

Jan 7th, 2019
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  1. "Agent Will Schuester, are you there? Over."
  3. "Damn right I am, Agent Carole Hudmel."
  5. "Good. How close are you to the target? Over.
  7. "I'd say about 100 meters. It's the hospital, right?" There were a few seconds of silence, before Will heard an exasperated sigh at the other end.
  9. "Would you please say 'over' at the end of your sentences? Over."
  11. "It seems like a total waste of time. Shouldn't you know I was done talking after not hearing me talk for a few seconds?"
  13. "Now that's a waste of time. Last warning. Over." Will scoffed.
  15. "Fine. Over." said Will, placing emphasis on the 'over'. See who's the boss.
  17. "Yes. It's the hospital. Shouldn't you have reviewed the---" Will hanged up on her. Stupid Carole. Someday he'll find the opportunity. Someday.
  19. Will Schuester was on a mission given to him by his agency's director, Carole Hudmel. He checked his device to see who his target was.
  21. Blaine Anderson. Female. Age 35. Jobless. Has a boyfriend named Kurt Hummel.
  23. She looks rather cute. Will Schuester was about the same age as her. He was turning 36 this year. He would retrieve her and then kill his boyfriend, and then after a few months, he'd kill her too. Only if the agency has already collected thge ransom money, of course. Otherwise, what would be the point of this scheme?
  25. Will stalked around the hospital to see if there were any other ways in aside from the main entrance - nothing. He had to go in through the main entrance. Damn it.
  27. He took out his device and pressed the option "DISGUISE" and out came many faces. Will had disguised as many famous people before: Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, etcetera. But at least they were all good looking. Will painstakingly typed out 'Kurt Hummel' on the search bar and out came his face. His piercing eyes of indeterminate colour looking straight back at Will Schuester, like the medusa. Will was baffled as to how someone as pretty as Blaine Anderson would end up with someone like... like... like... him.
  29. This is going to be extremely painful, thought Will, before he pressed the button to disguise as this medusa.
  31. At least he'll be fun to kill.
  33. --
  35. "Hello there miss." said Will, in the highest pitch his voice could muster without breaking. He'd heard Kurt talk before in his audio file. It sounded like he was dying. Oh, and his singing was absolutely horrendous. Were the producers of all those Broadway productions all tone deaf? Or deaf? The nurse at the reception looked up and then looked back down to her computer screen, furiously typing.
  37. "Yes?" said the nurse, her eyes still glued to the screen. After Will had killed them, he'll hunt this nurse down and literally glue her eyes to the screen. What a sight to behold.
  39. "I'm, uh, Blaine Anderson's boyfriend and I'm supposed to be visiting him right now." Will smiled.
  41. "Oh yes, okay. I'll just log this in..." trailed off the nurse. Will found that the tapping of keys was a rather annoying sound. "And here you go." The nurse held a lanyard with a card that says 'VISITOR' on her hand. Will snatched it.
  43. "Oh, silly me." Will resisted the urge to vomit. "Do you happen to know which room's Blaine Anderson's? I've got a call that it changed but the person at the other end must've forgotten to tell me!"
  45. "Here, let me check..."
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