attention on a bunch of students!” Naoaki explains. “And I'll be doing this with a time constraint! Think next time before you ask such a stupid question, you bimbo!”
  182. Chihiro huffs and folds her arms, as Akihito tries to step in. “Brother, maybe you shouldn't insult my students like that.”
  184. “Come on Aki, look at her!” he replies. “I'm not saying anything that isn't true!”
  186. The class grumbles, shocked by his rudeness, as Hikaru places her hand comfortingly on Akio's back.
  188. “Now, I don't want any time-wasters,” Naoaki explains, “I'm only going to take in someone who is capable enough to withstand the kind of training I'll be putting them through. It won't be easy. In fact, I'll be putting you through situations where your life will regularly be put at risk, and if you think I'm going to save you if you screw up, then keep dreaming! I need someone great, someone I can mold from greatness and turn them into the Best!”
  190. Rei stands on a nearby desk, hands on her hips, a determined look on her face. “Well, look no further! I'm ready to take on the challenge!” she exclaims.
  192. Naoaki gives a chuckle. “Very cute girly, but no.”
  194. “What?” Rei yells. “But I'm the best fighter in this entire class!”
  196. “Yeah... but I think you've peaked,” he replies, staring at her thighs. “In more ways than one.”
  198. Rei snarls as she comes down from the desk.
  200. “No, I think the one I need is much closer to home,” Naoaki mutters, as his eyes turn towards Akio.
  202. There's only one thing Akio can think to ask. “How long?”
  204. “About two months,” Naoaki explains. “It's not long, but it's enough time for me to teach you, if you're willing to learn.”
  206. “Oh, hell no!” Hikaru exclaims, before standing between Akio and his uncle. “I know about you, and there's no way I'm going to let you take him away for two months, where you're probably going to get him killed with your sadistic training methods!”
  208. Naoaki lets out an amused belly laugh. “Oho! Now that's a fiery girl! She yours, Akio?”
  210. “I'm not anyone's!” Hikaru exclaims, poking Naoaki in the chest with all her force. “I'm not going to have a big dumb brute like you hurt my boyfriend!”
  212. “Isn't she adorable?” Naoaki laughs. “It's obvious what you see in her!”
  214. Naoaki pinches Hikaru's cheeks condescendingly, his hand almost the size of her head. Akio clenches his fist and mutters, “Get your damn hands off her.”
  216. “Yes, that's quite enough,” Akihito interjects. “Brother, I don't approve of your attitude, your training methods, your... anything, really. But if this danger you speak of is real, I will allow for Akio to travel with you... of his own choice. But I will not have you harass my students!”
  218. Naoaki scoffs dismissively. “Whatever you say, baby bro.”
  220. He makes his way towards the door, taking the time to slap Hikaru on the ass as he does. She's incensed, and has to be held back before trying to punch the man who could probably kill her with a flick of the wrist. “I will wait at the town inn until midnight tonight, then I'm leaving. If you want to come with me, to become strong enough that you can actually protect that girl of yours, you will meet me there.”
  222. “There's not a chance he'll go with you!” Hikaru yells. “Right, Akio?”
  224. Akio hesitates.
  226. “Akio!”
  228. “Huh? Oh, yeah... there's no way.”
  230. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. Hikaru had gone to re-organise some books at the library, so Akio found himself with some time to hang out with his good buddy Seishiro. Problem was, Seishiro wasn't in their dormroom. Nor was he in the lounge, or in the courtyard. Akio was worried, and found himself searching throughout the entire school building, until finally discovering his friend hanging out on the roof of all places.
  234. “Seishiro?” Akio asks in confusion. “What are you doing up here? You're not exactly the type to be all introverted and reflect on the roof.”
  236. Seishiro glares at Akio, before turning his head back and looking out past the chainlink fence. “Yeah? Well you're not exactly the type to abandon your best friend for some girl. It's pretty weird when people change, isn't it?”
  238. “Not this again...” Akio sighs. “Look, it was about time one of us matured a little. Thing's were getting serious, and we couldn't goof around forever. I'm still Akio.”
  240. “Oh, so you'll be going away with your uncle, then?” Seishiro asks.
  242. “What are you-”
  244. “Because the Akio I know would never pass up that kind of opportunity for anything. The Akio I know would do anything to become stronger! Faster! Better! The Akio I know wants to be the very best, and there's nothing that can hold him back!”
  246. “Seishiro, you know how terrible my uncle is,” Akio explains. “Don't you remember all the stories I've told you? That man's an animal.”
  248. “So?” Seishiro fires back. “If he'll make you stronger, you aren't going to shy away because he's kinda mean! This is the kind of opportunity you've always been dreaming of! And now you're having doubts?”
  250. “Seishiro, I-”
  252. “The Akio I know never doubted himself! If you refuse the call... then you're just not you anymore.”
  254. “Seishiro... it's not that simple,” Akio mutters. “I still want to be strong. I still want to be the best, of course I do! But... there's more to it than that. I have to think about Hikaru now. What, am I just supposed to abandon her for two months, maybe get myself killed? I'm not going to do that to the woman I love.”
  256. “Love?” Seishiro spits. “Don't you hear yourself talk? You're talking about being in love with a girl? What the hell happened to you, man? What... what happened to us?”
  258. Akio sighs. “I grew up... maybe you should try it sometime.”
  260. Seishiro shakes his head as he pushes past Akio and back inside the building. Frustrated, he looks out past the chain-link fence. He can see out over the town from this spot, and he can see the inn. He feels like he actually see Naoaki from this distance, beckoning him forth, the call for adventure, the call to become the warrior he always thought he could be...
  262. “Ah, it's just you.”
  264. Akio turns around, to see Akihito standing behind him. “I saw Seishiro running down the stairs, and I wondered what it was he was running from,” the teacher explains. “Did you two have an argument?”
  266. “You make it sound like we're a couple, uncle.” Akio laughs. “I think he just has a problem with acting mature.”
  268. “Strange words coming from you,” Akihito comments. “For the longest time, I was beginning to think you were a lost-cause.”
  270. “What comforting words to come from my sensei.”
  272. Akhito adjust his glasses. “I think it's perfectly clear that I'm not the best teacher in the world.”
  274. There's a long silence between the two, before Akio sees it fit to bring up a certain topic. “You know... I really resented you for years.”
  276. “The homework I gave wasn't that bad, was it?” Akihito asks.
  278. “No, for much longer than that,” Akio replies. “When I was younger... when I had just lost dad... you were the fun uncle. You were closer to my age than the others, so we would play and have fun, and I always looked forward to staying at your home. But then, you became a teacher, and suddenly you were serious all of the time... you never wanted to have fun and play games anymore. I hated that... I hated you for changing... but I think I finally understand. There comes a time when you have to put a lot behind you and get serious about your life... it's not fun, it's not enjoyable... but it's the right thing to do.”
  280. Akihito nods. “Akio, I never expected you to become so mature...”
  282. “Neither did I.”
  284. “And now I hear you're proposing to girls in your class...” Akihto laughs. “A top student, no less! Odd choice for you.”
  286. “You heard about that?”
  288. “Yes, I did,” Akihito smiles. “You're just like your father. You don't want to know how many times he proposed to your mother before she said yes... so, do you love her?”
  290. “Of course I do.”
  292. “Good,” Akihito replies. “Hikaru's a good girl, and I can see she's already had an amazing influence on you.”
  294. “Don't give her all the credit!” Akio fires back. “At least 90% of it was me!”
  296. Akihito pauses. “You're thinking of going with Naoaki, aren't you?”
  298. Akio nods.
  300. “And you haven't decided yet...”
  302. “No, I haven't.” Akio crosses his arms. “Dammit... this is such a pain. What's your advice, sensei?”
  304. Akihito shrugs. “I don't know... but whatever choice you end up making... it will be the right one. Because it was yours.”
  306. Akihito places his hand on his nephew's shoulder. “I'm proud of you, Akio.”
  308. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. As Akio arrives back at the dormitory in the evening, he passes by Shinji, who is just exiting the building. “Howdy,” Akio greets him. Shinji just grunts in reply. “Uhh... is your sister inside?”
  312. “Yes,” Shinji answers. “She went to bed after our picnic. I think she was all tired out.”
  314. “Tired out?” Akio laughs. “How exciting was this picnic?”
  316. Shinji shakes his head. “She also told me about your uncle. You're going with him... aren't you?”
  318. “What?” Akio scoffs. “Come on. Don't be ridicu... I haven't decided yet.”
  320. Shinji nods. “I thought so. You're going to go with your uncle, and you're going to prove me right.”
  322. “Prove you... right?”
  324. “You're no good for her,” Shinji replies. “My sister deserves better than to be taken in and charmed by an arrogant, ego-driven cock-sure idiot like yourself. You're going to break her heart if you go.”
  326. “You sound like you're happy about that.”
  328. Shinji shakes his head. “I'm not. I'm not happy at all. But if you leaving now is what it takes to open her eyes, then it's better than you leading her on even longer.”
  330. With that, Shinji walks off, not wanting to engage any further in conversation with Akio. Akio sighs as he enters the building. If Hikaru is in bed sleeping, then it would be better that she wasn't disturbed. Akio also hesitates to return to his own room, out of fear of having another confrontation with Seishiro. Instead, Akio finds himself making his way to... Sayeka's room. He's not sure why, but he does.
  332. He knocks on the door, but there is no answer. Akio turns the handle anyway, slowly creaking it open. The lights are off, and he can't see a thing. He flicks them on, and is shocked to see Sayeka sitting in the chair before him. “Gah! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
  334. “Akio? Is that you?” Sayeka mutters.
  336. “Yeah, it's me...” Akio replies. “Why do you have the lights off?”
  338. “Why would I need them on?” Sayeka asks.
  340. “Good point.”
  342. “What do you want?”
  344. Akio shuts the door tight behind him. “I don't know. I just thought I... I should check in you. See how you were holding up.”
  346. “I appreciate your concern,” Sayeka replies, “And I can't say it's unwarranted. After what happened with Ryoji and Alice... everyone has been treating me like some kind of villain. I can't blame them, either.”
  348. “That sucks...” Akio scratches the back of his head. “Just so you know... I get why you did what you did. I'm not mad at you or anything.”
  350. “Thank you,” Sayeka gives a weak smile. “Still... I know comforting me is not your sole purpose for coming here.”
  352. “It's not?”
  354. “No. You have an important decision to make, and you were hoping that I could give you some much needed advice. Isn't that right?”
  356. “Yeah, it is...” Akio admits. “Well, did you see anything? What should I do? I mean, I guess you don't like telling people about these things, but-”
  358. “You should go with your uncle,” Sayeka states.
  360. “What, really?”
  362. “Yes,” Sayeka replies. “I have seen the outcomes of your decision. In no outcome where you stay here does Hikaru live. Unless you go with you uncle... she will most assuredly die. And you need to go now.”
  364. There it is, then. The definite sell.
  366. “I... thank you, Sayeka.”
  368. “Don't thank me,” Sayeka replies. “I don't deserve it.”
  370. Akio rushes to his room, grabbing some clothes and tossing them into a case, then running out before Seishiro even has time to react. He goes for the door to the building and opens it wide, before stopping. Sayeka said to go now... but he can't just leave without saying goodbye to Hikaru. He shuts the door and makes his way to her room. He slowly opens the door to find her laying back on the bed, a novel opened out over her chest as she stares at the ceiling.
  372. “Hey...” Akio mutters, causing Hikaru to turn her head.
  374. “You're leaving,” she states.
  376. “Yeah... I am.”
  378. “You're leaving, and you were planning to go without telling me... weren't you?”
  380. “How did-”
  382. “I listened out for your footsteps,” she replies.
  384. Akio sighs. “Yeah... but I couldn't bring myself to do it.”
  386. “But you can still bring yourself to go with your uncle?” Hikaru fires back.
  388. “I'm sorry... but Sayeka had one of her visions, and she said that I have to go.”
  390. Hikaru sits up on the edge of her bed. “And yet... something tells me you'd be going even if she didn't.”
  392. “I'm not running from this relationship, if that's what you think-”
  394. “I don't think that,” Hikaru replies. “Like I said last night, I know you love me. I also know that there's nothing more important to you than your quest to be the strongest fighter in the world... even I pale in comparison to that.”
  396. “You're wrong,” Akio replies. “The most important thing to me is making sure you're safe, Hikaru. And to do that... I have to get stronger.”
  398. Hikaru smiles, as she places her hand on Akio's cheek. “I still don't approve of you getting yourself killed training with that guy.”
  400. “I'm not going to,” Akio replies. “I'm going to get through my uncle's training, and I'm going to come back to you, stronger than ever.”
  402. “You better,” Hikaru mutters. “I'll never forgive you, if you die, Akio.”
  404. “Don't worry, babe. I'm too great to die.”
  406. Hikaru laughs, as Akio places his hands gently upon her hips, resting on one knee before her. “Kiss before I go?” Akio asks, leaning in to steal one.
  408. Hikaru smiles as she places her fingers to Akio's lips, halting his progress. “No,” she answers. “Kiss when you get back.”
  410. “You drive a hard bargain,” Akio laughs, as he rises to his feet. “I'm going to miss you while I'm gone, babe.”
  412. “I'm going to miss you too, idiot.”
  414. “We need to work on the pet names, don't we?” Akio laughs.
  416. “No... I think they're fine,” Hikaru smiles, before pausing. “Go on, Akio. Prove you're the best.”
  418. “I will... I will.”
  420. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  422. “You're pathetic! You're even weaker than I thought!”
  424. The first month of Akio's training with his uncle would be described as nothing short of... hell. It was beyond brutal. Akio thought his uncle was overly rough with him before... Naoaki's standards were twenty times higher now that he was more grown, and had awakened his powers.
  426. The first week, Naoaki and Akio would regularly spar... though this sparring was more along the lines of Naoaki assaulting his nephew mercilessly, while Akio attempted to survive. The trick was to move so that his uncle didn't pierce any VITAL organs during his onslaught.
  428. At the end of the first month, Akio and Naoaki began to scale a mountain. A difficult task on it's own, but as they reached the halfway point, Naoki tossed his nephew from the ledge, plummeting to the ground below. Akio was able to drive his spear into the cliff wall in order to slow his fall enough that he didn't become a red-stained splat on the floor below, but he found himself in dire straights, as his new task was to scale the mountain from the beginning... this time with no food, and many broken bones. Akio came close to death several times during the trek, but eventually, he made it to the top. His uncle greeted him at the mountain peak by berating him for taking too long.
  430. At no point during this time did Naoaki share a single kind word with his nephew. Not even a single neutral word... his uncles speech was nothing but hate and spite and bile. As the two camped in an open field, this particular berating was proving to be the straw that would break Akio's back. Naoaki had imposed a week's fast upon Akio, claiming that removing food would allow him to focus on his training. The hunger had proved too much for Akio however, as he tucked into a small loaf of bread in his back. Seeing this, Naoaki slapped the bread from Akio's hand, then slapped Akio around several times for good measure.
  432. “Look at you, giving in to a loaf of bread!” Naoaki laughs. “I didn't expect much from you, but I expected a little more than that! Is the really the best you can do? Who in the hell gave you the impression that you were worth a damn?”
  434. “My... father...” Akio grimaces, his teeth seething as he hold back the pain.
  436. “What?”
  438. “My father, your brother... he told me on his deathbed that I could be anything, that I could do anything if I set my mind to it. That our name means greatness. That I am greatness...”
  440. Naoaki pauses for a moment, then burst into laughter. “Are you serious? Naito doesn't mean greatness! And you sure as hell aren't going to be great just because you've got that last name! You're either great or your not!”
  442. “But, my father-”
  444. “Your pops wanted to say something nice about his dumb kid before he croaked, so the kid could feel a little good about himself after losing his dad! You're actually still taking that seriously years later? How stupid are you?”
  446. “S-shut up...” Akio mutters. “My father-”
  448. “Was a loser, and he spawned a loser,” Naoaki fires back. “If he was a winner, he would still be around today. I was hoping for a little more from you, but it turns out you're a failure... just like he was.”
  450. And that was it. The last straw. Before he was even aware as to what was happening, Akio found himself grabbing his spear and lunging at his uncle. Naoaki smirks and he catches the tip of the spear between his fingers. The earth cracks beneath them from the force of the original attack. Akio can feel it, the power emanating from him... he's gotten so much stronger.
  452. “Did you just charge at me with intent to kill?” Naoaki asks, still keeping Akio's spear steady between his fingers. “Good. It's about time.”
  454. Naoaki pulls Akio forward and punches him in the gut. The force of the strike sends shockwaves around, as Akio is sent flying several feet through the air. He catches himself in mid-air and rebalances himself, landing on his feet just in time to see Naoaki charging at him once again. Akio swings his spear with incredible fury, sending a heavy gust of win in Naoaki's direction, slowing him down.
  456. “I was waiting for you to do something impressive!” Naoaki replies. “Now... tell me who you are!”
  458. “What?”
  460. “Tell me who you are!” Naoaki repeats.
  462. “I... I am Akio Naito, and I am destined for greatness!” Akio exclaims.
  464. “Tell me who you are!” Naoaki yells, lunging at Akio with a punch. Akio ducks underneath, rolling out of the way.
  466. “I am Akio Naito, and I am destined for greatness!” Akio exclaims once more.
  468. Naoaki lifts his boot, driving it into Akio's chest. Akio gets his arms up to defend himself, but still finds himself being sent careening back, this time his feet still planted on the ground, digging up the earth beneath him as he slides back.
  470. “Tell me who you are!”
  472. “I am Akio Naito, destined for greatness!”
  474. “Wrong!” Naoaki yells once again, appearing before Akio, and driving down his fist with full force. Akio leaps out of the way, and Naoaki's fist connects with the ground, creating a small crater in the field as he does. He's going all-out, with no reservations towards killing his nephew. “Tell me who you are!”
  476. “I am destined for greatness!”
  478. “TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!” Naoaki snaps, coming at his nephew with full force.
  480. Akio takes a deep breath, letting time slow down around him, as he sees his opening. He ducks underneath the lunge, and drives his spear up, piercing through his uncle's shoulder. His uncle falls forwards, landing on his back, as Akio keeps his grip on his spear, placing his foot upon the chest of the downed Naoaki as he pulls out his spear.
  482. “I am Greatness.”
  484. “Good...” Naoaki smirks. “Again!”
  486. “I am Greatness!” Akio screams, as he drives the Spear back into his uncle, this time through his chest.
  488. “Again!”
  490. “I AM GREATNESS!”
  492. Akio pulls the spear out, before driving it into his chest once more.
  494. “Again!” Naoaki yells once more, spitting up blood as he does.
  496. Akio holds the tip of his spear to his uncle's neck, the edge of the metal blade scraping his Adam's Apple. He then shakes his head and pulls the spear away.
  498. “I am greatness... and I'm going to spare you.”
  500. “Oh, you will... will you?” Naoaki laughs.
  502. “Yes... you're an innocent man. Mostly innocent, at least. You're not going to antagonise me into butchering you.”
  504. Naoaki clambers to his feet, spitting out a glob of blood. “You're very sure of yourself.”
  506. “That, and I noticed the dagger you were hiding under your sleeve,” Akio replies. “I'm not an idiot. I know I can't beat you that easily... that you were playing possum. You need to come up with better tests. This one was too obvious.”
  508. Naoaki lets out a chuckle, which soon develops into a fit of laughter. “Finally, you're getting the hang of it! And I'm sure you feel stronger, too!”
  510. “More than you can imagine,” Akio smirks.
  512. As his uncle nods and walks away, Akio looks at the tip of his spear, then looks around at what remains of the field, all the destruction that was caused in such a brief fight.
  514. He smiles proudly. He still has so much further to go, and that pleases him. He hasn't even come close to his limit yet. When the time comes for him to return to the academy, no Archdemon will be safe. He will fight for his friends and for the woman he loves. He will come back, not only a stronger man, but a kinder, wiser and more honourable one.
  516. Screw literal meanings. Maybe the name Naito doesn't mean greatness... but that doesn't mean that the name Akio can't.
  518. THE END
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